Free Poptropica Membership

Want to become a Poptropica member for FREE? You’ve come to the right place! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

Free Poptropica membership

Here on the Poptropica Help Blog (PHB), we’re giving away a free month of membership to one lucky Poptropican every month. It could be you! Just follow these simple steps below, and you’ll be entered into our giveaway raffle.

👉 How to enter to win a free membership 🎁

  1. 💬 Comment at the bottom of THIS page with your screen name*, email address**, and why you want to win a membership. This lets us know you’re interested in the first place! No account registration required.
  2. 💬💬 Leave at least two comments on OTHER posts or pages here on the PHB (this website) within the month to be entered in that month’s raffle. You can leave a comment saying anything as long as it’s relevant to the topic at hand and follows our comment policy. This lets us know you’re active in the Poptropica fandom and will make good use of a membership if you win one! Plus, it’s a great way to get involved in the Poptropica community.
  3. 📰 Stay tuned to the PHB’s front page news to hear who won the latest membership giveaway! We’ll announce a winner sometime in the final week of each month. If you win, you’ll be notified via email or Discord, and will need to provide your login details for us to purchase the membership on your behalf. If you don’t win, you can always try again for the next month!

*A screen name can be your Poptropican’s name, login username, or something else. Please do not share personally identifiable information. Posting your Pop username is optional, and you definitely should not share your password in public.

**Your email address will not be made public when entered in the email field. Please do not write it in the body of the comment as that is public. We only ask for your email so we may contact you if you win. You may also provide your Discord contact in lieu of email, but you must be in our Discord server, the PHC, for us to reach you.

📝 Policies and Disclaimers ⚠️

  • A winner may not be eligible to win again until 6 months have passed since the win occurred.
  • Winners are chosen at random and do not reflect a person’s merits. You are a valuable human being regardless of whether or not you win a membership. Please don’t be discouraged if you don’t win—you can always enter again!
  • If you win, you will need to provide your Poptropica username and password for us to purchase the membership on your behalf. This is required by Poptropica. We will only use your login details for this purpose and recommend you change your password immediately after the membership is activated. We promise not to share your account details.
  • Your comment on this page (titled Free Poptropica Membership) shall not expire, but please post a reply comment if you would like to update any details (such as contact info).
  • Please comment with a consistent screen name and/or email so that we may identify that you have left at least two comments throughout the PHB.
  • You may enter the giveaway on behalf of another person, such as a friend or family member. However, should you be selected as a winner, you must be able to provide their Poptropica account login details so that we may purchase the membership on their behalf.
  • You may enter the giveaway even if you already have a membership. If your membership is still active and you are chosen as a winner, we can reactivate your membership after it expires, but it is your responsibility to keep in touch with us for this arrangement.
  • Remember that you are not owed a membership simply for participating. That’s just not how raffles work. The free memberships are funded by the PHB, which means they come out of our pocket and are not officially sponsored by Poptropica. We hope that our gifts are not taken for granted, and that you have fun participating, regardless of any outcomes.

🤔 Why are we giving away free memberships? ✨

We understand the struggle of how not everyone is able to afford a Poptropica membership no matter how badly they may want it. We’ve been kids with no income, with adults in our lives who didn’t see the value in paying for more pixels on a game screen. Now that we’re in a position to be able to give this kind of Poptropica joy, we want to do so for a few reasons:

  • 🎉 To share joy within the Poptropica community by giving more people a taste of that sweet membership life. It’s one way for us to say thanks for being part of this community! If you’re not already active in the fandom, maybe these giveaways are just the push you need to dive in.
  • 👐 To exemplify a spirit of generosity. The world would be a better place if we all gave more, if we always look out for one another. This doesn’t just mean giving gifts or money, but also our time and attention — whatever we have, however much we have. Our Poptropica membership giveaways are just one small way of spreading some joy to our community. We hope it encourages you to find ways to give in your life, too.
  • 💙 To support the work of the Poptropica Creators. Poptropica’s operations, from infrastructure to staff salaries, are partially funded by memberships, including memberships we purchase to give away to you all. This helps keep the work of Poptropica going!

