Have questions about Poptropica? You’ve come to the right place.

If you’re a longtime player returning after years away, you might be wondering, “What happened to Poptropica?!” And if you’re new, you might be curious about all the “old islands” often mentioned but hardly seen. So let’s get into it!

Djinn and Tonic: One of these is the cure for what ails you.

Tip: Use Ctrl+F (or Command+F for Macs) to search easily.

🤔 What happened to Poptropica? 🏝

Where did all the old islands go?

Simply put, the end of Adobe Flash meant the end of many of Poptropica’s classic islands, which ran on this now outdated technology that was laid to rest in 2020. This wiped out about 30 islands made from 2007–2015.

Are the old islands ever officially coming back? When?

Poptropica has brought back some of the newer old islands, including episodic ones, and also released a Steam bundle containing many of these newer classics.

With the transition to Coolmath Games in early 2024, it’s been made clear that there is no official plan to restore the old islands, reneging on Poptropica’s previous expressions of interest to do so.

How can I play the old islands again?

The hottest solution for accessing the classic islands is through Flashpoint, the fan-run post-Flash preservation project. Learn more in our Old Islands Guide!

There is no longer any membership offering access to extra islands. You can however play a selection of newer old islands with Poptropica’s paid Steam bundle.

If you miss old Pop, you can bop to our music video about it, Backspace — a Taylor Swift parody of “Blank Space.

What happened to Mythology Island?

Veteran players may remember a longer Mythology Island than the one currently in the game. When the island was re-released for Haxe in 2020, many parts were removed for an easier experience. However, you can still play the original Mythology Island with Poptropica on Steam.

What happened to the Costumizer?

With the current Haxe platform since 2021, Poptropica removed the Costumizer, the feature that allowed players to copy clothes off of other players and NPCs. They claimed it was because of player complaints that hard-earned costumes were being copied, an explanation which players have criticized.

The Costumizer is still accessible only on PoptropiCon Island, where it is part of the quest, and in the Steam version of the game.

Slipping Standards: Ninja? More like a non-ja.

🖥 Technical Talk 🎮

I forgot my username/password, is there any way to get it back?

If you forget your username, probably not, so make sure you keep your details somewhere safe in case you need them.

However, if you’ve forgotten your password but know your username, you can contact Poptropica support for help in retrieving your account.

Is a Poptropica membership worth it?

That’s something only you can decide based on your finances, desires, and what’s currently available with membership these days. Check out our Membership Tour page for a deeper dive into this question.

Mint Condition: Coinage is the currency of the realm.

I’m stuck! There’s something wrong with my Poptropica account!

Try playing on a different web browser or device, or restarting the island in question via the map. If all else fails, contact Poptropica support for tech help.

Who made Poptropica and when?

Poptropica was founded by Jeff Kinney, the author of the bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid book series. It launched September 2007 and was hosted by Family Education Network, a division of Pearson Education, Inc. Poptropica was sold to Sandbox Networks in 2015 and became part of StoryArc Media in 2016.

💙 Fandom FAQ ✨

Can I write for the Poptropica Help Blog?

Yes, we welcome guest writers for our Poptropica fan blog on all sorts of topics, from Clubhouse Tours to Pop 5s! Find out more on our Write for the PHB page.

write for phb

Are you Poptropica Creators?

No, though we wish we were! We’re just regular players like you with a passion for Pop. This fansite, the PHB, is made and maintained by fans of Poptropica.

Check out our Pop Creators Database for more about the team behind the game. To get in touch with Poptropica, visit the contact link on their homepage.

Binary Bard: Or maybe not so binary.

Got more questions? Send us a message or comment below! ✏️

832 thoughts on “FAQ”

  1. i cant get betty jetty i can get close up to her but i cant seem to get really close and bump into her and for spy island i do the eye test right but he doesnt say the thing he is suppose to say

  2. Kitty – It takes some time to answer most everyone’s comments every day, but it’s quite fun to run this blog, and it’s nice to know I’ve helped out a lot of people. 🙂

    Panini and Chowder – It’s sometimes like that. Just try going to another island’s multiplayer room instead. 😉

    MythicalJedi – Like Mitchell Brett here said, read the quest guides if you need help. Here’s the one for Super Power Island, which is the one that you need:

    1. One time when I logged in, there was a screen that said: “Oops! Sorry, we lost progress.” The screen also told me to either choose another character or go back to the title page.

  3. Yes! Super Power Island IS open! A post on the official Poptropica Blog says
    Super Power Island
    Now Online!

  4. I Love The Site!!!Oh and do you know when Big Nate island will come out,my sister and I can’t wait to play it!
    It’s me again,I also wanted to ask how you grant the wish with the fairy wings, my freands told me they have the fairy wings and can’t grant the wish!
    U Rock!!!
    SCARY TOMATO ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I asked Super power,that’s his name,what he meant because he was talking about Reality TV Island, not Super Rower Island. He said that he wanted to get voted off.

