Advertisements, Comics, Popstorms, Sneak Peeks

Goldfish Fun ad with Monsters, balloon, blimp icon, & more

Hey Poptropicans! The Goldfish Fun ad has been reincarnated a third time – this time, finding three garden-themed items will get you a three-eyed Monster Costume! 1) The seeds are near the tomato garden, 2) the soil is by the tree, and 3) the shovel is at the tree branch near the fence.

Also, click on the monster by the fence near the Monster Mayhem sign to receive the Monster Follower. (Thanks to Slippery Raptor for the pics & insight!)

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Poptropica tweeted this picture of of an escape balloon. Whether this has to do with Balloon Boy remains to be seen, but they did respond to one concerned Poptropican regarding Balloon Boy that they’re “just not sure at this point”.

escape balloon

Another possibility is that this could be for the upcoming island based on the Poptropica comics – they did also recently post this experimental snapshot of Jorge (in his pink underwear) on Mythology Island:

jorge on myth island

Also, Ep. 1 of Arabian Nights (How Bazaar) is now free to download on Android devices. If you need a walkthrough, check out the PHB’s Arabian Nights Island Guide!

By the way, the Creators’ Blog recently updated their favicon (website icon) with the Poptropica blimp, the icon of the Poptropica app – about time they changed from the default Blogger icon. 😛


Interestingly, especially with the episodic islands, Poptropica has recently been doing away with the iconic yellow blimp – they’ve even confirmed that it won’t appear on GHD Island, which is coming at the end of January. Check out our Galactic Hot Dogs Island page for more info on the upcoming adventure!

Lastly, just a reminder that the PHB’s having a Christmas party this Saturday (Dec 20th), and we’d love to have you join – it’ll be fun! See the invitation post for more details. :mrgreen: Stay popping, Poptropicans.

Advertisements, Labs (Land), Popstorms, Realms, Sneak Peeks

Caveman follower, Poptropica Realms, & more

Hey Poptropicans! There’s a new ad on Main Street for Night at the Museum 3: Secret of the Tomb, in theaters Dec 19 – just watch the video trailer to get your own Caveman Follower!

caveman follower ad

(It’s supposed to be on Night Watch Island, which would be clever considering the name of the film, except that for some players like me, ads never seem to appear on older/classic islands, although they can be found on SUIs like Shrink Ray!) You can also Costumize the nearby Sir Lancelot.

Meanwhile on social media, Poptropica has revealed a logo and name for what appears to be the second coming of the Land feature: Poptropica Realms. This might even involve the “create your own worlds (planets)” sneak peek unveiled earlier! Hmmm, indeed.

pop realms

They’ve also posted PopStorm #10, titled “anticipation”, and featuring… a birthday boy, chasing after – a burger on wings…? Just what exactly becomes of these PopStorms? Interesting, though.

popstorm 10

The Creators also posted another YouTube video, this one showing off the latest Galactic Hot Dogs prize pack (more details here) as well as the GHD ad game on the Poptropica app (more details here) —

Lastly, to anyone who’s called Poptropican people “ugly”…

it is only natural to envy my looks

True story. Anyway, that’s all for now! 😀 Stay popping, Poptropicans.

Arabian Nights Island, Popstorms, Sneak Peeks

Binary Bard’s Arabic kin, a Mole King, & other things

Hey Poptropicans – just popping in to mention a few things. First of all, the PHB’s Arabian Nights Island Guide has now been updated with a written walkthrough (complete with pictures and even maps for the prison scenes) for Episode 2: Lair of Thieves! (Thanks to Blake, Scary Plug, Pixelzy, HPuterpop and, er, myself for contributing.) Go check it out! (And check out Sam’s review in the post below!)


Also… the coin-counting thief in the treasure keep quite resembles another iconic character from Astro-Knights Island. Does Binary Bard have Arabic kin? Heh. (thanks to Brave Tomato for pointing it out! also, check out our Arabian Nights Island page for more trivia)

BB's arabic kin

Anyway, the Creators recently tweeted a few things worth mentioning – including the fact that Poptropica Membership Gift Cards will soon be available from Amazon!

