Guest Posts, My Place in Poptropica

My Place in Poptropica: Sleepy Starfish

This is a guest post from Sleepy Starfish sharing her My Place in Poptropica story, which is all about one’s Poptropica journey. Enjoy!

Hi! I am Sleepy Starfish. I am going to tell you how I found out about Poptropica and the Poptropica Help Blog. If you want to friend me, my username is 100349.

Forgetting my Poptropica account twice

It all started when my sister was playing Poptropica and she would let me play. I remember watching my brother playing Survival Island: Ep. 1 on Poptropica.

Later, I stopped playing Poptropica. But in 2019, I started playing Poptropica again. I created an account but then I forgot my account. So I made a new account, and this time I wrote it down. However, when I tried to log into Poptropica, my password was incorrect. I think when I wrote my account details down, I wrote it wrong. So I created another account. This time I remembered it. My name was Cool Rider.

Finding out about the Poptropica Help Blog

I used to never decorate my clubhouse because I was too lazy. I would also never check the Creators’ Blog because I thought it contained long, boring articles. One day in December 2020, I decided to check the blog, and that’s when I saw it wasn’t as boring as I thought. Now I check the Creators’ Blog every day!

In February 2021, there were a few guest posts on the Creators’ Blog that mentioned the Poptropica Help Blog. So I searched it up and clicked the first link that popped up. The first PHB post that I saw was the Pop the Difference challenge. From then on, I’d check the PHB every day.

Recently, I even shared my clubhouse tour here on the PHB! Through the friends menu, I also changed my character’s name to Sleepy Starfish.

That’s My Place in Poptropica. Bye!

—Sleepy Starfish

Hope you enjoyed this “My Place in Poptropica” story! If you did, you’ll probably enjoy our other MPIP stories here on the PHB.

If you haven’t already shared your story, we invite you to send in your own. Interested in writing for the PHB under a different Pop-topic? Take a look at our Write for the PHB page for ideas, guidelines, and more! 📰✨

~the Poptropica Help Blog

Guest Posts, My Place in Poptropica

My Place in Poptropica: White Fox

This is the My Place in Poptropica story of White Fox. Enjoy!

Hello, fellow Poptropicans! I am going to share my MPIP, or My Place in Poptropica, as requested by some of you in the PHB comments. Let’s go!

First, the basics. The name’s White Fox. Gender: female. Favorite color: blue. Pet: Puppy (named Puppy). Born on: Mythology Island. Favorite outfit: see pic above. Now onto my story!

My best friend showed me Poptropica, and I instantly fell in love with it. I have been playing Poptropica ever since. I tend to stick with the things I like. The first island I ever played was Mythology Island, which opened up a whole love for Greek mythology for me.

There are always new opportunities opening up in Poptropica, so the game is always changing. The fandom grows with every new opportunity, like with the Dream Island Contest. I think all the opportunities just make Poptropica a better community, which is why I am so addicted to it! 😄 I love Poptropica. It is a lot more than a game to me. It’s a place that opens up new worlds, ways to communicate with friends, and a lot more. It’s a great community. 👍

Poptropica’s a whole new world.

I think I may have beaten almost every island, except Great Pumpkin Island and Mocktropica Island, both of which are now off the game due to the end of Flash. The end of Flash has taken some of my favorite features and islands off the game, and I am sad about that, but some of the newest updates make up for it!

For example, Paradise Island seems really cool! (Though perhaps it won’t be an official part of the game as it was revealed to be a test experience.)

I am nostalgic for the way things used to be in Poptropica, but I do look forward to what the future of the game brings. However, the new Home Island personally isn’t my favorite, and some other new features disappoint me somewhat. Still, the best thing about Poptropica is that it is always changing, and there will always be something new!

That’s My Place in Poptropica. I hope you enjoyed seeing from my point of view in Poptropica!

White Fox

Hope you enjoyed this “My Place in Poptropica” story! If you did, you’ll probably enjoy our other MPIP stories here on the PHB.

