
Bonus Dream Interpretation: Zeus⚡

Hello again, and welcome to the final subject in my Dream Interpretation series: Zeus! (Catch up on previous posts in this series here.)

We thought the Main Four were Super Villain’s antagonists, but check again…the real mastermind behind it all is none other than the Greek god of thunder himself. What does Zeus’s dream say about him?

Wait! There’s more to the story!

After his disguise is shed and his true identity revealed, Zeus is immediately thrown into one of the Main Four’s now empty cryotubes and trapped inside his own mind. Featuring an upside down Mythology Island with an inverted color palette and randomly scattered letters that, when assembled, spell out an override code, Zeus’s dream is very weird — but also might be the easiest to interpret.

Right off the bat, the inverted colors and anti-gravity effects likely mean Zeus is very shocked and disoriented at the moment; you could say he’s had his whole world turned upside down, figuratively in real life and literally in the dream. One moment he’s on the path to world domination, the next he’s fighting the player with the power of the totems behind him, and now he’s in cryostasis! The upside down world could also mean Zeus is worried his life will never be normal again.

The labyrinth sector of Zeus’s dream points generally to the same issue, but it’s slightly different. While representing confusion, labyrinths in dreams can also symbolize unending stress and complications or an unsolved problem that keeps repeating itself. Makes sense, seeing as Zeus has now been foiled by the player twice. How much more will it take to execute his villainous scheme?

Once you exit the labyrinth, you’ll find yourself on the Tree of Immortality. The tree could show Zeus recovering from his recent defeat and finding new hope; encountering a tree of life in a dreamscape might symbolize a new motivation, or it may be saying that although life is difficult, there’s always room to bounce back and continue. Good news for Zeus, but not so much for us in this case. 😬

The Tree of Immortality is also the first place in his dream where we see Zeus, and he’s not feeling too friendly towards us at the moment. He’ll attack by whizzing across the screen every time you find a letter.

Peace was never an option.

Similar to the Black Widow’s dream, attacking someone could represent taking action against a threat or overcoming issues. Zeus isn’t wasting any time firing up his fighting spirit and launching back into battle!

Then there’s the matter of the scattered letters. I think it’s possible Zeus has a mind map — in other words, he stores important information throughout his brain and can easily access that info later, similar to the detective Sherlock Holmes.

After you’ve located all the letters in the Tree of Immortality, you’ll find yourself in the final location, an upside-down Mount Olympus. Mountains in dreams symbolize huge challenges and obstacles, or a growing need to prove yourself. Here, Zeus’s attacks become more frequent; he’s onto our plan, and he’s determined to ruin it.

Something else worth mentioning is Zeus’s abilities in his own dream. While we can only jump, Zeus soars across the screen like the thunder god he is. However, he’s still limited by this anti-gravitational world — he can’t hover in midair with nothing beneath him like he’s normally able to, and instead must find a rock or a branch to steady himself.

Upon picking up the last letter, you’ll be freed from Zeus’s dreamscape with the override code in hand, and everything in Erewhon Prison is set right. Except for the four escaped villains. Just a minor detail that might’ve been overlooked.

In conclusion: Zeus’s dream as a whole displays a realization process of sorts. In the beginning, he’s confused, in shock, and very unsure what to do or where to go. He then reminds himself that he’s quite literally king of the gods — no cryotube or bobble-headed avatar can stand in his path and get away with it! He must not give up. Zeus doesn’t appreciate being exposed or showing weakness, which is perhaps why he’s so quick to forge on and attack the player the moment they appear.

Unfortunately, Zeus isn’t taking much time to think here. His undying need to prove himself and live up to his reputation overpowers any sensibility he might have, and he refuses to pause and adjust to his new circumstances, which is perhaps why he’s unable to fly properly; and why his dreamscape hasn’t righted itself yet. Maybe next time, he should take everything into account before attempting to overthrow Poptropica.

…and with that, Interpreting the Main Four’s (Five’s?) Dreams has come to a close! It’s been a long time coming, but I’ve really enjoyed writing these posts, and I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading them too.

Dream on,



Interpreting the Main Four’s dreams, pt 4: Binary Bard 🧭

Hi there everyone! Welcome back to the fourth–but not final–installment of Interpreting the Main Four’s Dreams. Finally, it’s time to focus on the dream I’ve been waiting to interpret since I began this series back in August: Binary Bard’s dream.

Warning: behemoth post ahead.

From start to finish, a ton of stuff happens within Binary Bard’s dream world. Evil robotic animals, blueprints, doors, flying plant pods, time-freezing, a huge clock, plus that stunning galaxy artwork — where to look first?

