Free Poptropica Membership

Want to become a Poptropica member for FREE? You’ve come to the right place! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

Free Poptropica membership

Here on the Poptropica Help Blog (PHB), we’re giving away a free month of membership to one lucky Poptropican every month. It could be you! Just follow these simple steps below, and you’ll be entered into our giveaway raffle.

👉 How to enter to win a free membership 🎁

  1. 💬 Comment at the bottom of THIS page with your screen name*, email address**, and why you want to win a membership. This lets us know you’re interested in the first place! No account registration required.
  2. 💬💬 Leave at least two comments on OTHER posts or pages here on the PHB (this website) within the month to be entered in that month’s raffle. You can leave a comment saying anything as long as it’s relevant to the topic at hand and follows our comment policy. This lets us know you’re active in the Poptropica fandom and will make good use of a membership if you win one! Plus, it’s a great way to get involved in the Poptropica community.
  3. 📰 Stay tuned to the PHB’s front page news to hear who won the latest membership giveaway! We’ll announce a winner sometime in the final week of each month. If you win, you’ll be notified via email or Discord, and will need to provide your login details for us to purchase the membership on your behalf. If you don’t win, you can always try again for the next month!

*A screen name can be your Poptropican’s name, login username, or something else. Please do not share personally identifiable information. Posting your Pop username is optional, and you definitely should not share your password in public.

**Your email address will not be made public when entered in the email field. Please do not write it in the body of the comment as that is public. We only ask for your email so we may contact you if you win. You may also provide your Discord contact in lieu of email, but you must be in our Discord server, the PHC, for us to reach you.

📝 Policies and Disclaimers ⚠️

  • A winner may not be eligible to win again until 6 months have passed since the win occurred.
  • Winners are chosen at random and do not reflect a person’s merits. You are a valuable human being regardless of whether or not you win a membership. Please don’t be discouraged if you don’t win—you can always enter again!
  • If you win, you will need to provide your Poptropica username and password for us to purchase the membership on your behalf. This is required by Poptropica. We will only use your login details for this purpose and recommend you change your password immediately after the membership is activated. We promise not to share your account details.
  • Your comment on this page (titled Free Poptropica Membership) shall not expire, but please post a reply comment if you would like to update any details (such as contact info).
  • Please comment with a consistent screen name and/or email so that we may identify that you have left at least two comments throughout the PHB.
  • You may enter the giveaway on behalf of another person, such as a friend or family member. However, should you be selected as a winner, you must be able to provide their Poptropica account login details so that we may purchase the membership on their behalf.
  • You may enter the giveaway even if you already have a membership. If your membership is still active and you are chosen as a winner, we can reactivate your membership after it expires, but it is your responsibility to keep in touch with us for this arrangement.
  • Remember that you are not owed a membership simply for participating. That’s just not how raffles work. The free memberships are funded by the PHB, which means they come out of our pocket and are not officially sponsored by Poptropica. We hope that our gifts are not taken for granted, and that you have fun participating, regardless of any outcomes.

🤔 Why are we giving away free memberships? ✨

We understand the struggle of how not everyone is able to afford a Poptropica membership no matter how badly they may want it. We’ve been kids with no income, with adults in our lives who didn’t see the value in paying for more pixels on a game screen. Now that we’re in a position to be able to give this kind of Poptropica joy, we want to do so for a few reasons:

  • 🎉 To share joy within the Poptropica community by giving more people a taste of that sweet membership life. It’s one way for us to say thanks for being part of this community! If you’re not already active in the fandom, maybe these giveaways are just the push you need to dive in.
  • 👐 To exemplify a spirit of generosity. The world would be a better place if we all gave more, if we always look out for one another. This doesn’t just mean giving gifts or money, but also our time and attention — whatever we have, however much we have. Our Poptropica membership giveaways are just one small way of spreading some joy to our community. We hope it encourages you to find ways to give in your life, too.
  • 💙 To support the work of the Poptropica Creators. Poptropica’s operations, from infrastructure to staff salaries, are partially funded by memberships, including memberships we purchase to give away to you all. This helps keep the work of Poptropica going!

To learn more about what extra benefits Poptropica members get in the game, check out our Membership Tour page. And for some ideas of where you can leave your comments around the PHB (as per step 2), check out the latest posts on our front page and share your thoughts, browse our Island Guides and see if you can offer help to questions being asked, and look around in all the many other pages we have in our site menu.

What are you waiting for? Get started with entering the Free Poptropica Membership Giveaways by commenting right here on this page (as per step 1). We look forward to meeting you in the comments!

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405 thoughts on “Free Poptropica Membership”

  1. Hi my poptropica username is 27aaverett and my character name is ShinyHorse
    and i reaaaaly want the poptropica membership becuase im a huge poptropica fan and even tho i only discovered the game last year im want to experiens more, and the only way to do that is to be able to unlock poptropica’s full poptential.

