Store, Web Development

Dare to be devious?

The Creators have continued to live up to their promise of updating us with new costumes this whole summer. Today, they added 2 new costumes! The Dare Devil (not to be confused with the “Little Demon”) and the Biker. From the looks of it, the Dare Devil is about to be used as a human cannonball, and the biker is your stereotypical vision comprised of crazy hats and clothes from da hood. =D

^ Dare Devil ^          ^Biker^
^Dare Devil^ ^Biker^

Pretty spiffy hat on that male biker. 😀 But… dare I say (pun intended)? Bikers aren’t complete without bikes you can ride around Poptropica. Make it happen, Creators! As a side note, the space bar action for the Dare Devil gives you quite an egotistical smirk, and with arms on hips, your visor/helmet thingy goes down.

In honor of the all-new Biker suit, Gazek prepared us this awesome picture:

Since we are on the topic of costumes, it might be of mention that you can now organize your costumes in your inventory alphabetically or by date. The costumes are also split in pages for convenience. What do you think? Was this change for the better or just makes it even more trouble when you are trying to find something fast?

What do you think?
What do you think?

Also, we have hit 1,900,000 hits. WOOT! =D Many thanks to everybody for viewing our site! So close to the grand 2 million… maybe in time for my  1-year anniversary at the PHB? =O Keep yourself busy by reading up on Codien’s used-to-be-secret  site, awesome new Cool Stuff, and the September issue of PHB’s monthly Poptropican’s 911! Don’t forget to comment your thoughts if you have any! 😉

Final note: I would also like to let all of you know that everybody from the PHB staff would like to wish anybody whose family was affected by the tragic attacks of September 11, 2001 only happiness, thoughts, and prosperity. We all send our condolences to you out there. God bless.

33 thoughts on “Dare to be devious?”

  1. Nice Post Smockers! I want to get the girl Biker! I have enough credits but I don’t want to waste them with my main account So I guess I just have to make a couple new characters!

  2. My GOD!!!

    I was posting about the biker and the Dare Devil, and something else, And you happened to post it!!!
    Hiyujo pmed me, telling meto post, and you did my job!!! But, I had prepared a lot for that post.. :(.

    1. im sorry that happened :(… maybe you waited to long? I dont know. Maybe its because you live in different time zones, so when you got the message, he had already waited a few days for you to do it.

    2. Oh… sorry, Gazek. Hijuyo told me on the chat to do the post, so I did. At least I think he did. I dunno. It could have been that I was quite dazed and it was 3:00 AM, and I simply imagined him telling me to do the post. Possibility!

      1. Lol!!! 😆

        Yeah 9/11 was tragic. Well heres a poem that a poet named Lucille Clifton wrote surrounding Sept 11. Its called Sept Song: A Poem in 7 days. Here are 2 days from the poem:

        thunder and lightning and our world
        is another place no day
        will ever be the same no blood

        they know this storm in otherwheres
        israel ireland palestine
        but God has blessed America
        we sing

        and God has blessed America
        to learn that no one is exempt
        the world is one all fear
        is one all life all death
        all one

        Sunday Morning for bailey
        the st. marys river flows
        as if nothing has happened

        i watch it with my coffee
        afraid and sad as are we all

        so many ones to hate and i
        cursed with long memory

        cursed with the desire to understand
        have never been good at hating

        now this new granddaughter
        born into a violent world

        as if nothing has happened

        and i am consumed with love
        for all of it

        the everydayness of bravery
        of hate of fear of tragedy

        of death and birth and hope
        true as this river

        and especially with love
        bailey fredrica clifton goin

        for you

        Her granddaughter was born 5 days b4 9/11. So she wrote this poem becuz of the fear for her. Istudied it in English yesterday so thats why i wanted to share it.

  3. I am doing a report on the guy who did 9/11 Osama bin Laden! I love the biker ! I got it! I hope they add a sell option to the poptropica store! That would rock
    I would sell all the regular suits and keep the limited edition ones! who agrees with my suggestion?

    1. sure in some people’s opinions, it was a bad day, but it was God’s plan for the pilot to crash there. That incident brought more people to God, so it may have been an awesome day for the US

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