
A detour from villainy: The Binary Bard sees an eclipse! ☀️🌑

Subjects of the galaxy! It is I, Mordred aka the Binary Bard. After my triumph with Astro-Knights Island, and my loyal subject Smart Bubbles’s defeat of my opponent who dared to use such underhanded tactics and words, I decided to utilize my newly found freedom on this simple planet of, errr… Earth.

Oh, no need to fear the authorities chasing after me after my escape from Erewhon—I’ve made sure to leave some… gifts in their computer systems as the poor fools try to track me.

Your pipsqueak of an “author” here, Smart Bubbles, as one of my most devout subjects, has given me access to this “blog”, along with this opportunity to travel her homeland…”United States of America.” I suppose I should thank her, although she has yet to betray her land of greasy foods and disgusting carbonated drinks for my kingdom.

(SB: Can I please see my family again.)

We left and saw some tours of the “Midwest”, which is truly all the descriptor you need for this place. It reminded me a bit of Arturus, but without any grandeur or history or mountains.

(SB: But WITH water purifiers, antibiotics, and a general life expectancy above fifty…)

We stopped at several places called “gas stations”. I do not understand your fascination with them, although I don’t quite have the same need to rest as you flimsy humans. I’m sure the journey would have been cut in half if a certain someone didn’t insist on buying a meager snack at every stop, none of which she ever offered me, of course!

Before we continue on to the main part, I’d like to clear some misconceptions you fools tend to have:

Cruise Control: Things are a-boat to get hectic.

  • “Is looking at an eclipse safe?”

An entire planet’s existence and you still ask this! Much to the surprise of some, staring directly at the sun, even with a SPLINTER of it cut off, will BLIND you. The only time it is safe to stare directly at a solar eclipse is at the point of “totality”, whence the sun is fully covered, the sky has a 360 degree “twilight” appearance, and all of the birds make a cacophony that makes me wish I had thought of a way to turn off my mechanical eardrums.

People with a shred of intelligence will use something to shield their eyes like those little glasses. I, however, do not have this weakness as my left eye is now immune to blindness. If anyone is interested after my writings, I am more than happy to take on subjects for cybernetic modifications.

(SB: Bard, that kills people.)

Solstice: The sun at the center of it all.

  • Are eclipses really rare if I hear about them all the time?”

There are two types of eclipses—or three, if you count lunar ones, but that does not apply here. Partial solar eclipses, where the moon never fully passes over the sun, are quite common, and you often might miss them if you don’t know of one happening. Total eclipses are when the sun is fully covered, turning into a “black sun”, and are safe to stare at during the totality period. These happen regularly, every few years, but only in different areas around the world. For the same location to experience a total solar eclipse twice, you may have to wait a few centuries—oh wait. You’re humans. You can’t. Pity.

  • Is the world ending?

Somehow, you have managed to barely advance since the Dark Ages…

On the day of the eclipse, I took a chair for myself while my loyal subject spent her time eating sweets she made for the event, and complaining of the quite mild sunlight. At this point, I started to wonder if I had unknowingly made a deal with a vampire. During the progression, the temperature dropped significantly, even when the full eclipse was yet to happen—certain automatic lights turned on as it grew dark as well. And yes, the birds made noise.

It was quite pleasant to see the total eclipse without peasants running about in the fields like it was the end of the world—Arturus truly was thankless for the progress I gave it! The sky was clear enough to even see the red flares of the sun around the edges. It’s impressive how such a small change can completely alter the planet—Earth would be incredibly different if the path between it and its closest star was blocked permanently, like so. To most here, planets and moons and the like may seem far too big to be so fragile, but I’m well aware of how tiny they are in the grand scheme of things.

I believe that is all—from what I can see, I think the authorities have finally bypassed my small tricks. I leave you once again to await the coming of a new age to the universe—one that will certainly eclipse a small event like this!

(SB: Booooo 🍅🍅🍅)

Castori honorem ~ Smart Bubbles

Ad astra per aspera – Mordred (the Binary Bard)

Mythology Island, PHB Specials, Pranks


Foolish mortals, how dare you forsake Mythology Island?! How dare you choose that mismatched menace over me?!

The tournament must have been rigged from the beginning! Why else would the people favor that island? Mythology Island is home to Classical Greek architecture and powerful beings such as myself, while Astr*-Kn*ghts Isl*nd suffers from an identity crisis and is plagued by an equally confused villain. I will stand against this injustice!

From now on, the Poptropica Help Blog shall be known as Mount Olympus! I would have taken over sooner if I had known how to use “Word Press” and “Discord”. I had conquered technology during my time as Dr. Jupiter, but managing a website is on another level.

Oh, and don’t even think about calling your precious authors. I have locked them out of their accounts. It is only fair that they lose their domain as well.

Now that this wretched site is mine, I will give you Poptropican readers four simple rules to follow:

  1. 🛐 Show respect to your new leader. Write words of worship in the comment section or give yourself the “Zeus Zealot” role on the newly-conquered Mount Olympus Chat Discord server.
  2. ⚡️ Only discuss Mythology Island. Never mention other islands unless in a mocking manner, especially the false winner of the tournament.
  3. 🌄 Send photographic offerings. Like other gods, I favor certain offerings. You may send photographs of my favorite things: lightning bolts, eagles, bulls, and oak trees.
  4. 🏛️ Build temples. I encourage you lot to build temples and expand the Mythology Empire. You may construct them on gaming platforms like Poptropica Realms, Roblox, or Minecraft. If these are not available to you, you may draw schematics or sculpt them with supplies at hand.