To learn more about what extra benefits Poptropica members get in the game, check out our Membership Tour page. And for some ideas of where you can leave your comments around the PHB (as per step 2), check out the latest posts on our front page and share your thoughts, browse our Island Guides and see if you can offer help to questions being asked, and look around in all the many other pages we have in our site menu.

What are you waiting for? Get started with entering the Free Poptropica Membership Giveaways by commenting right here on this page (as per step 1). We look forward to meeting you in the comments!

💫 Like this page? Find more ways to get into the Poptropica community »

405 thoughts on “Free Poptropica Membership”

    1. t he reason why i want a poptropica membership is because i can get free pets and furniture and accessories

    2. If I get the Poptropica membership what I will do with it is, is because I can get free pets and furniture and accessories and also so I can play the locked worlds because they are so fun but now they are looked and that makes me so so so sad and I just love!!!! Poptropica and I want to always have fun and all the worlds and they are looked soo can I have the membership

      1. As long as you leave two other comments around this site within a month, you’ll qualify for that month’s raffle! Read the rules on this page for the details.

  1. I would like to win a free membership because I love poptropica so much and I have done all the islands that are avialable to me right now at least twice! I loved poptropica since a kid. I would love it if I win because some of the islands I have done repeatedly are getting a little old even though they are fun. I also realized that they converted some of my favorite islands to memberships which makes me sad.

    1. No need to share your name and email in the comment body since they’re already entered in the corresponding name and email fields when you post a comment. If you have a WordPress account, you won’t even need to enter it again. Also, that way your email isn’t posted publicly, but the PHB has the record for contacting you if needed.

      1. But how can I send my email privately without a WordPress or discord tag? Because I don’t want to send my email public here and have everyone spamming my email.

      2. When you post a comment, you need to enter an email address in the email field. The PHB will be able to view this record and it will not be made public.

      1. my discord email is below

        I want a membership because i feel like i have been not allowed to do many things and own many amazing things and i love poptropica and i have done everything so i feel like i need to have more of an adventure

      1. If you win, you will still need to specify your username and password in a private message, so we can be clear about which account is receiving the membership.

  2. Hi! I wanted to sign up for the membership contest.

    I want to sign up because I want to see all of the perks of being a membership while playing all of my favorite islands (in which some are now currently unavailable in both Flash and Haxe). I am a big fan of the PHB. I am really active on the blog. Another reason why I’m signing up is because I really want a few membership gifts given out. This is sent out by my screen name already and my email is on my gravatar site.

  3. Screen Name: BugsBunny96 (pop username) or Silver Horse (pop character’s name)
    Discord: Bugs Bunny and some ponies #0055 (nickname on the phc is silver horse)
    Why I want membership: Great Pumpkin island, Pet Pony, and Monthly member gifts!

  4. i would like a membership because i have loved this game for years and it would be awesome to have something i always wanted

  5. I would like a free membership because I always wanted a chance to have membership because I wanted to see what free membership items are like, or what maps can you play in membership like if there are hidden maps.

  6. It’s been a while since I got my hands on Pop membership, and plus there are some cool stuff I would like to get, therefore I’m entering.

  7. I want to have poptropica membership because I wanted to have it for me and my sister because wee love doing poptropica. And we would like to do the old islands. So that is my reason. My screen name is Perfect Panda and my discord tag is Purrrrrr #6958

  8. I want to win a free membership so that i can replay some of the older islands and be able to get a sneak peak on the new islands before release to the public, I always love getting a membership so that i can get some new items and relive a childhood of owning buying so many memberships again.

