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Thanksgiving hunt, Coco stunt, & more!

Hey Poptropicans! Slanted Fish here with the latest scoop of mashed potatoes what’s popping on Poptropica.

First, with the American Thanksgiving holiday coming up, the Poptropica Creators have let loose a few new feast-themed followers on Poptropica Original! Can you find all three of these foodie critters?


Skip this paragraph and the images below if you don’t want any spoilers: you can find Sweet Tato on top of the Arcade on Home Island, Cran Barry on the water tower on Early Poptropica, and Punkie Pie atop the Photo Gallery on Wimpy Wonderland.

thanksgiving followers
picture credit: Young Hippo (@Poptropica_King on Twitter)

Hurry—they’re only sticking around until the end of the holiday (which this means they’ll be gone by next Friday). Catch ’em while you can!

Also on Poptropica Original, there’s an ad game for Coco, the Pixar animated movie that releases this Thanksgiving! Talk to the skeleton man to get started, and you’ll be sent off running through the whimsical streets of the world of Coco, jumping over obstacles in order to deliver the leg of a skeleton without letting Dante the dog grab at you.

coco ad

Once you make it to the end, you’ll be rewarded with a Dante Follower and Miguel Music Power. The Dante Follower is what its name suggests, and the Miguel Music Power equips you with Miguel’s guitar. When space bar is pressed, an audible guitar strum can be heard, and you’ll raise up some orange specks that float briefly.

Over on Poptropica’s YouTube channel, there’s a new video from Dave, who tells us about the “CREEPIEST Moments in Poptropica Worlds!” Check out his list:

  1. The tremor you feel when you first visit Crisis Caverns.
  2. The mysterious Dr. Crispin Vincent you keep hearing about.
  3. The mysterious mushroom cavern and its mole people inhabitants.
  4. Pretty much everything about 24 Carrot Island.

What would you add to this list? Do you think it compares to our list of Scariest Poptropica Moments for Poptropica Original? Sound off in the comments!

Last but not least, Stephanie has returned with another one of her weekly livestreams! Livestream #9, which aired November 17 at around 3:45 p.m. EST, is the fourth episode in her exploration of 24 Carrot Island (see the previous three here). Check it out:

In this episode, Stephanie continues venturing through the vents and eventually makes her way to the computer control, where she finally foils Dr. Hare’s plans and completes the quest. Her snack of choice is fitting for the video: carrots!

Towards the end, she asked viewers where she should go next: Crisis Caverns or Dr. Hare’s Revenge. Crisis Caverns won the live vote, so that’s where she’ll be exploring in next Friday’s episode—stay tuned!

From Stephanie and all of us here at the PHB, happy Thanksgiving! 🍂🦃🍁


27 thoughts on “Thanksgiving hunt, Coco stunt, & more!”

  1. I’m loving these dorky little followers. Will they be unobtainable after Thanksgiving or will they be removed entirely?

    1. Hey LiliySparkles my theory on why the Poptropica Creators are making these top 5s and whatnot videos and not making any videos like this on the original Poptropica is because the Poptropica Creators want to promote Poptropica Worlds more and try to get some new players into Poptropica Worlds. The first few top 5 videos were good like best fashion tips and stuff but now they have gotten more and more repetitive like the top 5 creepist moments in Poptropica Worlds and a few other videos keap back and forthing content from 24 carrot island and Crisis Caverns. LIke I just wonder what in the world is going on in the Poptropica headquarters. Like they have barely been releasing new content in Poptropica Worlds. So yeah this theory might clear up the big question on why the Poptropica Creators have not made any original Poptropica top 5s

      1. To be honest, videos like these are kinda showing the Pop creator’s stress on keeping ourselves patient for what’s coming up next. I mean clearly original Pop has a lot more to talk about than Pop worlds. (Considering it has been living for like ten years, and Pop worlds, only about five months)

  2. Honestly? The scariest moment in all of Poptropica was that time in the island Ghost Story when a woman came from behind and said (IN THE CREEPIEST VOICE POSSIBLE) “Are you looking for someone?”
    And no, I’m not just talking about dialogue on the game. No, no, no. I had my volume low at the time and I COULD HEAR THOSE FIVE WORDS COMING FROM THE COMPUTER. I thought someone was BEHIND me! I jumped out of my seat! That is by far the scariest moment of Poptropica history!

    1. I don’t know, but I was able to find it on Home Island. Maybe you can try on a different account? Otherwise maybe the ad is gone, but you can access it with the Ad Transporter tool on our Glitching page.

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