Books, Comics, Graphic Novels, Popspiracy Theories

Mystery of the Map – online vs. print

Hey guys, my name is Brave Tomato, and I’m here with a very special post.

MotMGraphicCoverRemember when I told you all that I was going to get the print version of Mystery of the Map’s graphic novel in my post about when it was just released? Well, I had gotten it and re-read it a few weeks ago. In case you’re wondering why I waited so long to tell you guys about this novel, it’s because I wanted to give a fair shot to the novel’s sales. After all, the novel is a source of revenue for the Creators, and money is needed to fund the game.

This post is here to highlight the differences between the original online version that was posted last year, and the newly updated printed version. I’ll tell you right off the bat that the plot is the same as well as the circumstances. However, there are a few differences that sometimes enhance or affect the graphic novel in other ways.

Be wary of spoilers ahead! If you haven’t bought the book, yet are able to, I recommend you buy it for yourself – it’ll support the Creators!

Continue reading “Mystery of the Map – online vs. print”

Books, Comics, Graphic Novels

Announcing the 2nd Poptropica graphic novel!

This post has been updated with new information.

Hey guys, Brave Tomato here with a bit of interesting news – graphic novel fans, hear me out!

So I decided to go on Barnes and Noble to pre-order the Mystery of the Map graphic novel (which is available March 1st). You know, standard “Add to Cart” and all that stuff. However, I decided to go ahead and look up “Poptropica” in the search bar of Barnes and Noble. As I scrolled down, I was met with a very interesting sight…

The release date, cover, and title of the next Poptropica graphic novel!

The Lost Expedition

The Lost Expedition.

Mya, Oliver, and Jorge are back, and have now arrived in a more arctic setting, as contrasted to their previous viking adventure. It’s written by Mitch Krpata (aka Hades), and Kory Merritt is back for illustration, of course.  According to the Barnes and Noble page, the release date is not until August 16, 2016. Plus, you can pre-order it now, along with the first book.

Unfortunately, other than these facts, there is no other information on this book.

Update: Plot twist! I actually just discovered a description for the plot of this book on the Amazon page for it! Here’s what the description reads:

In book two, The Lost Expedition, Oliver, Mya, and Jorge continue their search for home, with a few hilarious stops along the way. As the friends set sail for new sights, they find the evil Octavian is still hot on their trail, and he’s determined to get his hands on their magical map. To make matters worse, a mysterious organization is keen on expelling the three friends from Poptropica. As the pals travel, they find that each island is filled with its own unique brand of peril, and the mystery surrounding the map and Poptropica itself begins to unfold. Will our trio be able to once again outfox Octavian and discover the identity of this secret society?

A secret society. Expulsion from Poptropica. Peril. Mysteries unfolding. Identities. And a few obvious answers. Part of me wonders… this Society… would it be one that Octavian was once part of but then went rogue? And could Embed (the “Viking” Octavian tied up, and told the trio that they should be wary about Octavian) be a part of that society? Well, there’s only one way of officially finding out: play the waiting game.

BT out! 

Blast from the Past, Books, New Islands

Verdana Island?

Hi Gs,

futureI’m sure that title threw you off guard, but get this: remember Future Island from way back when? The mysterious book on Amazon by Caroline Laidlaw that had no cover or description? You’ve probably already guessed it – it’s released now. That doesn’t solve the mystery, however.

“Poptropica Future Island Adventure” is a part of the Poptropica English series of content, which isn’t surprising. Pearson seems to be trying to milk what little time they have left with Poptropica. Caroline, as discussed previously, has written other books for Penguin Kids, which seems to have been changed to Pearson Kids.

The book is short, only having 40 pages, so probably won’t have anything really deep when it comes to story. 😛 I haven’t gotten a chance to read it, but from the description, it seems really interesting:

It is one thousand years in the future on the island of Verdana. For Leo, Carla, Tim and Ola, life is sad and boring. There are no trees or animals. The streets are dirty and polluted, and the children are chased by horrible robots! But Ola’s grandfather, Popp, remembers life in the past, before Verdana lost its wildlife. “Something terrible happened one day, a long time ago…” Join Popp and the brave young friends on their exciting adventure to clean up the island and stop the robots.

Verdana Island, huh? Like the font? 😛 Sounds like a Lorax story, but here’s what I’m interested about: Popp tells the kids that “Something terrible happened one day, a long time ago…”. Whaat? Does this relate in any way to the timeline of Poptropica?


We’ll just have to see. I’m planning on buying the book soon, and I’ll update you guys when I get it.

