Astro-Knights Island, Bonus Items, Web Development

Undercover Visitors

Don’t forget! Tomorrow (Sunday, May 31st, 2009) marks the date of our special surprise for all you readers in honor of our recent one million hits! Check the PHB tomorrow to more about this totally RARE oppurtunity. Be prepared!

Need more visitors for your Poptropica webpage? Now that we’ve got at least 20 sites successfully listed in our affiliate site’s Blogroll page, we’ve decided it would be a great ideaย to move it here. Check out thisย updated version of Poptropica Links: PHB’s Poptropica Directory!

๐Ÿ™‚ย ๐Ÿ™‚

Don’t worry, our Poptropica Links website ( is still there, and you can still use it. But what’s great is that we’ve decided to move the Poptropica directory to Poptropica Help Blog too, so that people who have never heard of Poptropica Links will now have a better chance of viewing the advertised sites – through PHB!

You can now leave kind criticism comments to help people improve their sites, leave ratings, and much more. Remember, you can still go to the original Poptropica Links site to advertise. In fact, if your site gets approved, not only will it be shown on the new directory, but also the Blogroll page and widget on the original P.L. site! It’s a three-in-one offer; absolutely beneficial to other Poptropica website owners!

Considering that it’s the only area in this whole blog where you’re allowed to advertise (Poptropica-related content only, of course), it wouldn’t hurt to try it. So, without further ado, come to the PHB’s Poptropica Directory or the Poptropica Links site for more information!

Poptropica Help Blog news: The Mechanical Fever, part 2

We all know how dangerous the multiplayer rooms in Poptropica are. And now we have news that it’s getting worse. The seriously infected Poptropican, who goes by the name of Binary Bard, has just visited the Coconut Cafe on Shark Tooth Island. The germs he carries are traveling faster and faster. But does he feel guilty about all this? Not at all! He’s been telling other Poptropicansย the sameย story:

My visit to Shark Tooth Island today had to be under cover. It looks like Astro-Knights Island is so eager to be released that parts of it have started to sneak out into the main Poptropica population.

Blog Post Title: Mechanical Faces
Description: 01010011011101000110010101100001011011000111010001101000 [Translation: ‘Stealth’] My visit to Shark Tooth Island today had to be under cover. It looks like Astro-Knights Island is so eager to be released that parts of it have started to sneak out into the main Poptropica population.
Image URL:
Image Name: undercover.JPG

So beware. Who knows when it will hit again? Take precautions by staying away from other ill Poptropicans!

For more information, visit:

Astro-Knights Island, Reality TV Island, Sneak Peeks, Web Development

Astro-Knights and Reality TV are coming…

:mrgreen: Our most recent staff member to join the PHB Team, Grumpy Wolf, has been added to the Poptropica Help Blog’s header! Thank you for the wonderful change, Codien! :mrgreen:

Astro-Knights Island Coming Soon!The Astro-Knights Island official description has been changed for the 3rd time! It now says:

Launch thyself into a new adventure on Poptropica! The Princess hath been kidnapped and taken to the far reaches of space. Thou must assemble a space vessel and fly among the stars on an intergalactic quest to rescue her and save the kingdom of Arturus.
Taken from

Also, the image of Binary Bard has changed into a man in some warrior’s armor. The brown body is possibly made of bronze, and the helmet and spear could be silver, iron, or steel.

We now know that the kingdom the royal familyย lives inย is called Arturus, which might be related to the Arthurian legends, as Cheerful Claw said. It looks like we’re going to save the Princess again, instead of the King and Queen.

Reality TV Island Coming Soon!Reality TV Island finally has an official description, rather than the unofficial description from the Creators’ Blog! Here’s what it reads:

Have you ever wanted to be the star of a reality TV show? Well, now’s your chance! Duke it out with your fellow contestants and avoid elimination to win the show’s grand prize and become a hero to your home town.
Taken from

The picture showing a campfire at night with trees and a hut surrounding it may possible the “home town” that the description is talking about. It’s also related to this sneak peek we had earlier!

Also, the hippie guy on the right resembles the one shown in this sneak peek. He’s got curly dark brown hair with some strands sticking out, a tan-colored headband, and a big smile. Mr. Hippie is also wearing a peace symbol necklace, a rainbow-colored shirt, and tan muddy pants. Do you think he’s one of the contestants from another town or is he a citizen of your home town? We’ll have to wait and see!

The island banners, or signs,ย on the homepage of have also changed!

  • The “Now Online: Big Nate Island” banner has been removed. Just as well too – it was already released so many months ago!
  • The “Coming this spring: AstroKnights” banner has been changed to “Coming soon: AstroKnights”. Yippee!

AstroKnights coming soon

  • There is a new banner that says “Coming later this year: Reality TV Island”. This means that we will have RTV Island to look forward to before the year 2009 comes to an end!