If you haven’t already shared your story, we invite you to send in your own. Interested in writing for the PHB under a different Pop-topic? Take a look at our Write for the PHB page for ideas, guidelines, and more! 📰✨

~the Poptropica Help Blog

Guest Posts, My Place in Poptropica

My Place in Poptropica: Pink Lightning

This is the My Place in Poptropica story of Pink Lightning, who shares her love for Poptropica adventures through her story and poem. Enjoy!

Hi! My name is Pink Lightning. I am a big fan of Poptropica. Today, I am going to tell you how I started playing Poptropica.

One day, I was bored. It was summer vacation, and I was playing random baby-ish games with themes like “Please answer 1+1 in 10 seconds! Congrats! You got 10000 coins!” and other games that seemed even more low leveled. I wanted a challenge!

Suddenly, I spotted a big-eyed pilot wearing red pilot clothes. I tapped the link to this new game, and repeated: “Pop-ro-pi-ca? Pop-trop-ica? Pop-tro-pica?” What an interesting name. 

From there, I had stepped into this fresh world of mystery, adventure and friendship. Soon I was making friends, exploring different islands, and decorating my club house. My first island was Mission Atlantis: Episode 1. I enjoyed the part when I dumped the bucket of ink on the key-stealer’s head. Ha!

Every single island is perfectly mysterious, fun, and interesting. Once you start, you can’t stop! To capture the magic, let me share with you my poem about Poptropica:

What is the best game in the whole world?
Poptropica! Poptropica!
Ladies and gentlemen, behold!
It is like the chocolate factory of Willy Wonka!

Where you make friends and go on adventures,
Where evil villains have pink bunny ears.
Where you make a lot of friends,
Where the stories will never end.

Where robot Modred controls the universe,
Where in dark castle lives a vampire with a curse.
Where the kind old lady is actually a ghost,
Where someone wanted to hunt you, and it was the host!

Want to have friends, and have a fun time?
Don’t just sit there eating candy lime.
Open your computer and type Poptropica.
And then have a fun time playing, hahaha!

That’s it, guys! If you want to be friends with me, my username is SNA333. And if you want to share your story, you can write for the PHB!

Hope you enjoyed this “My Place in Poptropica” story! If you did, you’ll probably enjoy our other MPIP stories here on the PHB.

If you haven’t already shared your story, we invite you to send in your own. Interested in writing for the PHB under a different Pop-topic? Take a look at our Write for the PHB page for ideas, guidelines, and more! 📰✨

~the Poptropica Help Blog

Guest Posts, My Place in Poptropica

My Place In Poptropica: Lone Axe

This is the My Place in Poptropica story of Lone Axe, a young adult looking back on memories of playing Poptropica while growing up. See below for details about sharing your own MPIP story!

Hello! My name is Lone Axe, and this is the story of my Poptropica experience. I am perhaps a little too old to still be enjoying this game, but at this point, I don’t care. Do what you love, even if people think you should not enjoy it. That said, let’s begin the story…

Elementary school days

My story begins many years ago, when I was in elementary school. A friend introduced me to this game, and it was unlike anything had I played before. If I recall correctly Counterfeit was the newest island at the time. Me and my friend would play the game a lot and talk to each other about how to beat the tricky parts, as well as how we can design our characters. Eventually he moved away from the game, but I didn’t. I often find myself fixated on games I like for a long time.

Counterfeit Island was released in late 2009.

Fun fact: my old account was my school ID. I ended up ditching that account to make one more in line with my other account names, so I could remember it more easily. That is when Lone Axe was born.

Some fond memories

I have beaten almost every island (except Steamworks and Astro-Knights, but don’t tell anyone about that… shhhh).

Two islands that hold a special place in my heart are Cryptids and Twisted Thicket. These islands are most likely why I have such a fascination with cryptids and fae creatures. Mythical beings living in our modern world alongside us in secret is such a cool concept to me.

Have a Sprite: Could one of these dryads be coming to Poptropica?

To this day I still remember getting scared off my computer because of Poptropica. If you remember the Jersey Devil sequence from Cryptids Island, you know why. When it popped up in the window in that old house, I quite literally fell off the chair I was sitting on. My mom thought I lost my mind for a second.

