Arabian Nights Island

Be prepared for a magical finale: tomorrow! 

Hey, guys, BT here with a quick post.

Plot twist! According to a recent Creators’ post, Arabian Nights Island, Episode 3: “Careful What You Wish For” is coming out for members – tomorrow!

You heard me right. Tomorrow.

Tomorrow members experience Poptropica’s last episodic adventure. Tomorrow concludes young Sarah S’s release of her dream island. Tomorrow we find out the truth behind the genie in the bottle. And also, as per usual, there will be a guide worked on for this finale when the time comes. (And I’ll be doing a ‘Let’s Play’ on it on my YouTube page!)

We’ll see you for this wishful finale tomorrow!

Arabian Nights Island, Popstorms, Realms

I can show you my Realms… shining, shimmering, splendid…

Hey Poptropicans! It’s here – the ability to share your own Realms and visit (and rate) the Realms of others! Sharing is for members only, but all players can check out the “Public Realms” and give likes.


To share a Realm, visit the Realms menu (the bubble in the lower-left corner) and select the Realm you’d like to share, then click the “Share” button (remember, only members can do this). Once you do, it’ll be sent to the Creators for approval, and as long as there’s nothing inappropriate, it’ll be visible to the public shortly.

When it’s approved, you’ll see a Realm code in the Realms menu that you can tell people about so they can check it out. But everyone can visit other people’s Realms – just navigate over to the menu in the top-left and click the dropdown button for “Public Realms”. You can also enter a Realms code, if you know a specific one you want to visit. If you’d like, you are welcome to share your Realm code(s) in the comments here or on our Realms guide for people to check out your creation! 🙂

In the Public Realm-o-sphere, you can browse through the worlds made by members who’ve shared their Realms, give likes, and click “See More” for even more. You might even spot Poptropica Creator Black Widow’s Spider Web lava-land (and pool, if you go right)! (code: 9j548)

And Dr. Hare’s The Lair (code: 95b7p) is a brilliant re-creation of the entire factory on 24 Carrot Island, from the dilapidated exterior down to the Rabbot room at the very end.

Even Master Mime made a little something, a cactus dragon which he calls the Boa Hiyemthoum (code: 8c4yx). Does it look a little like his latest Popstorm drawing (#31, “Pups for sale!”)?

Captain Crawfish also made a video explaining the new features, which you can watch here: Also, as you may notice, the Star Wars Rebels Lightsaber promotion has now ended. For more Realms tips, and if you’d like to comment your Realms code, check out our Poptropica Realms Guide. One last Realms-related note: HPuterpop took the liberty of extracting these beautiful backgrounds from the Realms menus, which you can enjoy here – the images can also be tiled!

On a different note, get ready for Arabian Nights, Ep. 3: Careful What You Wish For, which is expected to be released in July, and keep checking the PHB for news and sneak peeks. There’s a banner up on the homepage now. Djinn see that coming, did you? Arab3-homePage Stay popping, Poptropicans. 😀

Arabian Nights Island, Nabooti Island, Realms

Realms sharing coming soon, and Nabooti demo?

Hey Poptropicans! Slippery here. I’m back!

When you login on Poptropica, you may find something new at the bottom of the homepage screen. Does this sign feature Poptropica Realms? Well, there’s a brand new feature coming soon to Poptropica and it’s what we’ve all been waiting for—realms sharing!

realms sharing

What do you think? Maybe we’ll be able to visit each other’s realms; I can’t wait to try it out.

Speaking of Poptropica Realms, the lightsaber is still there, so better collect as much Poptanium as you can before it’s gone! Check out our Realms guide for more details about the new tool.

Also, the banner carousel when you log in now shows a sneak peek for Arabian Nights Ep. 3: Careful What You Wish For, which is expected to come this July!

arab3 carousel

Meanwhile, something strange has been going on: if you check the Map on a non-member account, Nabooti Island has been marked with the membership icon and the “play the demo!” sign. After playing a while, you’ll be faced with the “End of Demo” screen.

What makes this all the more unusual is that Nabooti came out before membership and demos were a thing on Poptropica. Is Nabooti going to be the next island to be converted to a SUI? Stay tuned to the PHB as we find out more.


Arabian Nights Island, Graphic Novels, Sneak Peeks, Social Media

Release dates, mysterious islands, and BTS images

Hey guys! Lots of stuff on Twitter, as usual. I asked the Creators about release dates for islands, and they weren’t too specific, but we now have a general idea of when new islands are coming out! Knowing the Poptropica Creators though, the dates below could change.

At least it’s something, right? 😛 Just to recap: Mystery of the Map Island is planned for May for members, and June for everyone. Arabian Nights Ep. 3 comes out around July.

Now, the islands in the tweets above aren’t the only ones in our future. The Creators want your opinion on some mysterious new designs for a mysterious new island. Remember, nothing is official yet, so the island might not even come out!

Seems like their idea somehow relates to jail, judging by the police officers, inmates, and canines (“K9”, heh) above. Hopefully we will have more info on the island soon!

Moving on to different islands, we also have two other behind the scenes images from Twitter.

The first image shows a, uh, man-baby of sorts… *cough* and the other shows on old fort on a tropical island. These pictures are most likely for Arabian Nights Island and Mystery of the Map Island respectively. Post any ideas you have about how the man-baby relates to the island below! 🙂

Last, but not least, we have PopStorms 24 & 25! #24 is basically the creativity of a Poptropica Creator, and #25 was posted with the caption: “This character has Poptropica eyes and loves ding dongs.” 😛

That’s all for now!


Arabian Nights Island, Galactic Hot Dogs Island, Sneak Peeks, Social Media

Office supplies: books, concept art, & toys – check!

Okay, let’s go over my check list… behind the scenes books? Check! Concept art? Check! An office filled with toys? Triple check!

Now, at this point, you may be super confused, but that’s perfectly fine because it will all soon be clear!

*cough* Aaaaannnyway… you may have noticed how the Creators have taken a bit of a break from posting behind the scenes awesomeness on Twitter. But just recently, the Creators have returned with some more great concept art! The first piece of behind the scenes awesomeness is some early concept art for Galactic Hot Dogs Island.

ghd concept art

The second image we have shows a bookshelf, most likely for Arabian Nights Island.

arabian nights concept art

A lot of these books seem like they would come in handy! These BTS pictures are also found on Poptropica as Daily Pops.

Last, but not least, we get a glimpse at life in a Poptropica Creator’s office.

So. Many. Collectibles. Creators, if you’re reading this, I wouldn’t mind taking a few toys off your hands. 😉 Looking around, we can see t-shirts of Poptropica’s greatest super villains, a cylindrical object beside it (a Poptropica pencil case? Hard to tell!) and a Mystery of the Map poster drawn in the style of the Poptropica book covers.

Well, that’s it for now guys! Anything on the checklist that I missed? Don’t worry, check back into the PHB soon for more updates! 🙂