Creators, Roblox

Q&A with Jonathan Pitcher, Art Director at Poptropica & Suit Up Games 🎤🧑‍🎨

Hey Poptropicans! It’s been a minute since we’ve conversed with the Poptropica Creators, and with Poptropica’s recent move to Coolmath Games and focus on the Roblox studio Suit Up Games, we wanted to take a deeper dive into how these shifts happened.

So we reached out to someone who’s been involved with the game since its early days and continues to work on both Pop and its spin-off Roblox studio today—Jonathan Pitcher, Art Director at Poptropica and Suit Up Games—for an interview. Happily, he obliged, and below is our Q&A!

Robot Revolution: These bots have blown a fuse.

PHB: What’s your current role with Poptropica / Suit Up Games? 

I get to wear several hats here. Many others do as well. 

Poptropica: My title is Art Director, but my main role is a director for branded games for our clients like Disney, Sony, Paramount, etc. When we create new content for Poptropica like islands, I work as an artist with our amazing team of artists and developers. 

Suit Up Games: I’m happily animating. This is what I love best. I help lead the efforts for our animators. I’m responsible, with others on our team, for creating the animations for our Roblox games.  I also help build character rigs and work with some of our newer artists as a manager. 

Fill Er Up: Get your pitcher taken.

PHB: What’s been your history with Poptropica?

Jon: 2009: I was hired to create our branded games. Some remember that as a Poptropica Creator I was known as Master Mime. During these years I also assisted with the art for island creation. I helped lead the animations and created new content for the store.

2011: I became the advertising director. In this role I managed the team of artists and developers that created branded games for Poptropica.

2017: I became an art director. As I continued to direct the branded game projects some of my focus shifted to helping create new islands and managing the Poptropica store.

2022: We started Suit Up Games. My focus moved to character animation for our Roblox Games. During this time, I’ve continued to direct and create branded games for Poptropica. 

PHB: Poptropica is now with Coolmath Games and it’s been announced that there are no plans to update it with more content, new or old. Meanwhile, the spin-off Roblox studio Suit Up Games, which you’ve been working with, has been growing. From your perspective, how and why have these shifts occurred, and how do you feel about them?

Jon: We worked very hard for many years to keep Poptropica rolling forward. It was our main passion to keep telling stories through creating games. For many years that was solely through Poptropica. It was an amazing ride. Like all studios there have been bumps along the way, but we continued to learn. Our passion for creating these kinds of games has not stopped. It was time to position Poptropica with Coolmath Games. They have been wonderful partners with us. Their traffic is very strong, and we hope many of our dedicated Poptropica players will join forces with those that play on Coolmath Games. With this transition I hope our Poptropica community of players will grow even more. The more people play and have fun on Poptropica, the greater the possibilities can open for Poptropica’s future. 

Holmes Run: Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could do it…

As we made these kinds of transitions, we needed our company to keep moving forward. As gaming evolved, we did too, and we created Suit Up Games. We have a strong relationship with our clients who want to keep making games with us. We also have our own ideas for games from the stories we want to tell. The future is bright. There are many cool things to come. 

Still Not Constantinople: Why they changed it, I can’t say.

PHB: What does the future hold for Poptropica and Suit Up Games? Will the Poptropica brand develop further beyond the game — for example with Poptropica Junior, potential animated series, and expansion of the graphic novels?

Jon: Regarding Suit Up Games, we have more games in the pipeline, and we’re excited about what will be coming up next. I wish I could share more, but you’ll see! For Poptropica, we’ve just recently moved to Coolmath Games, so we are not ready to make any big moves. Our clients that work with us to create Poptropica games are still engaged in conversations with us, so the door is open to possibilities. We are keeping our perspectives open to what makes the most sense for our studio and our audience. 

PHB: What are you most proud of having achieved with Poptropica?

Jon: I’m sincerely grateful to have been part of the team that helped create and supported the growth of Poptropica. During the first couple months I got to illustrate the Underworld scenes for Mythology Island, and I created a Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs mini game experience. It didn’t take me long to realize how cool it is to be a Poptropica Creator. Because my role has been more focused on the branded games that generate revenue for Poptropica, I’ve been in more of a supportive role. While the team has been more like the working parts of the engine, I was like the fuel to help it keep moving. Today I get to be an active part of the character animations in our games so now maybe I’m a piston. Haha. 

PHB: Anything else you want to share with Poptropicans everywhere?

Jon: Keep having fun on Poptropica. Six years ago, the phrase “Poptropica Forever” came to my mind and our team kept this focus as we continued to figure out how we’d keep this legacy going. As you keep playing and having fun, who knows what the future will bring for Poptropica? Stick around and we’ll find out.

Not a Nursing Home: It’s a retirement community!

Thanks, Jon, for all that you do for Poptropica, and sharing your insights with us! Though Poptropica isn’t ready for more updates now, we’re hopeful about how the door remains open for future possibilities.

If you liked this post, you may also enjoy other interviews we’ve done with various Poptropica Creators, such as Jess Brallier, Mitch Krpata (twice), Abhi Arya, and the team collectively. Keep on poppin’ on!

