Guest Posts, Pop Petitions

Pop Petition: Bring the Costumizer Back 👕

Hey Poptropicans, this is a guest post by Dizzy FeatherEnjoy!

Longtime players may remember an old feature that allowed one to copy outfit parts from NPCs and other players: the Costumizer. Accessible with a green shirt button, it used to be on every island. But nowadays you can only use the Customizer on a single island, PoptropiCon.

Why was this feature removed? Well, when it happened in 2021 along with the release of the current character customization screen, the Poptropica Creators offered this explanation:

The costumizer was removed because we were receiving many complaints about the feature. Older players had to spend the credits to purchase a costume or they may have had a discontinued outfit from the early days that is unavailable in the store. Meanwhile, a new player would be able to instantly copy and wear the same items from any older profile, sidestepping the other player’s efforts.

Poptropica Creators’ Blog (here)

As many players have pointed out already, the Costumizer was designed not only to allow costume pieces be copied, but also to prevent other, more exclusive pieces from being copied. All it would take to adjust a costume piece’s accessibility was a small change in the code. 

Old store costumes from the Flash era

Besides, the lack of the Costumizer isn’t fair to new players, who have no access to what were once extremely common outfits. With the new store constantly rotating outfits that I’ve seen a thousand times before, there may seem like many options, but they’re all limited to that pool. Instead, to access more pieces, they would need to turn to unofficial glitching tools like the ASG, which still doesn’t have everything.

Not only are new players left out of old store outfits, but also outfits that were available when a player first entered Poptropica. For example, I loved the pink, gray-striped shirt, but I have no way of getting it anymore on a new account. I lost count of how many times I’ve seen someone else wearing it, but now I can’t use the Costumizer to copy it.

Removing the Costumizer isn’t fair to old players either. Those who enjoyed this amazing feature for years, all of a sudden, can no longer use it, now left as just a memory to reminisce on.

With the slow pace of porting the islands back, having the Costumizer around would have been a nice way for players to pass the time, playing around with outfits from NPCs and other players. You can only replay an island, decorate your clubhouse, and play arcade games so many times without getting bored.

Bring the Costumizer back, Poptropica, and give truth back to the old advertisement that stated the game offered endless customization. Without the Costumizer, the possibilities may be wide for those with a lot of outfits in their closet, but they’re not quite as endless as they could be with the Costumizer.

“Endless customization!” they said

– Dizzy Feather

Hope you enjoyed this guest post by Dizzy Feather. If you did, you might also enjoy other posts of hers, such as her party clubhouse tour.

The Poptropica Help Blog welcomes interesting Poptropica insights from anyone in the Poptropica community with thoughts to share. Interested in writing for the PHB? We’d love to hear from you!

Community Creations

Community Creations: July 2022


Hello once again everyone! Spotted Dragon here bringing you the July recap for Community Creations. July’s theme was Cosplay, so be sure to check out all the featured artists!

No clue what’s going on? Go see our intro post.

Top 5 Picks

Dr. Hare & Binary Bard Cosplay by Sriyani (srvanv)

That’s it, no contest, these guys undoubtedly won Halloween last year. 🐰🤖🎃 You don’t often see Poptropica costumes IRL, but when you do, they are simply amazing! This iconic duo is easily recognizable and shows off so much personality. From the green glowstick bands on Dr. Hare’s belt to the metallic-grey socks of Binary Bard’s robot legs, there’s wonderful attention to detail and resourcefulness in this cosplay look. Check out more photos of the look here and find their Instagram here.

Dr. Hare & Black Widow Cosplay by Yamcha (gokuostrich)

Once again, these IRL costumes have blown me away. And TikTok has been a great platform lately for showing off that Poptropica cosplay. Makes me want to attend a real-life PoptropiCon and dress up as my Popsona. These looks are instantly recognizable and just seem so fun to wear. But honestly, it’s that little Dr. Hare plush and carrot that really sets this look out from the rest. Don’t talk to me or my son ever again. Find the original videos here and here, and find more on their TikTok here (note that some content may be for ages 13+).

Subnautica Sea Monkey by HeartOfEnder

I particularly like this submission because of its unique approach to the theme. For any Subnautica: Below Zero fans, you may recognize this sea monkey that has a Poptropica-style twist. The translation of the sea creature into a Poptropican is super interesting, and I love to see the comparisons between this design and the original. The color scheme is especially nice! It would make a great in-game costume. Find the artist commonly on Discord.

