
Balance the Boxtrolls: ad game

What’s popping, Poptropicans? Blake here — what? Okay, so the title IS a bit lazily written, but so is the novel based on Disney’s Maleficent. Don’t judge.

Anyway, a new ad has exploded onto Main Streets near you to advertise the new LAIKA and Focus Films movie, “The Boxtrolls“! When you arrive on Main Street (I went on Mythology Island), you’ll be greeted by Eggs (who names a kid Eggs? I DO, THAT’S WHO!) and his stylishly-clothed Boxtroll companions, in front of what I suppose is a Boxtroll hole.

Screenshot 2014-09-15 at 5.30.59 PM

Now, you remember that tightrope portion of that old Open Season 3 ad from a few years back? If you do, the inside of this ad building is going to remind both you and me of that same ad. The game is called Balance the Boxtrolls.

Screenshot 2014-09-15 at 5.32.59 PM

To play, just point your mouse left or right to balance the Boxtrolls, and assist Eggs and the Boxtrolls in changing a lightbulb. (hey, hey guys — how many Boxtrolls does it take to change a lightbulb? FIVE, THAT’S WHAT IT SHOWS IN THE SCREENSHOT! HAHAHA *ok, I laugh way too hard at my own jokes…*)

If you win, you’ll be greeted by a little cutscene of the Boxtrolls changing the light themselves (why did we even bother helping), and you’ll get two prizes, the Boxtroll Buddy and Boxtroll Transformer! Before you ask about the name of the latter – no, this is not Hasbro/Michael Bay CCH CHH CHH CHH Transformers; this is something that turns other Poptropicans into Boxtrolls. This is me showing off the prizes in all their.. um… oil and shoe-iness?

Screenshot 2014-09-15 at 5.39.34 PM

Boxtrolls. Boxtrolls everywhere. Stay popping, Poptropicans.

*gets into box*

See? What did I tell you? BOXTROLLS EVERYWHERE.


Power Rangers: Loogie Chase – Poptropica ad walkthrough

Power Rangers loogie chase

There’s a new ad game on Main Streets (such as Zomberry) for Saban’s Power Rangers Megaforce, and the objective is to lead Vrak’s evil forces, the Loogies (those yellow-and-black creatures), to the Power Rangers at the end of the chase! Thanks to Samwow5 for the heads-up.

The mission: don’t let the Loogies catch up to you, but keep running until you reach the end of the city landscape. You’ll be given a weapon, which you can use to shoot small obstacles in front of you (press spacebar). For bigger obstacles, you’ll have to jump over them. When you near the end, you’ll fall into an underground pit – keep running and you’ll reach the Power Rangers, who will take care of the Loogies from there. Go go Power Rangers! 🙂

For your heroic efforts, you’ll receive a Power Rangers Uniform (pink for girls; red for boys) and RoboKnight Power (surroundings flash red for a moment and you wear the yellow RoboKnight suit).


Finnmona and Brookezus

During your current adventures in Poptropica, you might find two more new advertisement buildings that you can try your hand at to get fabulous prizes!


The snacks that smile back have been all sucked up a vacuum cleaner! It’s your job to rescue them all by going through a maze trying to find doors that cage your cheesy friends within the two-minute time limit. Clicking on the keypads starts a short video that you have sit through. (You’ll shortly realize how thirty seconds can feel like an hour.) After the video finishes, you are given a numeric code that you must punch into the keypad. Pressing the big red button finally lifts the door; you can then run up to the Goldfish as it jumps up to your screen happily. You repeat this for all five Goldfish, and you’re set! Just be wary of any incoming metal rock thingies trying to hinder your path to success. All in a day’s work! Also, if you have some sort of object that enables you to fly, use it by all means! It’ll definitely make your journey much smoother.

lol, paradox

For all of your good deeds, you receive a ‘Goldfish Outfit’ and a ‘Goldfish Stalker Follower’! I am sporting the two in the above picture. But if you’re like me, you don’t want to sit through multiple monotonous clips just to get a code. Luckily, the codes are the same for everyone. So, I can just list the codes right here:

  1. Xtreme (orange, excited face) – 53279
  2. Brooke (light yellow, female) – 34418
  3. Swimmington (orange, smug face) – 54234
  4. Finn (yellow, sunglasses) – 89721
  5. Gilbert (brown, salt on body) – 73592

