Daily Pop, PoptropiCon Island

Poptropi-Con: the next Island adventure?

Hey everyone! Remember Fuzzy-B’s post about Poptropi-Con about a week ago? Well, PHB reader Slippery Raptor went hunting for more clues to the island and discovered a recent Daily Pop discreetly containing the words “P-Con”, likely short for Poptropica Convention!


Sounds like it’s for a convention (as in MineCon or VidCon), plus the ticker on the bus (top-left corner) even says “conven”. I suspect this may be a future island, and according to the bag the guy is carrying, it’ll be out later this year, 2014!

With Survival on its third episode and Atlantis’s second episode due sometime today, I’d guess that “P-Con” may not be ready until around September or October. I really think this will be a cool island!


Daily Pop, PoptropiCon Island

Cosplay at Poptropi-Con, the next frontier!

Hey everyone! Remember my last post about how the next island will probably have a city theme (possibly based on San Francisco due to the bridge and palm trees)? Well, there’s more…

Thanks to some clever connections by PHB authors and readers, we may have even more information about this new island, which appears to involve some sort of Poptropica convention where Poptropicans have taken up cosplay (costume play)! Check out these recent Daily Pops showing off some pretty good (and pretty bad) Poptropica cosplays of characters from various islands!


This may be inspired by the yearly San Diego Comic Con, which takes place in, you guessed it, San Diego. It is a giant convention for everything comics, featuring comic books, toys, movie announcements, and some legendary cosplay.

For those unaware, cosplay (short for costume play) is when a fan dresses up as their favorite character. Of course, this could be really good, or really, really bad…


So we have cosplay and a city setting probably in southern California — what could this mean? As predicted by others, I am going to say this will concern some sort of (San Francisco?) Poptropica Convention. But that doesn’t have a good ring to it! How about the Poptropi-Con? Much better!

And here we have a Daily Pop sneak peek of the actual convention center which is sporting some nice “con” signs. This image serves as final confirmation that the new island is indeed some sort of Poptropica Convention (Poptropi-Con?).


So what do you think? Are you excited for a new Comic-Con based island? What do you think the plot could be about? Do you think Poptropi-Con has a good ring to it? Share your ideas in the comments below!

Daily Pop, Survival Island

Fishing Suit now in the Store, and some new city settings!

Hey everyone, after a (not so short) hiatus, I finally have finals, tests, projects, etc. out of the way and can be active in the community again!

As previewed by HP in a post earlier this week (along with many other awesome things – so check it out if you haven’t), the new Fishing Suit has been (officially) released for Survival – Episode 2. It is currently free in the Store for everyone, so make sure to go claim yours! (The Fishing Suit can also be found on a tree trunk in Episode 2.)


As always, there have been some interesting new Daily Pops. Sometimes these Daily Pops can give away a lot about upcoming islands. They helped us figure out that  “Mall” (Night Watch), “Movie” (Back Lot), “Monster” (Monster Carnival), and “Winter” (Survival) islands were all being prepared for release, and now it appears that the next island will have a city theme to it!

As you can see, the Portable Toilets, Pizza Pocket Truck, and vending machines, along with all the background imagery gives away that the creators are working on a new city themed project! What city, you may ask? I predict it will be San Francisco, or a city based on San Francisco. The second image gives it all away. In the background, behind the pizza truck we see a bay with a bridge over it. This bridge might just be San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge!

So what do you think? Are you excited for a new San Francisco-based island? What do you think the plot could be about? Share your ideas in the usual place below!

Comics, Daily Pop

New Poptropica comic: starring Oliver & Jorge

Hi Gs,

Check it out – a new Poptropica comic strip (simply called Poptropica) has debuted, involving the story of two young boys called Oliver and Jorge sucked into a monkey-man-inhabited dimension. It sure looks cool, and there’ll be new strips every day!


Oh, and check out the PHB’s new Comics page, where all the original Poptropica comics are being collected into a database, from Super Hot Dog Boy to unreleased strips of Poptropica!

pop comics

You can read unreleased comic strips by changing the URL of the comic file. Visit that link and change 2-2 to 2-3 and beyond! 😀 After 2-7, change it to 3-1, etc. 😉 Also, Funbrain has even more strips that haven’t been uploaded to Poptropica’s servers yet.

