PHB Specials

Favorite Poptropica Island Tournament (Final Round)🏝ī¸đŸ†

The time has come, Poptropicans! 🏝ī¸đŸ†

We are down to our final two Poptropica islands: Astro-Knights Island and Mythology Island (Classic). These two tales of epic proportions explored the public eye, collected your votes, and competed all the way to the final round. Which adventure will take the crown as the #1 fan favorite Poptropica island? 🚀🌩ī¸

Before the final voting round begins, we have a couple messages for you. Our little tournament has caught the attention of iconic Pop villains, Mordred and Zeus, who have words to share with their fans.

Fellow Poptropicans, it is both to my surprise and disappointment that, not only has my home island been removed from the map, but I also am at odds once again with Jove himself! The so-said “god” who dared challenge my genius! Let it be known, I will not lose evermore, not to any king or god or… corporation. This, I have learned, is the problem with your futile insistence on “democracy” and “voice of the people”. I believe you all will rally behind not only myself (but mostly myself) but also my homeland and the surrounding galaxy.

‘Tis a shameful, tragic demise that Astro-Knights and that forsaken kingdom of Arturus is no longer present and, thus, will never see the full extent of my vengeance. A pity that is spared, albeit, by us never facing some pathetic, oversimplified remaster like certain other islands I know.

(Imagine, they make me hand over the energy orb without a fight! I’ve already faced enough humiliation because of Princess Elyana!)

Now vote! Vote, I say!

—Mordred from Astro-Knights Island

To the people of Poptropica, the time has come for a rematch like no other! I once again come face-to-face with the Binary Bard himself. This mortal knows not when to quit, risking life and limb for what? Knowledge? Power? Votes?! I ask Mordred a simple question: ‘From where do you gather the electricity to power your inventions?’ If he wants to play god, then he must face one himself.

It is true that Mythology Island is present in a less than idealized way. Despite this, my island’s original state is immortalized for all to experience. You may shudder at the price of admission, but we all must pay a price to achieve great things. One must pay in currency or status or even humanity. Even Mordred himself knows that.

With your votes, I will defeat that foolish mechanical mortal and Mythology Island will claim its rightful title of the people’s most beloved island! However, if the votes are not in my favor, then Poptropica will once again feel my wrath.

—Zeus from Mythology Island (Classic)

Thanks to Mordred and Zeus for those wonderful words of encouragement! Now, Poptropicans, it’s time to vote! You have until Monday, March 11 @ 11:59 pm EST to pick your favorite island.

🏝ī¸ VOTE NOW! đŸ—ŗī¸

Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

—Gentle Dolphin đŸŦ

Community Creations

Community Creations: November 2022


Hello once again everyone! Spotted Dragon here bringing you the November recap for Community Creations. October’s theme was Royalty, so be sure to check out all the featured artists!

No clue what’s going on? Go see our intro post.

Top 5 Picks

Elyana & Mordred as Friends by emelyn_is_trying

Aside from the more recent Fairytale Island, Astro-Knights is without a doubt the first island that comes to mind for OG players when they think “Poptropica royalty.” In an alternate reality where an evil Binary Bard didn’t kidnap the princess, Elyana and Mordred could have seriously become great friends. These space nerds just make such a fun pair! Their dynamic poses, expressions, and enhanced outfits make for quite the engaging design too. Find their Instagram here.

Princess Red Baroness by abbeyjoy25

In more recent news involving Fairytale Island, we seem to learn more about the Red Baroness’s mysterious backstory every month. But we have not yet seen her in full princess attire, so this exploration of her potential outfit is super interesting! The design takes inspiration from other Poptropica princesses, including Snow White, Cinderella, and Elyana, of course. She definitely fits the princess aesthetic here, while still retaining her unique color scheme and attitude, making her still recognizable. Excellent idea! Find her Instagram here.

Princess of the Cosmos by HeartofEnder aka Solemn-Siren

Stepping away from pre-established Pop princesses while remaining in a princess theme, this work is inspired by the game Sky: Children of the Light. It is specifically based on a certain crown item from Season of AURORA, except here it’s given a Poptropica twist in style. The original character turned out to have such a unique, eye-catching design! The color scheme and composition feel magical, perfect for royalty from the stars. Very cool submission! Find her DeviantArt here.

Gacha Club Fairytale Island King & Queen by mysticsunni

Back to the realm of Fairytale Island, here we have the infamous Red Queen and her husband. This time made in the Gacha Club character creator! It’s really neat to see how accurate characters from other games can be replicated in another game, rendered in a completely different style but still recognizable. Not to mention how adorable they look! Find their Instagram here.

Rumpel by oneofthosenightbees

Last but certainly not least, we have a character that perhaps was not born into royalty but briefly achieved royal status nonetheless. What do YOU think would happen if Rumpelstiltskin became kind of Fairytale Island for real? This illustration simply demands our attention, directly engaging with the viewer through the character’s eye contact. The color scheme and expression portray a dark, daunting tone with that eye-catching red adding a lot of visual interest. Very intense and captivating! Find her Instagram here.

Honorable Mentions

Hear ye, hear ye… you guys royally crushed it this month! I wish you could all be rewarded with your very own crowns for the highness of your creative standards.

December: How Do I Participate?

