Sneak Peeks, Store, Wild West Island

Yes! Predictions!

Captain Crawfish 20: We’ve made it to our twentieth crawfish!
EL: Silence, Dora, let’s continue on the awesome update.
CC 20:Mark my words! I will have my revenge! *runs away*
EL: Anyway, check this out. Wild West Island is now available on Poptropica, as a sneak preview.
Hijuyo: Here’s a video by YouTuber Graser10 that shows the Round’Em Up game. The cool part about this is that you can win some exclusive prizes just for playing!
Rootin Tootin Island!

EL: And for all the disco lovers….
Hijuyo: New Motion costumes are now available in the Poptropica Store! Boys can be the Disco King and girls can dance like a Disco Queen.
Wild wigs for the dance soul!

CC 20: Ah-HA!
EL: What now?
CC 20: Say hello to all my 80 uneaten cousins!
Shark Boy 19: And my 81 uneaten cousins!
Black Widow 1: And all my 99 uneaten cousins! Spiders are delicacy in some countries! >:D
EL: @#$&
All but EL: Get him!
EL:*gets nommed by a pack o’ nommers*
All: Delicious.

This post was brought to you by Enclosed Lightning & Hijuyo & Captain Crawfish 20 & lots of his uneaten cousins…

…and most importantly, Awesome Disco Dancer:
You've got to admit, those are some pretty sweet moves.

29 thoughts on “Yes! Predictions!”

  1. Hmm……… I had a feeling that a wild west island would be comin gout, after I saw all those cowboy/western/country themed sneak peeks in the POP.

    1. I played the sneak peek game. it wasn’t easy at first, but I figured it out. I won the sombreo, but I didn’t costumise it. I’m gonna come back on the final day and try to win the “Wunder Bubble Tonic”. I’d imagine it to be sorta like the bubble gum

  2. I don’t get any of the items I’ve won, which include The Sheriff Hat, The Members Thing and The Sombrero :c

      1. The Sombrero (which I got twice) and the sheriff hat arent in there, though the Hat and Bandana I just earned are, as well as the Members thing.

  3. I’m new in Poptropica and even if i haven’t played yet any of the 16 islands,it seems very nice!What is your favorite island, to begin with?:)

    1. Well the easiest ones are Big Nate, Early Poptropica, and Sharktooth Island.
      PS: If you need help, go to the Island Help part of this blog. 😉

    2. i think the easiest are big nate, early poptropica, and super power.
      whatever you do, do NOT go to steamworks, astro knights, mythology, or skull duggery yet. they are dang hard.

  4. YAAAAAY! Wild West Island IS NOT a mere rumor! Anyway, I’ll go do the sneak peek when I’m done gawking at how UGLY the costumes are. :p I mean, who likes HUGE fluffy hair and an ugly dress with some lame-o goggles and dumb lips? They could have at least held a disco ball. :p :p

    Don’t worry, EL, I’ll save you!!!! *Comes to the rescue by noming the others* Burp, yummy.

  5. It’s a pretty cool Sneek Peek. My idea for the next island would be Video Game Island. I can’t wait for this one to be released. Maybe VGI could come after this?

  6. The thing is, you could easily have found out before the preview came there was going to be a wild west island. Just look at the backround in Jeff Kinney’s video on the PHB!

  7. I bought that disco costume just so I could dress up like a ninja and go dance in all the multiplayer rooms . . . it was fun 😀 !

  8. CHEAT CODE! Not exactly a code, but yeah…
    You can get the member costume without being a member!

    Go to the prizes page
    Click the Costumize button on the members costume
    Costumize what you want
    Close it
    You will be stuck on the game
    Use PopMatrix to transport you to another island

  9. this weird thing happened to me on the prizes preview page. I’m a member and I clicked Costumize on the “members” only costume to look at it and accidently I costumized the cotsume. Now,that’s a glitch! 😀 (by mistake,though.) :}

  10. yes the om nom alliance has formed
    created by captain crawfish 20 sharkboy 74 and blackwidow 3 (1 was in jail at the time and 2 was on reality tv island) this alliance was formed to protect themselves and to eat the ones that want to eat them

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