
The many swords of Legendary Swords Quest

Many of you may have began to play this all new Legendary Swords Adventure now. And many of you may have been familiar with many of its features, such as obtaining two types of swords: Rusty Relic and the Bolt.

If it hasn’t hit and of you yet, the PCB reminded us we can easily access these weapons by going to the weapon tab and switching between blades. Each blade is different and has its own rather unique advantage.

Of course, there are many more swords to be obtained as well. These swords can be obtained by purchasing the costume that comes with it from the Poptropica Store or by using your active membership.

The below swords in the picture the creators gave us is just another example of many of these extra swords. They are the Darkย Knightย Swordย and Laser Sword. My personal favorite is Dark Knight since it sounds so uberย and cool ;).

Visit Poptropica now to play Legendary Swords!

Need more help? Check out the PHB’s Legendary Swords Guide or Video Walkthrough.


New adventures

Hey, guys, poptropicans, fans, gamers, or however you’d like to call yourself. It’s EP posting, and thanks to anyone that supported me in my last post detailing my current condition and status. Well, I’m feeling much better, and am glad to be back and to say that I can indeed continuing posting for the PHB. Though I will be posting a bit less often due to complications, I will try to at least post once in some time or be active on thephc.

The PCB announced a new book being released just recently. Remember that Choose Your Own Adventure Store on Nabooti Island? It’s a place where they advertise new books and such just like the Magic Treehouse Store on Red Dragon Island. Well, a new book has come out, and it’s been added to the store.

The book is titled The Trail of Lost Time. They say there are many other new books added as well into the selection. To check them out, visit the store.

Well, looks like Captain Crawfish sure enjoys these new books.

Also, according to PCB, the Choose Your Own Adventure series is giving out 50,000 new books to people who really need it out there. You can help to donate by clicking hereย and to learn more.

Finally, the creators gave us a neat shiny poster advertising Legendary Swords Island, released on 11/11/11

Actually, it’s available in 3 now! Epic bannder/poster, huh?

A quick note: 11/11/11 is also Veterans Day. Please be sure to remember soldiers who died and who are still living that fought in past wars. In Europe they actually call it Armistice Day, and at 11/11 on 11:00 there the Big Ben actually rings 11 times to remember the day. 11/11 is actually the day they had a cease fire during World War 1 ending the wars. Just a quick reminder/history lesson.

EP out.

Game Show Island

Get your game on!

Today is a short and sweet post announcing the official start of Game Show Island for members! The countdown has stopped and gone down to 0 (too bad I wasn’t there to see the glorious moment ๐Ÿ˜ฆ ) and the island is now available! You can expect to find a guide on here very soon for those of you who are challenged with the island. Non-Members can play the first part of this quiz related island, though!

Also, a quick note from ElmoPwns:

I will not be posting for an amount of time during these recents times. The reason being a private medical reason. I have not brought myself and have neglected my role on The PHC for some time as well for being a Moderator. Though most of my status is currently private, I will not be posting for a week or two. In case I do not come back in a month, I guess you’ll know that I am in a serious status as to cannot access my computer life and cannot fulfill my abilities as an author or as a Moderator. I want to thank the community for your kindness in case I do not come back for good. My special thanks also goes to Hijuyo for her supportย and for being a friend as well. Hijuyo, thanks, and please don’t remove me right away until a month later if I have no activity at all. I cannot figure out or come to an ultimatum of my condition, but I can say that it is severe enough as to be deprived of my virtual life. I sincerely thank you all for your support and say a goodbye in case it is my last. Well, with that notice being said, I bade you all a good trip and visit on the new Game Show Island. Thankyou

EP out!

Merchandise, Store

running out of time..

The creators gave us a heads up in their new post on the PCB. This head’s up is to inform us that the first scavenger hunt will soon be over! By 10/26/11, in just about 5 days, the first scavenger hunt will end, and the second one will start a day later on the 27th! If you haven’t bought the book yet and want it, there’s still time left to quickly make a purchase, then hunt for the answers!

But of course, the answers to all three questions have been easily figured out by some of our readers. Special thanks toย the PHB readers and commenters forย providing these answers! For those of you wh0 actually want a hunt, then don’t read this bottom part, it’s the answer to the code. Don’t read it if you want the thrill of a hunt. But for those of you seriously stuck, or who didn’t purchase the book, the code is below:

Title of Poptropica villian on page 45 = dr.Hare (it doesnt fit so you just put โ€˜DRโ€™)

rank of Poptropica villian on page 133 = captain crawfish (His rank is captain, so write โ€˜CAPTAINโ€™)

size of Poptropica villian on page 174 = BIG, LARGE (in Spanish, so you type โ€˜GRANDEโ€™)

So the final code: DRCAPTAINGRANDE

You can use this code to redeem your virtual book for your character! Nice, huh? Yep, go and use this code for your free prize!

Advertisements, Merchandise, Store

Adventures…on a blimp!

Everyone knows the Poptropica Blimp, the yellow floating vehicle with the Poptropica logo that flies around and takes you to certain islands. You can use it for your many various travels in the game of Poptropica

Well, I bet a lot of you also heard news that the blimp has been made into a toy! Yep, you can now purchase an inflatable toy version of the blimp-your very ownย authenticย Poptropicaย blimp! Cool, huh?

Well, this new post on the Creators’ Blog is all about that new toy. Here’s a new pic of Jeff Kinney holding one of these toys…pretty big if you ask me.

But wait…hold your horses. If we carefully scrutinize the photo…zoom in, you’ll see that there are some things to be noticed in this photo. First off there’s a standing poster of a Poptropica rock star, unseen before, yet possibly a future product. You’ll notice their office is located somewhere in a tall building because of the look out the windows, and also by the window counter appears to be a fossil track mark, a school bus, and an almost unnoticable similar standing poster. Except this poster is of Shark Boy. Hint…hint…

Anyways, the blimp comes with a special code for you to play a special game on the virtual world of Poptropica! With the blimp comes this unique code. Here’s a video on the PCB demonstrating the game!

The basic plot is that an evil genius named Dr. Cumulo Nimbus has come to conquer these lands in a weather balloon. He begins to “go insane” and strike lightning with his weather balloons on the land. In this adventure, you must go around in your balloon and extinguish the flames by pouring water from a bucket tied to the water balloon. Then you win when you successfully put out the fires igniting in a fiery inferno on the villages, which are placed on islands.

EP out!