    Screen Name: Smart Sinker

    My discord contact is: BrittScarlet #5690

  9. I’ve been playing Poptropica for 10 years and I’ve never gotten a membership, so this contest is a dream come true 😍 Watching all those members getting cool outfits and pets, has been hard. Some with using every bit of patience in my body waiting for a new game! Getting a membership is definitely on my bucket list and I hope I soon can cross it off! 💝

  10. I have been playing this game for 7 years and this is one of the only games that my brother and me bonded on. I would play this game with him and it was really special. I would love to have a membership so me and my brother could bond again like we used to. I have never commented on anything like this so winning would be insane and even if I don’t win I just wanna say that Poptropica has meant so much to my family and I would love to be able to have a membership with one of the best games invented. I really hope that this comment is not taken as cheesy (even though it is), I just really would be amazed if I won so, fingers crossed!

    Poptropica username: saphira46
    Poptropica avatar name: Thirsty Ice

  11. Hi!!!
    So we have to post at least 2 comments, right????

    Poptropica username: saphira46
    Poptropica avatar name: Thirsty Ice

    1. Oops just realized that’s not how you do it- lol. My name in poptropica Magic Lizard 🪄🦎 and I’d like to get a membership just to say very had one in my 8 years of this game. I’ve never really seen a need for one but it does seem exciting, so I thought I’d try it! I guess that’s it :p!

  12. i want a free membership so i could finish the bonus quest and visit and maybe restart the old islands for nostalgia and i guess that’s all i have to say for now

  13. I am a ten year old and my parents does not want to buy me a membership. I want to help poptropica by writing a lot of islands. I never played any of the old islands. My sister got one month membership on her birthday and played a lot of old islands. I am so jealous . If I ever got a poptropica membership, I will write more islands. I also wrote a lot of flyers introducing poptropica and posting them all over school. Two of my friends start playing pop tropics even if they can not understand English. I helped them translate it into Japanese.
    I think poptropica can make me life happier. I want to help poptropica. If I can get membership and introduce more islands to my friends, then I will be very happy.
    Thanks, poptropica help blog for giving out a chance for me to have poptropica membership.
    Thank you, poptropica!
    User name is SNA333.

  14. Hi my Avatar name is Unknown Hero. I would like to win because I want to explore more islands and cannot because non-members cannot explore that much sadly. I hope this changes in the future but would like to win and explore.

  15. I’ve been playing Poptropica since 2008! From when I was a second grader until now, I have consistently loved the problem-solving and fast-paced adventure that Poptropica has to offer, and I’ve found often found returning to the islands I loved playing as a kid over the years. I had so much fun dressing up, running around islands making up my own scenarios, and solving puzzles. I would love to have membership because I’m super eager to revisit those islands and relive the excitement I felt playing them for the first time! Good luck everyone!

  16. I would like to win a free membership because I love poptropica so much and I have done all the islands that are avialable to me right now at least twice! I loved poptropica since a kid. I would love it if I win because some of the islands I have done repeatedly are getting a little old even though they are fun. I also realized that they converted some of my favorite islands to memberships which makes me sad.

  17. I would like to win the free membership BUT I’m not entering since I’m just too lazy even if the steps are literally so easy. Also, why’d they make the islands members only? Kinda bad for them but I understand why they did it.

    1. I see you’ve already done most of the steps to enter — now you just need to comment here with why you’d like to win a membership to be officially entered!

      Also, the Pop Creators said they made the classic islands members only because they couldn’t support everyone trying to access them at once. More about that in this linked post.

      1. Ok thank you for explaining, or rather, giving a link to the explanation. Also, I just gotta say the reason why i need the memebership to enter? Guess i didnt read the instruction clearly 😅… guess ill enter… my reason is basically just accessing the old maps since it brings back nostalgia, i’ll probably just download flashpoint or something if i wont win.

      2. just read the full blogpost, guess i wouldnt be able to play the islands with membership because flash is gone, guess i dont need it lol

      3. Because members can do and have access to many things non-members can’t. If you are a non-member, you would feel left out right? Ok, imagine yourself in this situation, it’s an empty hall if you don’t have a torch you can see but if you don’t have the torch you can go easier than anyone else, but if you don’t you will get lost. Imagine that that empty hall is Poptropica, the torch is the membership and if you don’t have the torch your lost.