Community Creations is a cool series for anyone in the Poptropica community to join in on. To sum up what it’s about, it’s basically a chance to show off your artwork, creepy fan-fics, Pop clubhouses, costumes, and anything else that pops into your mind.

If we really like the piece you submit, we will feature it here on the PHB! As long as it relates to that month’s theme. So what is December’s theme? December’s theme isâ€Ļ


Way back when the Grapple-Pap side quest first appeared, Poptropica introduced new festive lore into the game that we hadn’t encountered before. The holiday is basically Poptropica’s version of Christmas or other winter-y celebrations, so ’tis the season to celebrate it in our creations! The PHB even hosted a Grapple-Pap holiday party last year.

This month, I’m basically looking for any art that embraces the holiday season, but more so Poptropica’s take on winter festivities. Maybe draw some fanart of the side quest characters like Grapple-Pap himself, or create a cozy costume for your Poptropican perfect for the cold weather. Maybe even try to make an IRL Grapple-Pap mask or even your own Grapple-Pop treat IRL if you’re a whiz in the kitchen? Or simply incorporate IRL winter holidays like Christmas or Hanukkah into the world of Poptropica somehow.

  • Submit: Comment below with a link to whatever you’ve created, email it to the PHB team on our Contact page, OR share it with me (SydVC aka Spotted Dragon) on DeviantArt, Twitter, Tumblr, Discord, OR the PHB’s Instagram.
  • Results: Next month, I will feature 5 submissions that stood out to me the most as well as some honorable mentions.
  • Limitations: Just make sure you relate to both the theme and Poptropica (and nothing NSFW or otherwise inappropriate).
  • Due Date: I will take any entries before the end of this month. Submit as many things as you’d like!

I will be sure to let you know I have seen your creation. While quality counts, I’m mainly looking for something to simply catch my eye, so don’t be afraid to join in!

So what are you waiting for? Go make something awesome!


Island Flash-backs

Island Flash-back: Astro Knights đŸš€

We are now well into springtime (at least for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere), and I hope the weather has been more pleasant for you than the pre-summer heat that’s happening in my local desert!

I apologize for the delay in this post, and I hope there is still enough time to pay homage to an island that many of you know is very important to me


There is no shortage of things I or a giant portion of this fandom could say about this island. It’s easily one of Poptropica’s most remembered, and many consider it to be the pinnacle of the game’s storytelling abilities. Compared to islands that came before it like Shark Tooth or 24 Carrot, the world of Poptropica suddenly felt expanded and full of undiscovered potential.

Concept sketches for the knights

While less remembered, a short book was also made based off this island, among a series of four others. It can still be bought, but hasn’t been mentioned by the team for a while, nor have any other islands ever been added to the series.

The villain, Mordred/Binary Bard, is also quite iconic, to the point of being featured in the spin-off island Super Villain. He also has a fair share of fans, art, and a cameo in a dating sim.

An old version of the Binary Bard, where he was intended to be a simple background character.

There is no shortage of love for this island. That being said, it is hardly mentioned by the current Pop team anymore. While the development of Fairy Tale Island is probably the most pressing thing now, it would be nice to have it remembered by the future island pantheon.

Very nice, as a matter of fact. I don’t think many fans (including myself) would have any more interest in Pop if they completely discarded the stories that got us into it in the first place.

Concepts for the Princess of Arturus

Before I conclude this post, I would also like to highlight some fanart made for the previous Island Flash-back, Wild West. Here is some fanart of El Mustachio Grande made by Dangerous Dragon!

Now here comes your part, Poptropicans! Astro Knights and other classic islands were rendered unplayable for most people in the Flash-Haxe transition, but the months of work that the artists and writers put into it should not go to waste! Make fanart, fanfiction, videos, and guest posts. Let the Creators know what you appreciate about their past work to encourage them to preserve it!

Until May!

Castori honorem ~ Maryann/Smart Bubbles

Astro-Knights Island, Sneak Peeks

The long wait for Astro-Knights Island is over!

Hoorah! After months and months of impatient waiting, it’s finally here! Let’s welcome the one-and-only Astro-Knights Island!

We’ve also updated our blog with an Astro-Knights island guide for the adventurers in distress!

More Information:

And here’s a final sneak peek at what you might expect on this troublesome island:

Blog Post Title: A Day in the Life of the Bard
Description: The Space Sharks are among my strongest but most stupid creations. They are a little thick headed, so I had to shoot at all three of them just so I could get their attention. We had quite a lovely space stroll until one of them got carried away and took a bite out of my space ship. What a mechanical mess! 0110111101110101011101000010000001100110
Image URL:
Image Name: 3sharks.JPG

[The binary code translates to “Out for a stroll”.]

So head on out there and explore the unknown territories of outer space! The kingdom of Arturus is counting on you.

Astro-Knights Island

Incoming Black Hole!

Poptropica has released yet another Astro-Knights island sneak peek.  This time it’s about a strange vortex in the middle of space. So watch out space bukaneers, It’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Danger Danger!

Blog Post Title: Danger Danger!
Description: Beware the Black Hole [>Translated from binary code.<]
Image URL:
Image Name: blogblackhole.png

Underneath there was a binary code posted that was translated into this:


BewareTheBlack Hole


Stay tuned for later today the secrets to wearing Dr.Hares costume will be revealed.

So until then check down below for all our other posts.