Free Poptropica Membership

Want to become a Poptropica member for FREE? You’ve come to the right place! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

Free Poptropica membership

Here on the Poptropica Help Blog (PHB), we’re giving away a free month of membership to one lucky Poptropican every month. It could be you! Just follow these simple steps below, and you’ll be entered into our giveaway raffle.

👉 How to enter to win a free membership 🎁

  1. 💬 Comment at the bottom of THIS page with your screen name*, email address**, and why you want to win a membership. This lets us know you’re interested in the first place! No account registration required.
  2. 💬💬 Leave at least two comments on OTHER posts or pages here on the PHB (this website) within the month to be entered in that month’s raffle. You can leave a comment saying anything as long as it’s relevant to the topic at hand and follows our comment policy. This lets us know you’re active in the Poptropica fandom and will make good use of a membership if you win one! Plus, it’s a great way to get involved in the Poptropica community.
  3. 📰 Stay tuned to the PHB’s front page news to hear who won the latest membership giveaway! We’ll announce a winner sometime in the final week of each month. If you win, you’ll be notified via email or Discord, and will need to provide your login details for us to purchase the membership on your behalf. If you don’t win, you can always try again for the next month!

*A screen name can be your Poptropican’s name, login username, or something else. Please do not share personally identifiable information. Posting your Pop username is optional, and you definitely should not share your password in public.

**Your email address will not be made public when entered in the email field. Please do not write it in the body of the comment as that is public. We only ask for your email so we may contact you if you win. You may also provide your Discord contact in lieu of email, but you must be in our Discord server, the PHC, for us to reach you.

📝 Policies and Disclaimers ⚠️

  • A winner may not be eligible to win again until 6 months have passed since the win occurred.
  • Winners are chosen at random and do not reflect a person’s merits. You are a valuable human being regardless of whether or not you win a membership. Please don’t be discouraged if you don’t win—you can always enter again!
  • If you win, you will need to provide your Poptropica username and password for us to purchase the membership on your behalf. This is required by Poptropica. We will only use your login details for this purpose and recommend you change your password immediately after the membership is activated. We promise not to share your account details.
  • Your comment on this page (titled Free Poptropica Membership) shall not expire, but please post a reply comment if you would like to update any details (such as contact info).
  • Please comment with a consistent screen name and/or email so that we may identify that you have left at least two comments throughout the PHB.
  • You may enter the giveaway on behalf of another person, such as a friend or family member. However, should you be selected as a winner, you must be able to provide their Poptropica account login details so that we may purchase the membership on their behalf.
  • You may enter the giveaway even if you already have a membership. If your membership is still active and you are chosen as a winner, we can reactivate your membership after it expires, but it is your responsibility to keep in touch with us for this arrangement.
  • Remember that you are not owed a membership simply for participating. That’s just not how raffles work. The free memberships are funded by the PHB, which means they come out of our pocket and are not officially sponsored by Poptropica. We hope that our gifts are not taken for granted, and that you have fun participating, regardless of any outcomes.

🤔 Why are we giving away free memberships? ✨

We understand the struggle of how not everyone is able to afford a Poptropica membership no matter how badly they may want it. We’ve been kids with no income, with adults in our lives who didn’t see the value in paying for more pixels on a game screen. Now that we’re in a position to be able to give this kind of Poptropica joy, we want to do so for a few reasons:

  • 🎉 To share joy within the Poptropica community by giving more people a taste of that sweet membership life. It’s one way for us to say thanks for being part of this community! If you’re not already active in the fandom, maybe these giveaways are just the push you need to dive in.
  • 👐 To exemplify a spirit of generosity. The world would be a better place if we all gave more, if we always look out for one another. This doesn’t just mean giving gifts or money, but also our time and attention — whatever we have, however much we have. Our Poptropica membership giveaways are just one small way of spreading some joy to our community. We hope it encourages you to find ways to give in your life, too.
  • 💙 To support the work of the Poptropica Creators. Poptropica’s operations, from infrastructure to staff salaries, are partially funded by memberships, including memberships we purchase to give away to you all. This helps keep the work of Poptropica going!

