Advertisements, Fan Art Features

Sad Blues with Ad Clues 🌀🐾

Hey Poptropicans, pop in for a big blue ad and little sketches! 🌀🖌

A new ad is popping up in the ad spaces between scenes, though not (yet?) on Home Island. Tap into the movie poster for “Blue’s Big City Adventure” — no ad building design this time — to enter a bright city park. Then click on Blue, the dog, to start a game of hide-and-seek.

Run around the park in search of the five items, and for your efforts, you’ll win a Blue Rainbow Follower and Blue Paw Prints. Enjoy! And if you’re interested, this live-action/animated movie based on the show Blue’s Clues is now streaming on Paramount+. 🐶

Speaking of ad spaces between scenes, the one from Amelia’s mini-quest has been popping up outside of visits to Adventure Outfitters. Now, you might also encounter this extra scene while heading off on your blimp to get to the map! Poptropica sure knows how to squeeze in their ad spots… and we’re stuck walking through them. 🙃

Rounding off this update, enjoy the latest fan art features from Poptropica’s Instagram stories full of villain vibes! 💥


Fan Art Features, Monthly Costume Contests, Polls, Poptropica Worlds

Rest in Pop: No more Poptropica Worlds 🌏

RIP to the 3D, post-Flash Poptropica prototype: Poptropica Worlds. This week, the plug was quietly pulled from the game for good.

Rest In Pop 2017–2022

Pop Worlds began its life in 2017, releasing only a handful of islands in the year that followed: Crisis Caverns, Greek Sea Odyssey, 24 Carrot and Home Island (both of which are different from the versions we know today), as well as the mini-game Dr. Hare’s Revenge.

Clubhouses began on Poptropica Worlds’ Home Island

But by 2019, with barely any updates and some glitches never quite resolved, Poptropica quietly began to retire the game, first by hiding all links to it from their website. However, as long as you visited or downloaded the mobile app for iOS or Android devices, which would sync with the desktop game, you could still play it. But as of this week in November 2022, it seems, not anymore.

Scene from Crisis Caverns Island

Now, going to the link will redirect you back on the original homepage. The app has also been removed from the Apple and Google Play stores, which seems to point to the official end for Poptropica Worlds. We’re sad to see it go! While there’s no archive of the game itself available, you can revisit its legacy through our various blog posts under the Poptropica Worlds category. Rest In Pop, Worlds.

Thanks to Muddy Fly and Dizzy Feather for sharing this news.

While we’re missing Pop Worlds, over on this side of Poptropica, we may soon be seeing the return of one of this year’s free costumes! On the Creators’ Blog, you can cast your vote for which player-designed outfit from the Baron’s Cabin of Curiosities you’d like to see make a comeback next month. Guess that means we won’t be seeing the airship this month, but at least it’ll be back in time for the winter holidays!

On the note of design, check out the latest fan art features from Poptropica’s Instagram stories — red’s a hot color this week! 🔥


Advertisements, Fan Art Features, Member Gifts, Social Media

Transforming Earth with a Poplitical Spark

Hey Poptropicans! Pop in for a drive around danger, a dose of proper politics, delightful fan art, and dazzling member gifts.

Head to Home Island, and besides enjoying the fall colors, you can now also take a sweet ride for a little spin in the new ad game for the animated series Transformers: EarthSpark! 🤖🌲

Thanks to Dizzy Feather for contributing to this news post!

Your goal is to get to Bumblebee without letting the robot spiders get too close. Like an inverse version of Zomberry Hero, you can’t let your danger meter get too high, or you’ll have to start over.

Though you get to pick which of the vehicles you use, you’ll get both of them when you win: a Twitch Drone Flier and Thrash Motorcycle Rider.

Over on Twitter, Poptropica dabbled in a bit of politics by calling for people to vote in the US midterm elections last week. 🗳 Not since Poptropica’s accidental endorsement of Joe Biden for US President in 2020 have we seen their Pop-litical side, but considering the population of older players on social media, maybe it does make sense…

Enjoy the latest fan art featured on Poptropica’s Instagram stories this past week! And speaking of art, don’t forget there are just a few days left for the Holly Jolly Holiday Design Contest, which ends this Wed, Nov 16. Your idea could be one of the next member gifts! 🖌🎁

Speaking of member gifts, check out this month’s goodies! Members of November can find a rainbow Baby Unicorn Follower, Unicorn Wings, and Unicorn Headband in their inventories. Smells like Amelia! 🦄


Fan Art Features, PoptropiCon Island, Roblox

Dr. Hare in Roblox: City Slam Survival 🐰💥

Hey Poptropicans and Robloxians!

Poptropica’s spin-off Roblox games studio, Suit Up Games, just dropped a new Roblox game: City Slam Survival. Alas, it has nothing to do with Poptropica, save for one freebie you can get: a cubic Dr. Hare pet.

To get this pink bunny block following you around on Roblox, click on the backpack button inside the game and go to Pets. From there, enter the promo code as shown on a Home Island billboard — HareDoc (case sensitive, so only capitalize the H and D) — to get your li’l Dr. Hare. 🐰

As an ad for Lunchables 100% Juice, City Slam Survival is seeing much more impressive stats (25K+ visits so far) than Poptropica’s previous Roblox releases. The game’s premise is simple: smash to collect, collect to build, and build to survive. It’s quite the swerve from typical Pop…

While Dr. Hare is out getting his brand deal on another platform, another character isn’t so lucky. PHC user Fearless Star noticed that in the current PoptropiCon Island, Ep. 2, a poster was quietly removed.

The banner in the in-game convention center featured a superhero called “Proto-13” who resembled the manga character Astro Boy. We guess it might have been taken down due to copyright concerns, despite all the parodies on the island. Welp, RIP Proto-13 🙏

Despite the loss of one art piece, there’s plenty more to be admired on Poptropica’s Instagram stories. Here are their latest fan art features:

Don’t forget, the Holly Jolly Holiday Design Contest is open until November 16! Try your hand at designing the next batch of member gifts for winter — you might win your own idea made into the game. 🎄


Fan Art Features, Home Island, Mission Atlantis Island, Store

Autumn Home and Atlantis Hint 🍂🐡

Happy November! As we bid farewell to Red October (did you check out our delightfully devilish Hallowinners??), we’re ushering in a new look…

Home Island has pulled another one of its infamous switch-a-roos, and the landing base is now covered in yellow and orange fall foliage. 🍂🍁

Inside Adventure Outfitters, the shop floor is now offering some distinctly underwater inspired costumes and sea creature clubhouse props! Though the Pop Creators haven’t mentioned anything yet, we can’t help but wonder if this is a hint for Mission Atlantis Island, which had its first episode re-released on Haxe (desktop and mobile) for members the last time some of these items were in the store. One year on, is the island finally going to open to non-members?

Enjoy the latest fan art features from Poptropica’s Instagram stories, collected over the past couple of weeks. We’ve got OCs galore, a few memes, and even a sketch of the scary Red Queen!

Anyway, the deep sea isn’t the only blue tide lately! Catch some more of the beautiful blues in our Community Creations and Halloween costume contest winners. Sea ya in the next wave, Poptropicans! 🌊
