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Greg heffley in the flesh!

Yes it is! When you log on to poptropica you’ll see something strange…

Greg's got a book series, a movie, a poptropica ad, what more does he need?

Go on to main street, and you’ll find greg. He’ll tell you this:

Come back on Thursday to see the front cover of my new book!

It’s kinda ironic they’d choose greg, since he’s the creation of Jeff Kinney (Comic Kid on poptropica)

Also, it seems that target is pairing up with poptropica membership to form something insanely awesome! More on the home page!

This is Lightning saying:Adios!

UPDATE:The cover has been revealed! Here it is!

He seems to be holding an egg...
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Crazy Costumes, Yogo Bucks, and… Nate Greenwall!

It looks like the Poptropica Creators are using their fashion sense to create some more crazy costumes for Poptropica soon! Here’s their latest sneak peek:

Blog Post Title: New Outfits!
Description: Here are a few examples of some “super-special” outfits we are working on!
Image URL:
Image Name: specialOutfits.jpg

Hmm, hmm, hmm – special outfits? What are they for? We don’t know yet. Maybe an advertisement?

Anyway, I’m not sure what they are, but I’ll try to describe them. Going from left to right: a lady with a queen’s robe and some sort of white wig (looks like a lawyer’s wig with jewelry on it), a white-skinned Asian-looking girl with a string instrument and purple dress, a soldier with a big helmet and 2 swords (one in his hand, one on his belt), and a guy in a lion costume, holding a mouse (would that have anything to do with the story, The Lion and the Mouse?). 😛


Welcome to the Yogo Bucks Club!

It’s the newest advertisement building on Poptropica, one predicted by Codien’s PHB Sneak Peeks. They can be found on Early Poptropica, Shark Tooth, Time Tangled and Nabooti. Thanks for the location names, Shiny Leaf!

To get the special Yogo Bucks Club Suit, you have to win the 3 games around the clubhouse. They are:

  • Money Grab: lower-left part
  • Card Match: lower-right part
  • Find the Hidden Card: upper-right part

Once you beat all 3 games, you will win the Yogo Bucks Club Suit and a special prize – good luck!

After reading about Jeff Kinney being a Creator, Grumpy Wolf shares about someone named “Nate Greenwall” who also seems to be a Creator:

I’ve also heard of a man named “Nate Greenwall”, whom they are talking about on other blogs, But I’ll look into it.

His website is and on his resumé that he’s worked with Pearson Education Inc. and he joined the Poptropica team in ‘07. He is the one who even designed the Poptropica logo!

Cool – there are now 3 known ways of contacting the Poptropica Creators:

  • Vlad the Viking: Send him a message on his YouTube channel page, one of his videos, or via private messaging. This requires you to have your own YouTube account, and you must be at least 13 to have one. The link is
  • Jeff Kinney: Send him an E-mail. This requires you to have your own E-mail address. Jeff’s E-mail address is [email protected].
  • Nate Greenwall: Contact Nate. Visit his website,, and click on “Contact” on the left. This requires you to have your own E-mail address. On the contact form, fill in your name, E-mail address, and what you want to say to him.

Check out the post below to learn more about Jeff Kinney, see an Astro Island sneak peek, and discover that the PHB has had its first half a million views!

Astro-Knights Island, Sneak Peeks, Uncategorized

Our first half-million, Jeff Kinney, and Shining Crystals!

Yes!! Poptropica Help Blog has reached 500,000 hits – that’s half of a million! 😯

Special First Posts!:
Scary Tomato’s first post (joined July 26, 2008.)
Smockers’s first post (joined October 6, 2008.)
Codien’s first post (joined October 20, 2008.)

The PHB was created on July 26, 2008. Today is February 17, 2009. That means it took only around 6 months, 3 weeks, and a day! That was quick! 😀

To celebrate with a bit of confetti, check out this funny website:

The language written there is Dutch, but don’t worry, you don’t need to know Dutch to watch the cool video there! Oh, and turn on the volume for extra effects, too! 😛


  • opens the cookie jar*
  • munches*

Let’s add some milk to that, too! Cheers! :mrgreen:

Many of you might know Jeff Kinney. In case you don’t, he’s the author of the bestselling series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid! If you want to read Diary of a Wimpy Kid, you can see it online for free on Funbrain:

Anyway, Grey Flame recently discovered on Jeff’s website that Jeff Kinney himself is one of Poptropica’s Creators! Thanks for sharing, Grey Flame!

For proof, visit Mr. Kinney’s website at:

Click on “Author Interview” at the left side. Under the second Q-and-A that shows up, click on “Next”. On the next page find where it says “Q: Are you a full time writer?” A:, the answer, says: “No. I work full-time as a virtual world designer, and I created I’m also a full-time dad, so things are very busy for me right now!”

The big news is, there’s now another known way to contact the Poptropica Creators! On Mr. Kinney’s website, click on “Contact” at the left. At the top, it says:

Jeff Kinney
[email protected]

Please note: Because of the amount of E-mail Jeff receives, it’s not possible for him to respond quickly. It might take a few months for Jeff to get your E-mail.

We might be able to ask Jeff Kinney about Poptropica questions by sending E-mails to him! However, as the note says on his website, it might take quite a while before he replies (if he even does at all!).

If any of you send him an E-mail, and he replies, tell us about it! You can forward it to us at [email protected]. If it’s really interesting we can share it with everyone else on Poptropica Help Blog, and give you credit, of course!

Anyone here like pink? Then this next Astro-Knights sneak peek is for you!

Thanks Zany Moon for the alert. Adorned all over this image we see are a many shiny pink crystals. Here’s the picture and information:

Blog Post Title: Far Far Far Away
Description: I’ve found some really unique places within the vast world of Poptropica. This place was really special with its many glistening and glowing pink crystals. I couldn’t help but pick one up and examine its beauty.
Image URL:
Image Name: crystals.jpg

Maybe we’ll get to hold these crystals on Astro-Knights, since that’s what Comic Kid is doing in the picture! 😉

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