  18. Hi! I’m not sure if you can still enter this but I still wanna try 🙂 lol, Anyways I would love to win this free membership because I have played when I was younger when this came out and wanted to go back but when I did all the free islands I have already completed. 😦 I re-started to play this because I was bored but I would love the membership so I could play the other ones! 🙂
    User: Sliver Flipper

    1. Also when you have to comment on two other posts do u have to comment on any post or does the post have to be made in January?
      tysm for the chance to get one! 🙂

      1. i believe any post since SlantedFish replied I only had to say the reason, and I commented on non-January posts, so yea

      2. Your two comments on other posts/pages besides this one would need to be within the current month to be entered into that month’s lucky draw. So if you comment on two different posts in January (and have a comment on this page), you’d have a chance at January’s prize. (The posts do not need to have been published in January or at any particular point in time.) You can always try again each month!

  19. in-game name is Lucky Socks ♡ username is frogtshirtz
    old returning player who can’t remember their username from the account they made at 8 years old 😦 i was obsessed with this game. had all of the old costumes (i wore the goth cheerleader one. 100% was in my emo phase at the time)
    i’m relieved to find out that the game didn’t phase out of existence with the death of Flash, and want to help keep it alive by playing it still!

    my favourite island was super power island!! i hope the classic islands are revamped for the new engine

  20. Hi I’m dangerous dragon and i have done a post. Pls can you give me membership.

    Name: Dangerous Dragon

    Pls 🥺🙏

  21. Hi there Slanted Fish and everyone following the PHB. Pls can I get membership as I want to play and get new things to write for the blog and play islands. Pls give it to me as I want to see how it feels like when you have something premium…

    Dangerous Dragon

  22. i want to win this membership because there is so much I can do and I also love Poptropica I already beat all the worlds except time tangled I need a membership to do it. so getting this membership will allow me to oafishly finish all the islands

  23. Hi I am Dangerous Dragon and I want membership pls I am even commenting two times on a post since Feb and I really want because it is my birthday near..Pls

  24. I want to win because I love the challenge the islands give you. The puzzles keep you guessing and thinking! I would also like to have way more things in my character’s closet. I saw one of my best friends playing last year ( She moved) so I play in her memory. All in all, I really want the membership and it would be an early B-day present!

  25. …another reason why i want membership is because i would like to extend my clubhouse… well, i would like to explore around it once i fill it with furniture and stuff and allow people to look around ^w^

  26. Hi! I’m Smart icicle and once again, I want to sign up for the Free Membership Contest! This time for a different reason! I made a lot of contributions to the Poptropica community (participating in the Community creations, signed up for the Dream island contest and guest writer for the Creators blog, along with making my own guest post on the PHB! Pop 5 post is still yet to be made). I love being part of the Poptropica community. Even if I don’t win any contests, I congratulate the person who won and it boosts my confidence as well. I really hope to win this membership (even if I have to go fighting to the end against other people who want it). If I eat this membership, it would mean the world to me.

      1. I wanted to edit my post from last month: This is the new post now and I will not make any changes to it for the next months. Sorry for the confusion. 🙂

  27. Hey slanted if i win free membership for poptropica can u sent it to glaselkj as my account i never had it before just so i try new things with it ok thnx

  28. I really like Poptropica, but I’m only * years old, so I can’t get it *(sorry, that is personal information, so I can’t share it.)

  29. Screen name: Sleepy Starfish
    I want membership because I never had it. I love poptropica and I want to buy the bunny pet, some store items, and clubhouse items.

    1. No need — you already enter your email in the email field when you post a comment on the PHB, which (unlike the body of the comment itself) is not made public (only the PHB staff sees it). In fact, for safety, we discourage sharing emails publicly here.

      1. hey slanted i cant get on poptropica anymore cause my password needs to change also my screen user is glaselkj why i need membership so i can get all member gifts and pets and club house stuff to ok thnx

  30. I want this membership because my friend introduced me to poptropica and its the best game iv ever ever played and i really want to play time tangled and i want the x ray helmet but i have to be a member and it would be an honor to me as a poptropican.and my name is: blue cheetah
    and if i got this membership it would be something id never forget

  31. Screen Name: AHSB2047 | Avatar Name: Smart Thunder
    Why: I wanted Membership because I wanted monthly gifts, so I could get accessories, cloths, etc and I want to see all the island parts and to see new islands.