RealityTV coming later this year

There’s also a new poll on the Poptropica Creators’ Blog about AK Island: How excited are you for Astro-Knights to come out? Here are the results as of today!

Poll Option | Votes Percentage
I canโ€™t stand waiting anymore; I will never play Poptropica again! | 15%
I canโ€™t sleep at night! | 5%
I go to Poptropica every day to see if Astro-Knights is out. | 70%
I am waiting patiently. | 5%
I am not that excited. | 1%
Astro-Knights…what is that?! | 1%


The Poptropica Help Blog has discovered a new disease known as the Mechanical Fever. It has only been discovered until very recently, but it is spreading fast. If you do not wish to have half your face zapped into a metallic state, act quickly to protect yourself now. Learn more here.

Astro-Knights Island, Bonus Items

The Mechanical Fever

Poptropica Help Blog News

The Mechanical Flu Outbreak!


Large outbreaks of a new flu, only recently discovered have beenย spreading everywhere over Poptropica. The new flu known as Mechanical Fever, Two Face Plague, Robot Monsterย andย Theย Terminator Germ was only just recently discovered on a newly found island by the name of Astro-Knights Island. Certain cases of the flu were found on multiple Poptropicans on the island and was spreading fast.ย 

It is suspected that a certain type of mechanical owl found on Astro-Knights is the cause for this plague. These robots have been known to fly near areas containing traces of hay, so it is recommended that you stay away from such places until the coast is clear.

Yesterday all access routes to and from the island were closed off to try and isolate the outbreak.ย Although i must mention thatย no suchย access has beenย given to Poptropicans as of yetย to be able to get to the Island. The island was to beย opened in early fall as a holiday destination for any Poptropicans wishing to take a break.ย But this holidays destinations opening seems will be delayed due to this rare flu.

Not long after highly qualified scientists from Super-Power island (these scientists were recently studying the mysterious powers given to escaped convicts when a radio-active asteroid hit the cell) were sent in to study the casesย and find a cure. Authorities on the case were sure that they had kept the problem isolated and main islanders of Poptropica did not have to worry about catching the flu.ย ย This is what the chief constable of Super Power island had to say about the matter;
“Do not panic. While this rare case of the flu could potentially be deadly, and there is no cure as of yet. We have hard working scientist on the case for that. The Poptropicans with the flu have been isolated on the island and we a sure the threat will not reach your waters. Thank-you.”

Unfortunately latter that day an urgent call from a scientist on Astro-Knights island informed the head of Police that an seriously infected Poptropican (theย poptropican even hadย his eye turned to metal)ย had escaped from isolation and was making his way over to The main island via a blimp.

avatar imageย  We would like to confirm that the mysterious Poptropicanย is calledย Binary Bard. He managed to get off the island by putting the guards to sleep by doing a dance.ย Not long after the report came in that he hadย fled the island bystanders on the Main Poptropican island state they saw a half robotic poptropican, with strange yellow and purple clothing float down in a parachute and land on the outskirts of Early Poptropica island.

We recently found out that the first suspect to come into to contact with Binary Bard and catch the flu was White Foot. In under 24 hours after his landing,ย large cases of mechanic skin rashes have been appearing all over the island. All we have to say is stay indoors. Do NOT go into multiplayer rooms. You can only obtain the flu by touching someone in the Multiplayer Rooms.ย  Look out for people with strange metal like parts on there face.

There have been no cases of the flu spreading onto different islands yet. But it wont be long till it does.
I hope this doesn’t get as serious as the swine flu (H1N1)!

This report could not of been done without the help ofย Cool Wing.ย She was theย first to tell me that thereย was a new flu going round.ย She is such a brave kid, she even had the flu when she informed me. Poor kid.


Image #1
Blog Post Title: I Don’t Give a Hoot
Description: This place is getting stranger and stranger. I need to get back home and away from all these crazy robots.
Image URL:
Image Name: mechanical_friend.jpg

Image #2
Blog Post Title: Diving into Astro-Knights
Description: I went sky diving for the first time today. Thanks to White Foot for joining me, it was great fun.
ย  [BINARY CODE=010000010110100001101000011010000010000100100001 // Translation: Ahhh!!]
Image URL:
Name: skydiving.jpg

For any of you fearing that AK Island will not come out because of this you are more then likely wrong. Somebody, most likely White Foot, copied the face when Binary Bard came to visit Cap’n Salty’s multiplayer room on Big Nate Island, Poptropica. I’m sure the creators do not mind that everybody has it. Its pretty cool.

Go out into multiplayer rooms and see if you can find it!
Have fun.

-PHB Team-
Astro-Knights Island, Sneak Peeks

Volcano’s Hole

๐Ÿ™‚ Poptropica Help Blog has reached 970,000+ hits and we are edging closer to the big million! Prepare yourselves for a surprising surprise. ๐Ÿ™‚


Trapped in a volcano’s hole? What is Comic Kid up to now?