    1. HIII my user is amiramusid my screen name is SmartClown. I want to win because I really want to finish so of the maps I started that became mepership maps later on. Have a great and tysm for reading this!

    2. Hi names bri, my user on this game is barefoot bean, the reason why i want membership so i can do poptropica 3 i also wanna ask if you guy’s if you are gonna add new worlds.

      1. Hi, I really want this free membership. My family and I have struggled financially, especially with my medical history….I know many people would lie about these kinds of things, but my family just can’t afford to pay another thing, especially if it’s a game….

  2. Hi my poptropica username is reagswms1 and I really want to win!! I have been playing poptropica for many many years and I love love love the game so much. I want to complete all of the levels that I did when I was younger and I really want to unlock all of the islands!! My favorite is poptropicon and I can’t finish the third level and it’s my goal to do that!! I really hope I win love you poptropica!

  3. Hi there! I’m Fearless Thunder and my username is meow545321. I really want to play Mission Atlantis island and Survival distress signal, so I wish to win the Membership Giveaway!

  4. I wish to enter the raffle so I can play the new eposodic islands. I also want one for the 12 days of Christmas thing. My username is tdorsc and my character name is Blue Bear

  5. Hey, I really want a free membership because I want to have access to the new islands, and the 12 days of christmas. My user name is pelicanray. My poptropica name is Young Rider. Thanks!

    1. Hi my name is prosser and my parents won’t let me use my money to buy a membership and they won’t either and I really want to play arabian nights 2 and 3

  6. Hi i’m finishing the rest of the comment i just posted my username is solealuna and my poptropica name is fearless tiger.

  7. hi, my Poptropica name is dabest246. I really want the membership because I want to finish all the islands and have all the gear. I also have been playing since I was 10. I hope I win!

  8. Hi! My parents won’t let me buy a membership. I really want to be a member because I’ve finished all the islands and want more to finish. Also, I would like to buy things for Poptropican and my clubhouse that are member-only.

  9. I really want to win because its going to be my sisters birthday soon and she needs the membership because its hard for non-members to have access to the best things that poptropica offers if anything i want everyone to win but all i want is the membership for my sister

  10. Hello. I hope I can win a membership as there’s many islands that I want to try playing, but are unable to access without a membership. My username is Nonexistant404, and I wish for the best.

  11. Hi, I’ve been a big fan of this game for years, I’ve always wanted to win the free membership. I can’t remember the last time when i won anything, so, hopefully you guys can help me out and let me have the poptropica free membership, I’m such a big supporter, and i LOVE Diary of a Wimpy Kid!

  12. Hi! My parents would never allow me to pay for a game, so I’m going for free membership. I really want to be a member because I really want to play the old islands and buy exclusive items from Quippy and the store. I’m an active player and a big fan of Poptropica, so please give me free membership! Thank you!

  13. Hi my Poptropica user name is 27aaverett and my avatar name is currently Smart Owl. I really want the poptropica membership because poptropica has always been such a fun game for me to play. I want to be able to do all the islands and get some of the membership only items in the shop. But the main reason is so that i can play Arabian nights and Poptropicon 3

  14. Hi I am Young Rider and I would love a Poptropica membership, as it would allow me to access everything from Poptropican 3 and Surival island 3 to the ice racer and new membership outfits. I would especially like the membership for member only islands, because when I last had a membership, I could not finish the one I did. By the way, my name is Young Rider. Thank you for taking the time to have this raffle!

  15. Hi! Blue Moon here, and I am an active player who loves Poptropica. I would love to have access to membership, because I really want to play the member-only islands (especially Arabian Nights), buy clubhouse items, and get the monthly gifts. Thank you for this raffle!

  16. Hi! So I’ve come back here after 7 months not to just play the new islands recently added, but the thing is, I accidentally clicked the switch room lever in my clubhouse, and now all of my furniture is missing, so it would be nice to hopefully get them back ASAP, but there’s no rush though. Thanks!

  17. Hi, I’m golden bug and I’d like to be a member because I’ve loved poptropica for soooo long, my favorite account was deleted, she was perfect feather, but I’m trying to make a strong comeback. My real name is actually Natalie.

    1. Hey Perfect Feather, the school email you’re using to comment does not allow those outside your school network (including us) to send or receive emails to/from you. Please comment with a non-school email address in order to qualify for the prize. Thanks!

  18. Actually I’m really sorry about all the comments I’ve been making about complaining, the person magic kid helped me through that and they are absolutely amazing, i think that they deserve it more than I do, that is if I ever get it.

  19. Hello I’m White Snowball and I would like a membership because I can then complete the remaining islands, as well as customizing my character with exclusive items!

