Baron's Airship, Fan Art Features, Member Gifts, Social Media, Steam Bundle

Kick Back at the Cabin of Curiosities ☺️🍹👟

Hey, Poptropicans! Yesterday’s big announcement certainly grabbed our attention, but let’s not forget the other stories lost in the shuffle.

The Red Baron is back with new treasures for all, so let’s climb aboard and check them out. Head into the Cabin of Curiosities and check out the winner of March’s costume contest: Spa Day by Chilly Feather!

The soft robe, cucumber face mask, and drink make this the perfect thing to wear after a long day of exploring Poptropica. This free ‘fit also comes with an equally free pair of pink bunny slippers, which the Creators clarify are not made from Dr. Hare. Sure, Creators, we’ll take your word for it… for now.

The Baron seems to have taken a liking to this particular costume, as she can be seen wearing the same cucumber face mask. She’s chillaxing after finding some fancy footwear. Players can purchase Grey LoafersRed Shoes, and Yellow Flipflops for their feet as well as a Shoe Rack for their clubhouses, all of which cost 100 credits each. 👟👟

But wait, there’s more! Members can check out April’s member gifts: a pair of Butterfly Wings, a Butterfly Follower, and a Baby Fox Follower. This gift pack definitely fits the ongoing spring season, but I can’t get over how everything is so… orange. Not sure what you guys think about color choice, but five year old me would have loved these. 😂🧡

The hype for Poptropica’s Steam release has officially begun! On social media, the Creators released their first hint at one of the returning islands: “Don’t be shocked when life gives you lemons.”

The two most popular guesses so far are Survival Island and Shrink Ray Island, which use lemons in certain puzzles. The player powers a radio with a lemon battery in Survival Island: Episode 3, and CJ writes a secret message with lemon juice in Shrink Ray Island. Which classic island could this be referring to? 🤔🍋

Finally, the Creators featured a meme redraw by Instagram user happyclonetrooper aka Maroon Ring. Don’t worry, Maroon, we’re sure that Pop’s Steam game will have plenty of medallions for you to collect.

That’s all for now. What do you think of these new items? Which islands do you hope will appear in Pop’s Steam port? What do you think of the color orange? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

—Gentle Dolphin 🐬

6 thoughts on “Kick Back at the Cabin of Curiosities ☺️🍹👟”

    1. “Cool to see more shoes on Pop.” just about sums up the most exciting updates we can expect from the Poptropica Creators.

      1. As I can’t reply directly to your reply, I shall do so here: Perhaps my statement didn’t mirror the sarcastic tone I meant to imply.

What's popping, Poptropicans?