To learn more about what extra benefits Poptropica members get in the game, check out our Membership Tour page. And for some ideas of where you can leave your comments around the PHB (as per step 2), check out the latest posts on our front page and share your thoughts, browse our Island Guides and see if you can offer help to questions being asked, and look around in all the many other pages we have in our site menu.

What are you waiting for? Get started with entering the Free Poptropica Membership Giveaways by commenting right here on this page (as per step 1). We look forward to meeting you in the comments!

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405 thoughts on “Free Poptropica Membership”

  1. hello there poptropicans
    its me, giant dragon here again
    so i guess 6 months have passed since June . so i thought i was eligible for membership again .
    the reason i am here again is because i want to play the mission Atlantis episode 1 : into the deep once again , and can buy the forest druid costume (and others too) from adventure outfitters .
    so i would be sooooooo happy if you give me membership

    1. Hey I want that membership because I want to buy stuff for my house, get some drip clothes and customize my pet. Ferlhantz2

  2. Hey there! I’d love to become a Poptropica member to enjoy unlimited shop options, pets, islands and more. I love Arabian Nights 2, and as other old islands return (hopefully!) I’ll be able to relish their pure excitement without waiting weeks after. I would have much fun decorating my house for Grapple-Pap with some good winter decor. I deeply appreciate your generosity, and I’m delighted that I would be able to take part in giving Poptropica the money it needs to continue, even if I can’t afford it myself. Again, thank you and good luck to everyone else who is entering!

  3. i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed a free membership because i am stuck on boring levels and do nt know how to pay online

  4. Ever since I won the Clubhouse contest, I started thinking about a membership. Unfortunately, I can’t get one, so I am here to ask if I could get a free membership. I finished all the islands, so I have nothing to do except visiting islands that I finished, or getting the login rewards. I really want to buy something else in the store, play Rumpelstiltskin’s side-quest, or go to the member-only islands. I am very active (usually playing every day), so if I get a free membership, I will be very grateful. 😁😁😁

  5. my username is 20213031. I want a membership because of the one quest on rumpelstiltskin to find the prince’s real father and I will be motivated to continue playing even if it is BORING!!!!!!!!!!! So please get back to me soon about the free membership.

  6. My username is GoldenPuppy3. I would like to enter the giveaway because I would like to get all the outfits and pets that members get access to and I would like to do the Rumplestitkin challenge and get more decorations and do the Mission Altantis and Arabian Nights 2 islands. I play daily so if I were to win I would be very grateful and happy 😊🙂

  7. Hi, I’d like a Poptropica Membership because I have finished all the other non member quests and want to play more, I just feel kinda “stuck” gameplay wise. I want to be able to play Rumpel’s Challenge and defeat Rumpel, I want to do the side quests and Mission Atlantis. I can think of lots of things I like in Adventure Outfitters that I could get with a membership. I could buy more themes and furniture for my clubhouse. I am not sure where to go from here, that’s why I posted this right now on the comments page.

  8. I forgot to post my username-it’s CoolSpinner6 on the site and app and is my account. His display name is Chilly Flame.

  9. I want to have a membership because I want to experience goofball island’s sidequest,new island merch and clubhouse

  10. hello , its me ,giant dragon again. i want to get free membership ‘cos i really ,really want to play poptropicon, Arabian night 2 , and mission Atlantis. its been a dream for me to play these islands, iif i get membership , it will be a dream come true. not only that , i also want to play side quests and get members only costume, gifts, etc. so it will be very grateful of the PHB to grant me membership

  11. hai-
    i want a free membership so i can play the rest of arabian nights with my sister- its super nostalgic but i cant buy a membership myself

  12. I Love this game so much! Every single day I wake up and the first thing I want to do is play Poptropica.
    I really want free membership because it looks like so much fun to have.I mean this is like literally the only game I play because it’s honestly amazing! I love all the challenges and all the characters you created, it’s just like a whole new world of thrilling adventures.Honestly I just can’t really afford to have membership. I know it would be really cool to have but it’s just to much money for me. My older sibling is always like “How do you like that game,” and I just say “hey! It’s amazing I really like it.” and I mean it! It really is the best game.Just letting you know that I LOVE Diary of Wimpy Kid! Every year for Christmas brother and I always get the new book and every time it’s always great! That’s one of the first things I do. I read the book. Sadly, I read it really fast and wish I had another one.

