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“The Villain Saga” – Episode 7, Part 2

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CUT TO inside the building. BLACK WIDOW is being led back to her cell.

Once they reach the doors, the guard pulls out his key, letting WIDOW back into her cell. He’s about to head out, but then he hears strange, clanging noises from RAVEN’S cell.


What are you doing?

He knocks on RAVEN’S door.



More noises. The GUARD unlocks it and peeks inside–

–which was a terrible mistake. The moment it opens, lights beam straight into his eyes, glimmering and, at RAVEN’S command, sending him into a trance. RAVEN ties the guard with some leftover ripped pieces of his blanket, then he takes the keys, unlocking WIDOW’S door.


It worked!–

Her expression changes from impressed to confused. RAVEN is in front of her, with a strange array of pie plates tied to his back like a giant halo from a bad crafts book.



She darts out her cell, then without another word, takes the GUARD’S baton and whacks the dazed man with it.


Hey I already had him–


We need as much time as possible. Allons-y!

WIDOW stomps on the GUARD’S walkie-talkie, breaking it, then takes his ID. With the baton, ID, keys, and whatever RAVEN made, they head off to the elevator.

They make their slow descent, hearing nothing but the creak of the cables–and something else.


What is that? It’s coming from above us.

WIDOW looks up, even though the top of the elevator is blocking their view.



The elevator makes its stop, a few floors above the ground. Both prisoners brace themselves as the door opens.

They’re surprised to see BETTY JETTY, along with the guard escorting her. 



WIDOW takes no time, friend or foe–not that it matters much since BETTY wasn’t her ally anyway. She jumps at the guard, disabling him and his taser, and flipping him to the floor.


Cover your eyes!

WIDOW jumps back, turning away as RINGMASTER RAVEN does his reflection trick to BETTY and the GUARD again.



Both immediately go into a trance, before falling unconscious on the ground. RAVEN turns to WIDOW, who is staring between him and the two.


Oh now you believe me?


I know you just did it but–I still didn’t expect it to work.




Uh, sorry about doing it to you a few days ago, by the way–it’s kind of a force of habi–


Nevermind that.

She takes more of the GUARD’S things, including the taser and some more keys. They drag the unconscious people to BETTY’S empty cell, putting BETTY in bed as though she’s sleeping, and shoving the GUARD underneath on the floor.


…now what?

WIDOW glances at the bed. One of the GUARD’S boots is still sticking out under.


…we could take his things.


That will be awkward for when they wake up…


No matter. You go ahead.


Me?? I think I’m pretty recognizable.


Oh yes, that mole on your face makes you much easier to spot than a bird man.


You’re the master of disguise here, anyway.


Fine, you made your point.

The pie plates are left behind, in BETTY’S cell. There’s a short montage of WIDOW leading RAVEN throughout the prison. They decide to try making it further, and head down the elevator to the ground floor, where they are met by more prison staff.


What’s he doing down here?


(Trying to make her voice sound as “different” as possible)

Uh, it was getting a little noisy in Jupiter’s lab up there.


Taking him for a quick walk in the courtyard.

The DESK GUARD nods and gets back to her work, completely buying it. WIDOW and RAVEN keep going, both holding back relief.

They make it near the security for the entrance doors. Nearby is the dining hall, which also has the doors to the courtyard. WIDOW walks a distance away from any other staff, to a corner of the room as though she’s about to take RAVEN into the lunchroom, and they speak in hushed tones.


…do you think we could make it over the courtyard fence?


I would have already done that if it was possible.

They both look around some more, trying to gather some ideas. The DESK GUARD is now distracted on her phone. WIDOW looks into the dining hall, and sees the head COOK finish cleaning the kitchen and ending her shift—and leaving her uniform behind. WIDOW smirks.



CUT TO the two in the dark kitchen. RAVEN is putting an apron over the scrubs he found, which he just barely managed to hide his wings in.


Argh–I hope this doesn’t break some part of my wings.

WIDOW sticks her hands into an open flour bag, then pats on RAVEN’S head, turning his hair a lighter color.


The faster you are, the less you’ll have to worry.

CUT TO outside the dining hall again, back near the entrance. The other staff members are closing down for the night, and several are leaving the building, probably to on-site housing nearby. WIDOW and RAVEN, in their guard and cook disguises, join the line, heading to the door. Both flinch when the DESK GUARD calls to them, although it turns out to be a false alarm.




Good night, everyone!

Both mumble “good night” in unison with the rest of the leaving staff. They’re ecstatic as they cross through the doorway, WIDOW forcing a nonchalant expression while RAVEN gazes up. There’s just a peek of sunset which, while covered by clouds, dyes the horizon orange.


I don’t even remember the last time I felt this way.


Were you stuck somewhere else before this?

(She looks ahead, and they keep walking)

I was in another prison before I was sent here.


First the circus, then hypnosis, then here…

They keep going, departing from the crowds and sneaking their way to another area of the prison, a small, flat expanse of concrete–the helicopter landing.


We hide out here until most of them are gone, right?

(WIDOW nods)

Okay, so I think–

Lightning strikes the top of the prison–seemingly from out of nowhere. While there’s plenty of clouds as usual, no storm or wind is present. Both jump, and the top windows that are usually pitch black flash with light.


Jupiter’s up to something!

(He turns to WIDOW)

I don’t think we should wait!