Let’s start with the very first scene, in which Binary Bard himself (who interestingly is Mordred rather than the half-cyborg we see in Astro-Knights) is seated on a throne, complaining about how a door won’t open. The door in question is swinging tantalizingly, too fast for you or Bard to slip through. Doors in dreams might symbolize change and new opportunities; its rapid opening and closing could mean that Bard is trying to reach a new place, but every time he thinks he’s there, the world snatches things out of his control. Maybe he’d get through if he timed it at the right second.

Which he does! Interestingly enough, it’s with the player’s help that Bard manages to get through; if the player hadn’t frozen time, would he have been forced to wait out the remainder of the dream in his throne? Would he have gotten anywhere at all? Hmm.

After entering the second room, the player makes an intriguing remark: “Looks like there’s no going back.” Maybe this has a deeper meaning than simply “The door’s locked and I can’t go back to the throne room.”

There’s also a strange picture on the wall:

Notice it’s ripped where Mordred’s cybernetics later appear.

Within the remaining rooms you’ll enter before reaching the final area, there are two large blueprints on the walls: one depicting the iconic Merlin, the second showing a robotic mouse (the same one you lure out of a hole in the castle wall during the events of Astro-Knights — I like to call it Morgan).

The blueprints come to life when you pass them. But something’s wrong — instead of a friendly bird and a shy rodent, they’ve turned against you, and their eyes and joints are scarlet instead of blue. Hmm.

A couple more things I’ll mention before focusing on the climax: firstly, notice the backgrounds in the rooms. They started out looking very much like Bard’s underground laboratory, but slowly disintegrate as you progress, revealing a blueprint of a castle on a nebula background. And secondly, let’s discuss that red-eyed, metal figure of Bard, shall we? Might Bard be exploring what would happen if he dropped his human side and became fully robotic?

No more 50%; now we’re 100%.

And now let’s peek inside the final area, where the walls of Bard’s trusty lab have vanished completely, to be replaced by one of the most beautiful (albeit weirdest) scenes in Poptropica.

During this scene, you climb up a series of flying mechanical plant pods with the help of your time-freezing stopwatch. I interpreted a few different keywords here, but most interesting are these two: levitation, which symbolizes all things incredible and impossible; and plants, which might indicate ideas, progress, or development.

Once you complete this jungle planet-esque obstacle course, it’s time for Poptropica’s second Binary Bard boss battle. While the first one took place in Bard’s asteroid castle, this one’s even stranger: Bard (now complete with cybernetics and jester guise) is inside an enormous clock, and the only way to defeat him is to freeze time whenever the moving hands of his clock pause. Doing so electrocutes him.

Clocks in dreams symbolize inevitability or a strong awareness of what you need to do. (Clocks and time have been a recurring motif throughout this dream, with the player frequently using the time-freezing stopwatch; at first, it helps Bard through, but now, it comes back to bite him). Electrocution on the other hand could signify underestimation or misjudgement, or serve as a warning about the consequences of your actions.

After you electrocute him thrice, Bard will disappear and his astrolabe totem will fall out, signaling the end of his dream. What a wild ride!

So… put together, what does all this mean?

In a nutshell, I believe this entire dream represents Bard’s journey, with each area symbolizing a stage of his life. At the very beginning, we see prim and proper Mordred on his throne, showing us the way things were before he donned a jester hat and ran for the stars. Although, even at this point he’s eyeing the door, longing to escape from his Arturus residence and create something more.

The player with their stopwatch being the one to open the door for him implies that we enabled him to pursue his creativity in the first place; but that’s impossible, seeing as we arrived on Astro-Knights many years after he’d already left. A more likely theory is that, in this case, we as the player symbolize someone or something else that inspired him. An associate or a member of the royal family, perhaps? Maybe a notable event? A new side of his brain he hadn’t tapped into yet? It remains a mystery. As for the stopwatch helping him and then bringing about his downfall, it reminds me of Princess Elyana, who worshiped and followed him only for him to kidnap her, which resulted in her kicking him and leaving him on his lonely asteroid at the end of Astro-Knights.

Moving onto the following rooms, we can see Mordred’s gradual progression into insanity: his imprisonment (which isn’t depicted, but probably happens at the first door) and the establishment of his underground lab. The aforementioned ripped portrait in this room hints at his transition from esteemed scholar to unhinged genius – he’s still dressed as royal Mordred, but the slash could indicate the start of his cyborg makeover, as well as his need to distance himself from the character Mordred as he forms a new persona, the Binary Bard.

