Look Book

Take a look inside our Poptropica Look Book, the most comprehensive collection of Poptropica outfits there is to behold! Full of the hottest trends and swaggiest styles from all over the fandom, you’re sure to find something to inspire your own personal look. And there’s more in the comments!

Table of Contents

  1. 💃 Fashion Forward
  2. 👘 Classic Costumes
  3. 📺 Characters from Pop Culture
  4. 🥸 Non-Player Characters (NPCs)
  5. Poppies Parade
  6. 🎃 Halloween Hall of Fame
  7. 💡 Tips & Tricks

Note: Since the availability of costume parts is changing all the time, we’ve omitted the step-by-steps, and you may not be able to fully assemble everything you see here. Scroll down to the “Tips & Tricks” section for the latest advice on putting together a fashionable outfit!

Fashion Forward

Stay in style with these cool looks from the pages of Pop fashionista Pink Crush!

Classic Costumes

Take some ideas from these classic, snazzy styles!

Characters from Pop Culture

Recognize any of these characters from media and popular culture? For a more detailed look at how to dress like them, click the links to see their corresponding PHB Pop-over posts.

The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory in Poptropica
See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Bazinga!


See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Black-ish.

The Good Place

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: The Good Pop.

Gravity Falls

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Gravity Falls Gang!

The Greatest Showman

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: The Greatest Showman!

Harry Potter

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Yer a Poptropican, Harry!

Inside Out

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Inside Out.

Men of Marvel

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Men of Marvel.

Night in the Woods

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Night in the Woods.

One Direction

Pop Boyband
See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: What Makes You Beautiful.

Over the Garden Wall

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Over the Garden Wall.

Pokémon (Pop-émon Go)

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Gotta Catch ‘Em All, Pokemon!

Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Scooby-Doo!

Steven Universe

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Believe in Steven!

Stranger Things

See the corresponding PHB special post, Pop-over: Stranger Things.


Snapped and shared by the Poptropica Creators!

Individual Characters from Pop Culture

Non-Player Characters

Character reference sheets by Poptropica artist Nasan Hardcastle.

Poppies Parade

The Poppies, our Poptropica fan awards show, is a fun tradition here on the PHB, and every year Poptropicans dress to impress on the blue carpet. Check out some of the glamorous costumes worn for the celebrations!

Halloween Hall of Fame

In the mood for something spooky? Check out the winning entries of past PHB Halloween costume competitions for some haunted inspiration!

2010 Series

2012 Series

2013 Series

2014 Series

2015 Series

2016 Series

2016 Series: Fall Edition

2017 Series

2017 Series: Poptropica Worlds

2018 Series: Casual Edition

2018 Series: Creepy Edition

2019 Series: Heavenly Edition

2019 Series: Hellish Edition

2020 Series: Heroes Edition

2020 Series: Villains Edition

2021 Series

2022 Series

Tips & Tricks

Need some Poptropica fashion advice? Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

  1. 👖 Mix and match different costume parts together! That’s the beauty of it — you get to be original. The store is your go-to spot for the latest costumes, but you can also find lots of options with the Costumizer tool on PoptropiCon Island. Be careful not to mismatch, though: those goofy glasses probably aren’t going to go well with that fancy dress.
  2. 👔 Have a color scheme. Put colors that look good together, but don’t overdo it – you don’t need to have all the colors of the rainbow on you, or the colors may clash. One or two shades, possibly mixed in with some neutral colors (white, black, browns, grays), can pull off a pretty neat outfit.
  3. 👨🏼‍🎤 Skin: Regular human skin tones are your safest bet, unless you’re going for a bizarre Halloween costume or something. You can change your skin tone (and more) with Modify A Poptropican (MAP), a glitching tool.
  4. 💁🏻‍♀️ Hair: You probably don’t want yucky shades like greenish-brown, but whatever you pick, be sure it matches your outfit. Natural colors work best, but sometimes blue or purple hair can do the trick as well. To change hair color, visit 24 Carrot’s “Carrot King Diner” and mix a drink until you get the desired color. When you drink it, your hair color will change!
  5. 🧢 Accessorize. There are tons of accessories available within costumes. Don’t be afraid to try something on — if it doesn’t work out, you can just close the Costumizer window without saving. Add that belt, sword on the side, or those side bangs to complete the outfit you’re working on. Look around and you might just find something that matches. Be inspired by the above costumes, the ideas contained in the comments below, and what your friends are wearing — but make a look that’s uniquely yours, too.