Rumpel Revolution by sleepybiker

With recent Rumpelstiltskin-ified items available in the Baron’s Cabinet of Curiosities, including a certain altered Dr. Hare costume, seeing Rumpelstiltskin in other iconic Poptropican outfits is rather appropriate, don’t you think? I like to think that he’s getting into the Community Creations spirit and really participating in this month’s theme of cosplay, if but in his own mischievous way. 😜 Plus, he just looks so darn cute! Find their DeviantArt here.

Ringmaster Raven Cosplay by Toma (

Again, here we see Poptropica cosplaying really taking off on TikTok! Ringmaster Raven is a fan favorite character (who deserved better, of course) and so it’s super cool to see him come to life like this. A funny use of audio to match the look, and very theatrical! The eyes on the hat to match Raven’s in-game hat really tie the whole look together. Find more on their TikTok here (note that some content may be 13+).

Honorable Mentions

As always, you guys crushed it with your creativity. My expectations for Poptropica cosplay are now super high. And what great timing with San Diego Comic Con happening just recently!

August: How Do I Participate?

Community Creations is a cool series for anyone in the Poptropica community to join in on. To sum up what it’s about, it’s basically a chance to show off your artwork, creepy fan-fics, Pop clubhouses, costumes, and anything else that pops into your mind.

If we really like the piece you submit, we will feature it here on the PHB! As long as it relates to that month’s theme. So what is August’s theme? August’s theme is…

🎉💿📼 ‘80s! 📼💿🎉

Maybe it’s been the lack of classic islands or maybe my binging of Stranger Things or our recent celebration of the Poppies, but with summer ending soon I’ve been feeling a whole lot of nostalgia lately. So as we move towards the future, why not celebrate the past a bit too?

Now, I know Poptropica’s demographic is more ’90s and early 2000s kids, but I thought it would be fun to turn back the clock just a little bit more with our next theme. The ’80s was an era of bright neon colors and bold styles to say the least, which could be quite fun to incorporate more into Poptropica. And some of its trends have made a return! I’m talking mullets, VHS-style video, vaporwave aesthetics, you name it.

Influence from the ’80s can even be seen in Poptropica. Maybe draw DJ Saturday Nite in a ton of neon colors? Or reimagine the Night Watch mall as if it were in the 1980s. Make your best ‘80s inspired costume or even write about an island set in the ’80s. Check out LJ’s Poptropica fashion through the decades for some more inspiration.

  • Submit: Comment below with a link to whatever you’ve created, email it to the PHB team on our Contact page, OR share it with me (SydVC aka Spotted Dragon) on DeviantArtTwitterTumblr, or Discord.
  • Results: Next month, I will feature 5 submissions that stood out to me the most as well as some honorable mentions.
  • Limitations: Just make sure you relate to both the theme and Poptropica (and nothing NSFW or otherwise inappropriate).
  • Due Date: I will take any entries before the end of this month. Submit as many things as you’d like!

I will be sure to let you know I have seen your creation. While quality counts, I’m mainly looking for something to simply catch my eye, so don’t be afraid to join in!

So what are you waiting for? Go make something awesome!


Fan Art Features, Store

Eye for Poppin’ Styles 👁

Hey Poptropicans! We hope you enjoyed the extravaganza of our Pop fan awards this month — be sure to catch the whole Poppies recap on our blog, including a surprise visit from Official Poptropica! 🏆✨

Following that big buzz, this update is short and sweet. Enjoy the latest hits from Pop’s Instagram stories, including a makeup reel, vivid drawing, and a meme from a mobile game studio Poptropica follows. 🎨

As July wraps up, it’s almost time to say goodbye to many of the summertime styles in Adventure Outfitters! Find out more about this week’s costume rotation and the exiting items on the Creators’ Blog.

Thanks for popping in! 🌟 If you haven’t already, do settle in for just a bit longer to admire all the honorees at the Poppies, including the most voted “Coolest Wallpaper,” highlights of nostalgic memories, and a glorious gallery for all the “Best Fan Art” nominees chosen by you all.

See you in the next one!


Community Creations, Monster Carnival Island

Community Creations: June 2022


Hello once again everyone! Spotted Dragon here bringing you the June recap for Community Creations. June’s theme was Carnival, so be sure to check out all the featured artists!

No clue what’s going on? Go see our intro post.

