
Wolf Quest

Smockers’ contest is now closed. More than 100 comments have been posted. The winner of this contest is……our very own COSKIT! Congratulations!

Coskit, unlike many others, only posted 2 entries, but apparently at the right time. Her comment was 100th. All spam and double comments have been deleted, and she is the official winner. Congratulations, Coskit! Your account will get a month of Membership for RTV access.

Update: The “Wolf Quest” contest is now closed; thanks for participating. But check the comments below for another contest – hosted by Smockers – for a chance to win free Poptropica membership for your own account! (:

March 4th is the perfect day for marching forth. Because today, March 4, 2010, the PHB reached the grand 3 million hits! Thanks to all of you who have come to our website for Poptropica help, and returning as regular visitors! 🙂

And in honor of this milestone, the Poptropica Help Blog is going to host a community contest right on this post! It’s simple, and [hopefully] fun for everyone. :mrgreen:

Whoever writes the 100th (non-spam) comment on this post wins a very special Poptropica account. It’s not the best account out there, but to anyone who cares about the PHB, this should mean something to you. Because this one unique Poptropican we are giving away belongs to none other than former PHB friend and author Grumpy Wolf.

As mentioned above, the competition is now over! Please keep in mind that WordPress comments are a little messed up, so future comments may end up being posted above a past comment instead of below, etc. However, we have eliminated the unnecessary spam, and the 100th non-spam comment/winner of Grumpy Wolf’s account goes to…

Ocean Clover ♣

Congratulations! Grumpy Wolf’s Poptropica account details will be sent to you within the next few days. Please check your e-mail and reply when the message comes. 😉

As we mentioned, the comments may be slightly rearranged accidentally as more comments continue to roll in, and there is nothing we can do about it (it’s a WordPress glitch; you could say this could be a luck factor of the contest) – so this is image proof to ensure that Ocean Clover ♣ is the rightful winner:

Click to enlarge picture!

Please consider the following points if you wish to participate!

  • GW’s username is Wolf811.
  • Grumpy Wolf’s password will be sent to the winner’s e-mail address, so when typing your comment in, please make sure the “e-mail” field is filled in with a working e-mail which will accept messages from [email protected].
  • The winner must reply the PHB’s e-mail within a week to let us know that they have successfully received the account. If not, the prize will be sent to the person who wrote the comment following after the 100th.
  • Spam comments will be deleted without warning, so the prize goes to the 100th non-spam comment. Spammers will be disqualified. Reply comments do not count towards the ‘100’.

Good luck, guys! Happy 3 million!

Also, there’s a new PCB post from Vlad the Viking, with a sneak peek for a special surprise coming soon to the Poptropica Store! They’re calling it a “micro-quest”, so it sounds like a little mission, and it seems that Dr. Hare is involved: despite already appearing on both 24 Carrot and Reality TV Islands. xD

Blog Post Title: New Micro-Quest coming soon to the Poptropica Store!
Description: It seems that a certain character is up to his old tricks again. I can’t say I wish that he would stop it, because stopping him will be so much fun! Keep ever watchful, because this new micro-quest will be coming soon to the Poptropica store!
Image URL:
Image Name: mysteryMachine.jpg
Based on Vlad’s words, it sounds like he enjoys acting as a superhero and stopping evil villains from misdeeds. And he knows that we do, too. 😀