Glitching for Good Looks

There’s a trick out there known as the ASG (Avatar Studio Glitch) that people use to obtain rare, un-Costumizable costumes. With the PHB’s Avatar Studio Gift, you’ll find lots of them, and we’re always adding more. Check it out!

👾 For more backdoor methods, see the PHB’s Glitching Guide.

Share your costume

All are welcome to share costumes with us in the comments below! If you can, tell us how you pieced it together and post a link so we can see it. Here’s how:

  1. 👕 For the best image resolution, use the Costumizer window on PoptropiCon Island. Ideally, crop the image to show just your character.
  2. 📸 Take a screenshot and save it to your computer. Here’s how to take a screenshot — the instructions will vary depending on your device. For Windows, you’ll also need to paste it somewhere to save it as an image file on your computer.
  3. 🔗 Upload the image to the web and share the link in the comments of this post. You can use a site like imgur (or our Discord server, if you’re 13+) to upload your picture and obtain a web link for it that can then be shared so others can see it.

⭐️ Check out more fun stuff like this on Pop Plus! ⭐️

Thanks to the following for lending their ideas to this look book: Angry Wing, Calm MoonChocokat, Fearless Rock, Fuzzy-B, LightningGirl20, Mashimai, People of Poptropica, Pink Crush, the Poptropica CreatorsRainbow, Silly Raptor, Slanted Fish, Slippery Icicle, Spotted Dragon, and Super Thunder & Brave Tomato.

1,775 thoughts on “Look Book”

  1. I have a cool costume, but thanks for the cool costume ideas. Maybe I could use these to improve my costume. 😀

  2. My current costume:
    its very weird lol
    How i made it:

    Hair, belt, and shirt – The girl in the back of the line on main street in Night Watch island.
    Hair color – Colorizer or juice on 24 Carrot island.
    Sword – Heart Astro Knight.
    Wings – Furry monster 1
    Robot face and eye + – Look at the FRIEND FINDER page and friend a dummy with the robot face and eye and friend another with the collar.
    Peg leg – type the code SKULLBOOK in the store.
    MOUTH – friend poptropicamouth# (replace the # with the numbers between 1-49!)
    and you can get the pale skin by the balloons in early poptropica.
    Does anyone like it?
    If you do, plz reply. :3

    1. That is AMAZING! Pls friend me and can I ask a few questions?
      1. What is ur username?
      2. what dummy did you get the cyborg face?

      1. Thanks! Ok, I’ll add you. Whats Your username?
        1. NachaaRules! ( with the exclamation mark, yes )
        2. Hmm… Look At The Dummies on the Friend Finder Page. It Will be there :3

  3. Can you add this to the costume database http://i65.tinypic.com/vr6l9c.jpg
    the parts i used where
    Black hair:From anyone who has black spiked hair
    Cyborg Eye:From Binary Bard or from EDOGGY926 add him
    Cyborg Face:From Binary Bard or from EDOGGY926 add him
    Mouth:From Larrymocap from backlot island
    Gun on the back:From Mike teavee from charlie and the chocolate factory island
    Jacket:From Frankenstein (Poptropica store)
    Shirt:From Prom king (Poptropica store)
    Pants:From Frankenstein (Poptropica store)
    Grenade:From EDOGGY926 add him
    Name it terminator because it looks like him and my user name is EDOGGY926

    slantedfish: We’re not taking requests for the page, but you’re welcome to share costume ideas in the comments. 🙂

