PHB Sneak Peeks, Zomberry Island

PHB Sneak Peeks: Zomberry Mini-Games?

Hey Poptropicans, ready for a peek into what’s going on behind the curtains of Poptropica HQ?

Many of us have noticed that Poptropica has been so busy behind-the-scenes that they haven’t delivered much lately. Whatever big updates they’re working on, they’re not divulging – we’re barely getting any sneak peeks on the Daily Pop, and even Poptropica’s own Skinny Moon has mentioned she’d love to say more, but can’t reveal anything yet.

But thanks to a brief tip sent in by PHB reader Hyper SW, we just might have some clue of what’s going on and what’s to come! This is the heads-up that was given to the PHB:

“A new game called Game Jam is coming soon! In the game you defend yourself from zomberries using different musical instruments. Due to legal matters, I’m going to keep this update short.”


Well, that’s interesting! Zomberry 2.0? Another sneak peek, this one from an anonymous PHC glitcher, is of another upcoming game called Zomberry Catapult:


Despite the Zomberry Main Street scenery, we’re not sure if this is an island in itself – it looks like Poptropica is working on a series of mini-games to keep us entertained (as we await the next island!). You may remember a few Daily Pop sneak peeks from February where we saw zombie characters in what appeared to be platformer games and other mini-games. They seem to be related:

What could all this mean? Will we get to play these Poptropica original games on Home Island? Will Zomberry Island be getting an update? Or will Poptropica release a mobile app containing several these little games? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Stay popping, Poptropicans.


App, Home Island, Reality TV Island, Zomberry Island

Poptropica TV is here!

Hey Poptropicans!

If you’re an avid player of the Poptropica app, you may have already seen the Poptropica TV stand on Home Island. If you tap play, you’ll see a quick animation of dancing Zomberry zombies – which Poptropica also tweeted out a couple of weeks ago. (Thanks to Mad Apper for the tip and picture!)

Right now, it looks like this is only for the mobile app, but hopefully someday it’ll be brought to the online version as well.

Poptropica TV also promises to have new videos every week, a promise we’ll be checking back on, so stay tuned! The videos to come next are probably the ones on Poptropica’s YouTube channel, featuring a toon of Shark Guy and a Draw-My-Life of Gamer Guy. However, it’s been almost two months since these were announced, so who knows how long it’ll be before a new PopTV video! 😛

If you’ve been checking the Creators’ Blog, you probably noticed that Poptropica has recently flooded it with posts that offer cheats and walkthroughs for some of the more recent islands, presumably to bring some traffic to their blog. This master post lists all the links to their guide posts, but here they are below if you’d like to check them out:

They’ve answered some common questions about these island quests in these posts, and although the info is helpful and comes with clear screenshots, you won’t find complete walkthroughs. If that’s what you need, we have full walkthroughs for every island right here on the PHB! 😀

From the Creators’ files, Poptropica has also tweeted out some more early sketches from older islands! Check out this Twisted Thicket Island tree base, Wild West Island saloon, and character ideas for Reality TV Island!

You can also find pics like these in our Daily Pop Sneak Peek Archive.

Also, have you checked out the Poptropica Help subreddit yet? It’s a growing hub for all sorts of Poptropica tidbits – think of it as a minimalistic forum, or even PHF 2.0 for those of you who were around for our original Poptropica Help Forum. Don’t just be a lurker, join our subreddit!


For more details about the Poptropica Help subreddit and how it works, check out this PHB post for our announcement! It thrives on community, and all Poptropicans are welcome!

Stay popping, Poptropicans. 😉

Comics, Popstorms, PoptropiCon Island, Zomberry Island

Reign of Curls, Comics, Tweets and Zomberries!

Hello Poptropicans! Slippery here.

First of all, Poptropica has announced over Twitter that the concluding episode of PoptropiCon—Ep. 3: Reign of Omegon—will be released on March 19th for members and on April 9th for all. Just keep in mind that these dates are only tentative and may change. If you want more news about the final episode, check out the island page here on the PHB.

PopCon3-ScreensaverNext, Poptropica tweeted Popstorm #17! It’s all about curly hairs. Pretty awesome.

PopStorm 17Poptropica has also uploaded weeks 29 to 32 of the Poptropica Comics series (not to be confused with Mystery of the Map, which you can read in its entirety on the PHB’s Comics page!) and you can check them out on Funbrain! Oliver and Jorge will continue their adventures with the Veggiestein and the characters from the Wizard of Oz. Thanks to Fairy Tale for the tip!

popcomics2932Also, Poptropica revealed their plans for the app for this year. It includes multiplayer games, common rooms, and more items on the store.  And in case you haven’t heard yet, we can use our own accounts by the end of the year! Sounds exciting for me. Check out these tweets:

They also tweeted a couple of interesting Realms:

Last but not the least, Poptropica uploaded a brand new video and it features the Zomberries from Zomberry Island. They also tweeted that Poptropica Realms will receive an update with Zomberries in it! Hmm, very puzzling. Anyway, enjoy the video of these zomberries grooving on the funky beat of DJ Saturday Nite at the karaoke bar! Very funny.

That’s all of the updates! Hope y’all had fun. Any thoughts? 🙂


Social Media, Zomberry Island

PHG on Steam, Zomberry SUI, over-tweeting, & kite video

Hi Gs,

What isn’t happening in the world of Poptropica? Prepare to have your mind blown with all the new things happening in the Poptropica universe!  😀

Poptropica Help Group on Steam

If you’re looking for a way to connect and play games with other Poptropica lovers, then look no further – we’ve recently started a group on Steam entitled the Poptropica Help Steam Group, in which we’ll post announcements, hold contests, and host events for playing some fun games! If you have a Steam account, then pop on over to the PHG by clicking here.

