Ask Poptropica Siri

Ask Poptropica Siri #12: Horrors, heroes, and heartbreak

Ask Poptropica Siri is a Q&A segment here on the PHB where you, dear readers, are invited to send in your Poptropica questions to have them answered with all the wisdom you can expect from a Smart Icicle.

Hey fellow Poptropicans! Welcome back to Ask Poptropica Siri. I’m so excited to be back and return from yet another hiatus. Let’s jump into it!

If all the islands existed in real life, which one would you not want to go to? ~Magic Kid

I would love to go to most any of the islands IRL, but I would not want to go to the Monster Carnival Island. No offense, I like carnivals, but when it becomes nighttime with all the monsters, I’m not really a fan. Another would be Vampire’s Curse because meeting a vampire hunter would scare me. (It would be cool flying around as a bat, though! 🦇)

Who do you think is the most well-written hero? ~Serious Heart

This was hard, but I would have to say Basho from Red Dragon Island. I really like how he teaches us how to become a ninja. It was fun to learn, but stealth is not my specialty.

What is your reaction to what’s currently happening in Poptropica?

So this is the most brought-up question I see in the fandom. My initial reaction on the Poptropica shutdown rumors was that I was devastated. I have been playing Poptropica for a really long time now and it’s sad to see a popular game run into problems and almost come to its end. To me it was like seeing the disappearance of Club Penguin again — any OGs here will remember Club Penguin.

Poptropica is one of my favorite childhood games that I still play to this day. I’m glad it’s not shutting down yet, because if it was, then I don’t know what game I will play. It is the only thing left of my childhood that I remember playing.

Dog Paddle: Keep kicking those feet.

How can you send in your questions to Ask Poptropica Siri?

That’s a great question! You can use the following methods:

  • 📧 Send an email to askpoptropicasiri (at) gmail (dot) com. This way, you’ll get to keep your questions a surprise when they get answered on the blog.
  • 💬 Comment on the latest Ask Poptropica Siri post. Your questions will be publicly visible before they appear in a Q&A post, but this allows others to interact with your question if they so choose. If you don’t have an email address, you can enter a fake one in the email field when you post your comment.
  • ✍️ If on the PHC server on Discord, DM me (my username is SmartIcicle) and you will possibly see your question on the next Ask Poptropica Siri post. 

Thank you so much for being a part of this journey. I’ve been busy IRL especially with writing for my school newspaper and taking time for my mental health. Now that the stress has lifted, I’m so happy to be back in the Pop community. See you all soon! ~🌸📚❄️🌸

Contests, PHB Specials

Favorite Poptropica Island Tournament (Preliminary Round) 🏝️🏆

Happy New Year, Poptropicans! 🎇🎊

You might remember the “Favorite Poptropica Character Tournament” that I hosted on Twitter X last year. Now, I’m hosting a new Pop-based tournament exclusively on the Poptropica Help Blog: the “Favorite Poptropica Island Tournament”! 🏝️🏆

Poptropica has over 50 islands to choose from, and I need your help to limit the scope. I have compiled a list of every Poptropica island from long-lost classics to fresh newcomers. All you need to do is select up to 10 islands in the preliminary round poll linked in this post. You have until Monday, January 8 @ 11:59 pm EST to nominate your favorites. The 32 islands with the most nominations will move on to the official tournament.

🏝️ Choose your favorite islands here! ☑️

Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

—Gentle Dolphin 🐬

PHB Specials

The Poptropica Island Eras Tour 🏝️🗺️✨

Poptropica has given us a lot of adventures to go on over the years, since the game first began in 2007. To celebrate the game’s legacy, in this post we’re going to go on a tour of its island eras! 🏝️

Compilation of islands on map by idk

This Poptropica Island Eras Tour, as some of you may have swiftly guessed, is inspired by another iconic Eras Tour — the 2023 concert tour of pop queen Taylor Swift, whose music career has also spanned a similar timeframe as Poptropica over the years. An enchanting connection! ✨

Speaking of Taylor, let’s kick this off with one of her hits! The PHB came out with “Backspace”, a parody on “Blank Space”, back in 2021 to petition for the return of old islands that have disappeared from the game since the end of Flash in 2020. Enjoy:

And now, let’s meet the Poptropica Island Eras…

The Classics (2007–2013)

Welcome to the beginning! The Classics are the earliest islands to have popped onto the map. These OG islands from 2007–2013 came with small screens and almost no sound. They were built with AS2, a Flash-based programming language, and are now only playable via Flashpoint.

