Creators, Roblox

Q&A with Jonathan Pitcher, Art Director at Poptropica & Suit Up Games 🎤🧑‍🎨

Hey Poptropicans! It’s been a minute since we’ve conversed with the Poptropica Creators, and with Poptropica’s recent move to Coolmath Games and focus on the Roblox studio Suit Up Games, we wanted to take a deeper dive into how these shifts happened.

So we reached out to someone who’s been involved with the game since its early days and continues to work on both Pop and its spin-off Roblox studio today—Jonathan Pitcher, Art Director at Poptropica and Suit Up Games—for an interview. Happily, he obliged, and below is our Q&A!

Robot Revolution: These bots have blown a fuse.

PHB: What’s your current role with Poptropica / Suit Up Games? 

I get to wear several hats here. Many others do as well. 

Poptropica: My title is Art Director, but my main role is a director for branded games for our clients like Disney, Sony, Paramount, etc. When we create new content for Poptropica like islands, I work as an artist with our amazing team of artists and developers. 

Suit Up Games: I’m happily animating. This is what I love best. I help lead the efforts for our animators. I’m responsible, with others on our team, for creating the animations for our Roblox games.  I also help build character rigs and work with some of our newer artists as a manager. 

Fill Er Up: Get your pitcher taken.

PHB: What’s been your history with Poptropica?

Jon: 2009: I was hired to create our branded games. Some remember that as a Poptropica Creator I was known as Master Mime. During these years I also assisted with the art for island creation. I helped lead the animations and created new content for the store.

2011: I became the advertising director. In this role I managed the team of artists and developers that created branded games for Poptropica.

2017: I became an art director. As I continued to direct the branded game projects some of my focus shifted to helping create new islands and managing the Poptropica store.

2022: We started Suit Up Games. My focus moved to character animation for our Roblox Games. During this time, I’ve continued to direct and create branded games for Poptropica. 

PHB: Poptropica is now with Coolmath Games and it’s been announced that there are no plans to update it with more content, new or old. Meanwhile, the spin-off Roblox studio Suit Up Games, which you’ve been working with, has been growing. From your perspective, how and why have these shifts occurred, and how do you feel about them?

Jon: We worked very hard for many years to keep Poptropica rolling forward. It was our main passion to keep telling stories through creating games. For many years that was solely through Poptropica. It was an amazing ride. Like all studios there have been bumps along the way, but we continued to learn. Our passion for creating these kinds of games has not stopped. It was time to position Poptropica with Coolmath Games. They have been wonderful partners with us. Their traffic is very strong, and we hope many of our dedicated Poptropica players will join forces with those that play on Coolmath Games. With this transition I hope our Poptropica community of players will grow even more. The more people play and have fun on Poptropica, the greater the possibilities can open for Poptropica’s future. 

Holmes Run: Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could do it…

As we made these kinds of transitions, we needed our company to keep moving forward. As gaming evolved, we did too, and we created Suit Up Games. We have a strong relationship with our clients who want to keep making games with us. We also have our own ideas for games from the stories we want to tell. The future is bright. There are many cool things to come. 

Still Not Constantinople: Why they changed it, I can’t say.

PHB: What does the future hold for Poptropica and Suit Up Games? Will the Poptropica brand develop further beyond the game — for example with Poptropica Junior, potential animated series, and expansion of the graphic novels?

Jon: Regarding Suit Up Games, we have more games in the pipeline, and we’re excited about what will be coming up next. I wish I could share more, but you’ll see! For Poptropica, we’ve just recently moved to Coolmath Games, so we are not ready to make any big moves. Our clients that work with us to create Poptropica games are still engaged in conversations with us, so the door is open to possibilities. We are keeping our perspectives open to what makes the most sense for our studio and our audience. 

PHB: What are you most proud of having achieved with Poptropica?

Jon: I’m sincerely grateful to have been part of the team that helped create and supported the growth of Poptropica. During the first couple months I got to illustrate the Underworld scenes for Mythology Island, and I created a Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs mini game experience. It didn’t take me long to realize how cool it is to be a Poptropica Creator. Because my role has been more focused on the branded games that generate revenue for Poptropica, I’ve been in more of a supportive role. While the team has been more like the working parts of the engine, I was like the fuel to help it keep moving. Today I get to be an active part of the character animations in our games so now maybe I’m a piston. Haha. 

PHB: Anything else you want to share with Poptropicans everywhere?

Jon: Keep having fun on Poptropica. Six years ago, the phrase “Poptropica Forever” came to my mind and our team kept this focus as we continued to figure out how we’d keep this legacy going. As you keep playing and having fun, who knows what the future will bring for Poptropica? Stick around and we’ll find out.

Not a Nursing Home: It’s a retirement community!

Thanks, Jon, for all that you do for Poptropica, and sharing your insights with us! Though Poptropica isn’t ready for more updates now, we’re hopeful about how the door remains open for future possibilities.

If you liked this post, you may also enjoy other interviews we’ve done with various Poptropica Creators, such as Jess Brallier, Mitch Krpata (twice), Abhi Arya, and the team collectively. Keep on poppin’ on!


