Monthly Costume Contests, Sneak Peeks, Uncategorized

Halloween Habiliments and Homepage 🎃

(Hey, I used a big word!)

Hello Poptropicans! Following up on the earlier Halloween costume peeks, we’re now bringing you the final four of the six September costume contest winners. Plus, stick around for more October chaos!

For our winners we have: Candle Cat by White Moon, Flowy Man by Happy Chicken, Jellyfish by the PHB’s own Purple Paw, and Zombie Redcoat by Magic Poptropican. Purple Paw tells us their design was submitted many months ago and Poptropica must be digging into their archives — but hey, as long as we’re getting some good ones!

Anyway, congratulations to the winners! Soon others will be wearing your designs across the game.

Perhaps these costumes will give you inspiration or even parts for yours! There’s still plenty of time to enter the PHB’s Halloween costume contest, open till Oct 29. Alas, I wish I could take part, but Smart Bubbles is currently in the middle of a fight with Dr. Hare. 😛

“Zombie Redcoat” seems to share similarities with this revolutionary from PoptropiCon… great minds think alike?

Poptropica is entering fully into spooky season now, and we even have a new background for the login screen! I have to admit, I’m digging those reds… reminds me of Vampire’s Curse Island.

If you’re an artist looking for ideas for your own work, check out Poptober, our daily drawing prompts for the month of October! Even if you’re starting late, it’s okay to go at your own pace, or picking whatever prompts inspire you.

Happy creating!

Castori honorem ~ Maryann/Smart Bubbles


Charming fan-made costumes, coming to a Cabin of Curiosities 👚

Hey all! It’s time for the reveal of the very first winners of Poptropica’s Costume Contest–which, if all goes well, will become an ongoing monthly event. All winning fan-made costumes will be free for all players to purchase!

Without further ado, let’s hear it for Bronze Eye and Shy Ghost (aka pinklightningmc) with their fashionable Love Potion Demon and Movie Geek costume entries! Personally, I can’t wait to see these fabulous ‘fits surface in the store. ✨

Faced with the Pop fandom’s awesome artistic talent, the Creators had a smidge of trouble deciding on only one perfect costume to feature and instead picked two winners. Choosing more than one entry isn’t a new trope in Pop’s frequent contests; but hey, I’m not complaining! The more costumes, the merrier. I’m excited to see what other sweet designs join these two in upcoming contests!

At the end of their blog post announcing the winners, the Creators also mentioned a new store makeover that was hinted at recently. The Baron’s Cabin of Curiosities will be arriving on Home Island any day now, bringing aforementioned fan-made costumes with it.

It’s certainly a cool-looking shop, incorporating elements of the gone-but-not-forgotten Monkey Wrench Island. But are all these cosmetic features and makeovers really necessary? I’d go out on a limb and say probably not. Which is what the majority of us in the Pop fanbase will keep saying until those old Islands return…👀

All that aside, we’ve also got two new Instagram fan art features from the Creators! These pieces of art come from a.jbox and pinklightningmc (the same person who created the winning Love Potion Demon costume).

Well, that’s all we’ve got today, Poptropicans. Let us know your thoughts on the winning costumes, and the ever-so-slightly excessive shop and Home Island makeovers. Poptropica may not be half of what it used to be, but hey, at least we’ve got fashion. 😔✌️

Until next time,



The PHB’s Halloween Eleven: Heavenly & Hellish

This contest is now closed. Check out the winning costumes!

The Poptropica Help Blog presents

Halloween Costume Contest Eleven:
😇 Heavenly & Hellish 😈

As is our tradition here on the PHB, we’re hosting a Halloween costume contest on Poptropica! It’s our eleventh year doing this, and this time around we’re hosting two categories: Heavenly (for all things cute, charming, and classy) and Hellish (for the devilish, deviant, and depraved).

Here’s what you need to know about entering:

  1. Assemble your costume for either category on Poptropica. You may enter each category as many times as you like. Each individual person is eligible to win just once per category.
  2. Take a screenshot of your costume entry in the Costumizer window.* Here’s how to take a screenshot — the instructions will vary depending on your device. For Windows, you’ll also need to paste it somewhere to save it as an image file on your computer. Also, use the in-game Costumizer window (pictured below) as that will display your character at a high resolution. Ideally, crop the image to show just your character.
  3. Upload the image to the web and share the link in the comments of this post. You can use a site like imgur to upload your picture and obtain a web link for it that can then be shared so others can see it. Once you’ve got a link, comment on this PHB post you’re reading right now with the link. Include details such as what category you’re entering, what you’re naming your costume, and anything else you’d like to share about it. Look for my sample entry comment (it’ll be by Slanted Fish) for an example.

*Note: Though we’ve used Avatar Studio (AS) links in the past, many of the newer items in Poptropica are not visible through AS. If your entire costume is still viewable by AS, you’re welcome to provide a link or username in lieu of a picture. However, since AS is no longer a complete guarantee for displaying costumes, we recommend taking a screenshot.

