Daily Pop, Daily Pop Sneak Peeks, Sneak Peeks

Some new sneak peeks and my return!

Hello, everyone, it’s Rainbow Dash here as some of you have remembered from the MLP craze earlier. Well, I’m not necessarily hooked onto that show as much as I had been before because of a number of new interests and vicissitudes in the past few months. The blogs changed much since I last looked at it, and hopefully I may be able to watch it grow as well.

Continue reading “Some new sneak peeks and my return!”

PHB Sneak Peeks

The Dr. Hare Glitch

😦 Update: This glitch does not work anymore. 😦

The secrets to Dr. Hare will be revealed. The secrets will be revealed...
The secret has been revealed.

The PHB Dr. Hare Glitch

[Credits to Codien for finding it.]

 Are you sitting around Poptropica, waiting for ages till that new island comes out? Have you got nothing else to do?
Then why don’t you try “The PHB Dr. Hare Glitch” on for size. You will be hairy in no time.


  • This glitch will only work if you haven’t completed the 24 Carrot quest. Make a new user to try it out though.
  • This glitch will change your whole costume into Dr. Hare. Remember that anything you were wearing will be lost.
  • The glitch will make you turn into to a boy even if your a girl because Dr. Hare is a boy. If you want to become a girl again press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [R] until you change to a girl. Remember this randomises everything and you will loose the Dr. Hare costume and you wont be able to get it back.

Follow these directions to complete The PHB Dr. Hare Glitch:

  1. Head over to 24 Carrot Island via the blimp.
  2. Complete most of the quest until you get to the end when you are about to enter the codes onto the computer.
    [For more information and help on completing 24 Carrot Quest click here.]
  3. Enter the codes to become control of Dr. Hares ship.
  4. Now the aim here is to crash into the asteroids to destroy his ship. When you crash into the asteroids his face will pop up shouting at you.
  5. When his face pops up click and hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] and rapidly press [S] at the same time. This should change his skin color/colour.
  6. When his face pops up again press the same buttons to change his skin again. (This is just to make sure you did it the first time.)
    [MAC Users] Press [Command] + [Shift] + [S]
  7. Crash his ship completely and you should be out of the game. BUT WAIT! I’m still myself!
  8. Head down to the bottom and walk out the door on the left. You should now feel and look different. 😛
  9. Go into items and use the telaporter to go back to the top.
  10. CONGRATULATIONS! You are now Dr. Hare!


Here’s a video tutorial if you need more help. Provided by Blooberry



-The PHB Team-

Scary Tomato Smockers Codien
Astro-Knights Island

Incoming Black Hole!

Poptropica has released yet another Astro-Knights island sneak peek.  This time it’s about a strange vortex in the middle of space. So watch out space bukaneers, It’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Danger Danger!

Blog Post Title: Danger Danger!
Description: Beware the Black Hole [>Translated from binary code.<]
Image URL: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bqXCl2IJBSo/SeTgCndZa8I/AAAAAAAAAAk/ai7BekOuDGQ/s1600-h/blogblackhole.JPG
Image Name: blogblackhole.png

Underneath there was a binary code posted that was translated into this:


BewareTheBlack Hole


Stay tuned for later today the secrets to wearing Dr.Hares costume will be revealed.

So until then check down below for all our other posts.

Astro-Knights Island, Snapshot Series, Sneak Peeks

Holy Cow, Its Tiny Crown!

While Comic Kid is searching through Astro-Knights Island, Vlad the Viking is meeting up with a lucky person in 24 Carrot island.


Snapshot Sagas – Tiny Crown

After many long trips its nice just to sit down, relax, and watch a movie in 24 Carrots movie theater about killer carrots!
Not only that but you can make great friends while watching a movie. Check out who Vlad the Viking ran into.

While eating popcorn and bubblegum in the 24 Carrot Island movie theater, I ran into a friendly Poptropican named Tiny Crown. Congratulations Tiny Crown, you are the newest Poptropican featured in Snapshot Sagas!

Keep watching for my viking beard and helmet, the next Poptropican featured in Snapshot Sagas could be you!


Holy Cow!

Trust me, it has nothing to do with cows, but it might have something to do with castles.
That’s right PCB has released yet another sneak peek on the long awaited Astro-Knights island. This time Comic Kid ran into a bit of a mess as he stared up at a castle in ruins.

Is it falling apart like your great grandmother Lucy?
Did aliens take a detour and accidentally crash into the over sized castle?
Or was it just a strange cow that stumbled into the castle?

Well our guess is that it was a pair of aliens that crashed into to the castle.

They were obviously making crop circles when they were distracted by great grandmother Lucy who came out and told them off for ruining her crops. They then flew off in a hurry and spotted a cow grazing below, they forgot where they were going and crashed into the castle.

Here’s our proof: mystery_island
