Look Book

Take a look inside our Poptropica Look Book, the most comprehensive collection of Poptropica outfits there is to behold! Full of the hottest trends and swaggiest styles from all over the fandom, you’re sure to find something to inspire your own personal look. And there’s more in the comments!

Table of Contents

  1. 💃 Fashion Forward
  2. 👘 Classic Costumes
  3. 📺 Characters from Pop Culture
  4. 🥸 Non-Player Characters (NPCs)
  5. Poppies Parade
  6. 🎃 Halloween Hall of Fame
  7. 💡 Tips & Tricks

Note: Since the availability of costume parts is changing all the time, we’ve omitted the step-by-steps, and you may not be able to fully assemble everything you see here. Scroll down to the “Tips & Tricks” section for the latest advice on putting together a fashionable outfit!

Fashion Forward

Stay in style with these cool looks from the pages of Pop fashionista Pink Crush!

Classic Costumes

Take some ideas from these classic, snazzy styles!

Characters from Pop Culture

Recognize any of these characters from media and popular culture? For a more detailed look at how to dress like them, click the links to see their corresponding PHB Pop-over posts.

The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory in Poptropica
See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Bazinga!


See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Black-ish.

The Good Place

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: The Good Pop.

Gravity Falls

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Gravity Falls Gang!

The Greatest Showman

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: The Greatest Showman!

Harry Potter

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Yer a Poptropican, Harry!

Inside Out

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Inside Out.

Men of Marvel

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Men of Marvel.

Night in the Woods

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Night in the Woods.

One Direction

Pop Boyband
See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: What Makes You Beautiful.

Over the Garden Wall

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Over the Garden Wall.

Pokémon (Pop-émon Go)

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Gotta Catch ‘Em All, Pokemon!

Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Scooby-Doo!

Steven Universe

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Believe in Steven!

Stranger Things

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Stranger Things.


Snapped and shared by the Poptropica Creators!

Individual Characters from Pop Culture

Non-Player Characters

Character reference sheets by Poptropica artist Nasan Hardcastle.

Poppies Parade

The Poppies, our Poptropica fan awards show, is a fun tradition here on the PHB, and every year Poptropicans dress to impress on the blue carpet. Check out some of the glamorous costumes worn for the celebrations!

Halloween Hall of Fame

In the mood for something spooky? Check out the winning entries of past PHB Halloween costume competitions for some haunted inspiration!

2010 Series

2012 Series

2013 Series

2014 Series

2015 Series

2016 Series

2016 Series: Fall Edition

2017 Series

2017 Series: Poptropica Worlds

2018 Series: Casual Edition

2018 Series: Creepy Edition

2019 Series: Heavenly Edition

2019 Series: Hellish Edition

2020 Series: Heroes Edition

2020 Series: Villains Edition

2021 Series

2022 Series

Tips & Tricks

Need some Poptropica fashion advice? Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

  1. 👖 Mix and match different costume parts together! That’s the beauty of it — you get to be original. The store is your go-to spot for the latest costumes, but you can also find lots of options with the Costumizer tool on PoptropiCon Island. Be careful not to mismatch, though: those goofy glasses probably aren’t going to go well with that fancy dress.
  2. 👔 Have a color scheme. Put colors that look good together, but don’t overdo it – you don’t need to have all the colors of the rainbow on you, or the colors may clash. One or two shades, possibly mixed in with some neutral colors (white, black, browns, grays), can pull off a pretty neat outfit.
  3. 👨🏼‍🎤 Skin: Regular human skin tones are your safest bet, unless you’re going for a bizarre Halloween costume or something. You can change your skin tone (and more) with Modify A Poptropican (MAP), a glitching tool.
  4. 💁🏻‍♀️ Hair: You probably don’t want yucky shades like greenish-brown, but whatever you pick, be sure it matches your outfit. Natural colors work best, but sometimes blue or purple hair can do the trick as well. To change hair color, visit 24 Carrot’s “Carrot King Diner” and mix a drink until you get the desired color. When you drink it, your hair color will change!
  5. 🧢 Accessorize. There are tons of accessories available within costumes. Don’t be afraid to try something on — if it doesn’t work out, you can just close the Costumizer window without saving. Add that belt, sword on the side, or those side bangs to complete the outfit you’re working on. Look around and you might just find something that matches. Be inspired by the above costumes, the ideas contained in the comments below, and what your friends are wearing — but make a look that’s uniquely yours, too.

