Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Island, Tribes

Always Golden

Plot twist: I’m alive! 😉 Bet you weren’t expecting that one.

So, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has only been released for just over a day, and so many Poptropicans have already rushed through the gates, waving your Golden Ticket around yelling “I’M IN! I’M IN!”

Or at least most of you did. Some of you only yelled “I’M IN!” once.

Either way, whether you’re in or out, there are some who are undeniably quick and zip through islands. It requires speed, strength, knowledge, and a bag of candy.

Without further ado, let us congratulate those who stayed golden throughout the whole island and finished it the quickest! Put your hands together (even if they’re covered in chocolate) for…


1. Dizzy Leopard
of the Flying Squid

(What did I say about the candy? Everyone loves it!)

2. Zippy Leopard
of the Flying Squid

(I want those glasses. Now.)

3. Little Owl
of the Wildfire

(I also want those glasses. Poptropicans always look good in glasses. And candy.)

4. Angry Claw
of the Nanobots

(I want those headphones. Then we can all listen to music that suits the mood for each part of the island. Pile on the suspense!)

5. Smart Eagle
of the Pathfinders

(Pathfinders; a fellow tribesmate. Well done, Smart Eagle!)

6. Green Seal
of the Seraphim

(It’s impossible to not be one of the first with an epic name like that. Green and gold go good together.)

7. Trusty Grape
of the Black Flags

(Oh, that’s one of the coolest hairstyles I’ve ever seen! And the medallion looks simply amazing!)

8. Young Clown
of the Nanobots

(I really do love the medallion. The way Young Clown is wearing it allows us to see the red and white striped design of the medallion!)

9. Perfect Cactus
of the Pathfinders

(Perfect Cactuses wouldbe first. Congrats!)

10. Invisible Axe
of the Flying Squid

(That is just the most awesomely-bizarre collection of clothing.)

And that concludes our ten first finishers! I do hope many of you cross the finish line soon, to join the elite! Fellow Poptropicans, let us rejoicify by staying golden always and eating candy.

P.S. For the holidays, ask for that new D.S. game. It looks amazifyingly good.

Lunar Colony Island

Almost Time For Blast Off!

(Oh, the joy of finally beating someone to a post! 😉 )

It’s less than two days away from the launch of Lunar Colony!  This island sounds like it’s going to be pretty cool.  And just cause they’re so nice that way, the Creators wanted to give us a reminder about its launch on the 16th (this Thursday).  As if we could forget.

It’s the final countdown

We are less than two days away from the launch of Lunar Colony! It can’t come soon enough. We think you are really going to like this one.

Lunar Colony will be available this Thursday for Poptropica Members. Don’t forget your space helmet!

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Just in case you’ve forgotten, here’s the description from Lunar Colony’s info page:

So, I was looking at some of the pictures on Lunar Colony’s info page, and there was one picture, that when I looked closely at it, had something a little…unusual.

I took a picture and put a red circle around where to look.  You might have to look closely, but see if you can see what I’m talking about.

Did you see it?

That little sign thing that I circled says something like Eye-Color Changing Station.  I’m not sure if that’s exactly what it says, but that’s what it looks like.

So maybe we can change the color of our eyes in this island?  That would be pretty cool.  …Or pretty weird.

What do you think?  Any chance that our Poptropican’s eyes will get some color added to them?  Or do you think that that sign says something else?

Poptropolis Games Island

The Games Begin!

Non-members, you’ve been forced to sit on the sidelines, watching as members bring honor and glory to themselves.  And, though you wanted to compete so badly, you could only just sit there, slowly nibbling the only cookie that Super Thunder would let you have.

But!  That all just changed.  Because, now, Poptropolis Games is out for all!  Now, non-members, you have a chance of getting the title of champion of Poptropica for yourself.

Poptropolis Games is now available to all!

Poptropolis Games is now available for everyone to play. Visit Poptropica now to play Poptropolis Games.

We’ll see you on the medals stand!

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…Of course there’s always the chance that you’ll do something like trip over ten hurdles in a row, or power-up your javelin just a little too much and end up doing a face-plant in the sand.  But, if that does happen, try not to smash your computer into a million pieces.  You’ll get it eventually.  It may be a hundred years before you get it, but you will get it…someday.

Daily Pop, Mystery Train Island

It’s a mystery!

The PCB just announced the latest island: Mystery Train Island! That’s right.

Remember all those sneak peeks the creators had 0n the Daily Pop about all the cabooses and trains? Well, it’ll all be in the next new Mystery Train Island!

You creators are fast :D. Boy, Shrink Ray Island just came out and now you’re announcing a new island? The creators have been working at a fast pace lately. New islands are constantly being released after another. In the past an island seemed to come out every 4 months…but now.

The new island has also appeared on the map with a coming soon sign! The symbol shows  a train with steam smoldering around it. Really do hope there’s going to be a sneak peek game like shrink shot. 🙂

My bet on this island is that it’s about some robbery or criminal act that occured on a train, and so it’d be your job to solve the case and catch the culprit. Guess we’ll just have to wait for details. So far we’re left with a name and a few sneak peeks. We just know it has to deal with a train and mystery. This island is still a mystery…for now. 😉

Sneak Peeks



And you thought green vegetables were scary…

Here’s a sneak peek at some creepy beasts that might be appearing on a future Poptropica island. Which one do you think is scarier? Vote in our poll on the sidebar!

Plant monster #1

Plant monster #2
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I’m definitely voting for #2. What about you guys? Also, if this is for “Robot” island or whatever, than why is the plant not…techy? Maybe this is from another island, and not “Robot” island? :O

And for your information, Captain Clueless, I eat my vegetables, thank you very much.


Sneak Peek of a Rusty Robot

I received special instruction to reveal to you this mysterious image. Be wise. With this small piece of information you could save the future of Poptropica. Your mission, for now, is to wait patiently until further notice.


And from the Official Poptropica Facebook page…

What’s this? It seems there’s another new Poptropica island in the works!

Well, these are nice changes! Seems like the next island will be called “Rusty Robot” island. This island actually seems promising, so I feel more inclined to play it than the last three islands – Reality TV, Myth, Skullduggery.

Looking at the PCB post, the first oddities are on the Poptropican – it has a watch and shoes! On the PHF Thread for it, a few members reported the Creators changing the image – removing the shoes, watch, and line underneath the Poptropican.


However, right now it appears to have gone back to what was originally posted. O_O

In the second sneak peek from Facebook, we seek a giant cog-like structure with platforms on it. It seems like perhaps someone has shut The Hub down – and maybe we have to restart it? Perhaps in this island the  wildlife is completely composed of bio-tech like organisms…? What do you think?

Coskit: Also, remember that old PCB post with the sketches of that “Mechanical” Island that we couldn’t make head or tail of? ( It seems that those sketches are linked to these posts. Just in time, too. I’m getting bored with Skullduggery. 😉 (Jk, jk….)

Let us know what you think in the comments!

Closing question: Would you like a section of the PHF that allowed you to have your own pet from Poptropica, complete with upgrades and customizations?

C0D3Rk1D Out!