PHB Specials, Pop-over

PHB Pop-over Special: Gravity Falls Gang!

Gravitate over here, Poptropicans โ€“ it’s time for another PHB Special*!

(*Side note: PHB Specials are a category of posts that can pertain to a variety of things. You may be familiar with Blake’s Special scripts, for instance, of which the most recent isย theย Valentine’s Special.)

Many of us here at the PHB are fans of Gravity Falls (a Disney TV show), and if you are too, you may know that the finale will be upon us this Monday, February 15th! To commemorateย this great show, and to acknowledgeย requests for more costumes, we’ve made some Gravity Falls Poptropica costumes for you to enjoy. (And if you’re not a fan, we highly recommend you start your binge-watching today. ๐Ÿ˜‰ )


From left to right, here’s how you can get their costumes:

  • Soos: You can get hisย hat from the tent guy on Ghost Story and the shirt from the Bigfoot Fanatic costume in the Store.ย Alternatively, the green video game shirt from a guy on Reality TV also works, and it’s customizable when you friend phbSoos.
  • Dipper:ย Hisย hat is from a guy on Lunar Colony’s Main Street, and the jacket is from a guy on Red Dragon’s Frog Creek. Simply friend phbDipper and customize.
  • Mabel:ย Her whole look can be achieved from the start at account creation. You can friend phbMabelย and customize her whole look.
  • Grunkle Stan: His fez (hat) isย from Time Tangled’s Timbuktu (Mali Empire), the suit from Spy Island, and you can buyย Fake Noses from the Store (yes, we know Stan’s glasses aren’t like that, but close enough). (Extra: get the Timmy Failure Scarf in the Store and use the ASG on WillyWonkaASG for the cane!) Friend phbStanPines for the outfit. For the beard, use the ASG on ZeusASG.ย (Double extra: friendย StanfordPines2 for Grunkle Ford’s costume!)
  • Wendy:ย Her freckles are from a lady on Cryptids Island, and the rest of her costume is from the clothing crank on Home Island. To make it simple,ย friend phbWendy and customize. For a plaid shirt instead, try the Fall Fashion Outfit from the Store โ€“ but note that this is red, not green.

These guys are also now on our Costumes page! Hope you enjoyed these costumes, and let us know what you think! ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh, and if you have the Pixel Pig Power, you can pretend it’sย Waddles. ๐Ÿ˜‰

By the way, if you have any costume ideas, we would love to hear them โ€“ and you are more than welcome to make your own, especially with instructions or accounts to befriend for said costumes. The comments section of ourย Costumes page is a great place to start (as well as just to browse).


Let’s #TakeBackTheFalls together!

58 thoughts on “PHB Pop-over Special: Gravity Falls Gang!”

  1. I have seen random episodes here and there, but I could have sworn that Stan wore glasses xD. My memory fails me yet again *tries to find a place to fit another failure tally mark on the chalkboard*

  2. My “Fact Boy” account looks incredibly similar to Stanford Pines (the author) when he was younger (and when he was insane).

      1. thefactboy. I also made an older version of him which is the username StanfordPines2

      2. Thanks! Would you add my older Stanford Pines costume to the costume page?

    1. True, but Mabel’s sweaters also need to have something cute on them! The sweater from the kid on Twisted Thicket is also what I used for Wendy, and sadly it doesn’t have anything on it. I went with the basic flower top for Mabel since it went well with the rest of her outfit. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Unfortunately, I never watched this show before. In fact, I used to be obsessed with SpongeBob for years, but then two years ago I started to hate it. I haven’t had a cartoon I’ve absolutely loved for awhile now. Just Poptropica…

    1. is fantastic and I’ve used it for years without any problems, on my phone, laptop, anything. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I considered that, but since it’s red, it doesn’t quite look as characteristic of Wendy, who wears a green plaid shirt. The green sweater was the closest I could find that would fit her look. However, I’ve added that consideration to the post. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Speaking of shirt changes, I’ve modified Soos’s shirt โ€“ I think the shirt from the Bigfoot Fanatic from the Store fits better, although it’s 100 credits for non-members. ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. I’ve just watched the first four episodes in a row, and I really like this show. I’m trying to watch every single episode before the finale premieres, but I don’t know if that is going to happen. I’ll at least watch the entire first season.
    P.S.- Gideon sounds like a girl๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. Grunkle Stan’s Poptrolican is perfection! Man, you’ve been posting a lot Fishy! I will be in Atlanta and I’m going to miss the finale by a day, but will have it recorded. The hype is eating at me!

  6. Idea for a costume: Robbie. The black shirt with the ghost graphic, the rock star hair with the black eyeliner, and the dark blue jeans off an NPC. You can even use the red guitar Robbie plays in Double Dipper off the rock star costume too. (The new male rock star outfit, not the classic. )

  7. I could attempt a Bill Cipher poptropican, except I would need a cane handheld (curved)

What's popping, Poptropicans?