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Happy Holidays! Creator’s tribute, a geological park, & more!

Happy holidays from the PHB! It’s been a great year and being part of the PHB has been absolutely amazing. You guys really welcomed me and it’s just been really awesome. 😀

Of course, the Creators want to wish us a happy holiday too!

happy holidays

This is by Kory Merritt, the artist for the Poptropica comics. Hehehe, I love the Neon Wiener (Galactic Hot Dogs spaceship) in the background.

But that’s not all! Another Poptropica Creator, Dr. Lange, unexpectedly made a tribute to the PHB.

phb art

This is just the best way to top off the year. I love this so much!!! Thank you, Creators! 🙂

They also recently tweeted a couple more behind the scenes pics. First up, “a paused project….

bts comic

Well, it looks like a comic to promote an island, like the Virus Hunter: Pandemic Panic comic series from before. For what island, I’m not sure. However, it does look a bit like the abandoned geological park idea that surfaced in the Daily Pop in July 2013, around the same time sneak peeks for the underground cave island showed up. Could they be related? Will this ever be a complete island?

The Creators also shared this Poptropica Realms sneak peek (see below). The caption: “Just grabbed from a Poptropica Creator’s computer when she snuck out to do some shopping.”

poptropica realms

I personally can’t wait for Poptropica Realms! 😛 In the meantime, members can still play with Poptropica Land – and if you need a guide, we’ve got one right here!

That’s it for now! Happy holidays everyone!


40 thoughts on “Happy Holidays! Creator’s tribute, a geological park, & more!”

  1. Much like HP had, I literally jumped out of my seat when I saw the picture. O.o I didn’t see that coming at all. Thanks so much, Dr. Lange, it means a lot! :,)

    1. Omz that was so nice. 🙂 Well My mom just put the presents under the tree. my sis freaked when she saw her present shape as a tube. XD

  2. Merry Christmas, everyone! 😀 Hehe, I like the Jorge part of the holiday drawing. Also, that PHB tribute is snazzy. 😎 I’m honored to be drawn by a Pop Creator – thanks, Dr. Lange! ❤

  3. The artwork Dr Lange made is amazing! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! Congrats on 15 mil. views btw. 🙂

  4. Merry Christmas, Poptropicans! Thanks to Dr. Lange for giving us an awesome Christmas gift! 😀 We look awesome. 😎

  5. When you’re stuck on an island,or caught up on a glitch,who are you gonna call?

    A hyperactive weirdo who has scandalous attire,a Spotted Dragon with her only spots being her freckles,a fish princess with a cool jacket,26 cookies with a star on her cheek,a glitch account which should have been deleted a long time ago,a christmas headphone guy,and a Potty Pooper!

    Merry Christmas,everyone! =D

    1. I just noticed that too. I assume Sam doesn’t have a nose because it just isn’t visible. Why I don’t have one,I’m not sure, but it is amazing anyway, so I’m not one to judge. 😛

  6. Happy Holidays to everyone!!! P.S. Fishy, do you know how to get that big candy cane that shoots snowballs? I looked in the poptropica store but i could not find it. I just really want it for the holidays. If you do not know what i mean i can show U a picture. Please respond back as soon as possible. Thx!

    1. The Candy Cane-On? I’m pretty sure that was only out for a limited time a couple years ago. Sadly, it isn’t available anymore. I know how you feel though, I never got the chance to buy it either.

  7. Poptropica Realms sounds cool… Seeing all of the updates, I wish Poptropica would make it where Non-Members can play the older stuff while the Members still get the advanced stuff.

    Like, I’m a Non-Member, and i got iPhone 4 (With no Siri), and my cousin is a member and she got iPhone 5c… Grr. ;p Merry (Late) Christmas! I wish a Creator could’ve drawn my blog too c;

  8. That’s awesome how the Creators made something for the PHB! 🙂
    Hope you guys had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

  9. I have a feeling others probably caught on, yet I think “Dr. Lange” is probably Ashley Lange (Huh, easiest-to-remember Popsona ever). This is her deviantArt page:

    If you look in her gallery, you can see that her eye style usually has the eyes somewhat a light blue tone in them, just like in the pic Dr. Lange drew for us. In the past, she had faved a few of my Poptropica drawings- including a picture of Dr. Lange. Its just a logical hypothesis 😉

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