Comics, Zomberry Island

Light is bad, bad stuff (Zomberry: Day Zero – Part Five of Six)

You’re warm and sleepy in bed, having dreams of chocolate and zomberries. The room is nice and dark and you float around in Poptropica, perhaps scaring tourists in Shark Tooth Island or laughing at all those humble Poptropicans dutifully packing up their bags to go camp out for Zomberry Island. Everything is just perfect. perfect, that is, until-

“Oh, no, momsie! You absolutely must turn off the light now!”

“It’s time for school, get up now.”

I’m positive this scenario has occurred to every Poptropican more than once. Don’t be ashamed to admit it. We’re all in this together.

Anyway, it appears that those epic zombies (or are they epic?) of Zomberry Island need to be stopped! And who better than Joe to stop them? Here we continue on with our epic story, Zomberry: Day Zero!

Well, Poptropicans, it seems that we all share one common trait with zombies; we all burn from light on certain days. What if… *epic gasp* the moral is that Poptropicans are the real zombies?

The whole idea of a zombie apocalypse is fresh in my mind due to the idea of zombie and berry being together in one sentence. Zomberry is such a nice word, isn’t it?

Remember to check back here, the PHB, for details. Everything you need to know for Zomberry Island will be brought to you here, by us! And while you’re at it, why not check out the island guides and complete any islands you’re missing? That way, you’re all ready to go when Zomberry Island comes out!

P.S. Did you guys notice how we got left with a cliffhanger until Monday?

~Super Thunder

Tribes, Web Development, Zomberry Island

Zomberrified Updates

That’s right. I just said ‘zomberrified’. u mad bro?

So, we’ve just learned that the totally awesome (and yet slightly ominous) island is called Zomberry Island. The Creators have interested us by releasing two awesome posters.

(See that? Released by Mews Corp, rated P for Poptropica? I do believe this is interesting.)

And not only do we get these posters, but we also get the fantastic new… common rooms! That’s right, remember the innuendos and outuendos floating around about the tribe common rooms? Well, they’re confirmed now!

You just need to go to your epic profile on Poptropica and ‘Join Room’! This’ll take you to your secret hideout where you’ll meet with other tribesmates. Pathfinders, hope to see you there!

Also, remember that these common rooms are special in more than one way; they’re interactive. Hunt around the vast rooms to see what you can interact with, besides your friends! 😀

~Super Thunder

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Island, Tribes

Always Golden

Plot twist: I’m alive! 😉 Bet you weren’t expecting that one.

So, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has only been released for just over a day, and so many Poptropicans have already rushed through the gates, waving your Golden Ticket around yelling “I’M IN! I’M IN!”

Or at least most of you did. Some of you only yelled “I’M IN!” once.

Either way, whether you’re in or out, there are some who are undeniably quick and zip through islands. It requires speed, strength, knowledge, and a bag of candy.

Without further ado, let us congratulate those who stayed golden throughout the whole island and finished it the quickest! Put your hands together (even if they’re covered in chocolate) for…


1. Dizzy Leopard
of the Flying Squid

(What did I say about the candy? Everyone loves it!)

2. Zippy Leopard
of the Flying Squid

(I want those glasses. Now.)

3. Little Owl
of the Wildfire

(I also want those glasses. Poptropicans always look good in glasses. And candy.)

4. Angry Claw
of the Nanobots

(I want those headphones. Then we can all listen to music that suits the mood for each part of the island. Pile on the suspense!)

5. Smart Eagle
of the Pathfinders

(Pathfinders; a fellow tribesmate. Well done, Smart Eagle!)

6. Green Seal
of the Seraphim

(It’s impossible to not be one of the first with an epic name like that. Green and gold go good together.)

7. Trusty Grape
of the Black Flags

(Oh, that’s one of the coolest hairstyles I’ve ever seen! And the medallion looks simply amazing!)

8. Young Clown
of the Nanobots

(I really do love the medallion. The way Young Clown is wearing it allows us to see the red and white striped design of the medallion!)

9. Perfect Cactus
of the Pathfinders

(Perfect Cactuses wouldbe first. Congrats!)

10. Invisible Axe
of the Flying Squid

(That is just the most awesomely-bizarre collection of clothing.)

And that concludes our ten first finishers! I do hope many of you cross the finish line soon, to join the elite! Fellow Poptropicans, let us rejoicify by staying golden always and eating candy.

P.S. For the holidays, ask for that new D.S. game. It looks amazifyingly good.

Daily Pop

Staying In The Zone

To be in the Zone of Poptropica, you need to be in touch with all your friends. So remember to add people and stalk check their profiles every day for updates, such as the very interesting fact of whether of not they can do a handstand. Just a heads up, in case you didn’t know, Shark Boy can do a handstand.

Remember, if you want to add the Creators or any other interesting friends, check out the PHB’s Friend Finder. Not only can you find important friends, but you can also see the comments and discover other friends you might want to add. If you want people to add you, then leave a comment saying a little about your Poptropican and your username!

So what do you think about having friends in Poptropica? Was it a good idea or a fail from the Creators? Comment with your opinion!

~Super Thunder

Bonus Items, Twisted Thicket Island

Free Makes Everything Better

The Creators have announced that the Twisted Thicket Guide is now on the Poptropica Tips and Tricks app. If you’ve downloaded the app, make sure to update it and receive the Twisted Thicket Guide for free. Not only will you now have the Twisted Thicket Guide, but the rest of the island guides will also be free. They previously cost 99 cents each.

To download this app, you must have an iOS or Android device. Then, go to either the iTunes store or Android Market, depending on what your device is, and get it.

But remember, these aren’t the only guides for Poptropica Islands! Check out the Island Help page for help with any of the islands, as we have all guides up. If you also find the guides in the app are explanatory aren’t enough, we hope ours will be!

~Super Thunder