Also, they tweeted a behind-the-scenes image of a three-eyed monster, which you can see in the current Goldfish Fun ad (more details in this PHB post).

They also shared this cool sketch of a character called the Mole King for an upcoming island (perhaps the underground-themed island, considering the cave-like setting – and is that a drill on his shirt?). Sadly it was scrapped because it “didn’t quite work”. 😦 Brave Sky also points out that the throne he’s sitting on looks like the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones.

mole kingLastly, they uploaded a pic of a red wormhole – what could this be for? Maybe the mysterious genie to be seen in Episode 3 of Arabian Nights? Or, as Tiny Socks points out, it could be the wormhole that brought Oliver and Jorge to Poptropica in the first comic, since the Creators are planning an island based on the Pop comics. Anyway, share your guesses in the comments! 😛

wormholeThat’s all for now – stay popping, Poptropicans. 😉

Advertisements, Popstorms, Sneak Peeks

Goldfish Fun ad: Spooky Shrub costume & Flashlight, plus PopStorm snowmen

Hey Poptropicans! Remember the Goldfish Fun ad game mentioned last week? Well, it’s still around, but with new prizes – thanks to Scary Plug (again!) for the pics and insight into this ad.

This time, you’ll have to find 3 new items: the pool noodle (above the fence), beach ball (among the tomato plants), and duck swim ring (on the far right) – to get the new Spooky Shrub Costume! Be sure to recharge your flashlight (click the battery icon) every so often.

The second prize is the Goldfish Fun Flashlight, which flashes the ad logo when you press spacebar. You can get by clicking on the three-eyed grinning monster. This flashlight is different from the one you hold in the mini-game, so if you want to keep that, check out this video.

In other news, Poptropica just recently tweeted PopStorm #9, featuring a chorus of singing snowmen! How festive. 😀 Ding dong, ding dong, that is their song…


That’s all for now, but be sure to check out the posts below for the latest Poptropica news! 🙂

Advertisements, Galactic Hot Dogs Island, Popstorms, Sneak Peeks

PopStorm happy eyes, GHD Mega Dog, Goldfish Fun, & more ads!

Hey Poptropicans! There’s a lot of ads going on in Poptropica right now, but before we get to that, the Creators have tweeted yet another PopStorm doodle – #8, featuring happy eyes!

popstorm happy eyesMaybe the ad updates I’m about to get into below will bring about some of those excited facial expressions above. Hopefully. (Thanks to Scary Plug for the pics & insight into these ads – check out her blog at Poptropica With Scary Plug! :mrgreen: )

On Main Street of most islands, such as Reality TV, you can click on the Galactic Hot Dogs prize stand to get your free Mega Dog Costume with a handheld Jupiter Jolt Sauce tube that shoots a jet of ketchup when spacebar is pressed. (By the way, Galactic Hot Dogs Island is coming soon!)

Next up is an ad game for Goldfish Fun, where you will be given a flashlight to navigate the dark scenery in search of 3 items: the dog food bowl (beside the sleeping dog in the kennel), the dog bone (hidden in a tree), and the dog collar (above the fence).

Be sure to click the top-left corner where the battery icon is to recharge your flashlight every so often, or you’ll have to start over. Once you’ve found the 3 items, you’ll get a Beach Ball Costume.

(By the way, to see the animation process of the dog, check out this PHB post from October!)

For the other prize, you’ll need to spot the red reptile – he’s pretty easy to find. Click on him, and you’ll receive the Monster Follower! (Bonus: To keep the flashlight, follow the steps in this video!)

There are still a couple more ads in the game – upon logging in, you may automatically receive two Night at the Museum 3 cards, each with buttons to external games: ‘Pompeii Escape’ and ‘Knight Flight’. There is also a Captain Toad video ad, but you won’t get a prize for watching the clip – however, you can Costumize the costume of the guy standing beside the ad. And, if you go to the ad space between places, you can grab a printable Holiday Wish List for books by Carl Hiaasen.

Anyway, that’s all for now – to wrap up this post, I’ll leave you with this meme tweeted by Poptropica:

jersey devil memeFor more memes like this one, and to try your hand at creating your own, head on over to the PHB’s Poptropica Problems Meme page, where these memes originated! 😛