A hearty amount of it has been released already, and you can keep up to date on the saga via the Daily Pop or Creators’ Blog. The nice thing about the strips is that they look quite authentic to the comic strip style – I’m curious to know who is illustrating them. You can get a taste of the comics below, or read the full thing here.


Bonus Items, Contests, Cryptids Island, Daily Pop, New Islands, Night Watch Island, Sneak Peeks

CYDI runner-up (Fashion Crisis), more music men, and possible Night Watch book!

What isn’t happening in the world of Poptropica? Prepare to have your mind blown with all the new things happening in the Poptropica universe! 😀

Runner-up #2 in the CYDI contest

The next runner-up of the Create Your Dream Island contest, without further ado, is…

Fashion Crisis Island!

Now, even though I’m not that big on fashion 😆 , I still am pretty impressed and pleased that this girl won. I’ve never heard of the idea being used, and the prospect of an island based on the costumizing feature is pretty smart —

When you’re on Fashion Crisis Island, you must recover a stolen line of clothes for a very famous designer right before an important show.

Is it just me, or is it strange that all the winners up until now have been girls? I’m excited to see a boy’s idea, but in the meantime, I’d like to congratulate Elsa W. of Illinois — or Bronze Fox — for the awesome idea and the impressive ranking. 😀 Here’s why the Creators liked the idea:

Costumizing is one of the most popular things to do on Poptropica, and yet we’ve never made an Island based entirely around using the Costumizer. Elsa’s idea presented a lot of opportunities to let players create new costumes. It was also set in the the 1940s, which we haven’t done before, and featured some famous fashion icons as characters.

More music men

Kyle Fox now has a Soundcloud, and he’s uploaded his few but wholesome tracks that he’s made for Poptropica. I want to give him a shout out for all the music work that slips by as Jeff Heim’s — I personally love the MFB theme. 😀

Another unknown composer for the theme and sound effects of the Forgotten Islands app has now been uncovered: Bob Baffy! The theme sounds great as do the sound effects, and I hope he might do more soundtracks for Poptropica in the future. 😉

Jeff Heim recently posted a Demo Reel for his work on Poptropica, including a new Villain theme for the island Super Power. Sounds awesome!

Mythology SUI offers easier River Styx

As mentioned the recent PCB post, the upcoming Mythology Island SUI is going to have an easier River Styx scene (check it out here), and I immediately had to check and see what it was like. Well, they weren’t lying — all you do is jump over an alligator and you’re home free!

easyriverstyxI wonder if they’ve made any of the other hard parts of the island easier — maybe the red eyed snake game and the Aphrodite test. Either way, I’m happy! 😛

Who is Catie?

There’s a question that remains a mystery, and that question is “Who is Catie?”. Written on a wall on Virus Hunter Island, we see “Catie was here” scribbled onto it. Designers often do this sort of thing in Poptropica – for example, in Mocktropica, written on the wall in the Poptropica Headquarters is “Nasan was here”. Nasan Hardcastle is a designer for Poptropica, and he wrote it there. So who is Catie? An unknown designer? There are multiple possible answers.

Catherine Prentice is a writer for Pearson, but it seems unlikely that she would be designing anything. There’s also Catherine Gilliland, a person who strangely liked a Poptropica tour on YouTube, and that was pretty much it. Who do you think Catie is? We may never know…

And did you notice the view count on the tour? Over 5 million hits!

Night Watch book may be coming soon

Here’s some forewarning — a written book for Night Watch Island may be coming soon. Why? First, I don’t think that they will be releasing books for all of the islands — just a select few that have a strong enough story and cast of characters to work with. For sure, Night Watch Island has a pretty good story to begin with, but I’m not just going out on a limb like that. You guys know I wouldn’t do that. ;p

Around mid-2012, around the time that Night Watch Island was being made, multiple preliminary sketches for the illustrations for the book pertaining to Cryptids Island were posted to the Daily Pop. Around the same time, a sketch looking very similar to the drawings for Cryptids Island was posted — showing the rare Cat Burglar costume being worn and the Poptropican posing in multiple positions. I have a hunch that the picture was actually some preliminary sketches for a new book pertaining to Night Watch, where a Cat Burglar contributes to the plot. What do you think?



 How many theories did I fit into this post? XD Quite a few… 😛
