
Fantastic furniture and a website without Worlds

Hello, everyone! My name is Gentle Dolphin, and today we have quite a few interesting things happening over at Poptropica. Let’s get started with a magical clubhouse shop update.

The clubhouse shop has been updated to include some new items that could only exist in our wildest fantasies. In total, there are fourteen new items: ten mythical creatures, three woodsy wallpapers, and one unicorn plushie.

Sadly, only four of these items (blue ogre, mushroom kid, sugar plum fairy, and gnome) are available to all players. Look on the bright side, with the announcement of “Clubhouse of the Week”, you can give your clubhouse a magical touch to stand out from the rest. Log in and get customizing!

Before you log in, you may notice that the Poptropica homepage has been given a makeover, complete with a brand new banner showcasing what you can expect in the game. I’m going to miss the old homepage design, but this still looks nice.


Although this is a nice change, I can’t help but ask myself “Where is Poptropica Worlds?” The homepage doesn’t have a link to Pop Worlds; clicking either the “Log In” button or the “Play Now” button will direct you to Poptropica Original. This is especially strange considering that, a few days earlier, the homepage had Poptropica Worlds-style graphics, yet there were still no links to it whatsoever. Take a look:


Crazy, right? I googled Poptropica Worlds to check whether or not it was still working. Pop Worlds still works, though it still hasn’t changed since last year. This brings up a lot of questions regarding the future of Pop Worlds. Why would the Creators just leave Poptropica Worlds off of the homepage?” “Why haven’t the Creators been giving it nearly as much love and attention as its older sibling, Poptropica Original? “

It’s no secret that the Creators are hard at work making sure that Poptropica Original is able to stick around after Flash is no longer supported by the end of 2020; they’ve made this clear as day. But you’d think that they would also put focus on Pop Worlds, which was originally created to be a successor to Pop Original.

A while back, the Creators wrote on their blog that they were working on updates for Pop Original and Pop Worlds. They stated that though they were working on Pop Original, they hadn’t abandoned Pop Worlds. Right now, it’s hard to fully believe their statement regarding Pop Worlds. Here’s what they said:

And for those of you wondering about Worlds, don’t worry, new updates are headed there too! The Creators have been working on some updates that *have* to happen to Poptropica so we can keep it around after Flash is no longer supported, but that doesn’t mean we’ve abandoned Worlds!

That’s about it for now. What do you guys think of the new fantasy furniture items? What do you think is in store for Poptropica Worlds’s future? Leave a comment below!

Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

-Gentle Dolphin

9 thoughts on “Fantastic furniture and a website without Worlds”

  1. My biggest question is **how** will they keep it around after the end of flash? They said it plenty of times, but they never said how though…

    For Worlds future, maybe after when they announce what they’re gonna do with original they will do some stuff with Worlds again (though, probably best if they have a separet team, so they both get the same amount of attention).

  2. BTW, I might as well have a chair(or more) barracaiting my door for the contest… Nothing can top that. 😏

  3. I can’t find Skullduggery Island on either the original game or Poptropica Worlds. I literally bought a membership to see if that would help and still nothing. Anyone know where to find it these days?

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