  32. Screen name: cmfyczywrmm
    Avatar name: Lone Owl
    Reason why I want a membership: First of all, because it helps the creators of poptropica. This was-and still is- my favorite game, and I don’t want it to go under like club penguin. I love exploring new worlds and playing it, and it has helped my siblings and I bond as we try and complete new worlds together. Poptropica is a fantastic game, and a membership would make it even more fantastic. Best of luck to whoever wins!

  33. Hello!
    I am interested in getting a free Poptropica membership because I love Poptropica. It is such an open community and there are so many great opportunities. Being a member would be great, even if it was for only a little while, because it would open up more opportunities for me to enjoy. I would also want to support Poptropica so more features can open up and make Poptropica even better. I would be responsible with my membership and use it often.
    Username: Sirpapa1
    Avatar Name: White Dolphin
    Please enter me in your raffle!

      1. hey can i enter the free membership if u ok with that slanted also i dont see u in the arcade can we meet at the arcade if u want to ok thnx also entering as glaselkj as my usernamer

      2. Keegan, you only need to comment your desire to enter once on this page, but you do need to comment on at least two other posts/pages within the month to be entered into the month’s raffle.

        Please also do not post your email in the public body of your comment (leave it in the private email field). It has been redacted to protect your privacy.

      3. i just did the second post on the new post ok u can enter me in march free membeship thing ok also can u also fix the card collector for more items in it along with fixing student wizard to ok thnx u

    1. My Poptropican’s screen name is Red Moon and I would like a free membership because I have been playing Poptropuca for years and really miss the customization and the old islands. I also never had membership before and it would be cool to have access to the members only items in the store for once. I would like to enter for May 2021.

  34. Hi I want to enter for April because I love poptropica and I really want advantages as I love to Post and the PHB and if I get membership I can make even more greater posts!


    Screen Name: Dangerous Dragon

    Hope for the best and I understand if I don’t win. I comment twice on every post.

    Congratulations To Everyone Who Wins!

  35. My screen name is blue seagull. My username is blueseagull9.I want a Poptropica membership because I want to play member only islands . I also want member gifts. And member only costumes.

  36. Hello Slanted Fish,
    Here is why I want to win a free Poptropica membership. I would love to explore islands because the walkthroughs that you guys provide are so helpful, and I would be glad to use more with new islands! I would also enjoy more clubhouses and costumes. I would be blessed if I got this membership. My username is tealsealsqueal, and my screen name for Poptropica is Pink Panda.
    Thank you,
    Pink Panda

  37. I LOVE poptropica and i love the islands but if i got more i would cry 😭😅so plz pik me PLZ and poptropica name:cottoncandyGirl7

      1. My pop name is magic heart but i put it in as cottoncandyGirl8 but plz pik me i will cry if not😭

  38. Hello, writers and readers!
    I would love to have a free membership because Poptropica is full of opportunities and fun, and at the same time educational and safe. Poptropica is a world of inspiration and fun, and I would love to be able to experience all the perks for free. I am so glad this blog gives free memberships, because I would hate for Poptropica to fall like other games have because of conversion and whatnot. This blog ensures that Poptropica will receive the money it needs to support the game every month. I would love to explore the world of Poptropica in its full splendor as a member. This not only shows that I love Poptropica, but it will also keep the game going, and I am glad for that. While I don’t use this blog often, I interact with my account frequently, and I will keep an eye out for the next post of the raffle winner!
    Avatar name: Silver Dolphin
    Username: Sirpapa1

  39. i have problams with poptropica but i would love to get a FREE member ship and i am going to cry 😭😭bc i have done all the islands and when your a member you get more islands and pop name is :love heart
    screen name:cottoncandy414 plz pic me 🙂

  40. Username: Whitefox182
    Screen Name: Friendly Shell
    Hi Poptropica Help Blog!
    I really would like to get a Poptropica membership! if I do win, I promise I’ll not take the gift for granted, and I’ll use the membership commonly.
    Thanks for reading!
    This is Friendly Shell!