Advertisements, Contests, Fan Art Features, Social Media

Monthly costume design contests, strange art shares, and… questionable ads?

As we continue to wait on news for the porting of old islands and the imagined futures of Fairytale Island, the Pop Creators made an announcement regarding a new Costume Design Contest.

This event has been held a couple times in the past, but now, a new contest will be held every month! According to the Creators’ Blog, the contest will be open for two weeks each time, so the current one closes June 7 at 8 pm PST.

If this continues, plenty of fans should have the chance to see their designs become a virtual reality! Unlike past versions of this event, no prizes (such as membership) were mentioned, other than having winning costume designs implemented into the game. Good luck to all!

Continuing with the subject of fan art, Poptropica shared six new Instagram stories today. But there’s something a little odd…

Look closely and you’ll find that two of these pieces are not Poptropica related—with one being a non-Pop original character, and the other being fan art of a character from the game Resident Evil, which does not exactly share Poptropica’s demographic. They are done by arts.n.darts, the same artist who also recently made fan art of Betty Jetty that the Pop Creators did not recognize.

While it would be admirable if this is simply an effort to show more support towards artists who have previously made Poptropica fan art, the shares are nevertheless uncharacteristic, and also raises the question of whether Poptropica’s social media person (or people?) is once again unaware of Poptropica’s content. Sus?

On a final note, a couple changes appear to have happened to the ads that appear on the website and in-game.

From past observations, most ads on Poptropica are specifically targeted towards its younger audience, similar to how they are sponsored to make in-game advertisements that showcase books, toys, or movies and shows that its general demographic may enjoy.

However, lately the ads appear to be more random and not exactly geared for kids. PHB staffer Gentle Dolphin reported seeing ads for Honey, which is a browser extension for online shopping, as well as for Morgan & Morgan, an injury law firm.

It’s understandable that a game needs to make a profit to survive, but this does raise some suspicion towards Poptropica’s insistence that they are still getting a large amount (“over a million”) of players. Why would they need to accept more advertisements if that was the case? The COVID-19 pandemic has had an effect on businesses, but as an online game, has Poptropica been growing or shrinking in attention? The branching out on ads seems to suggest the latter.

As of now, fans have many questions, many of which we may not see answers to soon. Hopefully we can still have fun while we wait with contests, upcoming quests, and the next Dream Island!

Castori honorem ~ Maryann/Smart Bubbles

Guest Posts, Pop Petitions

Pop Petition: Tone down the ads

Hey Poptropicans, this is a guest post by White FoxEnjoy!

Hi, guys! Today I want to talk about the ads in Poptropica.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I totally understand that Poptropica isn’t making as much money as it used to, and advertisements bring in tons of cash, but things have been getting out of hand.

Remember Survival Island? The creators didn’t put a lot of ads there, because they wanted you to feel like you are stranded, and you don’t usually find advertisements for Rolex watches in the middle of the woods. Not having ads helped set the mood of the place.

Now, I find ads everywhere, and I don’t feel that stranded-in-the-forest vibe at all. Then there’s the matter of all the ads in your inventory.

I didn’t even watch the ad videos for these items! I just logged on one day, and I got a ton of stuff that I didn’t want. And it really fills up your inventory space! I wish Poptropica didn’t give you ad items without a choice, because it makes you scroll through a bunch of stuff just to get something you need for an island, and sometimes, you might not even like the stuff you get.

Even for people who do like the advertisement prizes, not keeping it separate from the items you need on an island is maddening. I can’t speak for everyone, but I really wish the creators would give you a choice, instead of stuffing random ad prizes into your inventory, where it takes up space and pushes your important items to the back.

Mega Fighting Bots took over on Mocktropica Island

As Slanted Fish noted in the 2019 PHB post “Is Poptropica turning into Mocktropica Island?,” the game has been falling into the traps of user-unfriendliness the island warned about in its cautionary tale. In Mocktropica, ads for Mega Fighting Bots popped up everywhere, and recently, when I was playing through 24 Carrot Island, Dr. Hare’s face was covered by an ad.

It’s upsetting that such an important part of the story — one of the most famous villains in Poptropica — was hidden because an advertisement for clothing had popped up. This could really make it hard to win islands, because I couldn’t see what he was saying. Even though I’d played the island before and knew what to do, it was still annoying.

At one point, Poptropica was wrapped in banner ads on all sides—promoting Poptropica!

Anyway, that just about wraps up this post! I hope the creators were reading this, because all this advertising stuff is really getting overwhelming. Thanks for reading!

White Fox

Hope you enjoyed this guest post by White Fox. If you did, you might also enjoy another guest post of hers: Popspiracy: What happens to Poptropica villains after “the end”?

The Poptropica Help Blog welcomes interesting Poptropica insights from anyone in the Poptropica community with thoughts to share. Interested in writing for the PHB? We’d love to hear from you! 📰✨

Advertisements, App, Social Media

Trending Topics (including race cars)

Greetings Hawk-tropicans! This is Giant Hawk speaking, and I’ve got various visual news for all of you!