Ramona and Beezus:

The movie starring Joey King and Selena Gomez has been made into an advertisement building to spread the word for its premiere on July 23rd. Ramona wants you to help her paint her mural. You must completely breathe color into her painting in ONE MINUTE, or else you fail. You must never fail Ramona. To succeed, you have to constantly make sure you have lots of paint to brush all over her picture. What I did was just charge until my paint gauge was full and just scrub with my mouse as fast as I could in horizontal strokes. You will be rewarded with a ‘Magic Paintbrush’ once you complete her task. If you are stationed near a fellow Poptropican and you press the space bar, you will paint them a new color!

I made the Goldfish guy gold. There's probably a really cheesy (HA!) pun I could make about this; I just don't know what.

EDIT: Special thanks to captain_t3chn0 and Loud Shark on the Poptropica Help Chat for informing me about other ways to have fun with your Magic Paintbrush!

A. Pictured here is what appears to be Hercules un-becoming (is that a word?) a statue. All you have to do is wave your brush in front of him, and he just suddenly jumps out of his inanimate counterpart. Now he can have his statue and his moving limbs! That’s like hitting two clones of Hermes with one stone.

B. You can paint the cat. Have I mentioned that your magical paintbrush also paints the subject’s eyes? ANIMAL ABUSE!

C. You can paint the dummies. What’s interesting is that if you paint one of the dummies it will also paint the other dummies simultaneously. 😮

ALSO, for anybody who’s having a hard time finding these ads, I personally found the Goldfish ad on Shark Tooth Island and the Ramona and Beezus ad on Early Poptropica Island. If you can’t find them here, I recommend searching across the other islands’ respective Main Streets.


Advertisements, Bonus Items, Reality TV Island, Sneak Peeks

Got honey?

For Green Seal’s post about the Honey Nut Cheerios ad on Poptropica, scroll down below!

[Update] DaVinci: Everyone, there is a new PCB post. I don’t think it’s big enough to merit another PHB post, but there is some pretty sweet info in it – regarding the upcoming membership feature! For example, the Creators hint that “This is key, since we are planning on releasing some pretty sweet islands this year!”

Regarding the many concerns about Poptropica itself still being free, the PCB mentions – “Remember, even if you don’t have credits or membership, the Poptropica Islands are always 100% FREE for all to play!” So, this is ultimately awesome. :D ;)


There’s a sweet new advertisement on every island on Poptropica… for EVERY AGE. :O I don’t think this has ever happened before!  This is a historical moment *tear*.  Um, anyway, it’s the Honey Nut Cheerios: Honey Defender Game Ad (Thanks Bobitator for the update!).  This advertisement doesn’t have any plot or task; there’s just a costume, a video, and a quiz game. 😀 You just go inside the huge hive and jump around.

TAKE THAT DUMMY! *hits with fishing pole* >:D

*announcer voice* Now you can become Buzz, the honey defender!  Explore, collect, and defend the honey! >:D Yeah, I just took that from the video ’cause I was bored. 😀 When you click the link to the game, you are directed to the game on Funbrain.  You can also play it at:, although to play the full game you have to put in a code from your cereal box.  You can play the demo version, though.  I can’t play either because I don’t have unity web player. xD

In other news, there’s another sneak peek of Reality TV Island posted in the Creators’ Blog:


Still stuck on this island, I found some people playing a game with small sliding pucks. I don’t think the mime is going to win this one.

It shows some kind of weird game that to me looks similar to pool or something… IDK.  The characters above are probably the contestants you are going against in RTV.  Some new characters are the chef, the elder woman, train/bus driver (I’m guessing), and the elder man on the right.  I think the place where the mime is is where you would be… I’m not sure, it’s just a random guess. 😀

This is all for now!  Be sure to check out the below posts:

~ GS or “GAS”. xD


A Wizard’s Adventure

WOWPTM Advertisement Guide

A new adventure is brought out in Poptropica that takes you into an uncharted area filled with jungles, falling rocks and magical wands. It is an advertisement for “The Wizards Of Waverly Place: The Movie“.
We made a guide and even made a video tutorial to help you out.

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