      1. same, the instructions confused me a little. so i just left my user and my character name

  13. I just Love all the costumes you have, it’s just amazing! So many of them are membership.I’m okay with that because I do have a good amount of clothing, but it would just be so amazing to have membership.

  14. Hi PHB! I wanted to re-apply for the Free membership for the month of February. I want the membership because recently, Poptropica released the second episode of Poptropicon, and I was really excited to play it, but as the release came, they mentioned that it was only for members, and I was very upset. The reason I want the monthly member is because I want to play the islands that Poptropica has been keeping for members for too long. I would also like to buy some of the membership decorations for my clubhouse, maybe I will make a post about it on Poptropica creators blog and on here on the PHB! I also want to be able to get some costumes that I would LOVE to own, but they are only for members. I would also love to have the other pets too, because now I only have the cat and the puppy, which are cute, but I would also love to have the other pets. I will propose an idea to Poptropica to have more pets availiable for all players, and to help, I will design some of them too. Those are the reasons I want the membership, and would truly be happy and grateful if I were to win. Also,good luck to other fellow Poptropicans entering.

    1. Hey Pink Crush, just to let you know, your (school) email address does not allow us to send you emails based on your school’s permissions. If you would like to be eligible for the membership giveaway, please comment with a personal email address where we can reach you. Thanks!

  15. I want free membership because I want to play the rest of the islands, and I want the “membership only” things!

  16. I would like free membership because honestly there are so many more things you get to do with membership. There are so many more islands than I thought, and all of them sound like so much fun! Don’t get me wrong, this is the best game ever but it’s getting a little boring now that there aren’t as many places to go, or challenges to do because most of them are membership. Plus I could upgrade my house and get new pets.( I’ve always wanted the chameleon because it’s super cute!) And there’s obviously the clothes as well.

  17. the reason that I want a membership is so I can explore all the islands and complete the islands that have a second part that I can’t do without a membership.

  18. I want membership because I want to play some classic islands from flash and I feel left out. Also want to get op costumes!

  19. Hey, let’s just say that you won free membership.When would you be able to use the membership?

    1. We contact winners by email, and winners will have to send their login details, since we have to manually buy the membership for them. Usually that happens within a day. Hope that helps!

  20. I have a question! I already won a membership, and I don’t have my house stuff back, because I never put it back in my inventory. Is it going to be there until I get membership again? Cause I want it back, and I can’t get it back.

    1. Speaking of which, I bought a bunch of membership stuff and I would like to know, when my free membership expires will I get to keep everything? If not, will I get my credits back?

      1. They’ll stay in your inventory, and you won’t get your credits back. But you can always earn more credits by logging in daily and playing minigames (especially the one on the Baron’s airship).

  21. Hi I just want to thank you for the free membership. It’s amazing I already did two worlds! Again thank you so much! If anyone wants to friend me my username is catty1573!

  22. Sorry, me again, what about membership costumes? Will they still stay in my inventory or will they be gone after my membership expires?

  23. Helloo! I want free membership so I can do side quests and do more islands. Cause I already did ALL of the islands!!!! My username is cambunny! Thank u!

  24. I want free membership so i can do the membership islands and get the membership items. My username is GoldenSword106 and my username is “hamburger hamburger”. Weird username, i know

  25. Hi! I’m Mad Moon, and I want a membership because it would let me play member-only islands and buy some fantastic costumes. Thanks for doing this! Even if I don’t win, I appreciate all you do to help your fellow Poptropicans.

  26. I want free membership so i can do the membership islands and get the membership items. My username is GoldenSword106 and my username is “hamburger hamburger”. i am also going again

    1. Me too. I also reaeeeaaly want to complete Rumpel’s side quest and Arabian Nights 2, etc…

  27. As I don’t see it to be against the rules to post a comment while not wishing to enter this “giveaway”, I shall be doing just that. It is quite useless, in my opinion, to be wasting this sort of money on a month of membership for an unknown person, especially when Poptropica has hardly anything to offer its members anymore. Even if it is just $4.00 per month, the idea strikes me as pointless.