Bonus Tracks — these mini-quests from the Classics era were not quite islands, and a couple were released on consoles besides the computer.

Episodic (2014–2015)

After years of solid standalone stories, Poptropica decided to shake things up by introducing episodic islands, breaking up an island’s story into a series of episodes. This Episodic era only lasted a couple years from 2014-2015, but brought shorter but more frequent releases.

Flashier (2013–2016)

Starting from 2013 and encompassing the Episodic era, Poptropica used a newer (but now still outdated) Flash technology, AS3. These Flashier islands came with more sound and bigger screens. These adventures can be found in AS3 Flashpoint as well as Poptropica’s paid Steam bundle.

Worlds (2017–2018)

With the looming demise of Flash, Poptropica Worlds was introduced as a new platform for the game’s future development. From 2017–2018, Worlds brought a handful of 3D adventures. Sadly, it remained inactive until it was quietly discontinued in 2022, and is no longer playable.

Haxe (2019–2023)

While Worlds went dormant, Poptropica continued updating its original platform. In 2020, Poptropica rolled out Haxe to replace the Flash build. This current era is characterized by islands that are shorter and simpler than in years past, along with a curious trend towards Roblox.

Like Taylor reclaiming her music by re-recording her previous songs, Poptropica has also since re-released some of their old islands after they were lost to Flash. The Flashier era and a few of the Classics are recovered on Steam, but we can only hope that more adventures join them someday. Until then, we also have the unofficial Flashpoint.

Anyway, that’s a wrap for the Poptropica Island Eras Tour! We hope you enjoyed this journey through Pop’s many storytelling eras of 16 years and counting. Share your favorite era with us in the comments! ✏️

Poptropica, it was enchanting to meet you.

~ 🩵 the PHB

PHB Specials

Happy Holidays from the PHB 🎄🎅❄️

Holiday photo with the crew on Mount Everest! (Photo taken on May 29, 1953)

Happy holidays, Poptropicans! No matter what you celebrate this time of year, we hope you all have fun and stay safe with your loved ones.

It’s been a quieter year than usual for Poptropica, but we still experienced our share of ups and downs! Check out our 2023 Rewind post in the Pop Yearbook for a recap on the past year’s shenanigans.

🎉 Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year! 🎆

the PHB team 🏝️🗺️🎄

Back Lot Island, Islands, Mocktropica Island, Night Watch Island, PHB Series, Pop 5, Virus Hunter Island, Zomberry Island

Pop 5: Ranking the Islands of 2013

Yoohoo Poptropicans, it’s LJ here. Today I want to turn the clocks back 10 years and revisit the islands of 2013 with a ranking to celebrate the anniversary. I can’t believe it’s been an entire decade!

I have an inkling my list will differ from most people’s opinions so I’m very excited to get into it and start discussing with you all. Let’s pop in.

(Disclaimer: This is not a full review for each island, so each analysis will be kept brief. Links to the synopses will be included throughout the commentary if you need more context.)

#5: Mocktropica Island 🖥️

Mocktropica Island was released for all players in January of 2014, but was first available to members on December 19, 2013, so it’s technically a 2013 and a 2014 island. With that said, I’ll be including Mocktropica in this list since 2014 has plenty of islands to rank as it is.

Now, don’t get me wrong ⎯ Mocktropica is a pretty neat island. The concept is wicked cool, and it was executed nicely in my opinion. I’m one to appreciate a good meta reference here and there, so without surprise, an island filled with them at every turn totally appealed to me. Initially, I found this island to be pretty cool and very funny. It’s not so bizarre like Timmy Failure Island, but I think it’s just zany enough to appeal to most players of all ages.

The reason I rank it last on my list, however, is because I’m pretty sure this is the island I’ve played the least from this year, so I don’t remember it as much as the other ones at this point. Plus, the main joke of the island ⎯ “Poptropica is under new management, and it’s falling apart at the seams!” ⎯ so heavily resonates with the current state of the game today, and it just hits too hard. It’s no longer tongue-in-cheek humor and retrospectively thinking, it just feels like a sad foreshadowing of what was to come.