Glitching for Good Looks

There’s a trick out there known as the ASG (Avatar Studio Glitch) that people use to obtain rare, un-Costumizable costumes. With the PHB’s Avatar Studio Gift, you’ll find lots of them, and we’re always adding more. Check it out!

👾 For more backdoor methods, see the PHB’s Glitching Guide.

Share your costume

All are welcome to share costumes with us in the comments below! If you can, tell us how you pieced it together and post a link so we can see it. Here’s how:

  1. 👕 For the best image resolution, use the Costumizer window on PoptropiCon Island. Ideally, crop the image to show just your character.
  2. 📸 Take a screenshot and save it to your computer. Here’s how to take a screenshot — the instructions will vary depending on your device. For Windows, you’ll also need to paste it somewhere to save it as an image file on your computer.
  3. 🔗 Upload the image to the web and share the link in the comments of this post. You can use a site like imgur (or our Discord server, if you’re 13+) to upload your picture and obtain a web link for it that can then be shared so others can see it.

⭐️ Check out more fun stuff like this on Pop Plus! ⭐️

Thanks to the following for lending their ideas to this look book: Angry Wing, Calm MoonChocokat, Fearless Rock, Fuzzy-B, LightningGirl20, Mashimai, People of Poptropica, Pink Crush, the Poptropica CreatorsRainbow, Silly Raptor, Slanted Fish, Slippery Icicle, Spotted Dragon, and Super Thunder & Brave Tomato.

1,775 thoughts on “Look Book”

  1. Tiny correction, Fishy, to the Hermione Granger costume: (Unless you want a slightly inaccurate costume) In the Harry Potter books, it says that Hermione doesn’t like flying or being on a broomstick, so I don’t think she would be carrying one.

    1. That’s what I thought when I saw the Hermione costume. That person should have added a book or at least a wand instead of a broom.

  2. Hey I really need an answer to this.

    Okay so I’m a poptropica blogger, but I happen to be wearing one of the outfits on the page, and I don’t want to copy anything but unless I wear a outfit I dont like as much I can’t take pictures because I don’t know if you classify the outfits as copyright.

    Should I wear a different outfit or is it ok?

    Slanted Fish: It’s definitely ok to be wearing any costume from this page, but of course it can also be nice to be unique, especially as you establish your own blog. 🙂

  3. Hey, I might be really annoying with all these questions but anyway… Am I allowed to use ideas from the PHB? Like, no actual content like outfits or anything, just the idea of doing outfits?

    Sorry about the questions, I just want to make sure I’m not copy anyone without permission, even ideas.

    Slanted Fish: You may, but if you’ve been inspired by a certain PHB page, it would be nice if you linked back. 🙂

  4. Hey Girls! Got extra credits to spend because of the recent “Episodic Islands”? (Or a lucky Member? Then I have the outfit for you! I like to call it “The Hummingbird”, Because it’s modeled after the hummingbird follower! Ok! Here we go!
    Shirt- Red Robin Hood Outfit (75 credits)
    Jacket and belt- Green Popstar Outfit (75 credits)
    Pants- Purple Rockstar 2 outfit (75 credits)
    Hair- Red Mythology Surfer Outfit (75 credits)
    Bangs- Teenage boy on Lunar Colony Island
    Lips- Girl in Green on Mystery Train Island
    Eyelashes/Blush- Monster High Freaky Fusion Bonita Femer Costume

    Then! Add a Hummingbird Follower! (75 Credits)

    375 CREDITS! WOW!

  5. 1: get stratght hair and dye it blond 2: you can have a head band with it 3: get a white shirt or sweater with jacket pink or a black outfit. 4: VOLLA!! your meagn tranior!