    1. Poptropica membership may have less to offer now than in the old days, but it’s not nothing to some people. We listed a few reasons on this page about why we’re doing this: to spread joy, exemplify generosity, and support the work of the Pop Creators (including all the brand building of the past that carries into present day).

      1. Why must you “spread joy” and “exemplify generosity” by giving out free membership? I would expect people to be content with the “generosity” and “joy” you share by merely running this blog.

      2. Sure, but this is just another way we can do that. A lot of kids don’t have a means of getting membership but would like to enjoy that perk (I’ve been there), and this gives them that chance.

  28. I need a poptropica membership i don’t have any more islands to play i replay them over and over again and its not that fun playing them over and over again so pls i need a poptropica membership

  29. Dear PHB-
    I really wish that I get a free membership-I would extremely appreciate it if I get one. I am a very active player, and I log in about twice a day, so your membership won’t be wasted if it is given to me! I finished all the islands available to non-members, so I am very looking forward to getting access to old islands and islands available to members. Poptropica would be sooooo much more fun if I get access to free membership! I will try to persuade my friends to get membership and I will not waste my membership if it is given to me. Thank you!

  30. Dear PHB-
    Thank you for viewing my note! I really want free membership and I will try to persuade others to get membership too! My username on the log in page is Aristah and my username is Invisible Coyote.

  31. Dear PHB-
    I really wish that I get a free membership- Poptropica is already so much fun, it must be even more fun if I can unlock everything a member can. Please consider my request and I hope you will respond soon! Thank you for offering this chance and I hope you good luck on deciding 🙂

    1. Thank you for entering! Just to be clear, step 2 about leaving at least two other comments is for other pages on this site besides this one. Please be sure to do that so you can be eligible for this raffle! Thanks!

  32. AKA Invisible shark, why I want to win the Poptropica membership is so I can live my monuments in these old games and relive the old classics games I used to play when I was little, if I win the Poptropica membership it would be great to know what it’s like to be a member and being able to play membership games.

    1. Oh my username is just Linksgames if it’s not capitalized then just linksgames I forgot if I did capitalized my name or not

  33. The reason I want the monthly member is because I want to play the islands that Poptropica has been keeping for members for too long. I would also like to buy some of the membership decorations for my clubhouse! I also want to be able to get some costumes that I would like to own, but they are only for members. I would also love to have the other pets too, because now I only have the cat, which is cute, but I would also love to have the other pets.Good luck to other fellow Poptropicans entering. (Username: Sarahzilla24. Poptropica Name: Magic Ring.)

      1. We’ll have your email address when you fill in that field before the comment itself. If you’re commenting with a WordPress account, the email is included, so don’t worry about it!

  34. Hello, my (poptropica character) name is Moody Feather. I love poptropica! I have played all the islands that I can get without a membership.
    My family is not that rich so ofcource, they will not get a membership for a game. And I want to play more islands. Thats why I want a free membership.
    I realy love poptropica and would activly participate in it. I gave my word.
    I only have one friend I barely get to see and I have no siblings. I am very lonly. So I play poptropica to cheer me up.
    I realy want this free membership to keep doing that! 😀

    1. I’m so sorry you did not win May 2022 Membership giveaway I hope you win June’s Membership giveaway.

  35. I really want a membership because i could play new worlds only people with memberships can play and get new clothes new pets and more i have played poptropica for 5 years but i dont have a credit card or my dad wont buy it for me and i have a friend that has a membership and she does a lot of amazing thing with it so please you would make my dream come true and my day

  36. I like poptropica because the islands are so unique and have so much variety in them that makes the game so fun to play

  37. Hi, my name is sporty runner. I really want a membership because I really like poptropica and have played since I was three. Therefore, I would enjoy playing certain worlds like Survival hook line and sinker. Also, my parents don’t want to pay for it so I don’t have the money.