Steamworks Island has been one of my greatest roadblocks in getting all the medallions in this game. I got stuck at the end and refused to try again for years. The island is one of my favorites in story and visuals, but wow, it’s hard.

Thoughts on the game now

With the death of Flash, the game feels gutted and many of my favorite experiences I can’t revisit now. All the chapters of Survival Island (except for one), Monster Carnival, and more are gone. I do have hope, though: hope that things can be restored and more people can experience the old feeling and wonders I had as a child.

I am an adult now, but this game will continue to be a part of me for years to come and I hope to see it improve. If you liked this and want to add me as a friend on Poptropica, my username is LogicBomb404. I hope you continue to have fun in this game as I do!

Hope you enjoyed this “My Place in Poptropica” story! If you did, you’ll probably enjoy our other MPIP stories here on the PHB.

If you haven’t already shared your story, we invite you to send in your own. Please include your username and at least 400 words, typed with good spelling and grammar, and divided into labeled sections. If you send in your story, we will continue to post new community MPIPs!

Interested in writing for the PHB under a different Pop-topic? Take a look at our Write for the PHB page for ideas, guidelines, and more!

~the Poptropica Help Blog

Guest Posts, My Place in Poptropica

My Place in Poptropica: Dangerous Dragon

This is the My Place in Poptropica story of Dangerous Dragon, who found Poptropica during the pandemic. See below about sharing your MPIP story!

Ok, this is Dangerous Dragon and welcome! Poptropica Creators and Poptropicans, this is my story of how I discovered Poptropica. Get ready… get set… Go!

Bored for a game…

Yeah so, I’m from India and I’m 9 (well, almost, since my birthday is in February) sometimes it’s exciting, sometimes it’s boring. When India was on lockdown in 2020 it was obviously boring. Our classes were going online, and a few months later there was a problem…

Exploring the web

In the area where I lived, the internet network connection got very bad. So we got wifi! Now you will know: how did I discover Poptropica?

Some advice: when you’re a kid and you get wifi… the first thing you do is EXPLORE AND HAVE FUN! That’s what I did! I opened one thing I wanted to do: YouTube! Now a few days passed, and I got some games. I kept looking for a game where you could explore and do your own thing, but couldn’t find any. I got tired and opened YouTube again. There was something recommended from my favourite channel: it was from Thinknoodles a.k.a. Speedy Catfish… and the video was about Poptropica. And I was like, “Wha?”

Counterfeit Island docks (Thinknoodles on YouTube)


I decided to download Poptropica on my tablet, and when I did… I could not believe it. It was a game where you could explore! At first I thought that we just had to do everything on Home Island — just customize and buy stuff. 

A few days later, I got bored just customising, and then I wondered how Thinknoodles was playing on that island. With a bit more exploring, I discovered the Poptropica blimp. I hopped on, and then it showed me that precious screen: the Map.

Getting good at the game

From there, my journey truly began. My first island was Time Tangled, and I got through 4/5 of it before getting stuck. I searched on YouTube for the walkthrough and there was Thinknoodles playing Poptropica! After watching his video, I really started to understand how the game worked.

By now, my knowledge of Poptropica has grown even more. I’m even writing this post about it by myself! I also have a lot of things in my clubhouse and lots of credits.

Here is a quick picture of me in my clubhouse.

I’ve started to play many more islands, including Reality TV and Monster Carnival and Survival. While playing PoptropiCon, I got stuck and looked up a guide. That’s how I found the PHB!

Well, that wraps up my journey on how I discovered Poptropica. Ciao, Poptropicans!

Hope you enjoyed this “My Place in Poptropica” story! If you did, you’ll probably enjoy our other MPIP stories here on the PHB.

If you haven’t already shared your story, we invite you to send in your own. Please include your username and at least 400 words, typed with good spelling and grammar, and divided into labeled sections. If you send in your story, we will continue to post new community MPIPs!

Interested in writing for the PHB under a different Pop-topic? Take a look at our Write for the PHB page for ideas, guidelines, and more!

~the Poptropica Help Blog