  41. I have been a player for 5 years, and I’ve loved it every second! I would like to get a membership because I want to finally see everything that this game has to offer. I have been wanting this for a long time, never knowing that there was a blog for a channel. Please consider me. P.S., is the space bounty hunter supposed to be a Mandalorian?

  42. I would want a Poptropica membership because I want the member only costumes,islands, and clubhouse decor. Hope I win.

    blueseagull9. AKA blue seagull

  43. I want Poptropica membership because I want all the pets all the cool clubhouses and The monthly gifts Thank You if you give it to me

  44. Name: Friendly Shell
    Reason: I love Poptropica, and I’m really active on my account. Getting to play it with a membership would mean so much to me. If I got to experience all of Poptropica, even for just a month, I would be overjoyed. I’m not one to take a gift for granted, and I’ll use it so often!
    P.S. I also need it for Seraphim reasons. I’m planning a secret weapon, and I can only access part of it through membership One day, Seraphim will conquer all of Poptropica!

  45. I’d like to win a Poptropica membership because it’d be awesome to experience some of the benefits of being a member such as having access to members-only items, and the monthly member gifts they give out. Thank you!

  46. Poptropica Help Blog,
    I really hope to get a Poptropica membership. I would be able to update my clubhouse, play Time Tangled, and experience all of Poptropica, without limits. I’d use it a lot, and your gift won’t be misused.
    Thank you!

  47. Hello, I would like to win the Poptropica membership because I would love to play more islands that are for members only and would love to experience the other costumes and clubhouse options. Thank you!

  48. This is riskypepper1. I may not deserve the free membership, but I love this game as much as anybody. I have spent several hours trying to find a way to find the old islands, but I have a Mac computer and the old island directory needs PC. I have watched my brother play so many wonderful islands. I was born a year before poptropica was made, and I love it. Whenever I see the old poptropica islands and screen on videos my eyes have tears of joy. I know the membership may not give me all the islands, but I know this will mean a lot to me. Please give me this membership. I am grateful for this chance to have a free membership.

    1. P.S. Thanks for working so hard for working together to get the old islands back. I know they will come back better than ever! Have a great nights sleep! You will need it! (earlier I posted a great idea for a new fun and exiting superhero island!)

  49. Hello, PHB!
    I would once again like to be entered in the Free Membership raffle.
    I would first like to thank you for giving away this generous gift for Poptropicans. It is selfless, caring, and benevolent. You are very much helping out the Poptropican community.
    I wish to receive membership because Time Tangled was one of my most favorite islands, and I would love to visit it again, especially the Athens part with the Oracle 😉
    Thank you so much again.

  50. Hi! I’d like to have a membership because I would like to adopt a chameleon on my second account, as well as having access to the outfits in the shop as well as trying out the Islands I never really got to try (or don’t remember trying them if I had [i did play before magic hopper, but I don’t really remember anything about that account]). Thanks for reading. Discord: FrenchFlower78956#5557

  51. Hi PHB! I would like a free membership because I would love to adopt some of the amazing pets, and the amazing costumes, powers & followers!!
    Tysm 😀

    Discord: Caramello

  52. Name: Chilly Noodle
    I would want the membership becuase Time Tangled was my favorite and so many of the other islands were removed. (But I know you guys are working very hard to bring them back; I just miss them)

  53. Name : Giant Dragon
    Reason : I really miss the old islands . but we can play them with membership so that is why I want membership .another reason is to get members item in the store and get monthly gifts . ( I also want the barbarian warrior and Rumpelstiltskin outfit so bad too)

  54. Reason: I really want to beat time tangled, which is a member only map and definitely my favorite (i have played long ago when it was availible to non-members, i alos really want to get the rumplestiltskin outfit, the gummy worm ride-on, and the pet chamealeon, all of which are member only.