  38. I’ve been playing Poptropica since 2014 and have been a huge fan of the game ever since. It was very disappointing when flash was removed in 2020, and Poptropica lost most of its islands. I know that the Poptropica team is currently working to fix the old islands and bring them back, along with some new ones, but as they add islands, they will keep them only available to members for an obnoxious amount of time. That is the main reason why I would appreciate a Poptropica membership. I remember at coming back to the game after flash being removed and being devastated that over half of the islands had been taking away. I have loved the game for many years, have created fanart, bought the books, and have enjoyed days coming home from school, being able to enjoy the world of Poptropica. Unfortunately, my parents generally don’t like the idea of me spending money on a videogame, so I don’t really have the opportunity to get myself a membership. By the way, most of the islands that are new (As in have never been on Poptropica before) are very easy to complete, and I am usually finished with in about an hour. So, I suggest creating newer islands to be a little more challenging as a way to balance out the island collection better. Anyways, this took me like 10 minuets to type up, so I really hope you take my request into consideration. Thank you for your time!

  39. so i’ve been playing poptropica for 6 years now and i really wish to have membership once in my life,as poptropica is more fun and have extra contents that i can never open as a non poptropican, so i want to win his membership and try all the other things i couldn’t do as a sad non member :,D… so please Give Me mEmBership! i will not misue the membership and thank u for taking the time to read my comment 🙂

    user: xxbxnanaxx

  40. I want a membership so that I can revisit the episodic islands like Hook, Line, and Sinker, Lair of Thieves, and Spoiler Alert. These were islands I visited when I was younger and enjoyed, so I want to play them again for nostalgic purposes. I also want to try out some of the side quests. One last reason why I want a membership is because my parents don’t want to spend the money on one. Thanks for taking the time to read my request.

    USername: tdorsc

    1. I want membership because I didn’t get the chance to play episode two of poptropicon and I would like to play it as a reference for my fan fiction.I really want to continue the fairytale island story with Rumpl’s side quest.I also love to decorate my clubhouse and would like to be able to have a different clubhouse theme without redecorating the entire thing with the clubhouse lever.

  41. Oops,I’m sorry I didn’t mean to,I guess I hit the reply button without realizing I did.

    1. You get Mission Atlantis episode 1 (Into The Deep), Arabian Nights Episode 2 (Lair of Thieves), Poptropicon Episode 2 (Spoiler Alert), Survival Episode 2 (Hook, Line, and Sinker), and the Bonus Quests for Fairytale and Goofball Islands.

  42. Hi, I was just thinking about quitting until I remembered one thing! It has been 6 months! I could get free membership again! Anyway, before I could get all my furniture out, my membership ended, so a ton of my furniture (about 30,000 credits worth) got stuck in a member room, and now I can’t access any of it. There is also nothing I can do in Poptropica, as Survival 2 is members-only, and the steam bundle costs real money. So, I’m hoping to win a membership for free, and even if I don’t, it’s perfectly fine, as I have already been lucky to win once.

  43. Commenting to enter this month’s raffle. I’ve started playing again after more than a decade and just completed every free-to-play island. I’m interested in completing the members’ islands as well.

    I also enjoy character customization, and have yet to find a suitable hairstyle, so perhaps as a member I will find something I like.

  44. Hey, I feel I should have a membership because every screen change the poptropica add says to get membership to do something fun. Also many sidequests that I reeeeaaallly want to do are membership. This makes me feel left out and kind of sad.

  45. Hey, I really want a free membership because I want to have access to everything Poptropica has to offer. I would be much happier with a membership. Also I changed my name from dangerous gamer to Young Rider.

  46. Hello I would like a membership for this month because I have completed all of the non-member islands and would like to participate in more of poptropica.

  47. I would love to have membership! I loved playing Poptropica as a kid and would like to re-visit my favourite islands.

      1. i would love to use flashpoint but it is a very big file and i dont rly have enought space to use it any alternitives?

    1. For the oldest islands, there’s just Flashpoint now. For newer ones, you can also check out Poptropica on Steam, but it’s not free and still requires a download. If you really need the space, you can look into what’s currently taking up space on your computer and delete things you don’t need or back them up on a separate hard drive.