It’s crazy–but everything here is crazy anyway–I think he’s got some sort of medical experiment for you and those three others!


Keep your voice down!

The wind starts up; wailing, shrieking with no warning.


I already knew that–what did you think all that time I spent in the lab was for??


Yeah, yeah, but I mean something SERIOUS!

Lightning flashes again. A few windows light up again–but this time around the middle levels. Both prisoners notice, and for a fraction of a moment, the silhouette of a figure seems to appear, descending.


We’ve got to go now.

WIDOW just nods.

Not caring about maintaining disguises or waiting for the employees to leave, they sprint to the helicopter base, RAVEN’S wings ripping through his kitchen scrubs as he tosses the mask away. A few raindrops begin to fall, starting gently, but in a matter of seconds turning into a downpour. The sky is nearly black now, save for the leftover red glow of the fading sun.

They stop at the first helicopter they see, RAVEN lagging a bit behind because of the discomfort the scrubs are causing him. WIDOW yanks open the door and turns on the controls. She hears a yell.

Lightning has struck only inches from RAVEN, and he tripped. Now he’s desperately trying to get up and make it to the helicopter as WIDOW turns on the blades.



Lightning strikes again. The windows at the ground level illuminate. WIDOW stands at the edge of the helicopter door as RAVEN runs to her, holding out her arm for him to grab, but a thought crosses her mind.

The doctor is getting close. The something off—it’s almost supernatural. Does she even have time to spare?



WIDOW withdraws. She reaches for the door.


You said it. We have to leave now.

Stunned, RAVEN skids to a halt, nearly slipping again in the puddles forming. The helicopter starts to ascend.



WIDOW keeps her eyes focused ahead, taking ahold of the controllers. As long as the storm doesn’t get much worse, she’ll make it—

Lightning strikes several times around RAVEN and the helicopter. He stumbles back, and WIDOW swerves.


Did it just strike in the same—


Indeed it did.

WIDOW jumps from her seat. JUPITER is standing right behind her.


You had an impressive plan, Suzanne-Charlotte Émile, but I think it’s time you took a rest.


How did you know—


That’s not on any papers since I started—

RAVEN watches the confrontation from the landing pad. No guards have followed JUPITER, surprisingly.


I think you and I both know there’s more than meets the eye to me, to this prison.

(He steps closer to her)

Now, if you comply, I’ll spare you of any pain—and give you a chance at happiness again.

WIDOW doesn’t take it. She pulls the taser from her pocket and thrusts it at JUPITER—

And nothing happens. The shocks is delivered but he still is standing, with the same cool smile as before.

WIDOW is given no chance to attack again. JUPITER grabs her by the wrist holding the taser. From outside, RAVEN turns away as a volley of bright lightning strikes collide with the helicopter.

WIDOW’S vision turns red. Then black. All black.

The helicopter lands back on the concrete, fairly worn from the damage. JUPITER is standing at the edge of the door, and past him, RAVEN can see WIDOW on the floor.


What was that?! She’s got to be dead!


Normally that would be fatal, yes, but she’ll have plenty of time to recover where she’s going.

He snaps his fingers. As though through telepathic command, guards and people in lab coats come rushing out the door to them. A couple run to RAVEN to take him back, but the rest all surround the helicopter, unfolding a stretcher.



Make sure Bird Man is kept up from the rest of them from now on!

(In his normal tone)

We’ve already had a major bump in our schedule, let’s not have anymore because someone blabbed.

RAVEN is led away, back to the building. He takes a look over his shoulder. JUPITER is out of the helicopter, and the guards have BLACK WIDOW on the stretcher on the ground. One covers her with a white blanket before RAVEN goes back through the doors.

CUT TO the top floor cells again. RAVEN is struggling against the guards who are trying to get him back in.


No! I’m not doing anything until you explain what Jupiter is up to!


Not a chance.


He’s barely told us anything, anyway.


And you don’t think there’s anything off with this prison?


Oh, we noticed long before y’all did.

Another push sends RAVEN back into his cell. The door slams behind him.


Just…be glad he’s not doing anything with you, yet.

CUT TO JUPITER’S lab. The group of scientists are all there along with him, surrounding whatever they’re working on.

One of the tanks from the wall is now laying on the floor. An assortment of tubes and monitors are connected to it, laid out and prepared…

JUPITER clicks a button on his computer. The sides of the tank light up blue, and begin to fill with a strange gel.

The last shot is of the scientists cleaning up and heading out of the room, turning off the lights. The only thing that can be seen is the tank, upright on the platform again, where BLACK WIDOW’S silhouette is floating in the blue glow.


One down, three to go.

Castori honorem ~ Smart Bubbles

9 thoughts on ““The Villain Saga” – Episode 7, Part 2”

  1. See, Widow? That is why you should be loyal to people who help you… although it would’ve probably ended the same way, even if she was loyal.
    I’m going to miss her character till she’s back, I like the way she’s portrayed in this series.

    1. Alas, I think if she had let Raven on he would only have gotten caught in the crossfire…still tho, she has a lot to learn if she’s willing.
      Thanks btw! I have lots planned in store for her.

      1. Yeah, that’s what you get for being selfish.

    1. A bit! I mainly included them to give some characters to the “hero” side (and give the other authors a cameo hehe) but I don’t intend on including too much of them just to not overflow the story. They’ll be appearing from time to time.

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