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Take it in but don’t look down – new menu, MU hat, peak peeks

It looks like another ordinary day at the rundown carrot cake factory – windows are still cracked as boards cover up the dilapidation, and inside, Dr. Hare is probably barking orders at his minion drones (unless, of course, you’ve freed them). But wait! What’s that in the top-right corner?

Seems like the Creators are planning to simplify the game a bit by combining all the tabs (inventory, map, etc) into one handy location! Also, if you click on the sneak peek image, you might notice that it’s bigger than usual – maybe we’ll get to play Poptropica in full screen or something?

If you visit Main Street (I was on Early Poptropica), you’ll see a video ad for Monsters University, which will be in theaters June 21! Who else is looking forward to this movie? 😀 Anyway, watch the trailer for your free MU Hat! There’s a dropdown menu listing in your inventory for Monsters University, and it looks like this green advertisement tab will keep changing every time there’s a new ad.

MU hat

Now let’s look at some recent Daily Pop peeks! We’ve got mountain climbing at Mt. Funshine, a work office, Cool Cow milk truck (likely related to Grunwald’s Cheese Factory), and even a volcanic peak. Wonder where it all ties in.

Mount Improbable – Mountaineering is too dangerous these days.

Mount Improbable

Subterranean – Bold innovations in workspace design.


Milk Run – We just need to crash this into the chocolate syrup truck.

Milk Run

Peak Condition – From the vault, a lost level of Poptropica.

Peak Condition

Last week, the Creators announced the Poptropica Shop, which was covered in my previous post. One cool thing about the personalized clothing is that it doesn’t have to be your own character, so that means you can get a shirt or hoodie with any Poptropican as long as you have their username!

I’m saying this because Captain Crawfish has not-so-subtly hinted that you can get one of him, and if you’d like to do that, his username is CaptainCrawfishCreator. In fact, if you visit the PHB’s Friend Finder page, you’ll find a whole collection of usernames, including other Poptropica Creators, PHB staff, rare costume accounts, and more.

Well, it’s about time to wrap up this lengthy post! Summer’s coming, which might mean getting tanned burnt orange if you’re a Poptropica member, surfing tidal waves, creating nanobots, or whatever it is you do when you’re bored on Poptropica! DFTBA!

24 thoughts on “Take it in but don’t look down – new menu, MU hat, peak peeks”

    1. Srsly creators? What were u thinking, putting a Phineas and Ferb reference in there?! That show is soooooooooooooooo last year!

      No, but seriously, Phineas and Ferb is alright, and it’s pretty cool for the creators to do that!

      Slanted Fish: Actually, I put that in… 😛

  1. I thought the volcano is from Reality TV island. The berries and the eggs were shown in some of Ned Noodlehead’s blog posts way back when. I think they intended Reality TV island to be more exploratory than it is now.

    1. That’s a possibility, and it might explain the description “a lost level of Poptropica.” Some earlier sneak peeks of Reality TV Island from the PCB didn’t actually make it to reality, such as the armadillo, berries, and egg nest (which appears to be part of the Peak Condition pic).

  2. i can talk to to the creators about ideas if you have any i could send it to them thats if you want me to guys

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