
📺 Pop YouTubers: making art, rapping smart 🎨🎤

Hey Poptropicans, we’re back with another spotlight on YouTubers fuelling their creativity with Poptropica!

This first video comes from an artist called roseshards, who typically posts animations and paintings of cats on her channel. Here, however, Rose takes on a challenge to make good art using the easel on Counterfeit Island. Can it be done on this limited drawing feature? Watch her struggles and successes:

With just a computer mouse (for the most part) and no undo button, this talented artist was able to turn out a pretty spectacular painting, wouldn’t you say? If you’d like to try out this easel for yourself, check out our post on the situation with classic islands to find your way to Counterfeit Island.

Onto a different art form, a little-known rapper going by the name Yung Boy recently dropped a track called “Garrett” and dedicated it to Poptropica. This rap follows a guy named Garrett, who finds himself on 24 Carrot Island, explores a bit, then moves on to Mythology Island. Check it out:

This Poptropica rap seems to be the first of its kind, and it was pretty slick, right? The gameplay captured in the video goes great with the beat, and the seemingly simplistic lyrics flow well. Sure would be cool to see more of these!

That’s all for this post. Hope you enjoyed these creative videos! And if you’re inspired to make some Poptropica fan art of your own, check out the PHB’s Community Creations. Keep on rocking, Poptropicans! 🤘

Nabooti Island, NPC Popularity Contests, Spy Island

Mixed Races

Welcome to another round of Poptropica Popularity Contests! It’s the third one this week, and this time we’ve got mixed races: 24 Carrot, Super Power, Spy and Nabooti Islands are all crammed in one! Check it out:

Don’t they all look cool? Whether it’s the policewoman, grass-head, or mayor that you like, remember to head over to the Creators’ Blog to vote. To vote, simply visit the Poptropica Creators’ Blog and look for the poll widget on the right side. Once you find it, read through the options and use the picture above to help you choose! Click on the box(es) you want to give a vote for, and then press Submit. Happy voting! 😆

“A” looks really smart! (It must pay off, too, because he’s winning so far.) Who did you vote for? Today I picked A, C, and G!

If you missed yesterday’s contest, don’t worry. You can still read all about it in the post below!

Snapshot Series, Web Development

The Not-So-Short Penguin

Whoops, Vlad! Looks like 24 Carrot isn’t made up of gold after all! Thanks again, Neat Whale, for the update. Today Vlad the Viking met up with another Poptropican named Short Penguin and got him captured on Snapshot Sagas! This is his tale:

I couldn’t believe that I had made such a mistake. I thought to myself: what better place for a viking like me to conquer, than an island with the name of “24 Karat”? I imagined gold everywhere, it’s wealth bursting from the ground. Also, it was only a short trip from Super Power island.

I realized my error as soon as I had arrived, learning that the wealth bursting from the ground was in it’s CARROT crop… not gold.

I decided to join the group at the closed movie theater for a bit of bubblegum and a game or two, and ran into a Poptropican named Short Penguin! He wasn’t short by any means because he was just as tall as I, and we all know that I am of great stature! He was kind enough to stand still for his portrait amid the bustle of the crowd. Now I have another friend to add to my list!

Keep ever vigilant in watching for me, because you may be the next one featured in Snapshot Sagas!

This has been mentioned before, but just in case you missed it the first time…

Poptropica Help Blog™ presents:

Poptropica Links!

^Click above for the website.^

With Poptropica Links, you can advertise your Poptropica webpage, videos, and more. It’s free, too, and you can leave your advertisement up there for as long as you want (if you want it taken down, just contact us on that website). Or, you can look through the P.L.’s blogroll and browse the ads. Either way, it’s a fun and awesome place! What are you waiting for – check it out now!

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