Bonus Items, Member Gifts, Membership, Store

Horseback riding through the snow, with plenty of sweaters to stay warm ❄️ 🐴

Hey there, Poptropicans! First things first: another week has flashed by, and that means another store rotation! There’s not a whole lot of new items this time around, but the costume section has got a few cool outfits added. Let’s take a look!

The newest items added this week include:

  • Sunny Sport, Tie-Dye Hoodie, Rock Star (male & female), Elf Costume*

The Little Candy Cane, which remains in the store from last week’s rotation, is oddly showed in both the Power section and the Costume section. Strange, but the more candy canes, the merrier!

The store isn’t the only place to find fun new gear, as 12 Days of Member Gifts festivities are still going strong! For Day 7, Poptropica members received the fabulous—and ever so slightly ridiculous—Snowflake Costume! Just perfect for winter.

Blend in with your wintry surroundings…

Or, if sporting the giant snowflake look is too cold for you, there’s always the option to take the warmer route and bundle up in a Cozy Seater (Day 8)! (Perhaps they meant “Sweater”?)

…or just cozy up instead.

Once you’ve finished your holiday shopping, maybe pop on over to the newest ad: Spirit: Riding Free is available to play on Home Island, or you can access it through the in-between scenes on any island.

Get ready to ride!

The ad doesn’t involve much; all you’re asked to do is watch a short trailer video, and you’re given two themed prizes. The prizes are Lucky’s Racing Gear and Free Spirit! Check out what happens when you tap the space bar on that second item…

Neat stuff! And that’s not all that’s happening this month; join in on the PHB’s Gone-in-a-Flash holiday party, participate in December’s Fire and Ice themed Community Creations, and even submit your ideas to the Creators for the Create Your Dream Island contest before it closes! Happy holidays, and I’ll see you all next time!

~Purple Paw 💜

Back Lot Island, Wallpapers

Heroes, villains, and everybody in between

The Poptropica Creators have created this all-new Poptropica Crowd desktop wallpaper, which comes in downloadable and printable poster formats, both free to use of course. I like it so much that I’ve even created a new PHB header out of it, as you can see above! Now, which costume below is the best?

PopCrowd wallpaper

Speaking of pictures, the Creators have also posted a new sneak peek for Back Lot Island, which appears to be a rather grainy movie clip of a chase sequence in a “Wild West” (not the island) film in sepia. Sometimes that’s just what a movie needs, along with heroes and villains and all.

back lot island clip

Neighhhh, horsey! *rides off into the sunset*

PHB Specials, Pop-over

PHB Pop-over Special: K-Poptropica Style!

PSY in Poptropica

Oppa Gangnam Style! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that’s PSY, the big K-pop(tropica) phenomenon famous for his Korean music video “Gangnam Style” with the crazy horse dance. And in this PHB special adapted from Samwow5, we’ll show you how you can dress up just like this debonair dude.

  • Hair: Cryptids Island (Main Street), make it black at the 24 Carrot Diner
  • Shirt & pants: Prom King (Poptropica Store) – choose from light blue, orange, purple, and white!
  • (Optional) Mic: Rock Singer (Poptropica Store) – if not, get the wand from the Prom King suit.
  • Shades: Customize from the top secret secretary in the Spy Island Headquarters
  • Horse: Dance with the bucking broncos of Wild West Island!

Enjoy the costume and go out in style! Gangnam style, that is. 🙂

Wild West Island

I’d rather be sailing

(You hear the neigh of a horse in the distance. The sound of horse hooves clomping closer and closer gets your attention, and you turn to see… Captain Crawfish riding a horse!)

Hijuyo: Woah there, Crawfish! What brought you here? Fate? Destiny?
CC: A horse.
Hijuyo: Oh, right.

Giddyup horsey!

