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Seeking Your Questions for a Pop Interview with Former Storytelling Creator ✏️🎤

Henlo, Poptropicans! I’m happy to announce a special upcoming PHB post: an interview with former Pop Creator, Mitch Krpata!

While the PHB has covered and even hosted interviews with this senior story developer in the past, this time we’re reconnecting with ol’ Captain Crawfish to talk about the development process for Poptropica. And you’re invited to join!

In the comments of this post, bring your unanswered questions regarding the stories and characters of past islands, pertaining to content made before 2018 (when Mitch departed the team). This interview will not cover the current state of the game, and Mitch cannot speak for the current team. That being said, ask away!

Mitch Krpata wrote three of the four Poptropica graphic novels, among others.

Before I close off, here are Poptropica’s latest Instagram stories, including an animation of Monkey Wrench Island some rockin’ Zomberries by the PHB’s Lucky Joker (LJ)! (…ok I’ll take my leave now.)

Make sure to check out these artists, and don’t forget to submit your questions in the comments of this post! I’ll see you soon for the next Villain Saga episode and the completed interview!

Castori honorem ~ Maryann/Smart Bubbles

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Island, Tribes

Always Golden

Plot twist: I’m alive! 😉 Bet you weren’t expecting that one.

So, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has only been released for just over a day, and so many Poptropicans have already rushed through the gates, waving your Golden Ticket around yelling “I’M IN! I’M IN!”

Or at least most of you did. Some of you only yelled “I’M IN!” once.

Either way, whether you’re in or out, there are some who are undeniably quick and zip through islands. It requires speed, strength, knowledge, and a bag of candy.

Without further ado, let us congratulate those who stayed golden throughout the whole island and finished it the quickest! Put your hands together (even if they’re covered in chocolate) for…


1. Dizzy Leopard
of the Flying Squid

(What did I say about the candy? Everyone loves it!)

2. Zippy Leopard
of the Flying Squid

(I want those glasses. Now.)

3. Little Owl
of the Wildfire

(I also want those glasses. Poptropicans always look good in glasses. And candy.)

4. Angry Claw
of the Nanobots

(I want those headphones. Then we can all listen to music that suits the mood for each part of the island. Pile on the suspense!)

5. Smart Eagle
of the Pathfinders

(Pathfinders; a fellow tribesmate. Well done, Smart Eagle!)

6. Green Seal
of the Seraphim

(It’s impossible to not be one of the first with an epic name like that. Green and gold go good together.)

7. Trusty Grape
of the Black Flags

(Oh, that’s one of the coolest hairstyles I’ve ever seen! And the medallion looks simply amazing!)

8. Young Clown
of the Nanobots

(I really do love the medallion. The way Young Clown is wearing it allows us to see the red and white striped design of the medallion!)

9. Perfect Cactus
of the Pathfinders

(Perfect Cactuses wouldbe first. Congrats!)

10. Invisible Axe
of the Flying Squid

(That is just the most awesomely-bizarre collection of clothing.)

And that concludes our ten first finishers! I do hope many of you cross the finish line soon, to join the elite! Fellow Poptropicans, let us rejoicify by staying golden always and eating candy.

P.S. For the holidays, ask for that new D.S. game. It looks amazifyingly good.


The app has arrived!

Attention, all ye poptropicans. The long awaited app from the Poptropica creators has finally arrived! The creators have been hinting at it for MONTHS. They’ve given us time to time snapshots, photos, and updates. Finally after all this time, the app is available for purchase in the iTunes Store!

The app is titled Poptropica: Tips and Tricks. It’s the only app by the creators. The app is available for purchase for all Apple product users here: Use an android? Fear not. There’s another app for Android users on the Android Market. Android users can find the app here:

This app is amazing! If we zoom in closer to the image, you can tell there’s a variety of features to be used. There’s news of updates to the app on “What’s new”. You can access a list of island guides by tapping on the button. Then from there on out, each island has a different page (such as the Game Show Island example they had earlier) where you can view the complete walkthrough, items to obtain, goals to achieve, and even boss fights on certain islands.

The app is currently free (thanks to those who found this typo, owe you one, guys). It comes with Game Show Island, but to purchase other islands you will need to pay 99 cents for each.  Get yours today!

PHB Sneak Peeks, Sneak Peeks, Steamworks Island

Uhhh, where’s the on switch?

The creators have confirmed a new island, but not its name. Some kind of machinery island, Mad Machine? Silly Structure? Extra-strange tool island?? O___O

New island sneak peek week!

Many of you have noticed that there is a new Poptropica island in the works. We’ve decided to share a few sneak peeks of this mysterious, mechanical island.

You’ll need a few gadgets to get past some tricky puzzles and wacky, wild monsters — and I’m not talking about your dad’s pocket knife.

Here are a couple of gizmos that you won’t find in your home toolbox. One of these will help you on your quest to victory, cheering fans, and instant popularity…well, at least victory.

“Multi Tool”? Hmm, what do you think it does?

Come back all week for more sneak peeks. Then, on Friday, we’ll announce the name of the new island. You’ll get it here first, so keep those eyeballs glued to the blog for more exciting peeks.