  6. I made a Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier based on the one from the Marvel Avengers Assemble TV show.

    Hair: Cheetah Bandit at Poptropicon episode one
    Glasses: Skydiver costume in costume store at Night Watch island
    Mask: Soot from coal boy on Mystery Train island
    Clothes: Bodysuit from spy girl on the street of Spy island
    Belt: Police officer on Super Power Island

    1. The username is avengers*Bucky* if you just want to customize it without having to go on a manhunt to find all the items XD

      1. Here’s Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow based on the Marvel Avengers Assemble TV show.


        Hair: Bangs from Goth boy on Reality TV island, Princess from Poptropicon part 1, All black girl on Cryptids
        Shirt: Boy eating ice cream on Monster Carnival
        Lips: Cowgirl in store
        Belt and Pants: B.A.D agent on Spy island

        Username is Avengers*blackwidow* if you want to customize as much as you can.

  7. Hi Slanted Fish!!! I really like your styles and they’re always colourful and eye-catching. I’ve already Friended you on Poptropica so if you want you can friend Me too!:)My username is below:

    *Also other people can friend me too!♥♥♥

    Slanted Fish: Aw, thanks! ❤ You can share your username with others on the Friend Finder page. 🙂

  8. Hey I managed to get a pretty good Justin Bieber costume, its in my closet. My name is Spotted Toes

    Slanted Fish: You need to share your username for people to view your closet. 😉

  9. im no gamer or anything, but i got a good look. and 14 costumes. p.s 1.) friend me my user is sliverstorm531. p.s 2.) go to the new island, customize, and add to closet! tada

  10. Does anyone know where I can get the purple fluffy skirt on one of the halloween contestants from like 2010? Please reply I really need it on here!

  11. guys,i have an anouncement:
    today,my costumes will be the:
    Weapon Costume Event!

    1st:Cat Creeper
    2nd:Heartless Shopping Girl
    3rd:Glorious Queen
    4th:Fancy Skateboarder
    5th:Red Sweet Ball
    6th:Royal Ice Drinker
    7th:Gothic Ice Blaster
    8th:Cheetah Spying Girl
    9th:B.A.D. Bistro Drinker
    10th:News Booker-Top 10
    11th:Famous Builder
    12th:News Reporter
    13th:Pretzel Eater
    14th:Sweater Godmother
    15th:Leaf Godess
    16th:Fancy Dynamiter
    17th:Card Player
    18th:Grappling Hooker
    19th:Fast Whacker
    20th:Rich Maller-Top 20
    21st:Ms.Banana Doctor
    22nd:Princess Bomber
    23rd:Mythology Devil
    24th:Ice Cream Enjoyer
    25th:Golden Ball
    27th:Whacking Demon
    28th:Umbrella Evacuater
    29th:PASE Darter
    30th:Devil Fanner-Top 30
    31st:Psychotic Ghost
    32nd:Shogun Demon
    33rd:Summoning Devil
    35th:Evil Dark Cloak
    36th:Failed Experiment
    37th:Ghostly Admiral
    38th:Psychotic Clown
    40th:Crazy Killer Clown-Top 40
    41st:Cyborg Gremlin
    42nd:Death Doll
    43rd:Demon Time Of Death
    44th:Skull-Faced Sorcerer
    45th:I Died Chewing The Trash
    46th:Vampire Grandpa
    47th:Chesire Cat
    48th:Yucky Witch
    49th:Zombie Possesed Demon Killer
    50th:Code Red-Top 50

    Guys,The Tops 10.20,30,&40 in the first,second&third are the Top 15.The Others will have to say goodbye.

  12. Apparently the dragon wings and tail are not costumize-able from your outfit, Slanted Fish. Where did you obtain them?

