Steamworks Island

Details, I detest them

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Details, details…

The Hub on Steamworks Island continues to evolve. Now, all of the elements are colored in, and we’ve added some detail to try to tell the story of the island.

This version of the Hub is overgrown with vines and weeds. The wobbly angles of its structure are making it look like the whole thing could topple at any moment. And, of course, there’s now a sign telling everybody where they are.

Almost done!

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Ffufufuufu. Hub bub blub. There’s a blue square dude! O:

They even show some animations! o.o

On another note~ I’ll be on vacation for 3 weeks and I will be unable to post. So I notified Hijuyo telling her that I would take Thursday’s post.

>:c My post. No edity. >:c

~Tsuki out.

Steamworks Island

The Hub: Stage 2

The hub! The hub! What’s up with the hub?

Is it a robot, so big and so tall?

Or just a building? Is that really all?

Is it a HUBby, someone who’s fat?

Or maybe a factory! Now how about that?

A really tall tower? A dirty one to scrub?

The Hub! The Hub! What IS with the hub?

Yeah, my poetry is very lame. 😐 But I thought this post needed some spark, to make it stand out. 😉

…ANYway, the new PCB post, The Hub! 

O, the Hub! The Hub! What dangers you hold?

Random Person: GET ON WITH THE POST!!!!! 

Green Boa: Sor-ry 😐

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Time for a pop quiz: Can you tell the difference between the picture we posted yesterday and the one below?

Most of the background elements still look the same as they did yesterday: flat and monochromatic. We’re adding more detail to the Hub on Steamworks Island. We’ve colored in some of the more important foreground objects. They really pop off your screen!

That doorway in the upper-lefthand side of the screen looks mighty intriguing, wouldn’t you say?

The Hub certainly is taking more shape, more realism, more excitement! I still can’t wait to find out what Steamworks island will be like, any way, Cya laters Alligators! 🙂
…….. ALLIGATORS?!! :O *runs for life*
Sneak Peeks, Steamworks Island


Well, looks like Steamworks Island isn’t far away! With all the updates talking about the Hub, it seems like a lot of Steamworks Island revolves around it. Anywho, check out the Cr3@t0Rz latest post:

I’m out, guys.

Well guys, it’s been a long, long, good run. I’m sorry to say this, but I’m leaving the Poptropica Creators Blog. I feel as if if I’m not needed or appreciated, especially since yesterday Dr. Hare and the Widow kept making fun of me. I mean, what’s so wrong about liking to wear a Jester outfit? It’s not like I’m prancing around in a pink tutu like Dr. Hare. (Yes, I saw Hare. …And let’s just say my vision isn’t 20/20 anymore.) Besides, I’m better off committing interstellar felonies, like stealing princesses (fun fun fun!), attacking innocent people, you know, that type of thing. So, asta la vista.


I kid, I kid. The real post is:

The Hub started life as all of Poptropica does, as a simple idea and a sketch. Before long, we take that idea and turn it into reality. But did you know how many different revisions a single scene takes before it gets the Poptropica stamp of approval?

At first glance, this might look like a well developed scene.

But look a little more closely. Why is almost everything the same color? Why does it all look so flat? And what the heck is that blue thing on the right, anyway?

No, the Hub isn’t done yet. Not even close.

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– Codaki out. 🙂

Advertisements, Steamworks Island

Steamworks Galore!

The Steamworks Island info page is here (thanks, Popular Dragon!). I checked and it’s not on the Poptropica homepage yet, but Its on the homepage now, and Hijuyo showed it to me last night! The plot sounds interesting though:

The silence of empty streets welcomes you. Metals and machines fill the lonely halls, and a growing mystery lurks behind a shroud of steam. Can you uncover what happened to the inhabitants of this ancient island? Gear up for a steam-powered adventure you will never forget!

There’s no exact release date yet, but it’s available soon with Membership, and available to everyone later this summer!


Looks like it’s based on the Mayans but instead it’s all futuristic. In the 1400’s the Mayans suddenly abandoned their cities and no one knows why. I’m guessing they based it on that. 😀

Cats and Dogs: Revenge of Kitty Galore Ad!

There is a new ad for ages 6-11, called Cats and Dogs: Revenge of Kitty Galore. So far it’s been found on Spy Island. So basically, there’s a game inside where Kitty Galore is disguised as a cute puppy and they switch places. You have to click the disguised Kitty Galore. If you get 2 mistakes you lose. Its actually pretty easy.

As rewards, you get a Spy Helmet outfit and a Cats and Dogs hologram. The Spy Helmet’s special action is the laser looking thing on the top shoots. For the hologram, you have to press space while holding the item to make a hologram of yourself.

~Shaggy Tornado 😀

Steamworks Island


We got another sketch from the Creators, specifically Binary Bard, that develops a “Hub” that will be located on Steamworks Island. They promise that they will clear everything up about this sketch in times to come… because right now it just looks like a potpourri of drawings that feature metal gears with attaching pipes and gizmos. Very mystifying.

One of the places you’ll visit on Steamworks Island is what we call the Hub. It’s a sight to see! A rickety tower, a massive drawbridge, and pot-bellied steam stoves powering everything. Safe to say that you’ve never seen anything like the Hub before.

Er, at least, you won’t have seen anything like it. To start with, this marvel of modern engineering just looked like this:

Yes, it’s hard to see what all the hubbub is about — yet. Just wait until you see how this one develops!

The post is called, “What’s all the Hub-bub?”.


Get it? HUB-BUB! Because a hubbub is an uproar? And we’re talking about HUBS?