#4: Night Watch Island 🛍️

Night Watch Island was the first official island released in 2013, and it was first available to members on February 21. It was released for everyone the next month on March 14.

I’ll be honest, Night Watch was never the most entertaining island (gameplay wise) for me back then. The back and forth travelling felt a little too redundant in this island specifically, and with being released right after Zomberry, this one didn’t feel as epic. The things I do like about the island, though, are enough to redeem it and to not put it in last place.

It was pretty cool having a job in this one, and although you’re pretty much in solitude almost the entire time, it doesn’t feel lonely. I think that has something to do with all of the signs, toys, pets, robot dummies etc. all around you in the mall. I also can’t forget to mention little Eddie, the coral snake. Somehow, he steals the show for me, and I think he’s hilarious.

Also, I just really like shopping and malls in general, and I’m practically obsessed with Scooby-Doo ⎯ so I greatly appreciated the reference at the end when the culprit says “And I would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for this meddling security guard!” Speaking of references, there are loads of them throughout Nightwatch to other Poptropica islands & characters (similar to Mocktropica), but also to real life stores & movies as well! What the island doesn’t bring in gameplay it definitely brings in super fun reference hunting.

#3: Back Lot Island 🎬

Back Lot Island came out for members on April 4, 2013 and for non-members later in the month on April 25, 2013.

This island was fantastic to me since I’ve always been interested in movie & television magic. Every time I played it as a kid, I really felt like I was making a movie. There is a bit of that back and forth travelling like I mentioned in Night Watch, but I don’t think it’s as bad in this island. To be honest, I actually enjoyed driving the go cart in the Grand Majestic Studios lot (in aerial view) and running up & down Sunset Blvd. As fun as a mall can be, I think the scenery in this island is even more captivating.

It was also very satisfying seeing all of your work come together when the movie plays in the theater at the end ⎯ although it didn’t make much sense to me. 😂 On top of all that, the paparazzi photographing me like I was a celebrity when I first landed on the island gave me a huge ego boost. Just kidding!

#2: Zomberry Island 🧟

Zomberry Island was first released on December 19, 2012 for members but released for everyone a month later on January 10, 2013. Because 2012 is the year with the most islands to rank already, I’ll be including it in the 2013 list instead ⎯ kind of like I did with Mocktropica.

I recognize that I may be a little biased with this one, but I don’t think it takes away from the greatness that this island is. Zomberry is the first island I played with my little cousins when I introduced them to the game. It was a proud moment. I’ve lost count of the number of times I played through this apocalyptic adventure (and watched the trailer before its release) so it’s super nostalgic.

The atmosphere is dark and chilling, but the characters are quite colorful despite that. This is a nice contrast that makes for a nice setting. Samuel Brains’ look is a whole vibe and DJ Saturday Night is just as about iconic as Shark Boy Guy in my opinion. Abe may not be as quirky and lively as the others, but he’s certainly memorable, nonetheless.

For me, Zomberry definitely deserves the silver. In fact, it was almost first but that honor went to… 🥁🥁🥁

#1: Virus Hunter Island 🧬

Virus Hunter Island was released for members on August 29, 2013, and on September 26, 2013 for everybody else.

I’ll admit, the environment isn’t exactly the cure for queasiness (and I imagine anybody with anatomophobia ⎯ or anything similar ⎯ would really not like this one), but it is very unique; I’ll give it that. It’s almost otherworldly even with-it taking place inside a body and all.

Virus Hunter was notorious for many years to be filled with irritating glitches. I remember experiencing some myself, but luckily it wasn’t anything more than any other island, so for that I feel pretty lucky. In addition to the glitches, I think the island was pretty long and challenging as it is; I’m sure a lot of us got stressed out at the time. You’re probably even wondering why this is my top pick of the year.

Well, now that we see what the game has come to ⎯ with islands that feel more suited towards kids who are still learning their shapes and colors ⎯ that stress is sorely missed. I really want new challenging islands like this again! This one was overall very fun, adventurous, and exciting to me. A very grand experience I must say.

That concludes my ranking of these islands that are now ten years old. 🥺 It was bittersweet writing this one, I won’t lie. I’m the type of person who often gets emotional about the past and Poptropica is no exception. Anyway, what is YOUR ranking of the Poptropica islands of 2013? Please share your lists with me! Commentary or no commentary, I’d love to read them.

Pop on!

–LJ 🍀