    Slanted Fish: They’re from the goblin creatures on Monster Carnival, and I customized from them using a glitch. 😛

  13. Angel Signer:
    Hair:Rockstar girl 2(75 credits)
    Headphones:Boy in Night Watch Island
    Shirt and belt:Blue Pop star(75 credits)
    Lipstick:in Back Lot Island,the girl’s soundstage makeup
    Red Jacket:From other Friends
    Wings:Angel(75 credits)
    Feather:From other friends
    Skirt:Girl on Night Watch Island

      1. For the Aphrodite costume, all you did was copy Aphrodite from Mythology Island, you should have done your own thing for Aphrodite!!!!!!!!

  14. Please please reply im dying to get the skull mask that skull faced sorcerer has please help me 😦

    slantedfish: You can get it by entering the promo code “skullbook”. 🙂

  15. I’ve got a costume for Foxy (from Five Nights at Freddy’s, a horror game if you haven’t heard of it). Note: This is a spare account, not my main. http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bNEJZUlJSUkdWdVkzUmxjM1F5
    Here’s how to get it if you’re interested:
    1. First off, you skin need to be brown. If it isn’t brown already, you can try the pigment balloons from Early Poptropica, press Ctrl (command for Macs) + Shift + S until your skin is brown, or just simply make a spare account with brown skin.
    2. Your character has to be a boy , otherwise one of the required items will be different. If your account is a girl, then make a boy account.
    3. Get the Werewolf Boy and Furry Monster 4 costumes if you don’t already have them. If you made a spare account, then save your game first.
    4. Customize all the item from the Werewolf Boy costume except for the shirt and pants.
    5. Customize only the body item from the Furry Monster 4 costume.
    6. Head to Skullduggery Island and sail to Bouffant Bay.
    6.5. This step is only if you’re using a spare account or simply don’t have a boat. If you don’t have a boat, then do the steps necessary to get one. If you don’t know how, then read the PHB’s walkthrough for Skullduggery Island.
    7. Head over to the person to the right of the fern (the one who isn’t in the bushes), and customize his mouth.
    8. Have fun listening to the happy screams of children by day, and making the security guard scream by night!
    If you follow these steps correctly, your poptropican will look just like the one in the link. Hope you like it! (:

  16. http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=baDkzQVpiUG1waFoyZGxjanc9

    To make the “Trash Person”, do the following steps:

    1. Get the soup can, spoon, and milk box from the “Milk Box Costume” (Members Only)
    2. Get the pencil and bottle cap hair from the “Bottle Cap Costume” (Members Only)
    3. Get the pizza from the Pepe’s Pizza Puffs stand on Poptopicon: Episode 1
    4. Get the recycling shirt from the “Earth Day” game (after it is completed)
    5. Get any gum from the Poptropica Store and activate it.

  17. I am really enjoying the theme/design of your web site.

    Do you ever run into any internet browser compatibility problems?
    A number of my blog readers have complained about my website
    not working correctly in Explorer but looks great in Safari.
    Do you have any advice to help fix this issue?

    1. To get this you need:

      Hair: Vampire boy (Poptropica Store)
      Headphones: From the boy (Lunar Colony Island)
      Cape: From random players in multiplayer rooms or you can add me my username is easypeasylow
      Jacket,Shirt,Belt,and Pants: From The Biker costume (Poptropica Store)

  18. I have rare costumes such as Dr.Hare, Poseidon, Hades, Arabian Nights Villain, and the rare Steamboat Costume. My Username is tp44727

  19. murderer/robber(costume)
    hair-vampire 3 no bangs
    shirt-whatever kind of black jacket+star necklace you can get from the witch in poptropicon
    pants-biker girl(75 credits)+sword on belt from poptropica common rooms
    hat-biker girl(75 credits)
    lips-biker girl(75 credits)and black scarf you can get from common rooms
    bangs-whatever you think looks good on your avatar
    handheld item-bag of money from the robber in night watch island or a sword from
    the promo code SKULLBOOK

    so that’s it,i hope you like the outfit i gave you and pls give me ideas for more:)