Share a screenshot of your costume in the Costumizer window, like so. You can access this screen from the green shirt button in the menu.

📝 Things to Note ✨

  • If you send us an Avatar Studio link, you’ll have to keep your costume intact until Halloween so we can see it throughout the month. That’s something you won’t have to concern yourself with if you send a screenshot instead, and it’ll be easier for you to capture multiple costume entries!
  • Tips for seeking out costume parts: We know Poptropica has changed a lot in the past year, making lots of old methods obsolete, but there are still places you can go for cool costume parts. Dig through old store items, buy new store costumes, crank the switch in the New You shop on Home Island, snag something off an NPC from PoptropiCon, sneak your way into old islands with this link from idk the glitcher, and use MAP (for individual parts) or the ASG Machine (for full costumes) along with usernames from our ASG collection.
  • Disclaimer: Our “heavenly” and “hellish” themes refer generally to the imaginations of pop culture at large, and do not necessarily reflect theological perspectives on the nature/ideas of heaven/hell.

👑 Prizes ✨

  • The contest closes on Wednesday, October 30. We’ll announce the winners the next day.
  • On Halloween (October 31), we’ll post our favorite costumes from each category on the front page of the PHB for all to enjoy.
  • Two grand prize winners will be selected, one in each category. Each grand prize winner will receive a 1-month Poptropica membership.
  • Featured costumes will also be immortalized on our Costumes page, but we’ll also have honorable mentions for just the post, not page.

Happy Costumizing!

🎃✨😇 Watch out, guardian angel…
the devil is in the details 😈👹👻


Summer ‘011

It’s that time again, folks! That’s right! I’m pretty sure a LOT of you know what I’m talking about…barbecues, free time, fun, fun, and more fun…No, I am not talking about nomming Captain Crawfish! But pretty close to it in terms of funness! 🙂

CC: Something about nomming me?! I thought I was safe here! *hides back into ship.*

Elmopwns: I’ll get you eventually, you crawfish! *prepares hot water*. So far your record for being alive is…two posts.

CC: *pops out of ship* It was longer than that! Way longer!

Elmopwns: I’ve got you now!

CC: Eek! *jumps out of ship and into water, begins to swim away*

Well, looks like our little “guest for supper” got away…for now ;). He either drowns in the ocean, gets caught by one of the authors, or he meets a race of cannibals that either make him their slave or noms him alive…ouch. In the meantime, there’s a new update on the creators blog! I mentioned the feature of this update (costume) some days ago, but of course, it wasn’t too official. Take a look at this new post, guys. This was taken straight from the PCB (Poptropica Creators’ Blog):

Bounce into summer!

Check out what’s new in the Poptropica Store!
The stylish Beach Ball costume is the perfect way to beat the heat this summer. Sure, it may not cut the most flattering silhouette, but when the temperature starts rising it’s all about function over form.
Speaking of this volleyball costume, summer is right around the corner! Some of you might be going back to relatives houses like me (back to China in three weeks where I plot world domination on a global scale…mehheheheheh), playing video games, hanging out with friends, watching TV, playing sports, going to camps, sleeping in until one, or waking up at one in the morning. So this new costume certainly will let you “bounce into summer”. Get the pun? Get it? Volleyball, bounce, Summer? Heheheh :).
The volleyball costume is pretty much a ball that goes around your body with colors in stripes of white, green, blue, and yellow. Head down to the Poptropica Store to recieve your own copy of this Summer costume. Well, just a heads up, players. This costume might seem fat based on the way you view it ;). But if you think this costume is for you, go straight down to the store and purchase it! Giant volleyball FTW!!!
CC: *washes up on foreign beach* Yes! I’m safe! I’M FINALLY SAFE!
Strange Hunter with spear: Would you like to join me for dinner?
CC: Sure! I’m starving! What do you have for dinner?
Hunter: *shows CC menu*
CC: Yummmm! What’s this say? Lobster surprise? What’s that supposed to be? What are you doing with that hot water? I don’t like the fact that that thing’s pretty close to me 0_0. What the…get that thing away from me!
I called it, got nommed by cannibals :)!
Ep out!
Advertisements, Contests, Web Development

The Long-awaited Halloween Costume Contest Results! …plus an ad.

This is it.  Hopefully, the moment you’ve all been waiting for is here!  Judges Deathstalker/Seph (the MYSTERY judge) and I carefully went through all 114 entries — yes, you read that right; 114 entries 😛 — and narrowed down the costumes until we had come to an agreement on 4 runner-ups and 1 overall winner.  Of course, it’s very hard to select only 5 costumes when there are so many entries for pick.  Especially since we were inundated with contending costumes! I’d like to start off with a round of applause for all of the costumes. *applause* This is sort of a cliché, but you all deserve a pat on the back for a job well done! Everybody pat their back. I SAID TO PAT YOUR BACK! Good. Now, for the runner-ups… Continue reading “The Long-awaited Halloween Costume Contest Results! …plus an ad.”