Merchandise, Store

running out of time..

The creators gave us a heads up in their new post on the PCB. This head’s up is to inform us that the first scavenger hunt will soon be over! By 10/26/11, in just about 5 days, the first scavenger hunt will end, and the second one will start a day later on the 27th! If you haven’t bought the book yet and want it, there’s still time left to quickly make a purchase, then hunt for the answers!

But of course, the answers to all three questions have been easily figured out by some of our readers. Special thanks toย the PHB readers and commenters forย providing these answers! For those of you wh0 actually want a hunt, then don’t read this bottom part, it’s the answer to the code. Don’t read it if you want the thrill of a hunt. But for those of you seriously stuck, or who didn’t purchase the book, the code is below:

Title of Poptropica villian on page 45 = dr.Hare (it doesnt fit so you just put โ€˜DRโ€™)

rank of Poptropica villian on page 133 = captain crawfish (His rank is captain, so write โ€˜CAPTAINโ€™)

size of Poptropica villian on page 174 = BIG, LARGE (in Spanish, so you type โ€˜GRANDEโ€™)

So the final code: DRCAPTAINGRANDE

You can use this code to redeem your virtual book for your character! Nice, huh? Yep, go and use this code for your free prize!

10 thoughts on “running out of time..”

    1. Maybe a store item or ad item.

      One thing: It’s kinda unfair to credit one person for the answers to the code when everyone could figure it out. Also, you didn’t have to restate the clues again, because it was mentioned in an earlier post. Just saying. Not trying to discredit anyone.

What's popping, Poptropicans?