  20. Well, here ya go. I’ve made my own outfit. I hope you like it. 🙂

    Go to Skullduggery Island, and run over to the first guy you see. Go ahead and bring up the customization option, and take his shirt and pants. (The shirt is tan and brown, and the pants are brown.) Next, keep running over to the right until you see a girl with blue and white on. Bring up customization option, take her dirt marks, strap to the hay and the hay. Press accept. Next, go over to Counterfeit Island. Now, go over to the right and customize her hair. Lookin’ pretty cute, right? But that’s not it. Although, I forgot where I got the face. 😦 Go to my first costume in my closet for the smile. username below.)

    And that’s it! 🙂 Enjoy your new look.

    – Small Sponge (SmallSponge61)

  21. Anybody know how to make a percy Jackson costome

    slantedfish: Use Ctrl + F to search the comments for advice on Percy Jackson costumes! 🙂

  22. I made a costume called Summer and It’s very easy to make

    hair: Cryptids Island from the girl who sells magazines. color it on 24 carrot island in the diner, color is yellow with 4 drops of red
    skin: normal beige
    dress: the prom queen pink or green if you want to
    bangs and the cheeks: on Cryptids island from the girl on the very left of the main street

  23. Can somebody give me a theme for a costume? I really want to make one but I don’t know of who it should be!

  24. I have a few outfits that i have made. I can’t delete them so some of them are weird. My username is raidraidy.I have another account you shouldn’t use cuz its bad but its raidyraid. its my nickname. My outfits are in my closet. I like em and if you don’t please don’t tell me how horrible they are. Its your opinion and i don’t care about it. They don’t have names but i will think of names for them. if you have suggestions please tell me. I hope you like them.

      1. I know this isn’t really original but boys who like disney movies or anyone who wants to see the connection. In Arabian Nights episode 1. There is a boy who says “I’ve tried to sneak into the castle, but the guards are too quick.” You might think he looks familiar. I thought so too. He looks like Aladdin from the disney movie “Aladdin”! See the connection? Soo cool right! I hope you see the connection likeI did and tell your friends who play poptropica that it looks like him. They will surely be impressed. Like my sisters. (Fun fact:I am a triplet and there are 6 girls in my family. I am the youngest of the triplets and i have 3 older sisters. 2 the same age, and 1 younger. We are all 2 years apart. And the last girl is my mom. My dad is surrounded by girls. Crazy right. But we do have a 6 year old dog named Willie.)

  25. Slanted Fish or someone please help me!! I don’t know if you answered my question cuz i can’t find my comment. I turned into a boy by accident. I now look like I girl because i changed my hair, outfit, skin and hair color. When i wanted to buy something i saw that all the costumes were boys. I tried the tentacle thing with the poptropica creator thing. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

    slantedfish: As I suggested, try doing the “tentacle” trick on a different web browser, or contact Poptropica support if it still doesn’t work.

  26. Addition to the Link Costume. Based off of Skyward Sword, Link had the slingshot. If you want to add that to the costume, you can get a slingshot hanging out of your pants from Bubby on Monster Carnival Island 😛

  27. http://tinypic.com/r/29pajy8/8
    I call this the 40’s Girl.
    * Hair: Customize it from the Cheetah Bandit (the girl standing on the bus) from Poptropicon episode 1.
    *Bangs and earrings: Pop star costume for the store (75 credits)
    *Hat and shirt : From a worker in EDison’s Workshop on Time Tangled Island.
    *Skirt: Add hiba1021 and customize from her closet.
    I’m still working on more outfits, i’ll post them later. 🙂

  28. I would like the devil wings from the “monster”, however the little devil costume only has them on the boys outfit. Is their any way to get it?