CC:  Someone get me off this crazy thing! Turns out a horse is harder to control than a pirate ship! At least it doesn’t smell as bad as my scurvy crew, but dang, I would much rather be sailing…
Hijuyo: Well sir, I do hope you’re ready to be nommed.
CC: Whaaa…?
Hijuyo: *clobbers CC with a pan* Wow! Frying pans, who knew, right?
CC:  *falls to the ground. opens one eye* Gah, and all I wanted to say was that I hoped to see some Poptropica members on Wild West Island this weekend…
Hijuyo: *clobbers CC again and stuffs him into a refrigerator* I’ve got a person in my fridge! 😀
*The PHB mob runs over each other and make a beeline for the fridge*
Hijuyo: Eat up, and don’t forget, the horse meat doesn’t taste too bad either!


Btw like the Tangled references? ;D
Cryptids Island, Daily Pop Sneak Peeks

Makeup tests on Tibetan mountaintops

Perhaps you know about the failed gif on the PCB a couple of days ago. Well, no need to be curiously sitting and wondering what it was all about.

Animation re-test

(Please go here to see the gif, as I am unable to copy and paste nor save it)

Nothing like a make-up exam.

avatar image

Although, if you examine if long enough, you may notice that the gif does stop after a while, in the same position it seemed to be eternally stuck in on the previous post. There is a strong chance the horse may be from Wild West island, as you immediately think horsies and pretty ponies when you think cowboys!

Notice how the horse looks awfully similar to a new Daily Pop picture?

There’s also several more Daily Pop pictures– check them out!

It looks a bit like Uno– but the title does say Jack. Perhaps a Poptropica form of Slap Jack, Black Jack, or even an entirely new game!

“Now, lerkey here, Creators. Yer release Cryptids Island sooner then planned and we dun have to report you to the Sheriff. Ev’rybody wins.”

These baddies don’t scare me! *whimper*

I don’t think I want to know either…

Hey, look! There’s Captain Crawfish, kids!

RCG: Oh, hi Captain Crawfish!
CC XII: Agggghhh!
RCG: Got a toothache?
CC XII: Youre…you’re one of those bratty PHB people who always like
to eat me!
RCG: It’s all cool. I don’t like seafood.
CC XII: Oh, very well…I guess I can tell you about the new post.

Tales from the Cryptids

Cryptids Island can be dangerous for an old salt like me. Sea legs I’ve got. Mountaineering arms, not so much. Good thing I found a guide to help me out.

Cryptids Island will be open to everybody next Tuesday, January 18!

avatar image

Whispers from the shadows: Mmm…salt.
CC XII: Who said that??!?!
RCG: No one. It’s okay, Crawfishy.
CC XII: Arghhh, I’m not so sure about that.
RCG: Oh, well. It’s a shame I didn’t bring any salt myself, but I guess you’re already bloated from it, living on the seas and such. It was nice knowing you. I’m glad we could become acquaintances. …Ok guys! Come on in!
*rest of PHB team appears*
CC XII: B-b-but you said you didn’t like seafood!
RCG: I never said that the others didn’t like seafood…


(lights flicker on an off until there is complete darkness)

Random PHB Member: Hey! That’s my finger! AGGGHH! SOMEONE’S EATING MY HAND!
Random PHB Member 2: I’m eating someone’s hand? *barf*
Random PHB Member 3: Where’s that Crawfish Dude? He’s gotten away!

CC XII: Heh heh… now, onto my next adventure!

More tales from the Cryptids

Whether an ocean or a lake — or “loch,” as some call it — I’m always more comfortable on a boat than on land. But during my trip to Scotland in Cryptids Island, I was the passenger and not a captain. I even found time to take pictures.

Did I find proof of the Loch Ness Monster?

avatar image


RCG: *sigh* Notice the strange ridges along “Nessie”? They don’t exactly look like scales. I think you only saw truck tires or giant rusty mechanical gears.
CC XII: How’d you get here?!
RCG: Oh, I’m apart of the PHB posting a random update, and this is only written text. That means I can go where ever I want, as long as the words take me! You’re simply only typed up as well. Did I mention I’m a secret sorceress?
CC XII: That makes no sense…