As for evil Merlin and Morgan, they refer to two things: Bard regretting Merlin’s betrayal from when the owl left him to assist the player, and reflecting on the way he felt back before the events of Astro-Knights when he was still confined to his lab, when everyone had turned against him and thought him to be a mad wizard.

While the throne and the underground rooms represent Bard’s past, the final scene may be the future, or ideas that never came to fruition before Bard was brought to Erewhon Prison — hence the fully robotic Bard and everything in the last area being unfamiliar (save for the planets). Floating in his cryotube, Bard still thinks of all the things he planned but never accomplished, all those sketches he never colored in…

…and that’s the end of Bard’s dream interpretation! It’s been a long time coming, and I’m relieved it’s finally finished. Catch the rest of the series in these links: Dr. Hare, Captain Crawfish, and Black Widow.

Let me know your thoughts down in the comments, and stay tuned for this series’ last post coming soon!

Dream on,


Counterfeit Island, PHB Specials, Super Villain Island

Interpreting the Main Four’s dreams, pt. 3: Black Widow 🖌

Hello and welcome to a third dream interpretation! (If you haven’t already, you can check out the previous installments in this series here and here.)

In this post, I’ll be exploring the dream world of the crafty art thief Black Widow. Let’s pop into it!

Overall, there’s not a ton of material to work with in this dream. While the player enters stolen paintings and cleans up graffiti, the Black Widow herself mostly stands around and watches. The setting isn’t particularly interesting either, seeing as she spends a good deal of her waking life inside art museums; it’s likely just a reflection of her life and isn’t meant to represent anything.

With that being said, this dream isn’t useless. Not at all. For one thing, it gives us a new look into Black Widow’s shining personality, something we didn’t get to see much of in Counterfeit Island alone.

Her dream suggests that she’s a bold, fierce villain with a fiery temper and a disregard for hesitation, as shown when she chases and attacks you with nothing but her own two fists! (In a dream, attacking someone might represent confrontation against a threat or a defensive attitude.) And when she’s called out for her villainy, Black Widow refuses to listen and keeps focusing on her goals–traits she might share with the Binary Bard.


Another key part of this dream is the destruction of Black Widow’s own portrait. Dreams about any sort of damage and destruction could represent a number of things: guilt, failed expectations, hopelessness, or, most interestingly, a ruined relationship.

Remind you of anything?

The Strange Man (also known as the Brown Recluse) fits this interpretation perfectly. Throughout the happenings of Counterfeit Island, the Strange Man works as Black Widow’s right-hand man; until for reasons best known to herself, Black Widow betrays him, leaving him tied to a chair alongside the player in her underground lair. The Strange Man proceeds to side with the player and ends the Black Widow’s art-stealing career once and for all.

Could it be that Black Widow’s reflecting on this dismissal? From what I can tell, her betraying the Strange Man was entirely unprovoked, but then again, they don’t call her the Black Widow for nothing…

Looking closer at Black Widow’s attack, a final point I’ll bring up is her chasing the player to reach them, which could represent an attempt to be in control or get ahold of something.

Gotta run fast!

Here’s what I’ve gathered based off of these hints: Black Widow is missing her right-hand man, but is trying to act as though she isn’t, hence the defensiveness suggested by her attacking the player. After all, she’s a solitary being akin to the spider she’s named for; she uses someone for what she needs them for and then lets them go. She’s the opposite of loyal.

But why? Pretending to trust someone only to betray them will only turn them against her, as shown when her entire villainous career slips down the drain thanks to the Strange Man. Wouldn’t it be more useful to have kept her servant instead of creating another enemy? The confrontation against a threat also suggested by her attack could add to this. As for trying to assert control over a situation, well, maybe she’s just frustrated that she’s hopelessly trapped inside a cryotube in Erewhon Prison instead of out resurrecting her art-stealing life. 🕷️

That’s it for today, everyone. I’ll see you for my next but possibly not last post in this series, highlighting the Binary Bard and his spectacular dream! Pop on,



Interpreting the Main Four’s dreams, pt. 2: Captain Crawfish ⛴

Hello again, and welcome back to another dream interpretation! This time I’ll be investigating the mysterious dream world of the one and only Captain Crawfish.