Top 5 Picks

Carnival by XMzhier

Right away, this submission caught my eye with its creative, dynamic perspective. Having the viewer positioned in the game booth makes for a really interesting use of depth and drama! The eye contact with Black Widow and sense of danger with her soon-to-be-thrown dart provides some captivating intensity. Not to mention how I love seeing all these different characters visiting another island, and with such cool outfit designs! Amazing work! Find their Twitter here.

Monster Carnival Poster Redraw by TillyMeowJings

Of course, no “carnival” theme would be complete without some good ol’ Ringmaster Raven features. This design is a recreation of his poster seen on the island, which is really neat to see done in a different style. It retains that sense of vintage, worn paper while incorporating a more digital-feel in its linework. I also love seeing the slight alternate design choices of Raven’s outfit and other small details! Find her Tumblr here.

Goofy Ringmaster & Wicked Ringmaster by Magic Poptropican

Between these two costumes, I love to see their differences and similarities in how they relate to our carnival theme. Both mimic the theatrical aesthetic of Ringmaster Raven, with elements like the top hats, capes, and staffs, but have their own twists too. The goofy version is especially fun to see since it clearly incorporates themes from the recent Goofball Island! I also appreciate the attention to detail in the pet that accompanies this character, and how it changes accessories as well. Find the artist commonly in the comment section.

Monster Mya and Oliver by sleepybiker

Now this was quite the unexpected submission! The “Monster” aspect of Monster Carnival is obviously a huge part of the island’s story, but it’s especially interesting to think about what the monster versions of other characters may look like as well. The drawing was based on a fan-fiction that the artist wrote, making for some wonderfully fun designs. Find their DeviantArt here.

The Bird Boy by Dangerous Dragon

It was another dark moonless gloomy night in one of Poptropica’s unknown island, usually people would be scared but today they had a smile on their face! It was the day before Halloween! This time there was a carnival too! There was even a costume contest. People tried on many costumes and stores sold out in minutes! People were really excited as there was a chance to meet the famous monster Bird-Boy aka Ringmaster Raven! Now there was this boy Edgar who seemed the most different from all. He was the only Poptropican who couldn’t understand what the big deal was. “What’s so special about that magician?” asked Edgar. His grandfather told him all about the history of Ringmaster Raven. “They say that he is a monster! A long time ago in another one of poptropica’s island people used to hate him when he first appeared. Then Ringmaster Raven seeked revenge but was stopped. A hero named Dangerous Dragon helped Ringmaster Raven to fight for his justice without harming people. People soon realized that they were wrong. They agreed on equality. Now Ringmaster Raven is famous and even Dangerous Dragon too! Too bad this happened long ago. The island has already sunk.” Said his grandfather. Edgar was fascinated by all of this. He wanted to meet Raven!

The next day on Halloween Edgar set out to the contest wearing a costume that was most splendid. He was dressed up as Dangerous Dragon! When he reached the carnival it was filled with stalls of games, food and much more! There was even a Pumpkin decoration contest but Edgar had come to participate in the costume contest. There was a stage and everyone had to come up and show their costumes. When Edgar came up and Ringmaster Raven looked at him, he cried of joy! It reminded him of his friend who fought for his justice! After other people had finished, it was time for the result declaration. Everyone was excited to see who won. Ringmaster Raven walked to the stage and announced the winner. Edgar won! Ringmaster Raven came up to him and asked him to be his assistant. Edgar accepted and so now he helps Raven all around the world in his shows!

Though this is a simple narrative, details are rather apropos for the controversy surrounding Monster Carnival Island. The short story takes place in an alternate universe where Ringmaster Raven is accepted instead of ostracized and unfairly punished like in the island’s original ending. The ending was later rewritten, but still results in an imprisoned Ringmaster Raven. Dangerous Dragon gives us a glimpse into what Raven’s life could have looked like instead, which opens the door to a world of alternate possibilities. What do you think such a world would look like? Find the artist in the comments section.

Honorable Mentions

Night at the Carnival by Smart Icicle and Bronze Socks

It is 10:00 in the morning, Red Ant and Maroon Lizard are on Main Street. They notice a flyer near the ice cream parlor.

Red Ant reads the flyer: Hello everyone! The Carnival is officially coming to town. Please go to the right to get to the front gate. Tickets are worth 25 credits. Can’t wait to see everyone! -the Ringmaster

Maroon Lizard: A carnival! Can we go. PLEASE!

Red Ant: Sure, I have enough credits to buy us both tickets. Come on!

Red Ant and Maroon Lizard rush to the carnival gate…


Looking at all the submissions from this month, I think I’m suddenly craving some cotton candy… anybody else? Just me? Well, anyways, awesome job as usual, everyone!