  6. Trusty Feather – Please, please, please keep your comments in one. To answer your questions:
    Big Nate Island is coming this fall (2008). Exact date is currently not known.
    There is no wish to grant. You heard a false rumor…

  7. Thanks Scary Tomato!
    What do you think nabooti will be like
    Do you know the creator of poptropica’s name?Just wanted too know

    Scary Tomato: Can you please keep all your comments in one comment, instead of submitting a comment after every sentence? Anyway:
    Description of Nabooti Island can be found here.
    No, I do not know the creator’s name. There are numerous creators on the Creators’ Blog though, and they all have nicknames (Shark Boy, Comic Kid, etc…).

  8. hi scary tomato again it is sarah the wild horse is my name on poptropica.com you can have my account user lindaabc12 pass maggie1 thank you sarah

    Scary Tomato: I don’t need your account, but thanks for sharing. If someone else wants it, they’re welcome to have it. 😉

  9. Everyone, I have a poptropica person to I don’t want. Whoever wants it they can have it. user:Rainbowbird3 pass:MariaRainbow

  10. hey on spy island any time I want to go somewhere it goes to a blue screen why and how do I fix it

    Scary Tomato: Is the blue screen the loading screen? If it is, that means it is loading. Wait a while and you should be at the place you tried to go to. If that’s not what you meant, then go down to read comment #123.

  11. Poptropica Creators Blog says that pumpkin heads can be found (using customizer) in multi-player rooms. It pecifically said: ‘Find somebody with a pumpkin head and join the masquerade!’
    I have one!

  12. Sockman369, That happend to me to. It is just a glich. I fixed it by loging out on my file and not swiching users. Then poptropica on my file was fixed. I think it happens because I played on poptropica to much

    1. Yeah, once I was in my Multiverse, and I was playing for so long, then when I tried to Chat with someone, it took a lonnng time and the questions that came up said this:
      This is the first default question.
      This is the second default question.
      And the third.

      So when I tried to leave, it said address not found and it wasn’t even on Poptropica anymore.

      1. A couple years ago we were talking about multiverse rooms and Green Seal/ Sparkle Star came to mine and after a while, it kicked me off too. 😦

  13. scary tomaoto,

    ive seen people with raceing suits im wondering how to get them and where.

    yours truly mr.fire3

  14. i’ve been round poptropica and i see people wearing things from what looks like nabooti island are they just there to tell us what to excpect or are they real people in like example america who have it before us.

  15. Hello. My name is Smart Wolf, call me Wolfie. I was just wondering what a non-player character is? If they are things where you can costomize your character then could you tell me where to find them?


    1. Wolfie, a non player character (NPC) are the poptopicans on the streets such as Shark Boy, big nate, and the fruit bat guy. You can’t chat and battle with them unless you use a glitch that can be found on boredom busters. Now players like you and me aren’t NPC’s because we can chat and battle glitchless and we control our characters. Hope this helps! 🙂

  16. Wolfie – A non-player character is basically a character (a person/animal) in the game that is computer-controlled. You and I and all of us here (the readers) are Poptropica players. A NON-player means they’re not a player, which means they have to be computer-controlled! 😀

    Trusty Feather – Not that I’ve heard of, but if you can, I’ll let you all know. 😉

  17. Oh ok. Thanks for the info! 🙂

    I’m also trying to find the cat ears, does anyone know where to find them WITHOUT copying somebody?

    Thanks 😀


  18. No, we have yet to find them. 😦 If you do no someone that does, or if you want to meet with me to get them, I’ll need your time zone, and a time and place to meet.

  19. is there going to be a chinese theme where you get to battle a dragon or somthing?

    p-s-love the blog!!!!!!!!

  20. Wolfie – Togor explained it pretty well, we haven’t yet found out how to get cat ears without copying it from somebody. 😛

    Clothes Minded – Not yet. Check the Creators’ blog and this blog everyday to know what updates we currently know of. 😉

  21. Howloween – Not that I’ve yeard of, but maybe sometime they’ll come up with something like that. Although they already had a Chinese theme in the Time Tangled Island quest. If you’re all hearing these things from random people, don’t beleive everything someone tells you. Maybe there will be, maybe there won’t be. 😉

  22. Wolfie, I think you can get the cat ears (mask) in Super Power Island in the costume shop. Hope it helps! B-)

    Scary Tomato: I don’t think the cat ears are there… they never were. 😕

  23. Hi everyone, there is a new stand on every island. It has a banner saying Happy Halloween! It also has halloween costumes under it.