  20. Hi! My name is Iris, and I’d love to win a free membership (I’ve never had one before), to get access to the items, pets, worlds, and clothing that only players with memberships can get. I’ve been playing Poptropica for about 3 years, but my old account that I spent the majority of my time on got deleted. 😦 I think getting a membership would help me a regain the stuff from my old account to my new(ish) account, and possibly add more new stuff that I wouldn’t be able to get without a membership. I know the chances of me winning are pretty low, so even if I don’t win, I wish luck to all of the comments posted, so they can win! (I know a lot of people have already :D)

    My info is—-> Username: some1toknow email: included Poptropica name: Got Fang . Good luck! 😊

  21. Hi! My avatar name is Smart Owl, and my user is 27aaverett I would really like the free membership because when I joined poptropica it had already been moved over to haxe. I really want to complete the Poptropicon Saga, The Mission Atlantis Saga, and the Arabian Nights saga. Nothing is more satisfying that all those full yellow bars on my poptropica map. I’m working on survival 2 right now but when i finish there will be no more islands left for me to do and i really want to keep playing poptropica.

  22. Hi! I’d like to be a member because I want to play island bonus quests! My username is theimmortal13.

  23. I want a membership so I can relieve my childhood and finish mission Atlantis 2, My username is gg0112!

  24. Hi, my Poptropica name is Sporty Runner. I have been playing Poptropica since I was like, 3 or 4. I am a huge Poptropica fan. However, I find it sad that there are less islands. I have finished every current Poptropica non-member island at least twice. I just want to play the other islands, which are members only. Also, I have so many credits and all of the cool outfits are members only. I saved up my allowance to buy a membership, and my parents were willing to pay. The only thing was that it is online and my parents don’t want to risk getting hacked.

  25. Hello! My Poptropican name is Golden Flame. I would LOVE to have a membership because I have replayed all of the islands a millions times and I would be so happy and grateful to be able to play the membership islands. I would also like to thank you for doing this! 🙂

  26. HIIII! My username is Penguincat5 (AKA Wild Sky)! I love Poptropica soooo much and I really want to be able to play the membership games for free. I really hope I win! I know I probably will lose but I am grateful for your consideration!

  27. Hiii my name is iluvluv and character is Love Crush and why I want the popitropica membership is because i want to explore popitropica other than the non-membership maps and because you can adopt all the pets and you can by all the skins and I will be very grateful of PHB-1 (licinse plate on wall from pelican rock) And will be very happy! -Love Crush

  28. hi i am stamps406 and i been playing poptrapica sense i was a kid and loved it so i still play it . i like the challenges that you have to solve such as the servial island
    how inter ative it is . hope you guys make more fun islands for us to explore.

  29. Hello my name is Domantas and I want to win a free membership, because I want to explore all the worlds. I haven’t explored the new worlds yet and I want to see what its like and what you have to do in it. So it would be really fun if I had a free Membership.

  30. Hi! Im Dizzy Ghost, Ive been playing poptropica since before the memberships and all, I would enjoy greatly a membership so that a can redo some of the islands that are no longer available for the public or at least to be able to finish arabian nights and poptropicon!

  31. Hello my name is barefoot bean and I want to win a free membership, because I want to explore all the worlds. I haven’t explored the new worlds yet and I want to see what its like and what you have to do in it. So it would be really fun if I had a free Membership.Plus i like the outfit but i need a membership for some of them

  32. Hi, my username is tia520. I also want to win a free membership of poptropica. I enjoyed playing poptropica and its very fun.

  33. Hi, Im user messyrunner. I would be really thrilled if i won the free membership. I used to play poptropica a few years back, and now i found my way back to it again. It’s really fun and i enjoy playing it. All the islands that require membership looks soo cool (i especially am curious to see how the arabian nights 2 will turn out). Thanks for the giveaways the community team is doing!

  34. Hello, my username is Luna12346. And I would love to have a poptropica membership because I play A lot [and I mean a lot] and it would be very great if I got the membership because I recently completed all of the survivals so far and I’d love to complete number four. Also I want to be able to feel what it is like to be a member .I’d love if I would be able to do the story’s members can do on the islands! One last thing I would like to buy something from the shop on the home island. Thank you for your time, bye!

  35. Hi, my username is Cherrybear11. Poptropica is one of my all-time FAVORITE games, and I would love the experience of being a member. I’ve completed almost all of the islands and would love to have new ones to play. Also, me and my sister would be sooooo happy and excited, because this is like one of our bonding things. Thank you for your time!

  36. My name is Mjchaplin and I would like the new membership to do more quests. I really love the game and I hope that everyone that plays it enjoys it also. Hopefully I get the membership, but to others good luck. If I don’t win good job to the person that did.

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