Hello guuuyyys! 😀 I’m here to save the Creators the trouble of posting on Friday…the new island is called “Steamworks”. Pretty spiffy name, eh?


avatar image

The tools (yes I do notice that the font is blue) seem to be normal tools melded all together. -_o The multi tool looks like a drill, scissors and hair cutting thingamajigs. Number 2 seems to be a wrench, pressure meter and funnel on a wheel. O_o I have no idea what on earth, poptropica or pewter moon these tools will do, or why you will need them.

*Flies into clouds with BOLD BLUE ITALIC font, which is cooler than walking :D*

Advertisements, Bonus Items, Mythology Island, PHB Sneak Peeks, Store

Two evil geniuses……one mini game. Can we do it? YES WE CAN!!!!

Two evil geniuses have entered Poptropica… what could be worse? Oh hi guys, just stopping in to say… NEW MINI QUEST! And new Einstein costume in the store, for 75 credits of course. If you get it, you can also read a chapter from the new book ‘Who Was Albert Einstein?’. (Isn’t he the guy that made E = MC2?) Here’s a picture:

Happy Birthday Einstein!

Albert Einstein was born March 14, 1879. To celebrate his birthday, there is an outfit that comes with a free chapter from a book about him called, “Who Was Albert Einstein?”
Now you can look just as smart as Einstein, as you think deep thoughts, and read about his life.To formulate a powerful equation, hit the space bar.
(You can purchase the full version of the book by Jess Brallier today! Click Here.)

Coskit: Einstein was born on March 14. 3/14. 3.14. The first digits of pi. Coskit’s (and Hijuyo’s) favorite number. I know…by now….314 digits of pi. Yes, 314 again. 😀

Neat Whale: Well, the Creators have finally opened up the new Dr. Hare mini quest that we have waited long for, even though that evil rude mind-controlling Dr. Hare is back anyway… but let’s get on with it… the quest costs 250 credits to play (CREATORS! WAY TOO HIGH!) the Haunted House quest was FREE! FREE I SAY! A FREE 50 CREDS!.. ..ok, ok, I’ll calm down now….. and here’s the guide that I wrote to help you all out:

1 – The quests begins! Jump up onto the rocks and ledges until you reach a metal-looking-ish thing with a Rabbot sign above it (that sign never stops scaring me) and a box of carrots on a rock near it (Not again!) Enter the building. Then you will appear in another metal looking room. Why all the metal, Dr. Hare. Just wondering. It makes your hideout standout. Get it?…Um ok yea moving on…

2 – Go right over a floating platform to the right, near an ad for membership (very nice, Dr. Hare. Ads. I love it.) Then you will come across a man with a pink eyepatch (not very manly sailor) pink lab coat (still not manly) and clipboard. Talk to him. He will tell you that you are in one of Dr. Hare’s secret lairs, he was a mind-slave of Dr. Hare, and that he made a very creepy looking robot to the right which will help him with evil plans. Again with the evil plans. Why not good plans? Why? Click on the robot cage to your right. You then say that you need three colored cards. Go back on the sliding-down thingy and go right once at the bottom. Click on the red Dr. Hare door.

3 – (This is beginning to seem a lot like the Race to Witch Mountain thing, huh?) Go right after the stupid annoying little laser like thing and get on the floating thing with a box. Then, let it pull you up until you’ve reached a platform with a red button at the end of it. Push the box onto the red thing. The blocked door above will open. Now, to get to the upper platform, go left and hide behind the carrot boxes from the guards (creepy looking right?) Then jump up, jump right, and get the red key card.

4 –  Now, go left above the bearded guard, and hop onto yet another floating platform with a box. When you come across another flooring, push the box onto it because it has the purple (purple is the best color in the world, just saying) button. Then go back on the floating platform and ride it up to the other platform with bearded guard on it, hide behind a box, and then jump up onto the now unlocked room with the purple card. (Purple is still awesome.)

5 – Now, go down down down. Below the entrance. Below the thing with more lasers. And ride another platform down where you have to hide behind another box from a weird person with an afro. A little farther over from you it the blue card slot. Now, ride the platform up again above the thing with lasers, and go to the edge. There should be a box at the end. Push the box off the end and it will smash on the ground near/on the blue switch. Push it onto it if it isn’t already on it. If you push it off the end like I did the first time, you’re dead and you need to start over. Now if it is on it, yaeeeey for you and run over on top of the other platforms with the lasers, onto the moving platform, into the room with the blue card, then you grab the blue card, scream with joy, ride the floating platform back up again, go out through the entrance… you get the main idea.

6 – Rush up to the top where the robot is, open it up with your cards, and–WHAT?! Only 50 credits?! RIP OFF CREATORS!! RIP OFF!!! And the costume only makes you a robot. Now where’s Dr. hare? I wanted to blast him off into space again because last time it was fun. Well? WHERE IS HE?! Wait he’s still in space? Awww mannn… 😦 Well that fun anyway zD

Hijuyo: Check out this sneak peek posted on the Poptropica Facebook page! It looks like it belongs on the upcoming Mythology Island. This sketch was filed under a photo album titled “The Making of Poptropica”, and the description says, “A palace fit for a king — or maybe somebody even more powerful than that.”