Astro-Knights Island

Incoming Black Hole!

Poptropica has released yet another Astro-Knights island sneak peek.  This time it’s about a strange vortex in the middle of space. So watch out space bukaneers, It’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Danger Danger!

Blog Post Title: Danger Danger!
Description: Beware the Black Hole [>Translated from binary code.<]
Image URL:
Image Name: blogblackhole.png

Underneath there was a binary code posted that was translated into this:


BewareTheBlack Hole


Stay tuned for later today the secrets to wearing Dr.Hares costume will be revealed.

So until then check down below for all our other posts.

32 thoughts on “Incoming Black Hole!”

  1. Whoa Nellie…….I could not decode that code-y thingy. I just looked at it, and said, “Well, not much of a loss if I don’t know what it means”. 😀

      1. The 0’s and 1’s in the PCB description, which are called binary numbers. In this case, when you translate it, it says “Beware The Black Hole”. You could also call them binary letters. 😛

  2. hehe i came up with this just by looking at it…
    “Rose! whats on the locater?” i screammed. “There’s a big black hole, dead ahead!” she yelled back. “OMC! breaks! why wont the breacks work?!” I said. “were upon it!” Rose told me. “TAKE COVER!!!” I screammed as we plungged in2 the hole in front.
    ah yes. o boy. how did u translate it?

  3. The thing could be a black hole or a wormhole. More likely a black hole. If you go inside a black hole you will be dead, probably. Notice the stars orbiting super fast like a black hole.

      1. I would know because I saw it on the History Channel. Since Poptropica isn’t real you won’t die.

      2. Um………let’s talk about something more pleasant now, like kittens or puppies! Sorry, I’m just horrified about getting into a black hole. And even if we have to go through a black hole in Poptropica, it won’t be that horrible, because they will make it okay since some littler kids play Poptropica.

    1. Well, I think some scientists say that you might perish if you do get inside a black hole… I’m not sure though. 😉

      We probably won’t die on Poptropica, because if we did, how could we continue playing on our accounts? 😯

      1. Not to sound gorey or anything, but if you (or something else)enter a black hole, you will become “spaghettified”. That means it will stretch you body until it snaps like a rubberband. Even light can’t escape from a black hole. But humans haven’t encoutered them in outerspace yet so we still don’t know! 8-0

      2. Yeah, some do say that……I watched a special about Black Holes on the History Channel. Some say the gravity would pull your body apart (ewwwww!). Some also say if you made it, you could go in the past or the future. 😯 That last one sounds a bit loony to me. 😛

      3. Some scientists think that in a supermassive black hole you won’t be spaggetified. If you don’t die from spaggetiation you will die from the hot gases inside the black hole from burning stars sucked in.

      4. Scary Tomato, you are right, the creators will not make an island where you will die or they will not make it.

  4. there’s a black hole on astro knights
    I will really try do aviod it
    may be the black hole brings you to an other world!

  5. I had a dream about Poptropica the day before they announced they were making Astro-Knights island. It was about my Poptropican character getting on a ship and climbing walls in space (really, really, dumb) and I saved a king and a queen with martial arts (which I do not know) because they were guarded by these weird aliens. 😛 i

  6. I had a dream about Poptropica the day before they announced they were making Astro-Knights island. It was about my Poptropican character getting on a ship and climbing walls in space (really, really, dumb) and I saved a king and a queen with martial arts (which I do not know) because they were guarded by these weird aliens. 😛

  7. Hey, um I did not mean to post 2 comments about the same thing, it said I already said that and I did not say it so I went back and submitted it again and two comments came up I’m confused. :unsure:

What's popping, Poptropicans?