  48. I guess it won’t hurt to enter this raffle. Screen name is Heartofender, and discord is my preferred platform for messages. (Heartofender#5870, already in PHC). As someone who has completed everything possible for a non member, a membership would be nice to revisit some islands (especially survival ep 2)

  49. Hi I really Like Poptropica, been playing since i was a kid
    i Miss The Old Islands, Thanks Poptropica For Giving Me a Good Childhood

  50. My screen name is Dizzy Feather. I would love to have membership so I can play the members-only islands, since I never got to play them, I also want membership because I love designing the clubhouse and wish I could have more freedom with it.

  51. me pls my name is cosmicjammill and i read the phb almost daily
    do you need my parsword 🙂
    have a good one

  52. I would love the membership because of all the cool things I can buy, and I really want to play Survival Island: Episode 2. (Thanks for getting me through E1 with the island guide, BTW!)

  53. Hello, I would like to give it a go on free Poptropica memembership for this month, because I think it would be great to complete all of the members-only islands and get more cool outfits from the store. Thanks!

    1. Anyway, I would like to give it a go on free Poptropica membership, because I would really like to complete members-only islands and get more cool outfits on the store. Thanks!

  54. Hello, My Character Name Is LilysInMay (I May Have Mentioned It In A Previous Comment) My Reason For Wanting A Membership Is Because I Have Completed All Non-Member Islands, Really Want The Wolf Pet, And Because I Really Want Access To Members-Only October Costumes For My Poptropica Halloween Costume (2 Days Till The Final Week, And I Posted 2 Comments) If You Do Select Me, Reply On Here That I Should Check My Email (I Only Check It Once A Week And I Don’t Want To Keep You Waiting)

  55. Hi everone,this is Mad Hero.I’ve just recently returned to poptropica and I’ve entered the raffle this month to experience poptropica’s membership- revisiting a few old islands and peeking into what membership items look like.Wish Everyone Luck!(Honestly membership exclusive nowadays are so obscure I have no idea what they offer anymore, thus my curiosity)

  56. Hello. My Poptropican username is Crazy Comet (I might change this username, though), and the reason I would like to win a Poptropica membership is because I would like to experience some of the latest islands. Plus, there are some items I am trying to buy to complete my clubhouse.

  57. Hi! Im Barefoot Bean. I’ve been playing poptropica since 2016. I love that you can meet new people and I have made 2 lifelong friends there whom i still talk to today! I really want a membership because I have been wanting forever to play poptropica 2 and 3. I love the game and the creator too. Crossing my fingers!

  58. Hi my name is Is golden singer (popular poptropician on pop) and I am here to enter the membership giveaway bc, 1) Pop is really the only thing that makes me happy because my life is only going south rn even tho i’m only 10 years old. 2) I want to experience how it feels to access the member-locked islands and get the member-locked outfits in the game. 3) this is to show my brother that i can get cool things too since he just came home after a soccer match. I hope I’ll win but if not, Gl to all!

      1. So, I entering for a friend and I put her email in the email field, since I want to enter for her but don’t know her password. I know she’ll be fine with it. (I did add a 1 at the beginning, because WordPress won’t let me put in her email without logging in)
        I hope that doesn’t cause to much inconvenience for you.

        Anyway, her name is Dizzy Feather and I want to enter her for the raffle because she’s a huge fan of Poptropica and would love the Member benefits, but she doesn’t have money to buy one.

  59. Hello, my user is jpham5363. ive always wanted membership bc i completed all the island and i haven’t had anything to to except get daily rewards and checking if there’s new islands

    1. Hello again, I’d just like to say I changed my name to Perfect Feather. And another thing, when are you guys gonna choose the winner, or did you guys already pick?

    1. Got your comment! Sorry that the filter mis-caught your comment as spam, but thanks for alerting us so we could look for it. Your original comment has been posted now. Thank you! 🙂

  60. My username is zoomer86 and I would love membership because me and my mum love this game and we would really like to play mission alantis 🙂

  61. I really want membership. I’m an active player, and I’d really like to get access to all the member-only islands, the clubhouse decorations, Quippy’s items, and everything in the store. I really hope to get member ship, not only just because of the above reasons but also because that Pop is my favorite game in the whole world. Thank you, and good luck to all!

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