The story below is a sequel chapter to the โ€œLost in the Wreckageโ€ chapter from a previous post on the PHB. Please note that the story below is a work of fiction; written by the PHB Team to entertain its readers. Enjoy!

The Old but New Adventures of Comic Kid
Ned Noodlehead by day, Comic Kid hero by night.

Chapter 3
Hot Under the Collar

When Ned Noodlehead woke up, it was already early night-time, and he was now the legendary Comic Kid hero of the dark. Using his super eyesight (with the help of his big glasses), he had somehow found a way to exit the old castle he was in. Whew, thought CK, finally out of that filthy place! Now if only I could find a TV or comic book to look at.

But just as he thought this, a huge gust of wind swept over him and he was tossed into the air. He was going so fast he couldn’t think, but he knew he was being taken far, far away. He’d read about these winds in his comic books. They were rare and dangerous, but when a victim was standing at the wrong place at the wrong time, he’d find himself in for a nasty ride. Why, he even remembered the TV episode in which Super Pretzel Boy had experienced this himself while trying to sell donuts on Astro-Knights Island!

It didn’t last very long, though, but he’d been going so fast he no longer knew where he was. He was also very tired again, but at least now he could think clearly. Okay, I need to get myself a shelter so I can rest a while, he thought. He looked around, but only saw red lands and mountains all around him. Not to mention that the sky had mysteriously turned red or that the temperature was terribly hot. Well, I’ll search for anything useful, thought Comic Kid, now full of determination to overcome this troublesome island. Unfortunately, as soon as he took a step, he slipped and fell.

Down, down, down he went. He’d fallen into a hole that turned out to be more than just a hole. When he landed on his feet, he looked around again, and was aware that he’d fallen into a volcano. A really, really HOT volcano, where the temperature was far worse than it already was above.ย CK was standing on a dark red rock, but he knew he’d have to be careful. Because all around him were rivers of burning, steaming lava!

Blog Post Title: Hot Under the Collar
Description: In my recent adventures I stumbled into a hole that turned out to be more than just a hole. As you can see it was a very hot place, so I made sure to get out as fast as I could.
Image URL:
Image Name: hot_place.jpg

Heh heh… another misadventure fromย Poptropica’s most famousย superhero. Notice in the sneak peek that he gets to use some kind of “scared” emote where he’s holding the sides of his head with his hands. Cool! :mrgreen:

Astro-Knights Island, Snapshot Series, Sneak Peeks

Main Street’s Main Buildings

VladtheViking has posted a new YouTube video entitled “Astro Knights Stroll.” It’s our very first Astro-Knights video, and even though it only lasts 9 seconds and just shows Main Street, it’s awesome. Check it out:

Here’s a quick recap of the video:

Time | Occurance

  • 0:01 | Aย boy with short orange hair wearing a brown cap with a yellow feather, a yellow cape, brown clothes with a sword strapped to the belt walks past the Planetarium and sees the left part of the Crop Circle Inn. In between the 2 buildings is another lady, who has short dark brown hair and is wearing a blue squarish hat with blue clothes. They both look medieval-themed.
  • 0:02 | We get a good view of the front, lower part of the Crop Circle Inn. The label on the left is torn and tattered, the flowerbed on the ground has been trampled on, and the round window on the right is cracked. But other than that, the tan-and-brown housing center looks very pretty, especially with the purple door, clean windows, and tidy flowers on the windowsills.
  • 0:03 | Theย boy wearing brown continues on his peaceful stroll, and meets a nice lady standing outside of the inn.
  • 0:04 | We see that this lady has dark skin, a big round yellow striped hat, a dark yellow top and a light yellow robe-like bottom. Definitely medieval-themed!
  • 0:05 to 0:09 | The yellow-clad lady says to the boy, “Does anyone know if the king and queen are safe?”

How close is it till Astro Knights Island comes out? We don’t know but it must be soon because of this amazingly exciting video. Just makes you want to play it now right?

Tell us what you thought about the video and what ideas do you have on what you think will happen there?


There’s also another Snapshot Saga! Today Vlad features Speedy Club, a pink superhero with an amazing gift of speed! The Viking shares his experience with us on his blog:

Wanting to keep up to date on the happenings around Super Power Island, I took a quick trip to The Daily Paper. Inside, I met a very speedy Poptropican with a fitting name. Speedy Club and I had a quick chat over the latest news, and she spared a moment for me to take a picture before speeding off to continue her adventures in Poptropica!

Congratulations Speedy Club, you have just been featured in Snapshot Sagas!

Watch for me as you travel through the wonderful world of Poptropica, you may be featured in the next installment of Snapshot Sagas!

A big congratulations to Speedy Club from all at the PHB! Let’s hope we all get to visit Vlad the Viking sometime and get the chance to be in his pictures!


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