The Creators have been quite busy recently! First off, there’s a new free update to the Poptropica app. This appdate contains the promo for Escape From Pelican Rock that first came to the online Poptropica, as well as some bug fixes. All free!


Poptropica has also been creating accounts on different outlets of social media in order to connect better with us fans. Of course, you all know about their Twitter, but now they also have Vine, Snapchat (their username is @PoptropicaSC), and Periscope!

On the subject on social media, Poptropica’s aforementioned Twitter page has been tweeting out answers to some interesting questions! Let’s take a look:

True, Zeus is not the brightest ray of sunshine we know…

Clearly, there is still a lot we don’t know about Escape from Pelican Rock… What could possibly be waiting for us?

Remember those comic strips? Y’know, the ones starring our old pals Jorge and Oliver? Hopefully, they’ll have something to do during the wait time…

Now this is news-worthy! Quickly, somebody update the Poptropica Wiki! (just kidding, it’s already been updated) Confused? Check out the PHB’s Mystery of Shark Boy article to learn about his disappearance!

Guess it’s #ThrowbackTuesday over there.

But wait – there’s more news!

An advertisement for Skylanders: Super Chargers has revved its way into Poptropica. (credit to Young Singer -Nariko- for the heads-up)


Bonus question: What island am I on?

Simply watch the trailer, and you will receive a Hot Streak Follower.

Finally, everyone’s favorite blog founder, SlantedFish, has done something really cool:

It’s SlantedFish herself re-creating her Poptropica character, Friendly Fish, in real life! Now this is a great idea. Would you like do something like this? Because I suspect that this IRL Poptropican is only the first of many…

Until next time!

– – Giant Hawk

Advertisements, Contests

The Island Hopper Sweepstakes is on! (also, dinosaurs)

Greetings Hawk-tropicans! This is Giant Hawk speaking, and I’ve got some extremely sweet sweepstakes news for all of you!


That’s right! After I just posted about this sweepstakes yesterday, the Creators have given us not only the full information on it, but the Sweepstakes have now officially begun! I’d better get to it, because there is a lot of information to go through.

So first off, here is the official description of the Sweepstakes according the Poptropica Creators Blog.

From today until December 31, we’ve hidden one Island Hopper Ticket in every common room on Poptropica. Each ticket that you collect counts as one entry into the sweepstakes. There are over 40 tickets to find, which means you have over 40 chances to win!

‘Nuff said? Well, it’s a bit more complicated then that. So, let’s walk through it together, shall we?

When you first log in, you’ll be greeted by the pop-up pictured above. If you click on ‘get hopping‘, you will be taken to this page, which explains the rules and prizes in detail.

Well, now that you are on Poptropica, you can really start playing!

To participate, simply go into any Common Room. If you’re lucky (and if you are visiting from one of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia*), you’ll find a golden ticket like this one:


*You must be a legal resident of the US to qualify for a prize, according to the rules of the sweepstakes.

Click on it, and you’ll see a screen like this:


Simply type the e-mail address you wish to enter the Sweepstakes with in the space given (with a parent’s consent if you’re a minor), submit it, and congratulations, you’ve done it! You’ve entered the Island Hopper Sweepstakes – at least, for your first time.

What do I mean? Well, go to your backpack and look in the category ‘Island Hopper’. Here, you’ll find your ticket, which will look like this:


Now you can go hop islands, including Home Island and the separate parts of some newer islands, in search of up to 47 tickets, therefore giving yourself more of a change to win one of the Island Hopper Sweepstakes’ fabulous prizes.

Oh, that’s right! I haven’t mentioned the prizes yet! Silly me.

So what are these prizes? Well, the Sweepstakes’ twenty runner-ups will receive a Poptropica Blimp Toy (which comes with an exclusive code to play a special Blimp Adventure mini-quest) along with a 1-month membership.

Meanwhile, the contest’s ten 2nd place winners will each receive a 6-month membership.

Finally, the lucky 1st place winner of the Island Hopper Sweepstakes will be able to meet Poptropica’s creator Jeff Kinney in a thirty minute long video call, which will be featured on the Poptropica Creators’ Blog. The grand prize winner also gets a 6-month membership and a Poptropica Blimp Toy!

In addition, from now to the end of the year, there will also be weekly sweepstakes! Every week, five weekly winners will win a 1-month membership. Each week period starts at 12:01am ET on Thursdays and ends at 11:59pm ET on Wednesdays.

So what are you waiting for? Get hopping, because the Island Hopper Sweepstakes will end on December 31!


In other news, Pixar’s newest film, The Good Dinosaur, has made its way onto Poptropica!


Simply head over to Main Street, and you’ll find The Good Dinosaur’s advertisement. There, you can watch the trailer for the movie and unlock the Spot Follower.

So, are you all excited about Poptropica biggest giveaway ever? Are you going to see The Good Dinosaur when it comes to theaters? Feel free to answer in the comment section below!

Until next time…

– – Giant Hawk