Upon entering his dream, you see the interior of a ship. Bunk beds and hammocks, occupied by multiple sleeping Crawfish clones, slide back and forth in time to the tilting motion of the floating vessel. It may not seem like the most interesting dream at first glance, but when you view it from a deeper perspective it’s actually quite peculiar. 🧐

First, let’s focus on the main attraction; the various snoozing pirates (who are all just copies of Crawfish himself.) Dreaming of your doppelgangers could represent a multitude of things, but as I’m trying to keep this post a decent length, I’ll stick to the one that intrigued me most: self-reflection over past bad actions. In other words, remorse. Interesting.

Could Captain Crawfish be regretting his evil deeds?

There’s also something else I’ll mention concerning the carbon copies of Crawfish (try saying that five times fast): they’re asleep, and get very annoyed if you run into them and wake them up. Sleeping inside your own dream might mean that you’re oblivious or avoiding a situation during your waking hours. Hmm…

Snoozing away the day…

Moving on from the pirate doppelgangers, here’s something else I found a bit odd. Doesn’t everything in this dream look very old? The entire ship is plastered in barnacles and starfish, and there are cobwebs and algae hanging from the ceiling. If only the sky weren’t visible through those windows, I’d say it’d been sitting at the bottom of the sea for some time.

At this point, I think I have a vague idea of what Captain Crawfish’s dream could mean.

Based off of the carbon copies’ supposed meaning of self-realization, he’s been reflecting on his life of crime, and is starting to wonder whether he did the right thing. Was reducing Fort Ridley and its surrounding islands to little more than rubble really worth a chest of gold? It may seem far-fetched, but I see Crawfish as being the most likely to regret his actions out of the Main Four.

The clones being asleep and the ship having a neglected vibe also fit into this theory. The former represents ignorance and avoidance. Perhaps he now knows deep down what he did was wrong, but is trying to ignore this revelation for fear of damaging his reputation? And as for the apparently neglected ship, maybe he’s been struggling with this problem for a long time. Does he dare redeem himself and risk losing his dignity among the other villains?

Well, that’s all I’ve got to say today, folks. Stay tuned for my next two dream interpretations, and here’s to hoping Captain Crawfish sorts out his internal conflicts!



Interpreting the Main Four’s dreams, pt. 1: Dr. Hare 🥕

Hey everyone! In this post, I’m going to be diving into the murky realm of guesswork known as dream analysis.

While not always accurate, dream analysis offers insight into different types of dreams and what they mean. And thanks to Super Villain Island, we’ve got rare peeks into the subconscious minds of Poptropica’s four most infamous villains: Dr. Hare, Black Widow, Binary Bard, and Captain Crawfish. Your dreams can say a lot about you…what do they say about the Main Four? Let’s take a look!

Note: Each dream contains two viewpoints, one from the villain’s perspective and one from the player’s. In this series, we’ll only be focusing on the villain’s viewpoint.

First up, we have our half-rabbit scientist buddy, Dr. Hare! For those of you who aren’t as familiar with the events of Super Villain, Hare’s dream involves being carried into an anthill and kept in an underground room at the bottom for the remainder of the dream.

A recurring dream? 👀

So, what does dreaming of being kidnapped by ants supposedly symbolize? Dreams of being kidnapped and held hostage both indicate feeling powerless or unable to change the circumstances. Ants on the other hand can represent annoyances, issues, or distractions in waking life.

Something that comes to mind when I think of Hare being unable to change the circumstances is the time he unwisely placed the player in control of his rabbot at the end of 24 Carrot Island, and was promptly crushed by incoming asteroids. That’s certainly an annoyance.

Maybe choose your driver more carefully next time.

Another notable aspect of Hare’s Super Villain dream is the ant queen, seated beside Hare in her underground throne room as hundreds of ant servants rush to and fro through the hill.

Queens and royalty commonly symbolize praise, respect, and accomplishments. Hare certainly is an accomplished person; not everyone devises a brilliant scheme to mind control the entire world by way of an enormous rabbot machine! Ignoring the fact that his scheme ultimately failed. Ahem.

One more observation I’ll mention is the size of this dream world. Just look how huge those carrots are! Being tiny in a dream — or maybe Hare was normal sized, and everything else was enormous, either way — likely ties into the feeling of powerlessness already suggested by being kidnapped.

I’d hazard a guess that Hare is reliving the unfortunate (for him, that is) events of 24 Carrot Island within his dream. Feeling that sense of accomplishment upon finishing his mind control device, only to be foiled and trapped by the player, taken out of control and lost into deep space! Except…in the dream, it’s apparently the other way around. And it’s with ants. 🐜


That’s all for this post, folks! Stay tuned for my next three dream interpretation attempts coming soon, starring the artsy Black Widow, the mighty Captain Crawfish, and the genius Binary Bard!

Dream on,

~ 💜