
Drumroll Please!

The winner of the Halloween Costume Contest ’08 is… STICKY SEAGULL! Or Adhesive Seabird. Hey, that name is kind of catchy.


Anyways, the POLL RESULTS! You voted and it came out to:

1: Sticky Seagull – 9236 (36%) (It’s over 9000! What?! 9000?!)
2: Noisy Dolphin – 4267 (16%)
3: Cuddly Seal – 3277 (12%)
4: Hungry Lightning – 2457 (9%)
5: Smart Sky – 2024 (7%)
6: Dangerous Dragon – 1380 (5%)
7: Fierce Leaf – 1269 (5%)
8: Moody Ring – 738 (2%)
9: Bendy Starfish – 656 (2%)

Hooray for copy and paste! Anyways, it’s kind of sad to see Bendy Starfish (or Flexible Asteroid) all the way at the bottom. That costume to me was the best. Sticky Seagull’s costume is still good nonetheless. I wonder if he got any sort of compensation or reward. How about this:

1. Having your avatar printed on the front page of the Poptropica Creators’ Blog!

2. Having your username being printed on the front page in special Poptropica font. I really wonder what font that is now that I mention it.

3. Feeling the feel of victory.

So unless this dude (or dudette?) stumbles upon our blog and tells us, we’re never going to know what he might have gotten. Could’ve been an exclusive item, eh? I don’t even know how the staff would be able to do that, but whatever.

That’s about it. Better end it before I go on too long, LOL. I’m already, like, half a page down. Anyways, I’ll see y’all around!

16 thoughts on “Drumroll Please!”

  1. Awesome! I voted for him! (I liked his costume so much I went on Poptropica and made my character have EXACTLY the same costume!

  2. THere is a froot loops ad place and you can get stuff when you talk with the toucan 😉 😎 you also get the treasure chest :mrgreen:

  3. I Voted for Sticky Seagull also + Guys (and girls)They did this because the whole voting thing.Hello.

    Scary Tomato: This was a contest for who had the best costume, not who’s going to be president, if that’s what you meant. 😉

  4. Beffy Sword – Yes, I knew that. I’ll put it in my next post since so many people are interested in it. 😉

    Mat888 – I saw it. 😛

    Andria – One cool Halloween costume isn’t going to make you a president… 🙄

  5. Haha, ur all funny. now adhisve seabird will take over the world! … wait he’s so sticky hes stuck! 😆

  6. That was me lol, I didn’t get anything for it except being mentioned here and having the nostalgia of googling to see if it was documented 13 years later lol

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