  4. Taylor Swift-
    Lips- Southern Bell Costume, Store
    Hair- New You Shop, Home Island. Dye it a light brownish color. Short, a little wavy, huge bangs.
    Microphone- Pop Star Costume, Store
    Black Dress- Random person walking around on PoptropiCon Episode 1

  5. http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bY2FwNHJkWjNKbFpXNW9ZV2x5WldSaWJIVnlZZz09 It’s not necessarily a costume, but It has elements of wardrobes (?) that are trending lately.
    Hair: Bangs from random people in common rooms or around. The hair with the headphones or whatever you can get from Night Watch Island. The last girl in line, with the mint green hair. You can get the color from the home Island update.
    Shirt: You get the shirt from her too. The pants you can get from whoever you find with jeans on the street. There are multiple.
    Lips: I just found people in common rooms with the lips.

    1. Dude don’t you know that that person was another player, it use to be some random person but then their was poptropica sweepstakes and that person who won replaced the original npc. So basically you got it from the other player, so it’s not real creative.

  6. Hiya!
    Here’s my costume, it’s a Weeping Angel from Doctor Who!


    I’ll leave the steps below so you can put it up there, I hope others use this!

    1. Get the bun from the girl in the purple in Herc’s Hero Hut on Mythology.
    2. Get the bangs from the girl in the green in Herc’s Hero Hut on Mythology.
    3. Get the lips from the girl in the blue and white outside Herc’s Hero Hut on Mythology.
    4. The shirt comes from Athena disguised as an old lady.
    5. For the belt go to Poseidon’s beach and costumize on Mythology .
    6. The skirt comes from the Prom Queen costume (Poptropica store) in white.
    7. The wings are from the Angel Girl costume in the Poptropica store.
    8. Use the colourizer (from the store or the one on Home Island inside the New You shop) to dye your skin a stony grey and your hair a few tones darker.

  7. Where do you get the Helena hair from Halloween Hullabaloo Series 2015? I’m looking for it but I don’t know where it is.

  8. I need to know where to get a green plaid shirt in Poptropica. My Poptropican is wearing one but I forgot where I got it. Does anyone know where?

    slantedfish: Do you have a picture or can you share the username?

  9. Hey, Fishy. I’m taking your advice from the ASG page.


    Also known as tpZeldaASG.

    Hair: Girl in front of Mike’s Market on Reality TV Island, dye it dark brown
    Bangs: Fairy Queen costume in store
    Lips: Girl dressed in light blue standing by Museum of Olympus on Mythology Island
    Necklace: Fairy Queen costume in store
    Shirt: Mordred dressed as princess at asteroid fortress on Astro-Knights Island
    Belt: Mordred dressed as princess at asteroid fortress on Astro-Knights Island
    Sword: Templar Knight costume in store
    Skirt: White Prom Queen costume in store

    Hope you like it!

    1. Here’s another one. This one is REALLY important to me, so please read it.


      Behold PossessedZelda.

      All of PossessedZelda can be taken from my first costume, tpZeldaASG, but the skin is pale green and I used a different mouth which I found on random mannequins in the New You shop on Home Island. Unfortunately, I could not find anything resembling black facial markings extending from the neck over the cheeks without having to get rid of my crown, so I hope the blush serves that purpose.

      This costume is based off of Ganon’s Puppet: Zelda, the first of the four Ganondorf boss battles in Hyrule Castle in Twilight Princess. I have a penchant for possessed things, making this, Blizzeta, and Fyrus my favorite bosses in the game.

      I would have named it PuppetZelda, but of course someone stole that username too, and their costume doesn’t even look like Zelda at all.

  10. does anyone like harry potter ’cause i know how to make hermione in that pink ball dress and bellatrix.
    Hermione: Prom Queen Pink { store 75 credits} and brown hair. pretty simple.
    Bellatrix: any black skirt, curly black hair, black shirt and dark lipstick. a little harder.