  24. Thanks Rainbow Bird and Nervous Lizard! It was designed by Codien, who is now another staff member of the blog. He’s mostly the awesome graphics guy. 😛

    I’ve also blended in all the quests on one page, so if you need to look at a quest guide, go to the top, look for something titled “Island Quests”, and click. Then you will be brought to a page where you can choose which quest guide you want and click its link. I did that so it wouldn’t look so messy up there. 😉

  25. I was wondering if for Halloween Poptropica might have a party or something like that?

    Scary Tomato: That’s a cool idea. I’m not sure whether we’re having one or not, though. Poptropica hasn’t been known to throw parties yet. 😛

  26. HELP! Poptropica glitched up on me and now all my items except the ones i were wearing are gone, i can’t save, whenever i exit a building i just spawn where my blimp is, and my name is unknown! I already tried another character, but that one doesn’t work either! What do i do?

    Scary Tomato: That’s not supposed to happen… my best guess is maybe your computer isn’t saving the game every time you leave Poptropica. Try running a virus scan to check your computer.

  27. Never mind, it’s fixed. it was a problem with vista. Now i’m playing on the computer with Window XP and it works fine.

  28. Whats the quest?
    I’ve never heard of it. Is it new?

    Scary Tomato: Each island (for example, Spy Island) has a quest, or mission, that goes with it. The people of the island are in trouble and you must do things to solve their problems. 😉 There are quest guides on this blog if you need help.

  29. Could you come up with an island like prehistoric island where you have to save the dinosaurs from extinction?

    Codien: This is a really good idea. You should send this to poptropica or something.

  30. I saw this blog and it looked cool so I decided to sudmit a comment. My poptropica name is Barefoot Tummy, and I saw someone with dragon ears but I couldn’t get them someone told me that you could get them by E-mailing someone and filling out some forms is it true?

  31. Nervous Lizard – It’s possible, but since I don’t have any proof, I doubt it is… 😐

    Barefoot Tummy – I don’t know where these “dragon ears” are from, but you never fill forms and E-mail them away for Poptropica items. So, it’s not true. 😉

  32. How comes Ned Noodlehead is called Comic Kid on the Poptropica Creators’ Blog? Also, its the same for Edmund on Time Tangled Island, he’s called Thihrsty Whale!?!?! Do you think that the creators forgot the names of their characters? The only characters who have their names right are; Shark Boy,Dr.Hare,Director D and Vlad the Viking. Weird isn’t it? My name on Poptropica is White Rock. Please answer.

  33. White Rock – I don’t think they forgot the names, but you’re right, it is strange. We’re not sure the Viking on Time Tangled Island is actually named Vlad, though.

    I think that the names are different because it’s that Creators’ nickname, and even though, for example, Comic Kid shares the same avatar as Ned Noodlehead, they have different names. So they want to use the same image but keep a different name. 😉

  34. If the question about the cat ears is still going around, I think you have to be a girl to wear them, because my cousin could wear them.

    Scary Tomato: That’s interesting. I’m not sure if you can’t wear it because your character is a boy, although it’s possible… but we still don’t know where cat ears originally came from. 😛

  35. Help me! in the multiplayer room I am a 4 star but when I play the games if I win or lose my star is still the same. It wont change! Whats going on!!

  36. Rainbow bird if you read some of the previous comments you would know that it is really hard to get the fifth star.

  37. Do you know how the creators put a blue backround behind a charactor Scary tomato? Because I want to try and do that wth my charactor.

    Dear Rainbow Bird,
    There is a simple way of doing this. When in Poptropica click on the Customizer button (Top) and then click on another Poptropican. Then when the customizing screen comes up. Take a screen shot (PrtScn). Then paste into a editing program (E.g. MS Paint).

    There. Your Poptropican with a blue background.
    Hope this helped

  38. I noticed the winner of the Halloween contest
    Had like grey-ish shades around he’s eyes.
    So I Thought you Couldn’t change your eyes.
    So I tried changing my eyes… But it wouldn’t Work!
    How did He do it?

  39. Oops!

    When you put 2 > < ( I put them the wrong way purposly ) it deletes what you put in between. Here what I meant tot say.

    Plus, I’ve never the (Insert Island name here) heard of the Quest,
    Is it even Real?
    I’ve finished Every single quest but never this one.

    1. The only reason the greater than and less than symbols dissappear is because comments are in HTML format. To learn more search it up on Google.

  40. Young Tornado – I think maybe he got the eyes from a non-player character, but I’m not sure. Insert island name here means to insert the name of an island, for example, Shark Tooth Island. The question would then be “How do you complete the Shark Tooth Island Quest?” Do you get what I mean? 😉 So, “insert island name here” isn’t a quest. Hope that helped.