Do note that you will need a Steam account to join our Poptropica Steam community – it’s an incredible service, so if you don’t have one already, it won’t hurt to get one. 🙂


And by the way, Poptropica – step up your game (quite literally) and get Poptropica on Steam! That would be awesome! 😛

Zomberry SUI & Creator discovered

The next island to be an SUI, after Shrink Ray, might just be Zomberry Island – the reason being that Tania Lynne, a programmer for Poptropica I recently discovered online, posted a screenshot of Zomberry in SUI (sound-updated island) format on her portfolio site.


Tania Lynne apparently has been working for Poptropica since 2010 to present, which is pretty impressive – she’s worked on tons of islands including Cryptids, Mystery Train, and Monster Carnival. Do you think she has an alias? Could she be the Black Widow, for example? Tell me what you think in the comments. 😀



Twitter has been becoming one of the main outlets for the Poptropica Creators to release behind the scenes shtuff – back in the early PCB days, similar activities were pretty common. We’ve gotten some pretty epic unused art from islands, release schedules, and Land creations from their Twitter – but there seems to be one thing wrong: they retweet almost everything tweeted at them.

Why is that a bad thing? For one thing, Poptropica is a kids’ game and some of the things being retweeted are not so kid-friendly… posts with hashtags including some innap words have been seen on the profile, including hashtags such as “#fthepolice” or “bad***”, or the phrase “h*ll yeah”. Another tweet also linked to a different site where a post made by a player used some questionable language.

To be fair, their Twitter is aimed at those 13 or older, but whether this type of language should be tossed around to the (even older) Poptropica audience is debatable.

Educational Videos

A video was released over a year ago by the Phaebus Media Group entitled “Poptropica by PhaebusMediaGroup“. It was 30 seconds long and consisted of two Poptropicans on a beach.

One Poptropican has a kite, which he shows to his friend – and there’s a parrot named Pippin, for some reason. That’s the plot of the video, and while it’s pretty kiddish, you can’t deny that the animation quality isn’t half bad. Someone didn’t just make this for fun – as you’ll see if you check the video description:

Poptropica is an online animation resource for children. Phaebus Media Group created this animation as part of a pitch process.

While I’m not so sure about the online animation resource part, I do want to mention the “as part of a pitch” part. The video ends quite abruptly, just as the boy points out that there are two big triangles and two little triangles on his kite.

Obviously, it’s intended to be an educational video, which suggests that Poptropica was working on an educational video series at some point last year. Whether it happens anytime in the future or not is a mystery, but now we do have some foresight for a possible future project.

Go friend me on Steam if you’d like! I’ll friend back. 🙂



Comics, Labs (Land), Mission Atlantis Island, Zomberry Island

Concept art, Friendly Fish feature, Land WOWs, & more!

Hey Poptropicans! This mega-post covers recent Poptropica tweets for concept art, Land “WOW”s, another glance at a Poptropica comic graphic-novel-like project, and BT’s fan art, plus my Poptropican getting featured on the Creators’ Blog – if you’re interested, read on! 😀

Concept art for Mission Atlantis & Zomberry

Poptropica recently tweeted yet more concept art for Mission Atlantis, Ep. 3this time, the living quarters and lab. For the previous Atlantis Ep. 3 sketches, click here!

That’s not all: they also tweeted this unused art for Zomberry Island, which they used as the style guide for the overall look/mood of the cityscape. Looks like 8-Track Attack and Franny’s Fine Jewelry didn’t make the final cut for vandalized Zomberry storefronts!

unused zomberry artCreators’ Blog feature: Friendly Fish!

As some of you PHB readers commented, my Poptropica character, Friendly Fish, was featured on the Creators’ Blog! It was on a post about how to use the Poptropica Shop to get your character on a shirt, and their screenshots show me in my Halloween costume. Well, Poptropica, I’m honored! 😀

If only my bangs showed in the final shirt product – but still, pretty neat. :mrgreen:

Speaking of dressing your Poptropican in haunting fashion, you should totally enter in the PHB’s 6th annual Halloween costume competition, accepting entries from now until Halloween. 😉

More Poptropica comic/graphic novel

Remember when the Creators tweeted a sample page of what appeared to be a graphic novel based on the Poptropica comic series starring Jorge & Oliver (and a new addition named Mya)? They’ve posted more, again stressing that it was very “behind-the-scenes”. (Last time, they mentioned to expect whatever this project was to come in January 2015, but we’ll see!)

Brave Tomato’s fan art

Getting into the Halloween spirit, PHB author Brave Tomato recently tweeted some fan art for the Poptropica characters of Count Bram (Vampire’s Curse) and Dr. Jupiter (Super Villain) – which were then re-tweeted by Poptropica! You can check out more of BT’s awesome art on her deviantArt page.

More Land “WOW”s

Finally, here’s a look at some of the recent Poptropica Land “WOW”s the Creators have tweeted recently. Remember, there’s going to be several Land challenges coming up from tomorrow until the end of the month, in which everyone (even non-members) can participate, so look out for that! :mrgreen:

Anyway, that’s all for now! Keep on popping on, Poptropicans. 🙂