
Wolf Quest

Smockers’ contest is now closed. More than 100 comments have been posted. The winner of this contest is……our very own COSKIT! Congratulations!

Coskit, unlike many others, only posted 2 entries, but apparently at the right time. Her comment was 100th. All spam and double comments have been deleted, and she is the official winner. Congratulations, Coskit! Your account will get a month of Membership for RTV access.

Update: The “Wolf Quest” contest is now closed; thanks for participating. But check the comments below for another contest – hosted by Smockers – for a chance to win free Poptropica membership for your own account! (:

March 4th is the perfect day for marching forth. Because today, March 4, 2010, the PHB reached the grand 3 million hits! Thanks to all of you who have come to our website for Poptropica help, and returning as regular visitors! 🙂

And in honor of this milestone, the Poptropica Help Blog is going to host a community contest right on this post! It’s simple, and [hopefully] fun for everyone. :mrgreen:

Whoever writes the 100th (non-spam) comment on this post wins a very special Poptropica account. It’s not the best account out there, but to anyone who cares about the PHB, this should mean something to you. Because this one unique Poptropican we are giving away belongs to none other than former PHB friend and author Grumpy Wolf.

As mentioned above, the competition is now over! Please keep in mind that WordPress comments are a little messed up, so future comments may end up being posted above a past comment instead of below, etc. However, we have eliminated the unnecessary spam, and the 100th non-spam comment/winner of Grumpy Wolf’s account goes to…

Ocean Clover ♣

Congratulations! Grumpy Wolf’s Poptropica account details will be sent to you within the next few days. Please check your e-mail and reply when the message comes. 😉

As we mentioned, the comments may be slightly rearranged accidentally as more comments continue to roll in, and there is nothing we can do about it (it’s a WordPress glitch; you could say this could be a luck factor of the contest) – so this is image proof to ensure that Ocean Clover ♣ is the rightful winner:

Click to enlarge picture!

Please consider the following points if you wish to participate!

  • GW’s username is Wolf811.
  • Grumpy Wolf’s password will be sent to the winner’s e-mail address, so when typing your comment in, please make sure the “e-mail” field is filled in with a working e-mail which will accept messages from [email protected].
  • The winner must reply the PHB’s e-mail within a week to let us know that they have successfully received the account. If not, the prize will be sent to the person who wrote the comment following after the 100th.
  • Spam comments will be deleted without warning, so the prize goes to the 100th non-spam comment. Spammers will be disqualified. Reply comments do not count towards the ‘100’.

Good luck, guys! Happy 3 million!

Also, there’s a new PCB post from Vlad the Viking, with a sneak peek for a special surprise coming soon to the Poptropica Store! They’re calling it a “micro-quest”, so it sounds like a little mission, and it seems that Dr. Hare is involved: despite already appearing on both 24 Carrot and Reality TV Islands. xD

Blog Post Title: New Micro-Quest coming soon to the Poptropica Store!
Description: It seems that a certain character is up to his old tricks again. I can’t say I wish that he would stop it, because stopping him will be so much fun! Keep ever watchful, because this new micro-quest will be coming soon to the Poptropica store!
Image URL:
Image Name: mysteryMachine.jpg
Based on Vlad’s words, it sounds like he enjoys acting as a superhero and stopping evil villains from misdeeds. And he knows that we do, too. 😀

478 thoughts on “Wolf Quest”

  1. wow 3 million hits!!!??? thats something!!
    you site is awesome!! *brings in chocolate cake with 3 million candles!* wow lol bring a air pump to blow them out!

  2. This is my first time posting a comment here, but I have read the PHB since it first came out. I was so excited then and I still am now. Great Job you guys! Grumpy Wolf was a great person and very close to me, and although I probably won’t get his account, I will still try.

