Advertisements, Home Island

Pop’s Littlest Return to Normalcy 🖥️

Good day, PHB readers! After the shutdown hoax raised concerns about Poptropica’s future, the Creators gave the site some minor updates.

The first update can be found just by going to Poptropica’s homepage. You can once again access Pop’s different web pages. It’s nice that the website is working properly again.

How’s the game itself? Log in to find the second update: Home Island has skipped winter and gone back to its original summery state. While Home Island is in a new era, Adventure Outfitters is still stuck with its nautical November catalog.

Walk to the right to find the third and final update: a new ad for Littlest Pet Shop on Roblox! While it’s a simple video ad with no prizes, it’s a small sign that Pop is still kicking — or at least, its spin-off studio is.

The new Littlest Pet Shop game on Roblox is another creation from Suit Up Games, the Roblox studio formed from diverting resources formerly allocated to Pop. Looks like it’s full steam ahead for Sandbox’s Roblox projects, while Poptropica sticks around as its advertising platform…

Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

—Gentle Dolphin 🐬

Home Island

Fall Back Home This September 🍂🧣

Hey, everyone! Gentle Dolphin here with a quick news update!

Grab your favorite pumpkin spice treats, because fall has arrived on Home Island! The spring flowers have shied away, and the once-green bushes have started sporting shades of orange. Man, the air is feeling a bit chilly already. Better grab some comfy hoodies from the store! 🍂🧣

September may mean the end of summer, but Poptropica’s birthday celebration is still swinging! Don’t forget to log in and claim your sweet birthday gifts before the end of the month. 🧁

Also, you only have a few days left to submit your art to our Pop Sweet 16 Art Collab! If you want your work to be featured in our big birthday collage, please read our original post for instructions and send us your art by Thursday, September 28. 🎉

Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

—Gentle Dolphin 🐬

Fan Art Features, Home Island, Mission Atlantis Island

Spring forward to Mission Atlantis 💐🌊

Hello, everyone! It’s time to spring into action and cover the latest Pop news. Let’s dive in!

The aquatic adventure, Mission Atlantis Island, received two updates on Haxe this week. Members can now dive into Episode 2: Fortress of the Deep, and non-members can finally play Episode 1: Into the Deep, which had been locked behind a paywall for over a year! 🌊🤿

If you can’t wait to explore all of Atlantis, you can play the rest of Mission Atlantis (and plenty of other islands) on Steam or with AS3 Flashpoint. And for a helping hand, don’t miss our Mission Atlantis Island Guide!

As you might have noticed, in the above photo, my island progress bars are empty! Some players have experienced this glitch as well. Don’t worry; your years of progress haven’t been deleted. Revisiting an island sets its progress bar back to normal, but it empties again the next time you log in. Let’s hope this glitch gets fixed soon. 🤞

Before you dive into the depths of Mission Atlantis, stop and smell the flowers on Home Island. The cold winter snow has melted away, and spring has sprung with a colorful array of plant life. Why not celebrate with a seasonal look from Adventure Outfitters? 💐👗

But wait, there’s more from outside of the game! Here are some recent fan art features from Pop’s Instagram stories. The Creators love all of the fan art they get, even if they forget about some of the things that they made over the years. 😅 Click the artists’ names for the full posts!

Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

—Gentle Dolphin 🐬

Fan Art Features, Home Island, Mission Atlantis Island, Store

Autumn Home and Atlantis Hint 🍂🐡

Happy November! As we bid farewell to Red October (did you check out our delightfully devilish Hallowinners??), we’re ushering in a new look…

Home Island has pulled another one of its infamous switch-a-roos, and the landing base is now covered in yellow and orange fall foliage. 🍂🍁

Inside Adventure Outfitters, the shop floor is now offering some distinctly underwater inspired costumes and sea creature clubhouse props! Though the Pop Creators haven’t mentioned anything yet, we can’t help but wonder if this is a hint for Mission Atlantis Island, which had its first episode re-released on Haxe (desktop and mobile) for members the last time some of these items were in the store. One year on, is the island finally going to open to non-members?

Enjoy the latest fan art features from Poptropica’s Instagram stories, collected over the past couple of weeks. We’ve got OCs galore, a few memes, and even a sketch of the scary Red Queen!

Anyway, the deep sea isn’t the only blue tide lately! Catch some more of the beautiful blues in our Community Creations and Halloween costume contest winners. Sea ya in the next wave, Poptropicans! 🌊


Baron's Airship, Fairy Tale Island, Home Island

Red Queen looking for a Green Fiend 😈

Red October is upon us! Board the Baron’s airship unless you want the Queen of Fairytale Island herself on your case — ahem, if you’d like to partake in some Halloween shopping. You know, casual.

That’s right. The infamous Red Queen, the very one mentioned time and again throughout this Fairytale Island extended story, has arrived at last, guarded by dark knights and cats. And she’s on a mission!

Things aren’t looking too good for the green weasel in question. Rumpelstiltskin escaped the airship before the Queen arrived — possibly taking the Baron and her faithful monkey Ack with him, but neither of their whereabouts are known. No Baron’s Crusade this time!

There’s also an interesting bit of dialogue from the Queen that mentions Astro Knights. Could this beloved lost island be reentering the plot?

With these new revelations, we’re left with more questions than before. What are the 7 systems the Red Queen speaks of conquering? How exactly does she plan to defeat Rumpel with that hammer (and do we want to know)? Where’s Rumpel hiding? Is the Queen planning to save her daughter the Baron, or is she after Rumpel for personal gain alone?

It also makes us wonder if Rumpel may not have been Fairytale’s true villain all along. With the introduction of the Red Queen, he’s no longer a menacing shapeshifter but a victim on the run. Will we as the player end up helping him? Whose side are we on?

On a lighter note, the Baron’s absence isn’t hindering her shop’s success: as announced, six new fan-made costumes (one designed by yours truly) are now available in-game for free! Personally, I’m pleased with how my “Jellyfish” was interpreted. The other five look fabulous as well!

You might find these pieces useful for your entry in the PHB’s Halloween costume contest, which is open till October 29. Besides the Red Queen and green fiend, don’t forget to pop in a bit of blue as well. Good luck!

Besides the costumes, you can also pick up two styles of jack-o-lanterns for 50 credits each, and a Rumpel-ized Baron Plushie for 200.

By the way, while Ack is nowhere to be seen, you can still earn credits by playing the Clear the Skies mini-game on the airship, which has been refreshed with a new skin to match the Red October mood!

Meanwhile, Amelia is no longer dangling under the clutches of Baronstiltskin, but back down on Home Island operating an autumnal sale of her own. She makes no mention of what she went through, but you can pop by Adventure Outfitters for hoodies and Halloween decor!

Whew! It’s certainly been an eventful day. There are many different directions the story of the royal family could take, all of them equally intriguing. I’d love to read your thoughts and theories — drop ’em in the comments below! Happy Red October, everyone. 🎃


Thanks to Dizzy Feather for contributing to this post.