Bonus Items, Spy Island

Treasure Hunt: Nabooti Mask!

It’s Treasure Hunt time again! This time, the hidden treasure is an exclusive mask from the upcoming Nabooti Island. (Note: You do not have to have this mask to play Nabooti Island.) Here’s the link to a clue of where the mask is located:

Here’s a video to help you out:

Written Walkthrough: The mask is located in the rooftops of Spy Island (the place above Balding Avenue). You know that building where the electrical tower is? Jump down below it, but don’t leave the Rooftop area. The Nabooti mask is located floating in the tall brown building there. You probably will need to use your Grappling Bowtie to get to it. If you don’t have one, read this: to find out how to get one! Once you see it, click on it and the words “BONUS” will appear for a second, in gold letters. Your character will be wearing the mask! Use the Costumizer on somebody to remove the bonus item from your character.

There’s also a LEGO Bionicles advertisement in between places.

I’ve also added a new poll: Don’t forget to check it out!

Spy Island

Spy Island: Online!

Spy Island is now online! 😀 Head over to Poptropica and complete the mission!

If you need any help on Spy Island, I’ve written (with the help of a few others here) a guide for Spy Island. Enjoy! (If you’ve got any questions about the quest, you can comment on the walkthrough.)

Spy Island

Secret Message

This secret message puzzle came from the Poptropica Creators’ Blog. Solve the puzzle here:, or use this picture:

Decode the following: GFDAFW FWPL OWWC (G=O)

If you can’t solve this, the decoded message says:


Spy Island will be coming to Poptropica next week! (Hopefully this will stop most of you spamming my blog saying “When will Spy Island come??? I’ve been waiting forever!!!”, because there’s the answer right here.)

In Other News: The Time Tangled Quest guide is finally finished and on the blog! Check it out here: Hope you find it helpful! If you’ve got any questions relating to Time Tangled Island, just post a comment on that page and ask. 😉

Also, you may have noticed the new site counter widget on the right side of the homepage. This tells you how many other people are online on this blog right now. So if the number in the site counter says “0”, that means that right now, you’re the only one reading this blog right now. If it says “5”, that means there are 5 other people (it doesn’t include you) that are reading this blog at the same time you are! 😀

Sneak Peeks, Spy Island

Spymoon: Spy Island sneak peek

There’s a new sneak peek on the Poptropica Creators’ Blog, and it looks like it’s one from Spy Island. The title of the post is “Hey diddle diddle”, and the image name is “spymoon”!


This sneak peek picture shows a Poptropica character walking on a rope. The background shows some dark clouds and part of a moon, behind a black house.

Sneak Peeks, Spy Island

Spy Island sneak peek: Dog!

There has been another sneak peek posted on the Poptropica Creators’ Blog. It shows a Poptropican being chased by a vicious dog. Because the Poptropican is wearing the spy glasses, which was a bonus item (and is no longer available), this could be a scene from Spy Island.

In other news: I’ve noticed that everyone seems to be posting comments on the “Sneak Peek (for Spy Island?)” post. That’s okay, but some of the posts that some of you made are very off-topic. If you’re going to post there, please stay on the topic, which in this case is discussing about the camera sneak peek. If you’re saying something else, find the right place to say it, and put it there.

Thanks for your attention. ~Scary Tomato 😛