  3. i don’t want his account. it (to me) would seem rude. so im gonna post on the 4th comment. does anyone remember when it was only guy authors on the phb? It was Scary Tomato (Hijuyo), Smockers, Codien, and Grumpy Wolf. awww good times. And the first girl author, Golden Eagle, who was really nice to me. ah, memories…

    1. When he left, Grumpy Wolf made a special request to us to give away his Poptropica account to a PHB reader. 😉

      And the times when there were only a few authors – those were great times, too. Look how the PHB is growing now. xD

    2. I would not want his account either…I see why you would give it away…but it seems…I don’t know…awkward…

  4. Um, are we allowed to post more than once? As long as it’s not just the same thing or tons of random things over and over again? (Spamming)

    Hijuyo: Yes, but like with anywhere else on the PHB – no more than two consecutive comments, and don’t put spam. 😉

  5. Great job PHB! don’t count this as a comment ’cause I have a question. I’m not trying to get the account but shouldn’t the PHB readers know if Grumpy Wolf has membership, and how many credits he has? And again, GREAT JOB REACHING TH E 3,000,000 MARK!!!!!!!! POPTROPICA ROCKS!!!!

    1. He probably doesn’t have membership, since he left in, I think, July 2009, as far as I remember… So unless someone hacked into it and got the character membership, no, he doesn’t.

    2. Grumpy Wolf doesn’t have membership or credits, but he did spend his credits on some cool stuff from the Store. Besides, it’s not the wealth of the prize that counts in this competition – it’s to honor a former PHB friend. 😉

      And of course, the winner can purchase membership or credits for GW’s account if they would like to. 🙂

    1. I think the second one is better I just love those costumes also my birthday is
      there on 7th March just to tell you.

  6. can’t wait for the Mini Mission… you think it’ll be free like haunted house? or cost 250 credits? will you get 50 at the end? 100? or 0? can’t wait to see!!!!! The creators are busy! Mythology, “structure (I think it should be called extra terrestrial Island)” and now a mini mission?!?!?! WOW!!!!

    1. yeah I cant wait for the new mini quest!
      I think the prize will be 50 credits according to poptropica official FAQ’s
      I really need 50 credits to buy a new costume!
      also if you don’t know let me tell you that when you save a account for the first time you will get 25 free poptropica credits.I made a new account
      and the creators gave me 25 credits so
      just to tell you.

  7. good luck on the contest!!!!

    (Grumpy Wolf was such an addition to this blog.. sad to see him gone)

  8. GW is really something to me. Whenever I think of how I came to be a member of the PHB, one of the first things I think of is ‘GW’s the person that helped you get so far’. I really miss him, even if I did hardly ever know him. 🙂

    And I remember the 1,000,000 hits party… wait a sec… OMIGAWD…

    It just hit me. Dr. Hare was the person that took the PHB’s header durring the 1,000,000 hit party, AND those monster accounts!! And now the mini quest involving Dr. Hare is coming up RIGHT when the PHB gets 3,000,000!!! Oh gawd I hate these sort of things… :/

    1. Wow! thats an amazing thought, Neat Whale! I wonder… is Dr.Hare stalking the PHB parties again?? :O *faints* Call the, um, police? All people who’ve beaten 24 Carrot? Unite Poptropicans! Defend the PHB! Hey, look! a bunny tail! Oh, no wait, thats just cotton, oops. 😛

      1. cheese cookies lol I will bring the cake please tell which one you would like lol 🙂

    1. Did you even read the post? It gives the background information you need to participate in this competition, and that includes who Grumpy Wolf is. 😐

      He joined the Poptropica Help Team last year and left a few months afterward. He quit Poptropica, and wants his account to be given away to a PHB reader. 😉

      1. I was on the PHB when Grumpy Wolf was here, for a few weeks. But I didn’t have an email address for a long time (except my school email) so I wasn’t able to comment 😉

  9. Wow, guys. 3 million hits! I’m impressed. Just a short time ago, you were celebrating 1 million hits. My, how time flies. Was it a year? Hmm. Well, rock on, PHB! Let’s see how long it takes for you guys to get 4 million!

    1. Yeah… In fact, just an hour ago there was auditions for announcers in a concert and even though it was a 10/80 (1/8) chance, I didn’t get picked! When there was auditions for the solos in that same concert, I got sick and was absent! So, yeah, I probably won’t get lucky this time, unless every two seconds I check this page. Besides, I wouldn’t really hope for the account that much… since it’s kinda, um, awkward…

  10. Congratulations on the 3,000,000 hits! I found this blog about the time of 1,000,000 hits. I was wondering why the header looked so odd… It took me a while, but I figured it out. 🙂 In actuality I don’t want the account, it would just feel odd. As to the new quest, it sounds like fun, I hope it’s free, and all mini-quests get 50 credits (see here:

      1. Me too, but the good thing is, tomorrow is a Teacher Work Day for me, so I can keep an eye on the comments… 😈

  11. Yeah Sorry. It just means a lot to me. Also tomorrow I’ll be at school so that would be bad for me. I know I was being a little pushy but can you stop replying just to irk me? Yes irk is a word for the ones who didn’t know.

