

What an interesting toungue that words of mystery flow through. Yes, we all know that Hazmat is a bit loopy but this is just weird.

But don’t panic. The languge he is using is a type of Programing language used in computers and preferably games e.g. Poptropica.

If you don’t know, Poptropica is developed with a program called ‘Adobe Flash’. It is a program where anyone can make games and movies with it (I use it too. 😀 I might make a poptropica movie with it too oneday?). The text in the speech bubble below is probably ‘Action Script’ which is from Flash. From Action Script you can run commands and make things happen in the game.
E.g. When you click on this button here. It will make this explode here. WHY DID YOU PRESS IT!

Whether or not this coding is actually from Poptropica or its just Hazmat…being Hazmat, we don’t know. 😛
What do you think?

What we can tell from the script: 
It has something to do with a Bomb that will explode at any moment because of some kind of  CD-o-Matic 10,000, but it appears it can be dropped. Phew! BUT MAJORLY ITS HAZMATS SECRET PLAN!
What on earth could that possibly be about. An evil island ruled by Hazmat Hermit? An island covered with toxic waste? What do you think? Comment what you think?

Taken from the Popropica Creators Blog.
Blog Post Title: Idle Minds
Description: Hermits like me don’t go outside much. I guess I’ll just sit here and think…
Image Link: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_fyUhortwA8M/SgMRC_f0yFI/AAAAAAAAAAs/CBfQbOBlRdE/s1600-h/thinking.png
Image Name: thinking.png

ST posting:
There’s also a new poll on the Creators’ Blog asking, “What is your all-time favorite island?” I voted for Nabooti Island, although Time Tangled comes a close second and Big Nate third in my mind. The majority of Poptropica’s players think a little differently, though. Here are the current results:

Island Name | Percentage
Early Poptropica | 2%
Shark Tooth | 2%
Time Tangled | 5%
24 Carrot | 3%
Super Power | 12%
Spy | 39%
Nabooti | 12%
Big Nate | 22%

Want to voice out your own opinion? Head over to the Poptropica Creators’ Blog now and submit your vote!

33 thoughts on “Hermitspeak”

  1. I think Hazards gone a bit coo-coo! Either he’s som mad scientist and he thinks about things like that 24-7 or he’s cracked his coconut! either way, what the pop does it mean? and the bomb? is he going to bomb poptropica? Although personally i’m not worried. why? the super heroes at super power island and the top-secret agents at spy will take care of him if he tries anything funny!

  2. did you notice it said for blah blah blah i wonder who he is giving the message to

  3. Explosions? Scary. 0.o Wow, hazmat Hermit sure is…odd. I don’t know if this code is math or…something else. And if it IS math, isn’t that Binary Bard’s job?

    1. I think it means that your player tries to make the bomb explode, but there’s a malfunction and your secret plan is ruined (or maybe the evil guy’s plan is ruined?). Yeah…probably not the best translation, but…

  4. I think Codien’s right; it does look very much like something they would use in a program like Adobe Flash. But ‘bomb’, ‘do-drop’, ‘do-explode’, and ‘secret plan’? Weird. I caught the word ‘movie’ though…maybe that has something to do with it? Hmm…’end function secret plan’? For now he’s finished telling us about his secret plan? Hmm…

    1. Is Adobe Flash Player the same as what you were talking about or is Adobe Flash Professional the same what you were talking about.Does it cost money or do you just have to download it.

      Codien,Please respond to this comment!!!

      1. Flash player runs programs written in the Adobe Flash Authoring environment. The professional version of the programming environment is very expensive. Without looking it up, I’d say it goes for about four hundred dollars, but it allows you to make movies and games.

  5. lol i pressed the button nothing happened. XD

    Maybe we’re going to get a movie of his secret plan of him dropping a bomb…? Or maybe he’s talking about the time that the meteor dropped onto the prison in Super Power. 😀

  6. Um… okay then… that was weird!
    I clicked the button and it said it didn’t exist. 😉
    I vote for Spy Island! 😀

  7. Hey guys,

    I get it. He is creating a movie called Bomb, along with two players called player x and player y. Player x-mic.x=functionx, same with player y. Do drop, doexplode, things like that is undefined but on player y there
    Is a mistake. Player y=mic.y=function-y and not player y-mic.y=function y. My dad
    Out. :mrgreen: 😉 😀 😛 Sorry about entering text computer
    Error!! 😆 :mrgreen:


  8. I agree with 1846814. I do a bit of programming myself, and I’m pretty sure that there will be a scene (movie) about a bomb exploding.

    That ‘enter frame, dodrop’ stuff could mean that when you enter another frame, something will drop (on you?). Players x and y might be you and someone chasing you, or perhaps someone (like Big Nate or the cat in 24 Carrot) following you around.

    About the new poll, I voted for Shark Tooth Island, I LOVE the old ones! Spy and Time Tangled would be tied for second in my opinion 🙂

      1. Actually we’re the same! I did it wrong– correction. I just had to change names.

  9. 4 the poll i voted shark tooth. but spy comes a close second, than super power and big nate, than time tangled, 24 carrot, nabooti and early poptropica a REALLY CLOSE third

  10. The “mc” means Movie clip, so it definitely means its an actionscript. So I think it means its going to be either a scene or something you are going to be doing

  11. I use flash, so I know this stuff. 🙂 Yes, its definitely an Action Script, and the keys “mc” means movie clip. So it might mean it will be a scene or something will happen, or maybe the player will be doing something. Thats my rough guest.

  12. I think this is the programming for when Merlin the owl is battling the Binary Bard. Think about it: Merlin (player x) drops a bomb on Mordred (player y), who’s following the bird!

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