Guest Posts, My Place in Poptropica

My Place in Poptropica: Magic Kid

This is a guest post from Magic Kid sharing their My Place in Poptropica story, which is all about one’s Poptropica journey. Enjoy!

Hello there! It’s Magic Kid here. In light of recent events with membership going down, I’m going to be sharing a “My Place in Poptropica” story. (Don’t worry, I’m still working on my fanfic. 😀)

Getting Introduced to the Game

I was introduced to Poptropica in third grade by one of my friends who absolutely LOVED it. I started playing and quickly I realized why he loved it so much. Soon my other friend joined in, and then not long after, Poptropica became a big hit in our classroom! 

No one (well, maybe besides my friend who completed every island) was as obsessed with Poptropica as I was. I spent an excessive amount of time playing poptropica nonstop played it on a regular basis and definitely got the right amount of sleep every night.

Tuck In: Time for a long night’s sleep.

The first island I completed (well, besides the Monkey Wrench tutorial) was 24 Carrot. It’s the island I’ve probably played the most times, and it always will have a special place in my heart. (That’s why I lay off Dr. Hare a bit when he’s being roasted for being overrated.)

An island I had a lot of fun doing in particular was Mythology, probably because I knew all the stories. I was an expert at that island, and I remember the other kids in my classroom always came to me when they were stuck on that island.

Around that time, I noticed and strongly disliked when games force-fed me knowledge and facts, but with Poptropica, I didn’t care. In fact, Poptropica actually encouraged me to try to learn more! After playing Virus Hunter, I wanted to know how viruses worked, after Time Tangled, I wanted to learn more about history, and so on. I had so much fun playing Poptropica. It was my favorite thing to do!

It seemed nothing could go wrong.

Good to Know: Poptropica is your one-stop shop for biology facts.

Things Go Wrong

Of course, things go downhill. I moved away from all my friends, and I didn’t play Poptropica as often anymore. During that time of chaos, Flash — Poptropica’s main engine for over a decade — met its end.

Play on Loop: Let’s try to keep things on track.

Monster Carnival, my favorite island, was gone, along with so many islands I loved so very much. So I played even less. My homework was no longer covered in Poptropica doodles. I only logged in once a month (if I remembered to), and that continued for many years.

Costume Contests

One day (after a few months without logging on), I opened Poptropica to see that there was a new island! I was really excited and I played it a few times soon after. Not only was there a new island, but the Baron’s ship was parked at Home Island. I went up that ladder to find out that I could design a costume and get it in the game! The spark was lit again.

I started drawing so many different types of Poptropicans, it was crazy. I did almost nothing else. To the dismay of my parents (who ban video games, and dislike computer games 🤣), I was obsessed once again!

Evil, Inc.: Three takes on one villain.

I kept submitting costume designs month after month, but nothing I made seemed to catch the Poptropica Creators’ eyes. Still, I understood because there must have been a TON of submissions to go through each month, and I was still learning to draw in Poptropica style.

Then the 12 Days of Member Gifts design contest came. I submitted my limit of ideas and waited.

Day seven (my favorite number) came, and I opened the Creators’ Blog to find that my costume, “Just Chillin'” made it in! If you look at the comments on that post, you can see that I was beyond delighted to have had that happen. It was absolute glee of the purest sort! May have been an overreaction, but what the heck, who cares?

“Just Chillin'” by Magic Kid

Discovering the PHB and the Fandom

I found the PHB through an interview on the Creators’ Blog. I started checking in once in a while, read some posts, and then started commenting, too! I saw a Community Creations post and I began entering. Since the Creators’ Blog hadn’t posted anything for a while, I retreated into the PHB. I started remembering screen names and making friends. Plus, I was becoming a better artist by the day!

I started a fanfiction: Zombies, Zombies, ALWAYS ZOMBIES! I have a lot of fun writing it (when I don’t have writer’s block). And I joined the PHC on Discord, where I have a lot of fun chatting about random theories and stuff. I love it there so much!

“The PHB team” by Magic Kid

I was really excited that there was a fandom! Normally with the stuff I’m into, the fandoms are either massive or non-existent. Finding the Poptropica fandom was a Goldilocks moment for me. 

This may sound odd, but Poptropica’s been a good rock for me — a good place I could go back to after a stressful day of work, a hard time with school, and so on. I’m really grateful for this fandom and for the game. I wish the best for its future.

I hope you enjoyed hearing my “My Place In Poptropica” story. You can friend me with the username: BravestChicken. I’m also on DeviantArt and YouTube. If you’re interested, I can try to draw some Popsonas!

Thank you so much for reading,
Magic Kid

Over and Out!

Hope you enjoyed this “My Place in Poptropica” story! If you did, you’ll probably enjoy our other MPIP stories here on the PHB.

If you haven’t already shared your story, we invite you to send in your own. Interested in writing for the PHB under a different Pop-topic? Take a look at our Write for the PHB page for ideas, guidelines, and more!

5 thoughts on “My Place in Poptropica: Magic Kid”

What's popping, Poptropicans?