  12. Still, try putting your comments into one. Or else it will be counted as spam.

    PS: we’re not trying to irk you, just not trying to waste space or spam. Replying is much easier.

  13. I have a question: On Grumpy Wolf’s account, if we get it, are we aloud to change it (like, buy stuff, change the outfit, etc)?

    Hijuyo: Yes, because the account would belong to the winner instead of Grumpy Wolf. 😉

    1. I’m gonna buy the costume collector, save Grumpy Wolf’s look, then change it all up! But, no matter how much I want to, I will NOT make him into a girl.

  14. I get what you mean silverwolf. It just seems like it from my prespective. How about we all just stop fighting and be patient. We all want to have fun, no matter how you feel about the contest.

  15. Congratulations on the PHB’s 3 millionth hit! The PHB is really special and important (or, to me atleast), and I’m sure if Grumpy Wolf saw the blog, he would be happy for us! And speaking of happy, let’s be happy at a party! HAPPY 3 MILLIONTH HIT, PHB!!!

  16. It does stink that replies don’t count. (to me at least). Hijuyo, can you make replies count? Please?

    Hijuyo: No, the rules clearly say that they won’t count.

    1. Well, then it would be harder to track, because there is no label saying “44” or something.

      1. yes all the good time…. codiens beard contest, the long awaited rtv release (for members right now),the new chat roll. what good times

      2. You got that right 😀

        I was on the PHB when the PHB got 3 million hits 😀

        lol xD

  17. Comment 45: Golden Rider.

    Drat! I wish I could have Grumpy Wolf’s account. But I don’t have an email account. I want that account.

    Grumpy Wolf, I hope you are doing fine wherever you are. Golden Rider wishs you luck.

    -Golden Rider

  18. To celebrate this very special moment for the PHB, I have created a very SWEET Multiverse! Join me at CXB99! 😀

  19. I know I wont get the account but… YAY!!!!! Im totally excited about the Dr.Hare miniquest!! 😀

  20. We’re at 50+ comments! Keep ’em coming! I am SO excited! I want to congratulate who might win the ultra-rare Grumpy Wolf account!
    (anything PHB related is awesome in my opinion. 😉 )

  21. Let us March 4th to the LAND OF CHEESE! A special CHEESE-MAN will greet us there and congratulate us on our 3 mil hits with……CHEESE COOKIES! Also with making me a POPTROPICA CREATOR!!!!! Bwa! (Yeah, I know, you’re all saying “Dream on, Coskit.”)

    1. Uh…Sure. Is the land of cheese the moon(just kidding and for those of you who think I’m right about the moon, think again. XD)? 🙂

      1. I say DaVinci, because your Poptropican looks like an inventor, with the PBS Kids ad (I made a 6-year-old account and saw it.)

      1. Seriously, someone wanted you to be “Bob”? Why not Cheese? XD, I’m just kidding. Or am I… o_O

      2. Oh, yay! (About the pronunciation thingy.) Now I don’t have to change how I say it to keep from embarrassing myself. Once I pronounced Hades wrong (for sure!). I said it one syllable Hades, instead of HAD-EES.

  22. Congrats, PHB! Remember old times? 1 million, then 2 million… Ah, those were the days…. Now, you guys are like pfft… Oh please. 1 million, 2 million. You got 3 million while other blogs go and look up to the sky of hits. They go, “Woah.” xD Congrats again. Grumpy Wolf was great. Too bad he had to leave. He was a good blogger… Wish he coulda stayed. 😦 Or at least visit a bit…

    -Happy Storm
    PFB Administrator
    PFB Owner

  23. Coskit? How can I get on the PHB? Do I need to fill out anything?

    Hijuyo: Technically, you’re already here as a PHB visitor. You fill out the comment form if you want to say anything about a post we make.

  24. well you guys have a lot of hits 3 million! wow. i wonder how much your site is worth?