  11. Here’s one: It’s Called Blue and Black Heart Attack
    Guys, this is VERY hard to create. It’s very EXPENSIVE too. To see hoe she Looks like, please friend her: DaNegasus or go here: http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bSVdYcFRsUkdGT1pXZGhjM1Z6

    Hair: Vampire Girl
    Bangs: Prom Queen
    Shirt and Eye shadow: Rockstar 2 (GIRLS)
    Jacket: Biker Girl
    Color: Go to HOME island
    Skirt, Belt, and Lipstick: Random players in common rooms

  12. When and where does the Halloween outfit contest come up? I made a costume and I’d like to debut it when the time comes, but I’m not smart enough to know where to look.

    slantedfish: Look out for it on the front page of the PHB during the month of October! 😀

    1. Thank you. And I have more questions–on the winners from past years, the ones with the Torch Effect are seen with it on, but when I look at myself on the Avatar Studio, it’s not present in my image, nor are my very unique eyes. Does that mean that when I debut it, those won’t show up on the costume?

  13. im trying to work on an annabeth costume.its pretty hard, i will have a link on here for it if u would like to see it.if you want it, freind me(not my majior account) at makcat216.my normal account is makcat219 if you would like to find me there. but on my normal account, the hair will be purple and the skin will be pink.once again if you want it regular, friend makcat216.slanted fish if you like it, can you add it to the page????

  14. Hey slanted fish!!!☺😎😎 I have a costume to share with you .Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series. Hey poptropicans, you can get it by following these directions or customizing it from me,makcat216. If u want my main account, friend makcat219. Well anyways you can get the hair from my account, the one with the costume. Also, the hair place on home island or when you first create your account has too.the backpack was on a randomized character on early poptropica, but it could be anywhere else. Same with the shirt. It was on night watch island, but it could be anywhere else too. The bangs were on Aphrodite on mythology island with the earrings and blush. Buy the biker costume from the store, and put on the cap, the lips the freckles and the jacket. Or you could customize mine. Go to 24 carrot at the diner and mix mostly black and yellow, white if it gets too dark, and a dash of red and blue for the dirty blonde hair color. And buy the Templar knight costume from the store and customize the sword. I couldn’t find the dagger which she fights with so I got the sword instead . Also the hat was because of her hat of invisibility, but that was the best I could do. If you can find a dagger or a better hat, please use it!!! And slanted fish, please add this costume to the list if u like it and comment. Thanks for reading!!! Orange shell\ Young shadow

    slantedfish: That’s cool! The instructions are a bit too long to put on the page, but thanks for commenting!

  15. I want the little mark on slantedfishs face so i added her but i couldn’t get it please help!

    slantedfish: There’s an ASG for it on our ASG page, plus you can use iPop to just get a specific part. 😉

  16. Here is another Ginny Weasley costume
    Shirt and pants:annie from Red Dragon island
    Jacket:main street shopkeeper from Red Dragon island
    Mouth:girl from main street Mythology island
    Hair:the new you shop on the home island
    Freckles:red haired girl from night watch island

  17. YO, the glitch to customize monkeys, cats, dogs, or robots is to click on them then go too your friends list, then click on the first player you see then put your mouse on the arrow at the right of your friends bar for 20 secs then click the customizer.

    note it does not work on sound updated islands.