  41. Zade – Thanks Zade! I hope to see you too! 😀

    Noisy Raptor – As far as I know: No, that is not true. The Poptroica Creators have NEVER mentioned those islands before, so it’s just a false rumor. 😉

    Nervous Lizard – Cool. Well, the only way to post a picture in your comment that I know of is to make a Photobucket or Imageshack account and give your picture a link, and then paste it into your comment. 🙂

  42. Yes, Scary Tomato, those eyes did come from a non-player-character. I got them from a guy on Early Poptropica. Id post a photo but I dont know how.

  43. Noisy raptor: So far no one knows when those islands will come out. Scary tomato does not know that also. He already told everyone he just a player like us.

  44. Hi, I have a technical question ( I think) whenever I log in, I’m in a multiplayer room, and when I try to exit,it goes to a blue screen with vines crossing, and the vines keep crossing, I oncewaited for three hours, and it was still like tha, please help :S

  45. Noisy Raptor – Rainbow Bird is right, I don’t know when they’re coming out, and not only that, but this question has been asked and answered (by me) many times already. 🙄

    Clothes Minded – I can tell whether someone is suitable for the jobs or not, so it depends. I think I have enough staff members for now, though. 😉

    Young Paw – That would be the loading screen. It is sometimes very slow. If it’s still like that, exit Poptropica, refresh the page, and try again. 😛

  46. There not even finished the two they already started, but now there making two more…?

    Scary Tomato: I don’t know why either. 😕 I hope they can manage it though. 😛

  47. I really want to watch he new Poptropica video but my broadband just ran ou so I can’t! Grrr.

    Scary Tomato: I’m sorry to hear that. 😦 I hope you’ll be able to see it soon, because as Mitchell Brett says below, it’s really cool.

  48. On the new Poptropica video there are ghosts on Nabooti Island and you can play as Big Nate on Big Nate Island!

  49. ypung paw is the same as me scary tomato when u click go up to betty jetty it takes so long to load up!!!!!!!!!!!!:=s

    Scary Tomato: I understand long-time loading is extremely annoying. Just be patient and it’ll finish loading soon, then you can continue playing. 😛

  50. hi.im wondering if you know anyhting about a wafle cone in a middle of a street cuz i heard roumers about non multiplayer people and there waering wafle cone suits.do you know them?

    Codien: WOW. I didn’t. Make a guy with him wearing it and send his User and Pass here so we can check it out. Or is this just fake 😛

    Send it or thats just silly. Lol but it would be funny.

  51. There aren’t any waffle cones but there is a cart in super power island were you get a wall-e wish list and you can customize to get an elf costume.

    Scary Tomato: That’s right. 🙂

  52. theres a new post on Poptropicas blog about a view from a spaceship. This might be related to the ‘spaceship meets castle’ post. Keep it comin’ Poptropica!

  53. OMG guess what people!!! I FOUND A SECRET MASK!!! It’s in spy island and where you go on your way to the garden and then go to the pole with lights on the left(<) Then go down till you see a red building and you will see a mask in the middle of the wall. I haven’t checked it if it’s still there but dont blame me if it’s not there please. I know it has something to do with “Make your own adventure” (my poptropica name is on top) I love this poptropica website!! It has all my questions but this is just to tell you if you didn’t…

  54. Young Hero, we already know that. 🙂
    It’s not there anymore. it was an exclusive mask. Btw, it’s Nabooti Island now.

    Scary Tomato: I’m not sure if it’s still there or not. 😛 But the description of the mask from the Poptropica Creators was that it was an “exclusive mask from the upcoming Nabooti Island.” Hmmm… 🙂

  55. Does any one know how to get the trash can hat in spy island?

    Scary Tomato: At the Docks of Spy Island, use the Costumizer on the spies hiding in the trash cans. They’ll be wearing trash can hats, which you can Costumize from them. 😉

  56. It is so cool! Now on Poptropica instead of coming soon it says Nabooti Island is coming very soon and Big Nate Island is coming early 2009!

  57. what was before the customizer in poptropica

    Scary Tomato: There was this “Friends” button, but I couldn’t access it so I didn’t really know what it was for. 😕

  58. i really like your website too sacry tomato but how do u answer the questions do u go to skewl cuz i looked at ur about page and it said that u were twelve and u must be really smart cuz like when i wuz readin the commeits so i would not ask the same questions and u were using a lot of instresting stuff!also can u speak chinese?

    Scary Tomato: Of course I go to school. 😆 I’m not very good at Chinese, but it’s okay. 😉 But please stay on topic, you can ask these on the About page not the FAQ page.

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