  55. Name: Mightyrunner8
    Reason: I want to have membership because I just want to play new ones and improve. Plus, I want to try the early islands. I’m just craving on at least a 3 month membership please?

  56. I really love poptropica and I really want to beat time tangled island.I also wanna unlock all rooms in the clubhouse and in poptropica worlds. The greatest thing would be early access. I have been waiting for like forever for a new island .

  57. Hey! My account name is sweetcookie25 and I would love to enter the raffle. I would probably be dead from boredom right now if I did not find poptropica or this blog, so it would really mean allot if I got picked! I also entered specifically this month because I do want to take part in the member’s only mini quest (the cliffhanger in Fairytale really disappointed me), and I don’t want to bother my parents by begging them for a membership just for that. Not to mention all of the clubhouse items and the rooms I could get. I have a really sad clubhouse at the moment and I would love to change that. Thanks for your generosity of letting us have a chance to become members, it really means a lot.
    Best Regards,

    1. And just to ask, is this still recent? Because there does not seem like there’s any recent winners and I seem like I’m the only one who entered. That doesn’t seem very fair.

      1. Yup, this is still ongoing. Our most recent winner was announced in July 2021. We didn’t have a qualifying winner in August. You stand a pretty good chance for September’s prize right now considering the odds, but the offer is still open to everyone!

  58. I would love to try to enter into the raffle! I don’t have a Poptropica membership, too poor lol… Anyways my account name is Guineapig112. I love you guys so much, you all are so sweet! Keep staying smooth like butter!

  59. My account is lullubysweethrt and i really want membership so i can buy pets and have all my dream items and do quests because i really want to become a great poptropican player so i would really love is i get poptropica membership because when i heard about this i was really happy and i really hope i get chosen and i haven’t got a mobile yet but when i do i will be sure to give poptropica 5 stars as it is a safe,fun and AMAZING game! If i get chosen i will post THANK YOU VERY MUCH POPTROPICA but that is if i win so thank you for reading this

  60. I’ll be happy if I win and to anyone who wins 🙂 I want a membership so that I can experience Pop again as a member and do cool stuff! My username is Coolclam98.

  61. My screen name is Sporty Fish
    I really want to get a membership so I can get as much out of the Poptropica experience as possible. I’ve been playing since I was 9 years old. My parents got divorced and I became homeless. I am an adult now and I still play Poptropica. I’m 21. Poptropica always was there for me growing up, and I went through some rough stuff. But whenever there was an internet cafe, I was there, distracting myself from the stress of my chaotic life.
    Pretty sure I never got the chance to be a member, but I always wanted to be one.
    I can’t afford it right now- I’m still homeless and I live in a youth shelter. But the good thing is, I’m only going to live here for another 6 months and then I get a place!
    (Hehe, the perfect amount of time for a membership 😙)
    I’m pretty sick right now and quarantined until mid-november. All I can really do is play Poptropica until then.
    Sorry if it seems like I’m talking a lot, I just really want this membership.

      1. I’m actually a very genuine person and just felt like spilling my guts for once but. Thanks for the support 😑
        Glad to see not everyone believes everything at least
        Gotta have some skepticism

      2. But for future
        That is pretty hurtful stuff to say to someone
        That was a really personal and heartfelt story I gave so for you to say that was pretty hurtful
        In case you didn’t know I guess

    1. Don’t ever feel hurt if someone says anything which is bad and hurts. you should accept what life throws at you , and don’t ever care for what the world says , just be grateful to them for making you more strong , because each time anyone says bad to you, it makes you strong . and yeah, congrats on getting a new place ( i know its a lot of “philosophy” , but ya know , i feel sad when something bad happens to someone . so…)

      1. Thank you 😊
        You’re right. Sometimes all you need is to remember, thanks for the reminder
        I know! I’ve never had my own place before, I’m really excited!

  62. I want a membership so I can acsess everything in shop I know I am asking for a ton but I really want this so I can be like all others with memberships and have more fun with my friends.

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