  18. Same it took me a while of sitting at the computer looking in my backpack and at the store and running around islands but I got the perfect genie look! It was hard because I found so much stuff but it needed to be blue because for some reason I like to challenge myself lol. P.S. added you. Okay shutting up I talk to much

  19. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG (Sorry freaked out there for a minute love that book series) Lucy in the works you have inspired me

  20. Hehe, when I found out you could customize Poptropicans with the Avatar Studio Glitch, I started working. Months later, here’s the result :3

    My pride and joy, the Undertale team (minor spoilers):
    https://s7.postimg.org/lucqwbvp7/UT+Squad.png (chatroom)
    https://s7.postimg.org/fs545u797/UT+Squad Small.png (same, but smaller and more storylike)
    ~ ~ ~
    Alright, dunno if this matters since a lot are coincidences in Multiplayer rooms, but here goes (If you don’t end up adding this part it’s all good xD)…

    Flowey, username: IAmFlowey
    Flower Power from store, ASG for grenade, Minimizer from store, generic brown pants

    Chara, username: CharaFrisk
    Green shirt from Cryptids, locket from multiplayer room, generic brown pants, rosy cheeks, knife from ASG, Phantom from Store

    Frisk, username: FriskChara
    ASG for closed eyes, scratched up cheeks from someone in multiplayer room, walking stick from ASG, blue shirt from Cryptids, apron from an ASG I think (really can’t remember…)

    Toriel, username: ToriGoatMom
    Purple dress from Astro-Knights, necklace from multiplayer room, hair and horns from Mythology, pie from ASG

    Sans, username: SansyBones
    White tank top from original design (or ASG if you’re a dude), blue sweater from ASG, generic black shorts, ketchup bottle from Hot Dog costume in store, skull from Haunted House, bald from Cryptids (dude in orange shirt to the right)

    Papyrus, username: PappyBones
    White tank top from original design (or ASG if you’re a dude), red scarf from special, red and black shorts from refreshing outfits on Home Island, spoon from ASG, skull from Haunted House, bald from Cryptids (dude in orange shirt to the right)

    Undyne, username: FishyUndyne
    Hair from original design, eyepatch from Multiplayer room but I’m sure you can get it on Skullduggery, scales and fin from Swamp Monster in the Store, armor from Poptropicon Part 1, generic blue pants, lightning handheld from ASG

    (At least add this part if nothing else)
    If it helps, I have another character that I use as a ‘costume backup’. All of their costumes are available in some degree (not the right colors, but the styles are there), on this account’s closet. Username: ASGPractice

    Thank you and keep up the amazing work with Poptropica!

  21. Heh, one more… My sister made Dipper, and I made Mabel to go with him. I know I saw the GF characters up there already (and they look AMAZING!!), but we made these guys a while ago, and since they’re so different from the ones already up there, maybe display this too? :3

    slantedfish: Cute and well done! 😀

  22. I made a Sonic look if you want to make one here is what i used So When i made it i used the snout from the dog costume in store, normal royal blue pants, i used the steven universe mouth to make it look like the smirk sonic gives of in sonic adventure 1 and 2’s cover, the monkey belly from monkey wrench the ears from one of the dog costumes you had on the avatar studio glitch and the armidilo face part for the cheek bones that are the right colour for sonic, the tail is also from the armidilo, and the scarf is optional depending on what design you are aiming for i was aiming for the sonic boom re-design i got that from the sheriff in the wild west island. the hair colour is royal blue and skin colour is yellow so it all goes along well with the dog snout. Well i dont know how to post a picture here like how cuddly hawk did, well here’s a link to it http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=24pbgc0&s=9#.V6y3B_krJaQ

  23. I recreated Piper Mclean from the Heroes of Olympus book series. So here is how you can get it too
    Hair-you can either go for 1 braid or 2 braids but I chose to go for a choppy open hairstyle that you can get from gamer girl in the store
    Bangs-you can customize them from random outfit looks on Home Island in the shop to the left called “New You”
    Shirt-it’s from the 1st guy you see when you land on Cryptids Island (the one holding a soccer ball)
    Dagger-You can get it from the Robin Hood costume in the store
    Pants-any blue pants will do
    Here is the link to the Piper Mclean I recreated:http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bMEhtZ2JSVUdsd1pYSk5ZMnhsWVc1cGMyTm9ZWEp0YVc1blkyaGhjbWx6YldGMGFXTT0%3D