    Hijuyo: The PHB is worth all the friendships and fun you can enjoy here that you won’t get with money. 😉

      1. PHB FOR DA WIN! This has been my favorite blog for a long time now, and will be for a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long time 😀

  25. Attention: some of these comments are spam.
    The spam comments WILL be deleted (as hijuyo said)

    SO the 100 comment now may not the the REAL 100 comment.
    SO no need to be like OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!
    Cause it might not be true that you won…

    1. Grumpy Wolf’s Poptropica Account?! OMG I need that prize – A ture fan deserves this account – Good look for everyone who enters, I may have been a little mean in the past and something really BIG in the now, so I’ll like to enter. I’ll enter when I see 99 Comments.

  26. Wow!!! The PHB is already 4,000 hits above the 3 million mark! O_O This is why the PHB is special to not only me. 4,000 hits in maybe a few hours? That’s intense! That also shows we care about the PHB. That’s how we, as a Poptropica community, have created an awesome blog. There’s other blogs that I’m sure are awesome, too (seeing how I WORK on 2 😉 ), but this is a special time, it only happens once, so let’s be happy for whoever wins, NOT to spam to TRY and be the person to win, and just have fun, because, remember, this only happens once. 😀

      1. No, you are TOO funny. I like to say somehtign similar…
        “I have a dream… That I… Will be… The next… AMERICAN IDOL!!! Wait… Wrong dream… 😀 “

      2. No, you are TOO funny. I like to say something similar…
        “I have a dream… That I… Will be… The next… AMERICAN IDOL!!! Wait… Wrong dream… 😀 “

    1. ROTFL!!!
      *American Idol Shows up the next day*
      And the winner of the PHB Wold Contest is…

  27. Alright calm everyone. I know this is REALLY cool but please no more spam. Remeber what Hijuyo said.

  28. THis is creepy. The comments are moving up and now he isn’t 100th… Hijuyo. ALERT!! ALERT!! Need a new plan!!!

    Hijuyo: The “plan” is fine. 😛

  29. Sorry, but, no, you didn’t… a comment was just deleted, making you the 99th comment. Sorry…

  30. How come Im SO good at losing?

    Hijuyo: Think of it this way – of the hundreds that participated, only one could win GW’s account. 😛

  31. I’d just like to say, whoever the winner was, remember Grumpy Wolf as you play with the account. 😀

  32. Congratulations to whoever won! I’m too confused to know who posted it because of all the spam! 😀

  33. omg a have never won a contest ive been reading and play ing poptropica and the poptropica help blog for about3 years
    but then i stopped one month during april when you guys did the april fools trick it did bumm me out but then when i typed in poptropica i accsadentilly click the phb and then i was like omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg its back i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad the poptropica help blog is awsome
    i your guyses biggest fan but ther are probaly other people that says there the biggest fan too woa i wrote a long comment
    my poptropican name is rogh glove
    i dident know why i wrote that i just did the phb is so awsome and famouse that the creotors read it i hope i win any way
    -poptropica is awsome peace

    1. I’m with you roziela! Your comment was super long and the PHB is the gratest website in the entire whole universe! I’m waitin’ on my mom to let me get a membership which I
      NEVER, and I mean never will
      convince her. So I better just stop waitin’.:( On Poptropica my charactar’s name is Magic Moon.
      Magic Moon Out!

  34. Or maybe another PHB Admin came on and deleted them… Who knows? I wonder if more comments will be deleted…

  35. Umm… I don’t excatly think we should be celebrating yet, because no one has officially declared the winner, and there are lots of spam comments that need to be deleted… so we still don’t know.

    1. Technically, since there are SO many spam comments, we don’t know yet, but it’s probably CoolKid24 or Lone Bones.

  36. Hate to sound like a total prick guys, but who really cares about GW’s account? Just go find one on Poptropica and make it look like his for Gods sake.

      1. And if I make an account identical to GW’s how will people tell the difference?

      2. The username will be different – GW’s is Wolf811. Besides, the person who creates the “identical” account wouldn’t be Grumpy Wolf himself. 😉

  37. Hi PHB! Yes I know I haven’t won but it worth a try huh? Anyways I don’t want to give out my email to public to can you just edit it and find it please? If no well, ok. And something is going on with the comments… I just don’t know. BYE BYE!

  38. Congrats to whoever won! I just like got home from school xD

    3 cheers for the PHB for getting 3 mil.(one for each million)! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!

  39. To late I guess. I wonder if the quest is for members only for a month.At least it say STORE.

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