July: How Do I Participate?

Community Creations is a cool series for anyone in the Poptropica community to join in on. To sum up what it’s about, it’s basically a chance to show off your artwork, creepy fan-fics, Pop clubhouses, costumes, and anything else that pops into your mind.

If we really like the piece you submit, we will feature it here on the PHB! As long as it relates to that month’s theme. So what is July’s theme? July’s theme is…

🎉👯‍♀️ COSPLAY! 👯‍♀️🎉

PoptropiCon Episode 2: Spoiler Alert was recently re-released for all players, which got me thinking about all the amazing costumes and fun references throughout the island. Conventions IRL have slowed down quite a bit these last few years due to the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the same way online!

Cosplay is such a fundamental part of conventions, both IRL and in the world of Poptropica. I mean, who doesn’t love the chance to don a killer costume based on your favorite character? This month, we’ll extend that practice to Poptropica!

Of course, you can make a Poptropica costume based on your favorite TV show character, for example. But you could also draw other characters in the style of Poptropica, or write a fan-fiction all about dressing up at PoptropiCon. Maybe draw some of your favorite scenes from PoptropiCon featuring the coolest costumes, or even make your own IRL costume based on a Poptropican!

You can also check out our characters from pop culture in the PHB’s costume lookbook for inspiration on how to get started!

  • Submit: Comment below with a link to whatever you’ve created, email it to the PHB team on our Contact page, OR share it with me (SydVC aka Spotted Dragon) on DeviantArtTwitterTumblr, or Discord.
  • Results: Next month, I will feature 5 submissions that stood out to me the most as well as some honorable mentions.
  • Limitations: Just make sure you relate to both the theme and Poptropica (and nothing NSFW or otherwise inappropriate).
  • Due Date: I will take any entries before the end of this month. Submit as many things as you’d like!

I will be sure to let you know I have seen your creation. While quality counts, I’m mainly looking for something to simply catch my eye, so don’t be afraid to join in!

So what are you waiting for? Go make something awesome!


Fan Art Features, Pets, Polls, Social Media, Store

Get Crazy Cozy and Vote for Vestments 🧣🗳️

Hey, Poptropicans! Let’s take a look at the latest in Pop fall fashion and revisit some contest-winning classics. After that, we’ll check out a special review of Goofball Island as well as some fun fan art features.

With temperatures dropping IRL, Adventure Outfitters is debuting some cozy fashion for both Poptropicans and pets. Players can buy themselves the oversized Cool Autumn outfit for one easy payment of 250 credits. It’s a simple look that goes well with many different accessories such as a pair of glasses. 👓

Pets get three new items to match their owners’ outifts. All players can keep their pets warm with the Sweater Buddy sweater and Snug Bean hat, which pair nicely with the Snug Vibes outfit. On the other paw, members and their pets can be extra sweet together with the Slice of Pie costume, which matches the Sweet as Pie costume. These cute and cozy critter costumes cost 75 credits each.

While the Creators are choosing the winner of November’s costume contest, players can vote for which of the previous winning designs should return during the Baron’s next visit! If you missed one of these costumes the first time around, here’s your chance to have it return next month. Head over to the Creators’ Blog and let your voice be heard!

Have you had a chance to play through the newly released Goofball Island? Because we’ve got a special review of the island from none other than Emperor Thirsty Flame himself!

In this Twitter thread, the designer of Goofball Island, who also goes by the name Blank Slayte, talks about being pleasantly surprised by the visuals, the gameplay, and his being immortalized as Goofball Island’s founder. It must be exciting and surreal to become a part of Poptropica history. You can also read about how Thirsty Flame designed Goofball Island in this exclusive PHB interview! 🤪🏝️

By the way, we’re loving how much detail is in the new island. Check out our Goofball Island Guide to see if you caught them all!

Speaking of goofy, only a couple hours remain in the Goofy Clubhouse Challenge. You have until tonight at 8 p.m. PST to submit your hilarious homes to the Pop Creators. Good luck, peculiar Poptropicans!

Last but not least, we have five features from Pop’s latest Instagram stories. This particular batch not only has fan art for the new Goofball Island, but even an NFT meme from the official Coolmath Games account. Make of that what you will.

That’s all for now! What do you think of this week’s Adventure Outfitters update? Which of the 10 winning costumes do you want to see make a comeback? What are your thoughts on Goofball Island? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

—Gentle Dolphin 🐬