    Most costumes are awesome. They really are. But- Those Hunger Games costume omg. No offense to the makers of them, but Haymitch and Peeta and Gale are just-
    (How long ago were those costumes made?)
    Also, sorry to ask, but is it possible for some of the best costumes from our Fashion Friday segment on the POP blog to be added to this page? We have some excellent ones, if I do say so myself 😛

    1. Yeah, we have tons of pages – check out the Pop Plus section for more cool Poptropica stuff!

      The Hunger Games costumes were made a few years ago, I believe. Sorry that you don’t like them – I think they’re ok, so I added them here. They were originally from the Pop blog Adventure Time Pop.

      Also, sure, I may add some sometime! Thanks! 😀

      1. I’m sorry that I was a little rude. 😦 I suppose that perhaps back then, it was harder to get good costume parts. Also, yay! 😀

  25. I have a mythology costume. here it is Calypso= Lips, drape= first girl you see on mythology island. bangs= girl in purple in Herc’s hut. hair= vampire girl 1(store). Dress= prom queen white(store).

  26. Hi Slanted Fish!
    This is my costume for the Poptropica Costume contest thing. My costume is Annabeth, my favorite character from the book series Percy Jackson And The Olympians. For some weird reason it won’t show the orange top that I have on her, so just an FYI, I got it from the guy on Home Island in the Moana add. Also, I have a few questions about the contest. If I win, would it be possible for you guys to add to teensy weensy things to my costume? These are what they are………….

    and her is the link to my costume:


    1. If you’re referring to the My Poptropica Costume contest that was just announced this week, note that the contest involves creating your own costume design from scratch – not taking from pre-existing costumes. Poptropica is running the contest, not us, and they’ve stated that tiny details would not be practical for this particular contest. You can find all the information on the Creators’ Blog.

  27. So, i found an orange shirt and all at the Moana add, but it is not exactly what I am looking for…….could you alert me if you know of any plain orange shirts in Poptropica??? And also, other question. I could not find a blue cap for Annabeth’s cap of invisibility…..so I was wondering…..if I won……could you make one for me????????? The power she would have was that when you pressed the space bar, she put her cap on and became invisible, and then you press the space bar again to take it off. So…..yeah…..could you help me out?

  28. Hair: Mostly anywhere(I got mine at the New You shop at Home Island)
    Shirt: Annie on Red Dragon Island
    Pants: also on Annie
    Belt: Robin Hood costume in the store
    Lips: Ballerina in the store
    Sword: Amazonian Woman in the store
    Hat: Hat Maker Stand in the mall in Night Watch Island

  29. I made my new Poptropican (itsakitchensink) dress like Tyler Joseph, the lead singer of 21 Pilots, if anyone wants to look at it. I made it like that because the Avatar name is Purple Drummer, and that reminds me of Josh Dun : )

  30. Hi Slanted Fish!
    Me again. And I have a question for you. So, you announced the winners for the costume contest, and even though I didn’t win, I saw all the other costumes and thought they were great! But, um, the Ocean Princess costume, one of grand prize winners, I LOVE SO MUCH, and wanted to wear it, but…………..I looked in the store and it was not there. How long will it take for it to get in stores?

  31. Oh and one more question. i love the movie Moana so much! I have probably every Moana product in the world. Would it be possible if the Poptropica creators (or whoever does the costumes) make a Moana costume to put in the Poptropica store? I think that EVERYONE would purchase that!

  32. yeah i was thinking the same thing. i like the winning costumes of the contest but amm confused why they are not in the store. whenll they get there

      1. Oh I got it from the von garlic costume guy in the avatar studio gift, it shouldn’t be too hard to find. I hope this helped in some way.

      2. To be more specific I got it from the avatar studio gift under dummies and it should be the third dummy on the list. Once again I hope this helps, i’m ecstatic you liked my costume

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