  29. How do I make my hair green? O_O

    slantedfish: Use Ctrl+Shift+H, the drinks in the 24 Carrot diner, or the Colorizer item to change hair color.

  30. My outfit Im currently wearing x3:

  31. if anyone has the girl with the pink hair from galastic hotdog islands dress, plz friend saywerthereaper and then also comment ur username plz

  32. I have three questions!

    1) What is the Poptropica Transporter?
    2) Is the Poptropica Transporter page no longer available?
    3) What does it do? Can it help you with getting costumes, by any chance?

    Thanks in advance!
    This blog is wonderful. 🙂

    1. The Poptropica transporter was a tool that allowed you to teleport to various areas in Poptropica instead of manually walking to them, which was pretty convenient especially for getting out of places you might be stuck in by a glitch. It’s unfortunately no longer available, but you can still untrap yourself by going to the Haunted House and then going to the Map from there. Again, the tool would teleport you to places, including old ads where you could collect their costumes. Hope this helps! 🙂

  33. http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bUDNMNjRGVEdsMlVtOXZibVY1YVhOaFoyeGhiV0Z1WkhOMWNHVnljM1I1YkdsemFITnBibWRsY21GdVpHRmpkSEpsYzNNPQ%3D%3D
    Here is how you can create a Poptropica version of Liv Rooney from the Disney Channel show “Liv and Maddie”
    Hair-the girl with the wavy blonde hair you see on Cryptids Island
    Top-the girl with the yellow dress you see on mystery train island
    Skirt-same as top
    Microphone-(optional) from popstar costume from the store
    Lips-same as microphone
    For the outfit, it can be any outfit but it has to look like something Liv would wear.

  34. I have a costume that I like to call Super Comet.(She is a superhero that I created all by myself.) Almost everything is on Super Power Island.
    Hair- Girl in front of comic shop. Color it either yellow or brown.
    Cape- First blue costume inside the Masks and Capes store.
    Suit- Pink costume in the Masks and Capes.
    Belt- The purple superhero costume.
    (OPTIONAL- Sunglasses- Lady in front of the movie theater on Back Lot.)

  35. I have a hero costume: Super Comet.
    Here’s how to get it. Tip- Everything except the optional item is found on Super Power Island.
    Hair- The girl in front of the comic shop on Main Street. Color your hair yellow or brown, whichever looks best on your Poptropican.
    Suit- The pink outfit in the Masks and Capes store.
    Cape- The blue costume beside the pink one.
    Belt- The purple or red costume.
    Optional- Sunglasses from the lady in front of the movie theater on Back Lot Island. If you don’t want sunglasses, then I advise wearing the mask on the mannequin where you got your cape.
    Once you are done, you have a really pretty hero.
    P.S. This is for girls. I’m trying to make one for a boy, but it’s kind of hard since I’m a girl.

    1. Also, for the Super Comet costume, if you want the Rainbow Staff of Camelot, then get the wand from the Fairy Queen. Just so you know (and this isn’t bragging), I created Super Comet.

    2. I’ve got a heap of cool costumes!

      1. Indian Warrior (Female):
      Hair- Double side braids from random NPCs. (or, you can try the crank a few times in the New You place on Home Island.) Dye it black.
      Clothes and Cheek Paint- The girl above the waterfall in Blue Nile Falls on Nabooti Island.
      Bow and Quiver- The Robin Hood costume in the store.
      Finally, dye your skin a reddish brown.

      2. Techno Girl
      Hair and Glasses- The Gamer Girl from the shop.
      iPad- Friend cca494 (that’s me!) and use the Customize Everything glitch on the Cheats page on the 10th outfit from the left if you can’t get it like a normal Customization.
      Wings, Shirt, and Pants- The blue Sky Hawk Warrior outfit in the Shop.

      That’s all for now!

  36. Female teacher costume-
    Shirt- Reporter on the Home Island.
    Skirt- Girl on Twisted Thicket.
    Hair- Some sort of ponytail.
    Bangs and glasses are completely optional.

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