Obey these rules, and I will spare you from my wrath. Bow before Zeus, the god of thunder!

Zeus from Mythology Island (Classic)

Web Development

An Alternative, Chinese Poptropica: BoKe Travelog《卜克环游记》 🕹️🏝️

Hold onto your blimps, Poptropicans—we’re about to take a deep dive into an alternative universe. You’re looking at a Chinese Poptropica!

Shout-out to Pink (popping-tropics on Tumblr) for the discovery.

《卜克环游记》— which translates to BoKe Travelog — was a PC browser game made by TaoMee Inc, a Chinese company creating children’s entertainment. The game ran from 2011–2013, though it was only recently discovered by Poptropica fans now, over a decade later!

Though this Poptropica-inspired game is no longer playable, it was once hosted online at boke.61.com. We used the Internet Archive to explore what the site used to look like and grabbed some screenshots:

Unlike Poptropica, BoKe Travelog came with a background story, as found in this Chinese wiki. The lore goes that due to climate change, human life gradually moved from land to sea. As water levels rose, cities were submerged, and mountains turned into islands.

People known as BoKe lived happily on the islands, each with their own unique styles. One day, a mysterious black fog appeared on the southeast side of the ocean. As it continued to thicken, the islands faced various troubles, with people disappearing and economies collapsing.

The attacks came from the evil and highly intelligent Dr. Hedra, whose face no one had ever seen, and who wanted to rule over the world. But the brave BoKe people chose to unite to solve the crises of each island.

Inside BoKe Travelog are many visual similarities to Poptropica, as documented by Simon Cai 蔡思敏, who played both games in 2011. While BoKe Travelog puts its own spin on designs, many of the mechanisms such as the map layout and island adventures are clearly inspired.

BoKe Travelog had eight islands that closely followed many of Poptropica’s classic adventures, as outlined and documented in videos which you can watch by clicking on the BoKe island names below.

Also like Poptropica, BoKe Travelog released a book series with more stories unrelated to the in-game islands. They were called Mystery Island Adventures (谜岛大冒险) and some details are on Amazon.

What an interesting glimpse into an alternative version of the game we know! Though this green Chinese Poptropica is now lost media, its existence is a testament to the inspiring power of Poptropica. 🌴

Did you know that there’s another alternative Poptropica? Check out our exploration of Our Discovery Island (Orange Poptropica)! 🥕

What do you think of BoKe Travelog 《卜克环游记》? Would you play it if you could? Share with us in the comments! 👀


PHB Specials

Favorite Poptropica Island Tournament (Final Round)🏝️🏆

The time has come, Poptropicans! 🏝️🏆

We are down to our final two Poptropica islands: Astro-Knights Island and Mythology Island (Classic). These two tales of epic proportions explored the public eye, collected your votes, and competed all the way to the final round. Which adventure will take the crown as the #1 fan favorite Poptropica island? 🚀🌩️

Before the final voting round begins, we have a couple messages for you. Our little tournament has caught the attention of iconic Pop villains, Mordred and Zeus, who have words to share with their fans.

Fellow Poptropicans, it is both to my surprise and disappointment that, not only has my home island been removed from the map, but I also am at odds once again with Jove himself! The so-said “god” who dared challenge my genius! Let it be known, I will not lose evermore, not to any king or god or… corporation. This, I have learned, is the problem with your futile insistence on “democracy” and “voice of the people”. I believe you all will rally behind not only myself (but mostly myself) but also my homeland and the surrounding galaxy.

‘Tis a shameful, tragic demise that Astro-Knights and that forsaken kingdom of Arturus is no longer present and, thus, will never see the full extent of my vengeance. A pity that is spared, albeit, by us never facing some pathetic, oversimplified remaster like certain other islands I know.

(Imagine, they make me hand over the energy orb without a fight! I’ve already faced enough humiliation because of Princess Elyana!)

Now vote! Vote, I say!

—Mordred from Astro-Knights Island

To the people of Poptropica, the time has come for a rematch like no other! I once again come face-to-face with the Binary Bard himself. This mortal knows not when to quit, risking life and limb for what? Knowledge? Power? Votes?! I ask Mordred a simple question: ‘From where do you gather the electricity to power your inventions?’ If he wants to play god, then he must face one himself.

It is true that Mythology Island is present in a less than idealized way. Despite this, my island’s original state is immortalized for all to experience. You may shudder at the price of admission, but we all must pay a price to achieve great things. One must pay in currency or status or even humanity. Even Mordred himself knows that.

With your votes, I will defeat that foolish mechanical mortal and Mythology Island will claim its rightful title of the people’s most beloved island! However, if the votes are not in my favor, then Poptropica will once again feel my wrath.

—Zeus from Mythology Island (Classic)

Thanks to Mordred and Zeus for those wonderful words of encouragement! Now, Poptropicans, it’s time to vote! You have until Monday, March 11 @ 11:59 pm EST to pick your favorite island.

🏝️ VOTE NOW! 🗳️

Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

—Gentle Dolphin 🐬

PHB Specials

Favorite Poptropica Island Tournament (Semifinals)🏝️🏆

Welcome to the semifinals of the Favorite Poptropica Island Tournament! 🏝️🏆

We’re so close to the end, folks. Four islands remain: Mystery Train Island, Astro Knights Island, Mythology Island (Classic), and Cryptids Island. Which two islands will move on to the finals and compete for the title of “Favorite Poptropica Island”? 🚂🚀🌩️👣

You have until Wednesday, February 29 @ 11:59 pm EST to cast your votes! See you at the finals!

🏝️ VOTE NOW 🗳️

Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

—Gentle Dolphin 🐬