Until Hades Freezes Over

ANOTHER bubble gum in store, for those of you with nothing better to do than chew, chew, chew. This one, personally, is my favorite.

Take a look:

It’s a cold day in Hade’s Kingdom

Have you ever told a friend to “Stay Cool” when you leave school for the summer? Winter Blast gum will help you keep your summer promises. You can create your own summer snow blizzard. No one will be as cool as you.

For those of you that thought that we wouldn’t get a new pop gum flavor until the Underworld freezes over, take a look in the store. This new frosty flavor will cool off those tongues that have been blowing lots of fire bubbles.

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Also, notice that there is a TYPO in the title! “…in Hade’s kingdom.” It should be “….in Hades’ kingdom.”  That’s because the name of the person in question is Hades, not Hade. Ok, grammar lesson over.

All right, my loyal subjects. This new bubble gum, as so coyly stated by Master Mime, should cool off those tongues that’ve been blowing LOTS AND LOTS of fire bubbles. I like it, because I love to see snow wherever I go. I hope it doesn’t change your mouth into that creepy smile when you take it off, though.

Well, anyway. Goodbye, loyal subjects.

*climbs in spaceship*


*flies away*



Reality TV Island, Sneak Peeks

Shuffleboard FTW!

Hello, little Earthlings. As I was perusing the Earth literary material and looking for a way to pass the time on this planet, I came across a post on the PCB called Shuffleboard.


Still stuck on this island, I found some people playing a game with small sliding pucks. I don’t think the mime is going to win this one.

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The one and only Hazmat Hermit at 1:02 PM

And for all you fans of this island called Reality TV, (TV? What is this strange Earthling invention?), the name of this image is….

“RealityTVPreview” !!  This almost assuredly proves that RTV is in the works, as the last RTV post was quite a while ago.

Shuffleboard seems to be another game in the making; not a multiplayer game but a game against the Reality TV contestants of the island. as you can see, at the top of the image are faces of people (some previewed in earlier RTV sneak peeks) and their ranking in the game. More interestingly, there seems to be a mime in the picture! And shuffleboard will probably be a fun game to play.

Well, enjoy your upcoming trip to this RTV Island, as the natives call it. (This Earth is such a very different place than where I come from.)

*rocket engine starts……rocket flies off*

Random Civilian 1: Hey, look, was that a spaceship? Aliens! *screams and runs in circles*

Random Civilian 2: Nah, there are no such things as aliens. Calm down, man.

DaVinci: *swoops down in spaceship and winks at Random Civilian 1*

Random Civilian 1: Aaaaahhhhhh! *screams and falls over*

Random Civilian 2: *rolls eyes* These Earthlings are so strange. I mean…..whoops! Did I say Earthlings? Uhh…..

Counterfeit Island, Sneak Peeks, Web Development

Counterfeit Island REALLY confirmed XD

avatar imageThis just in!
It seems as if the Creators are trying to jam us chock-full of excitement for Counterfeit/French Island! Check out this new post by the new Creators’ Blog author Master Mime!

Scooter Chase

You will get to zip through Counterfeit Island on a cool scooter. Wheeeeeeeeee!

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*eye twitch* This is just TOO awesome Creators!  I wonder if we’ll get to ride it through the whole island, or will it be like the Hoverboard on Astro-Knights or the boat race on Big Nate!

And who is this new Creator, Master Mime? I think it’s safe for us to assume that he’s the villain (or one of, it is called “Counterfeit” Island) on Counterfeit Island!
Or, he could be a good guy. As you might know, mimes like to act things out without saying a word; so perhaps the mime of Counterfeit Island will be giving us clues?

I also forgot to mention that on one of my other Poptropica accounts, I found a flashlight from an upcoming ad in Poptropica! Check it out!

Original Post:
Everyone’s heard of Counterfeit Island (well, anyone who’s read the other posts), so this will pretty much simply confirm it more for you. If you haven’t heard of it, you’ve been living under a rock without internet access. The new Creators’ Blog post is about the characters on Counterfeit Island.

Credit to Happy Storm of the PHF

“Some Counterfeit Characters”


Here are a few Poptropicans you’ll likely be meeting on Counterfeit Island.

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And so we have a: Police Officer, Construction Worker, and Clerk. Is it just me, or does the clerk look…I dunno, Frenchy? No, not French Fry Frenchy, but French Island Frenchy?  Her hat in particular. I wonder what the plot for French Is- I mean, Counterfeit Island will be. XD

Other Counterfeit Characters:
I also managed to dig up a few other costumes from Counterfeit Island. Because of this version of wordpress’ HTML restrictions, I had to post them on the PHF Blog. Click here to check em’ out!

The Poptropica Help Team now has Twitter! Check out Poptropica Help Tweets (PHT) here:

PHT is here to give you updates on the latest news all about the Poptropica Help community. So come follow us on Twitter to keep track of everything regarding Poptropica! :mrgreen:

And in other news, the PHF recently got a homepage upgrade! Yaay cake and cookies and all of that stuff!

Click here and check it out!

Catch you on the OTHER SIDE,

P.S.: I have no idea what the “OTHER SIDE” is, but it sounds cool so…